How effective is castor oil for the face against wrinkles: reviews

The unique properties of natural castor oil have been used by humanity for many millennia.

They treated burns, wounds and abrasions, fought acne and warts, prescribed them to women to stimulate labor and used them as a laxative.

In Egypt, it was used to illuminate homes and temples, and food was cooked on it. More than one generation of women has known that castor oil is also highly effective against wrinkles.

And manuals on home economics, published in the last century, recommend it as a means for caring for leather products.

Today, castor oil is still used to create medications, and is also part of cosmetic creams, masks, and balms.

And, fortunately, it can be purchased without restrictions at any pharmacy to test on your own skin how effective castor oil is against wrinkles.

What is castor oil?

Castor oil is a unique mixture of fatty acids - recinoleic, palmitic, sterolic, oleic, and linoleic, supplemented with an excellent vitamin cocktail.

  • Stearic acid is an excellent moisturizer for hair and skin. It helps restore dry, brittle hair and perfectly restores the natural balance of the skin, making it elastic and fresh.
  • Olein significantly speeds up metabolism, effectively nourishes the epidermis and helps restore its functions.
  • Recinoleic acid makes castor oil effective against wrinkles. It wonderfully smoothes out both crow's feet and rather deep wrinkles, helps maintain the tone of the eyelids, and makes the skin young and radiant.
  • Linoleic acid successfully combats flaking of the epidermis, moisturizes it and eliminates blue discoloration, which makes it possible to effectively use castor oil for eyelids against wrinkles. Reviews from the majority of women who have tried this method of combating wrinkles in the eye area indicate its effectiveness.
  • Palmitic acid is an excellent conductor, ensuring rapid penetration of beneficial substances into the cellular structure of the skin.

Read also: Prevention of wrinkles around the eyes

Operating principle

Vitamins and fatty acids provide castor oil with multifunctionality in cosmetology. This tool:

  • softens, nourishes and moisturizes skin of any type;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • lightens age spots, scars and scars;
  • removes warts, calluses and corns;
  • has an antimicrobial effect and treats acne;
  • helps the growth of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, eliminates dandruff.


Tatiana Kuznetsova

The product gets its name from its use as a substitute for the popular castoreum aromatic compound, beaver stream.

Hair and eyelash growth stimulator

For those women who cannot boast of a luxurious head of shiny hair and thick, long eyelashes, regular castor oil can also help.

Anti-wrinkle oil, undiluted or as a component of multi-component masks, should be applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp. The exposure time is 8-9 hours 1-2 times a week.

Regular use of castor oil can stop hair loss and significantly accelerate hair growth.

To make eyelashes longer and fuller, castor oil should be regularly rubbed into the upper and lower eyelids along their growth line. The effect will quickly become noticeable to others!

Three main "don'ts"

  1. Apply to damp skin;
  2. Allow contact with open or bleeding wounds, pimples, scratches;
  3. Increase the dosage to get better/faster results.

Castor oil without additional ingredients can be used in case of cleansing or whitening the face.

It is advisable to use pure castor oil in extreme cases, when aggressive action is unavoidable. For example, you need to get rid of a wart or skin growth.

Freckles and other age spots should be treated point by point . Periodic lubrication will make them almost invisible.

Castor oil for face

Reviews: It’s hard to find a better budget product for wrinkles. Affordable and easy to use, it effectively fights both shallow wrinkles in the eye area and unaesthetic nasolabial folds.

Castor oil has a complex effect, it moisturizes, rejuvenates and protects the skin. It can be used both as part of moisturizing masks and directly in its pure form.

Castor oil for wrinkles can be used for any skin type, but its effect is most clearly noticeable on dry and dehydrated skin.

Healthy recipes

To cope with the problem of wrinkles, it is important to choose the right recipe for a product based on castor oil. Cosmetologists recommend fighting age-related problems with masks and creams.

Night mask

For this remedy you only need castor oil. It should be applied to the skin with light movements. This should be done before bed. Thanks to this method, the product acts on the skin all night, saturates it with useful substances and improves tone. It is recommended to wash your face with warm water in the morning. This will help completely get rid of any remaining oil. To enhance the rejuvenating effect of the substance, you can use a special surgical patch that allows the skin to breathe. You can buy it at a pharmacy or store. In such a situation, the skin is first treated with oil, then a patch is glued.

Oil massage

To get rid of wrinkles, you should massage your face weekly. The procedure can be carried out not only in a salon setting, but also at home. For it to be useful, you will need a little skill and 30 minutes of time. For massage, you can use castor oil in its pure form or mix it with other products that suit your skin type.

Nourishing mask

If you mix castor oil with other products, you can enhance the nutritional effect. The following mixture will help achieve excellent results:

  • 1 small spoon of castor oil;
  • 1 egg yolk.

If you combine these products, you can get an excellent product with pronounced nutritional properties. The finished composition should be applied to the face and left for a quarter of an hour.

Clay mask

This product has a powerful lifting effect. Thanks to the use of such a mask, it will be possible not only to cope with wrinkles, but also to make the skin lighter. To achieve noticeable results, you will need the following components:

  • 1 small spoon of castor oil;
  • 1 small spoon of black clay.

The components should be mixed thoroughly. If necessary, you can add a little water. Apply the finished product to cleansed skin and leave for 10 minutes. It is forbidden to speak or smile during the procedure. It is best to just lie down and relax at this time. After 10 minutes it is recommended to wash your face. If necessary, you can use foam. Mild soap works great too.

Mask with honey

This remedy is suitable for people who are not prone to allergic reactions. Thanks to this vitamin mask, you will be able to tighten your skin, improve its tone and achieve saturation with useful substances.

To get excellent results, you will need the following products:

  • 1 small spoon of castor oil;
  • 0.5 small spoon of honey;
  • 1 small spoon of cottage cheese.

All components should be mixed well and applied to the face in a fairly thick layer. The duration of the procedure should be 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal mask

This product is ideal for those with dry skin. It supplies the dermis with nutrients, has a moisturizing effect and helps cope with wrinkles. The composition is easy to prepare. To do this, it is recommended to take the following products:

  • 1 small spoon of castor oil;
  • 1 small spoon of oatmeal.

The components should be mixed thoroughly. If necessary, you can add a little more oil. If you don't have oatmeal flour on hand, you can grind the oats using a blender.

Mask with green tea and aloe juice

Green tea perfectly moisturizes the dermis, has a tonic and rejuvenating effect. Aloe juice contains many vitamins. This product normalizes the water balance of the dermis, has a smoothing effect, normalizes the color of the dermis and helps avoid the appearance of age spots.

The mask has a universal effect - it can be used for any type of dermis. To get a useful composition, you need to take the following components:

  • 5 ml castor oil;
  • 5 ml green tea;
  • 5 ml aloe juice.

It is recommended to mix all ingredients thoroughly. Then apply the finished product onto a cotton sponge and apply to your face. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

Castor oil against wrinkles around the eyes

Laughter and tears, joy and sorrow are reflected on the face as if on a blank page. Fine wrinkles around the eyes often become noticeable immediately after the 25th birthday.

Problematic ecology, incorrect position during sleep, lack of sleep and rest, abuse of cigarettes and alcohol are the main reasons for their premature occurrence.

Thin, dry skin in this area requires regular care from a very young age.

Please note : Hypoallergenic, castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes has no contraindications for external use.

It is quite possible to get rid of crow's feet in 2 weeks by correctly using castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes.

Read also: Peach oil in cosmetology

Reviews from women who decide to fight the signs of age with castor oil periodically describe side effects such as swelling. This trouble can only happen if castor oil under the eyes for wrinkles is applied incorrectly.

Dark circles and bags under the eyes: what is the reason?

If you were very worried for several days, slept 3-5 hours a day because of an important project or deadline, and then also cried because of it, then most likely the cause of your “bags” and dark “circles” under your eyes is precisely in that. The same applies if you are sick, have had too much alcohol the day before, or suffer from allergies or intolerance to certain foods. In this case, getting rid of “bags” under the eyes is simple:

  • Get enough sleep;
  • Quit bad habits;
  • Get treatment and take care of your health;
  • Consume foods fortified with vitamin C;
  • Avoid dairy and salty foods before bed and avoid consuming them during the day.

A completely different story - age-related changes in the eyelids

and periorbital region. With age, the skin (especially delicate in this area) loses tone due to a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin throughout the body. Pronounced circles under the eyes, wrinkles may appear, and the skin becomes flabby. In this case, you need more thorough eyelid skin care - using cucumber masks and potato compresses at home, unfortunately, it is unlikely to be possible to get rid of “bags” under the eyes and wrinkles.

Overweight people

are also more prone to the formation of “bags” under the eyes. The fact is that in most cases (if we are not talking about “painting bags”) they are fatty hernias. In addition, a genetic predisposition factor plays an important role when fat cells are deposited in the eyelid area.

Thus, “bags” under the eyes that are difficult to remove are hernias - displaced and unsightly protruding fat bags that should be located outside the orbital bone and “support” the eye. The problem does not depend on age and makes itself felt at 18, 30, 60... years. Such “bags” do not disappear on their own, but over time they enlarge and stretch the skin of the eyelids.

In the operating room of plastic surgeon Egor Andreevich Parygin

Painting “bags” under the eyes

formed by protruding fat packets in the temporomygomatic region. They can easily be confused with edema, but they do not go away. They are difficult to correct with fillers (the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove is filled), and in some cases it is not even blepharoplasty that is required, but temporal endoscopic lifting.

Common mistakes

The main mistake that many ladies make when they start using castor oil for wrinkles under the eyes is the time of its action.

Often the oil is applied immediately before bed, while it is not recommended to apply it undiluted for more than 10 minutes.

Metal containers should not be used to store and heat the substance. Castor oil for facial wrinkles can enter into a chemical reaction and oxidize, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

The most important rule

Be sure to test any oil, vegetable or essential, for an allergic reaction before use.

Apply a small amount of oil to the inside of your elbow or wrist. Apart from the face, these are the most delicate and sensitive areas on the body.

If a burning sensation or other unpleasant sensation does not appear within 2-3 hours, see how the skin reacts. Rash, redness and other unnatural metamorphoses indicate that this remedy is not suitable for you . Don’t persuade yourself, you can’t fool your body!

Castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes. How to use correctly?

Castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes
Like any other medication, castor oil for wrinkles is recommended to be checked for the possibility of allergic reactions.

To do this, apply it to your wrist for 10 minutes.

And if the skin has not reacted negatively to castor oil for the face against wrinkles, use can be started with caution.

The skin of the face must be completely cleansed of decorative cosmetics. It is recommended to wash off any remaining makeup remover products with plain water. We recommend reading how to hide wrinkles with makeup.

Castor oil for the face against wrinkles will act more intensely if you heat it in a water bath before use.

An increase in temperature helps the active substances that castor oil for the face against wrinkles abounds in to penetrate the skin.

Reviews and videos posted on the Internet clearly demonstrate the difference.

To enhance the effect that castor oil has against wrinkles, cosmetologists recommend adding just a few drops of aromatic essential oil - rose, lavender, patchouli or any other.

Castor oil for eyelids for wrinkles should be applied with gentle movements with fingertips in the direction from the inner corners of the upper eyelids to the outer ones and in the opposite direction in the lower eyelids.

You can find many recommendations online on how to properly use castor oil for your face against wrinkles. Videos and photographs will tell you the massage lines along which it should be applied without stretching the thin and dry skin around the eyes.

You should not increase the time for which cosmetologists recommend leaving castor oil for wrinkles under the eyes. Reviews indicate that ten minutes is enough to moisturize the skin and improve its tone.

Side effects

Castor oil enhances the absorption by cells and the intercellular matrix of substances that are applied to the skin along with it. This should be taken into account when combining the product with other types of cosmetics and medications. The product causes allergic reactions in the form of itching and redness of the epidermis with individual sensitivity to the components in its composition.

Overdose usually occurs when taken orally. It is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • abdominal cramps;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hallucinations;
  • renal dysfunction.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help for treatment of poisoning.

How to use castor oil for wrinkles on the forehead and nasolabial folds?

Castor oil against wrinkles can also restore the healthy appearance of the skin, refresh it and smooth out age-related and facial wrinkles.

Find out more about how to remove expression lines at home.

It is recommended to apply it around the eyes with extreme caution, and hardened facial skin can be lubricated with the heated product using a cotton pad.

It is not possible to wash off castor oil with water alone. It is recommended to remove its remnants first with a dry cotton pad, then it can be moistened in warm milk and only in this way can the castor oil be completely wiped off.

Wrinkles under the eyes should be cleaned with extreme care to avoid stretching and traumatizing the thin skin.

Anti-wrinkle masks with proven effectiveness

Those who doubt whether castor oil helps against wrinkles should be recommended to pamper their skin with one of the simple but quite effective masks:

  • A mixture of castor oil and peach oil instantly smoothes out crow's feet. The oils are mixed in a 1:1 consistency and heated in a water bath.
  • Smoothes out deep wrinkles and eliminates flaking using a mask of beaten egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of castor oil.
  • a mask of boiled potatoes, mashed with egg yolk and castor oil in a 1:1 ratio, will smooth out even deep wrinkles in a short time and return the skin to a fresh and healthy appearance.

When used regularly and correctly, castor oil shows excellent results in the fight against wrinkles.

It is not without reason that for many women it is a favorite product for caring for aging skin.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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