Olive oil for the face against wrinkles: reviews from cosmetologists

It contains virtually no subcutaneous fat, which is why it ages earlier than other areas of the body. However, despite this fact, some women, even at Balzac’s age, look young and beautiful, while others already at the age of 35 suffer from facial wrinkles around the eyes.

The condition of the skin in the periorbital zone is 50% determined by genetic characteristics, the remaining 50% is lifestyle and care procedures. Knowing how to properly care for the skin around your eyes will help you stay young as long as possible.

Jojoba oil for the skin around the eyes

Not all fans of this oil know that it is isolated from parts of an evergreen shrub that grows in the deserts of North America. Cosmetologists around the world value this product not only for its nutritional value, but also for its unique composition. Jojoba oil contains a very rare substance – eicosenoic acid. It helps improve cellular metabolism, and is therefore highly recommended for women with aging skin. In addition, it promotes the natural regeneration of skin tissue, including after injury. Finally, eicosenoic acid gives the skin elasticity and restores its former turgor.

In addition to eicosenoic acid, this oil also contains other valuable fatty acids, for example, nervonic, oleic, behenic and others. These fatty acids in jojoba oil, applied to the skin of the eyelids, serve as excellent protection against exposure to sunlight, from too low temperatures, and from large amounts of salt dissolved in the air. The collagen present in jojoba oil is identical to what human skin contains, and therefore is well accepted by our body. Tocopherol, or vitamin E, is a recognized master in the fight against wrinkles. Its content in jojoba oil is also very high.

There are several recipes for masks with the addition of jojoba oil that most effectively improve the condition of the skin around the eyes:

  • Recipe 1. A teaspoon of jojoba oil is mixed with a tablespoon of mashed potatoes. The resulting mixture must be applied to the lower eyelid and washed off after ten minutes. This mask is effective against swelling and perfectly smoothes the skin of the eyelids;
  • Recipe 2. Jojoba oil is mixed with castor oil in equal parts. This mixture must be applied in a thin layer to the lower and upper eyelids. There is no need to wash it off, and therefore it is advisable to carry out this procedure in the evenings. This mask produces a lifting effect on the skin around the eyes and nourishes it;
  • Recipe 3. You need to take one part jojoba oil and two parts chamomile or calendula decoction, add a couple of drops of aloe juice. This mask is recommended for aging skin and also helps reduce inflammation.

Castor oil for the skin around the eyes

Many women know the excellent benefits of castor oil on hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, but it can also be beneficial for the skin around the eyes. Castor oil contains a mixture of fatty acids, mainly oleic, linoleic and ricinoleic. The main advantage of castor oil is that it perfectly nourishes the skin and does not create an unpleasant film on its surface. With regular use of products containing castor oil, the skin of the eyelids will become more tightened and moisturized, and therefore it must be included in your cosmetic arsenal.

Here are some recipes for masks with castor oil:

  • Recipe 1. You need to take castor and peach oils in equal parts. The mixture must be slightly heated, and for this you can simply rub the composition with your palms. The mass is applied to the skin of the eyelids or even the entire face. There is no need to wash it off, and therefore it is better to use this product in the evenings, an hour before going to bed. Just a month of daily use - and the skin will glow and radiate health and youth;
  • Recipe 2. Mix two teaspoons of castor oil thoroughly with one yolk and apply the mixture to the skin of the face. This mask will perfectly moisturize and soothe dry, chapped skin. Cosmetologists recommend using it in winter, when the skin of the eyelids is especially sensitive;
  • Recipe 3. Two tablespoons of cream must be mixed with a teaspoon of castor oil. The mixture can be applied to the entire face. A 10-minute application is enough to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, as well as moisturize and slightly whiten the skin.

Beneficial features

Squeezing the fruit of the olive tree has the following beneficial effects on the skin::

  • forms a thin film that not only protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of the environment, but also promotes uniform distribution of tanning and prevents burns from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • improves metabolism inside cells, resulting in improved skin tone and color;
  • promotes rapid regeneration - wounds and other skin damage heal faster;
  • removes minor rashes;
  • smoothes out wrinkles;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • tightens pores;
  • relieves irritation;
  • improves blood supply to cells;
  • stimulates the production of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin;
  • tightens sagging areas;
  • cleanses of dead particles;
  • softens;
  • awakens hair follicles, resulting in thicker eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • eliminates cracks on lips.

Olive oil is an effective remedy for fine and shallow wrinkles; it works worse with deep skin folds.

Olive oil for the skin around the eyes

Olive oil is not only a healthy product that is used in many Mediterranean recipes, but it is also an excellent skin moisturizer. It has a particularly good effect on the delicate skin of the eyelids, and therefore can be recommended for women whose skin has already lost its elasticity. Cosmetologists call olive oil base oil, that is, it combines perfectly with various other, more active agents.

The main advantage of olive oil is its ability to heal wounds, which means it can be used even on inflamed or chapped skin. Unlike many other oils, it is extremely gentle and gentle. Ladies also note the ability of olive oil to restore skin turgor and increase its elasticity in a short time.

In cosmetology you can find many recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes with olive oil:

  • Recipe 1. A tablespoon of honey and olive oil is mixed with one yolk. This mask should be applied to the skin of the face and left for 10-15 minutes. After the first use, you can notice a decrease in small wrinkles around the eyes, and after a month even large wrinkles will become less noticeable. The mask must be used three times a week;
  • Recipe 2. You need to take an avocado and a banana, one at a time, mash, mix with two tablespoons of olive oil, and then add another 50 ml of sugar-free orange juice (it’s better to make it yourself). The resulting mixture must be applied to the face for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water without soap to leave particles of nutritious fatty acids on the surface of the skin. In terms of its effect, this mask can be compared to a vitamin explosion - the result will not be long in coming. The skin is delicately cleansed, moisturized and invigorated. Wrinkles become less noticeable, the skin of the eyelids will take on a tightened appearance.

Scrub recipes

Scrubs occupy a separate niche in the large list of anti-wrinkle products. The most popular recipes can be viewed below.

With oatmeal

  • Description . Skin cleansing.
  • Cooking . Mix crushed oatmeal with olive oil.
  • Usage . Massage the composition onto the skin along the massage lines for 3-5 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Result . Clean, tightened skin, wrinkle prevention.

With honey

  • Description . Cleansing and nutrition.
  • Cooking . Mix thick candied honey with olive oil.
  • Usage . Cleanse your face with massage movements for 3-5 minutes.
  • Result . Healthy, clean, young skin.

With coffee

  • Description . Deep cleansing.
  • Cooking . Mix ground coffee with olive oil.
  • Usage . Massage your facial skin with this product along the massage lines for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Result . Well cleaned ugly skin without wrinkles.

Almond oil for the skin around the eyes

Almond oil is an excellent cosmetic product that should definitely be in every woman's medicine cabinet. It contains large amounts of healthy fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, magnesium, calcium and other minerals. Almond oil promotes skin regeneration, and therefore can be used not only for the face, but also for lips, elbows, knees and even heels.

Its ability to reduce wrinkles, including deep ones, as well as nourish the skin due to the vegetable oils in its composition is best known. Almond oil is also popular due to its mild whitening effect. Older ladies will appreciate the light tonic effect, and therefore it can be used for aging skin.

Cosmetologists also use almond oil as a base for masks used to reduce wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Recipe 1. 5 drops of almond oil are mixed with two teaspoons of ripe avocado pulp. The resulting pulp is distributed in the area of ​​the lower eyelids and left for 5-10 minutes. After the first use, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, and there will also be a noticeable reduction in the severity of circles under the eyes;
  • Recipe 2. One yolk is mixed with half a teaspoon of almond oil and two tablespoons of honey. The resulting product must be applied to the skin around the eyes and gently massage, and then left for 5 minutes. This mask has a mild antiseptic effect, and therefore can be used for inflammation and irritation.

How to choose

Which product is best to buy depends on many factors. The most common mistake when purchasing is following the advice of friends. The choice must be made independently, based on the individual characteristics of the person. How much a product costs is sometimes not important. Even a budget purchase can lead to a positive result. How to make sure you don’t regret the purchase? It is necessary to take seriously the selection criteria from leading cosmetologists. The list is small, but you shouldn’t ignore it:

  1. Aroma. It should not cause tension or irritation. Let it be neutral or acceptable to you.
  2. Allergy to certain components or individual intolerance. The purchased product does not need to be immediately applied to the most vulnerable areas, which include the eyes. It is necessary to first apply the substance to the elbow bend. Wait a few minutes. If unpleasant sensations do not appear, you can safely use the product to achieve your goal.
  3. Material for making the container. It is advisable to give preference to glass flasks. The composition in such containers is well stored, maintaining its original characteristics for a long time.
  4. Best before date. All experts say in unison that using expired products is strictly prohibited. Therefore, when purchasing a product, carefully study the information on the packaging.

Which company is better to purchase products depends on personal preferences. Here recommendations are not always appropriate. But the question of where to buy a product is not idle.

It is best to visit specialized retail outlets, get acquainted with the offered assortment, new products, communicate with a professional sales manager, get practical advice, and even use samples.

The second option is to order products online in an online store. For many, this method is more acceptable due to saving money and free time, but it is very risky. There is no guarantee that instead of an expensive composition from a leading global manufacturer, you will not receive a cheap Chinese counterfeit, which, at best, will not help achieve the desired effect, and at worst, will cause irreparable harm to the health or appearance of the user.

Flaxseed oil for the skin around the eyes

The composition of flaxseed oil is noticeably different from other vegetable oils used in cosmetology. In addition to fatty acids and vitamins, it also contains proteins that significantly nourish weakened skin and also protect it from harmful environmental influences. This is what accounts for the pronounced rejuvenating effect of flaxseed oil.

With regular use of products with linseed oil, the skin is smoothed, toned and looks more youthful. Cosmetologists know its light lifting effect, which works most successfully in the area around the eyes.

It will also help, if necessary, regulate the secretion of subcutaneous fat, and therefore can be used even on skin with acne:

  • Recipe 1. You need to moisten two pieces of gauze with linseed oil, place them on the lower eyelids and leave in this position for about 25-30 minutes. Such a simple recipe, if used regularly, will prove to be simply excellent - even old wrinkles will become less deep, the skin will look radiant and acquire a pleasant pink tint. This recipe is ideal for winter use;
  • Recipe 2. You need to take equal parts of flaxseed, corn, olive and nut oils and lightly heat them in a water bath. Soak two cotton swabs with this mixture and place them on the lower eyelids. The miracle cure can be used twice a week for three months. The skin of the eyelids will become smoother, tightened, will no longer become thinner and acquire new wrinkles.

Rosehip oil for the skin around the eyes

Rosehip is known to many people as a product high in vitamins. You can speak similarly favorably about rosehip oil. More than fifteen types of fatty acids can completely change the condition of the skin around the eyes. Linoleic and linolenic acids, contained in rosehip oil in large quantities, increase the protective forces of the epidermis. Vitamins take part in metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Due to the high activity of the substances contained in rosehip oil, cosmetologists often use it as the best base product when creating masks. A huge amount of vitamin A allows you to successfully cope with any age-related skin changes. Vitamin C, which is also abundant in this oil, protects skin cells around the eyes from free radicals and thereby prevents aging, and also helps saturate the cells with oxygen.

There is enough rosehip oil and vitamin E, which is a generally recognized vitamin of youth, and therefore women may not be afraid of wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Recipe 1. A teaspoon of good nourishing cream and three drops of rosehip oil is an ideal composition for daily use in winter. Since in winter the amount of vitamins in a person’s diet is significantly reduced, this is reflected on the skin, and such a recipe can be a real salvation;
  • Recipe 2. Mix one teaspoon of cream with the same amount of almond oil and add 4 drops of rosehip oil. This composition must be applied to the skin of the eyelids and left for 20-30 minutes. After this, the mask should be carefully removed with a cotton swab, but if possible, do not completely wash off the remaining product. This mask is an excellent whitening agent, and therefore can be used for dark circles under the eyes. Its regular use helps reduce wrinkles and swelling, the look will become clearer and more open.

Myth No. 7: Hemorrhoid ointment is the best non-standard remedy for dark circles

As absurd as this may sound, there is some truth here. Hemorrhoids are a consequence of varicose veins. Rapid relief of its symptoms is achieved by systemic or local use of venotonics. Venotonics quickly “unload” the blood flow, remove excess fluid, and relieve swelling. Compresses with venotonics actually eliminate swelling under the eyes if they are caused by lack of sleep and other exogenous physiological reasons. But they cannot be used on an ongoing basis - only in emergency cases. As for deep edema and hernias, medications for varicose veins are powerless.

Sea buckthorn oil for the skin around the eyes

Sea buckthorn oil is highly valued by cosmetologists for the presence of the most important vitamins - A, C, E. This composition ideally works to slow down the aging of skin tissue. The skin is moisturized, becomes more elastic and acquires a healthy tone. Vitamin C is also involved in the production of collagen in the skin, which, in turn, is responsible for its turgor and firmness.

The phospholipids contained in sea buckthorn oil restore the balance in the fat metabolism of the skin. This product also contains anti-inflammatory elements - sterols, which act like an antiseptic. Fruit acids produce a pronounced rejuvenating effect, even out skin color, and therefore sea buckthorn oil can be used to remove age spots.

Most often, cosmetologists use sea buckthorn oil in the following products for the skin around the eyes:

  • Recipe 1. Take sea buckthorn oil and heavy cream in equal parts, one teaspoon each, add one yolk. The prepared composition must be applied to the skin, including around the eyes. To improve the penetration of nutrients and achieve the desired effect, it is best to cover your face with cling film or a bag, making the necessary slits in it for the lips and eyes. This mask will help aging skin become softer and more toned. It can be used at any time of the year;
  • Recipe 2. Mix one part of sea buckthorn oil with two parts of cosmetic clay and add half an yolk for every three teaspoons of the composition. This mask is applied to the entire face for 15 minutes. It is used for oily skin because it helps reduce oil secretion and also reduces inflammation.

Peach oil for the skin around the eyes

It is with a peach that the skin of a young girl is usually compared. In fact, this effect can be achieved if you regularly use cosmetics that contain peach oil. Due to the high content of vitamins A and E, we can talk about its ability to increase skin turgor, moisturize and gradually remove wrinkles.

The content of vitamin B15 in peach oil is also unique, which helps improve blood flow in tissues. It also contains a considerable amount of minerals - calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium - contained in this product in an easily digestible form. Cosmetologists use peach oil to care for the skin around the eyes to achieve a lasting rejuvenating effect.

By the way, this product has practically no contraindications and no allergic reactions have been observed:

  • Recipe 1. Two cotton pads must be moistened in heated peach oil and applied to the lower eyelids. 15 minutes is enough to get a rested and fresh look. This compress can be used in the morning after a stormy evening;
  • Recipe 2. Peach oil can be used as a makeup remover. You need to moisten a cotton swab in it and remove any remaining makeup. This recipe is especially suitable for those ladies whose eyelid skin is prone to irritation and allergic reactions. The remnants of the product on the skin of the face do not need to be washed off; they will perfectly nourish the skin;
  • Recipe 3. Add a couple of drops of almond oil and jojoba to one tablespoon of peach oil. This mixture can be applied to the skin of the eyelids a couple of times a day for 15-20 minutes. If you have dry skin, you can quickly get rid of the feeling of tightness and dryness. By the way, the composition can also be used for eyebrows if you want to make them smoother and shinier, as well as achieve greater saturation of their color in a natural way.


Olive oil against wrinkles may not be suitable for everyone. In particular, people with oily skin should avoid this product. It can also aggravate the condition of the problematic epidermis. If pimples and blackheads occur, their number may increase.

Olive oil for eyes against wrinkles should not be used by people with vision problems, because the product may get into the eyes. Contraindications include inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane, conjunctivitis, barley and other ailments.

Coconut oil for the skin around the eyes

Coconut oil is very popular in Eastern countries. Thai women add it to all cosmetic products, and therefore their skin looks youthful even at a fairly mature age. It contains myristic, lauric and other fatty acids that have a rejuvenating effect.

Folic acid in its composition copes excellently with acne, and in combination with thiamine, the effect becomes complex, and we can talk about effective resistance to unfavorable ecology and other external influences, including mechanical damage, as well as frostbite in winter. Coconut oil not only perfectly nourishes the skin, but also makes it matte, unlike many other oil-based products.

In hot countries, coconut oil is used for burns, including those received after excessive sun exposure, and this indicates the ability to regenerate and renew the skin at the cellular level. Its smoothing effect is also known, and therefore it is used in the presence of unevenness on the surface of the epidermis. Coconut oil is a common ingredient in expensive products used by cultural figures, show business and other public people. In a word, a woman is guaranteed to have velvety and smooth skin with regular use of coconut oil.

It is most often used in the following formulations for the skin of the eyelids:

  • Recipe 1. Coconut oil must be mixed with vitamin E in a ratio of 6:1. The resulting composition can be applied to the skin of the face just like that, or moistened with gauze or a cotton pad. 10 minutes is enough to completely smooth out fine wrinkles. With regular use, even the deepest wrinkles will become less noticeable. By the way, when applying the product to your face, you can help it quickly absorb into the deep layers of the epidermis by performing a light massage along special massage lines.
  • Recipe 2. Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil with four drops of rosemary oil and apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes. Thanks to rosemary essential oil, the fatty acids of coconut oil penetrate better into the skin. This mask has an excellent anti-aging effect and will be a real discovery for mature women.
  • Recipe 3. Mix 50 ml of coconut oil with one teaspoon of honey and half an egg yolk. You need to dip cotton swabs into the resulting mixture and then apply them to the lower eyelids. The oil will nourish and moisturize the skin, and the egg yolk will delicately tighten, thereby producing a slight lifting effect. Honey will enhance the protective properties of the skin.
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