Kosmoteros Chemical yellow peeling, 30 ml. Kosmoteros Chemical yellow peeling art. 3184

Kosmoteros Chemical yellow peeling, 30 ml. Kosmoteros Chemical yellow peeling art. 3184

Chemical yellow peeling.

Chemical yellow peeling from the Kosmoteros brand will help you get rid of many aesthetic problems, such as age spots, fine and deep wrinkles, and traces left by acne. This is a medium, superficial peeling, which is actually retinoic, that is, retinoic acid is used during the procedure. Yellow peeling is considered to be less traumatic, and when carried out, rehabilitation will take place quickly, in a minimum amount of time. Complications with this type of peeling are minimal.

Peeling will help prevent some age-related changes, ketarosis, hyperpigmentation, skin dehydration, and acne progression. It has a pronounced antioxidant and brightening effect, slows down aging, improves texture and evens out the relief. This peeling can be done throughout the year; it is considered the most gentle, soft, delicate and more gentle among all chemical peels. Peeling can be used by those with sensitive and even young skin.

Indications for use:

  • age-related skin changes,
  • keratosis,
  • hyperpigmentation,
  • striae,
  • scarring,
  • dehydration,
  • atonic skin,
  • comenodes,
  • initial form of acne.

Active components

  • Transretinoic acid 5% - evens out skin color and texture. Helps smooth the surface of the skin without signs of inflammation; when treating closed acne, it helps them open or turn into papules with subsequent healing (without scarring), and prevents the formation of new acne. Has antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory, keratolytic, immunostimulating effects
  • Vitamin E is a unique natural compound, an antioxidant with pronounced anti-aging properties. The vitamin stops the aging process, promotes cell regeneration, smoothes wrinkles, has a lifting effect, i.e. it tightens the skin, eliminates jowls, saggy folds, double chin, and also gives the skin firmness and pleasant elasticity, improves blood circulation, which affects healthy, beautiful complexion.
  • Vitamin C - evens out skin tone, adds radiance, promotes skin renewal and rejuvenation, a powerful antioxidant that is widely used in anti-aging cosmetics, as well as products for dull and pale skin. Significantly participates in the growth, maintenance and restoration of connective tissue, wound healing, and collagen synthesis. It protects our body from the harmful effects of free radicals and premature aging.
  • Beta-carotene - protection from the sun and negative external factors. It accelerates wound healing, makes the skin soft and smooth.

Mode of application

Step 1.

Cleansing gel with AHA acids, foam a small amount with damp palms and apply with gentle movements to the face, neck and décolleté. After 2-3 minutes, the cleanser must be thoroughly rinsed off using damp sponges.

Step 2.

Apply chemical peeling (depending on the indications and condition of the skin), evenly on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté using a special fan brush, wait until completely dry and leave for 6-8 hours. After the exposure period has expired, the patient should independently wash off the remaining acid with cool running water at home. Application sequence: initially apply the acid to less sensitive areas of the skin: forehead, temporal region, parotid area, neck, décolleté, nasolabial triangle, lower eyelid, 0.5 cm from the ciliary edge, upper eyelid, 1 cm from the ciliary edge.

Step 3.

In sunny weather, apply SPF 30 protective cream.

Step 4.

Apply Sensitive Skin Cream to the face, neck and décolleté with light movements until completely absorbed. The cream has a vascular strengthening effect for daily care of sensitive and damaged skin. Hyaluronic acid, polysaccharides included in the HYASEALON complex, as well as fractions of glucosaminoglucans and peptides help maintain moisture in the skin. Shea butter and macadamia nut oil restore the skin's hydrolipid mantle and prevent transepidermal moisture loss. Valuable oils replenish the lack of skin lipids and strengthen the skin barrier functions.

Step 5.

Apply Protective Cream SPF-30 and spread evenly over the skin and allow to be absorbed. Remove the remaining cream with a napkin


  • Individual intolerance to peeling ingredients.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  • Active inflammatory process on the skin.
  • Herpes in the active phase.
  • Liver failure and other severe somatic diseases.
  • Taking retinoids.


Chemical yellow peeling from the Kosmoteros brand will help you get rid of many aesthetic problems, such as age spots, fine and deep wrinkles, and traces left by acne. Peeling slows down aging, improves texture and evens out skin texture.

Facial skin cleansing is one of the most important stages in the cosmetological skin care system.

The professional cosmetics brand Kosmoteros Professionnel (France) offers a line of products for cleansing various skin types with the unique component Hyasealon - a peptide-polysaccharide complex of marine origin. The Hyasealon peptide group is a complex consisting of a mixture of amino acids, oligopeptides, collagen-type proteins and elastin obtained from the tissues of Squalus acanthias (spiny shark). Due to the preservation of the spatial three-helical structure, fragments (from 20 to 50 kDa) of native 3D marine collagen types 1 and 3 activate the processes of synthesis of dermal components, protect endocollagen and prevent the formation of cross-links. The polysaccharide group Hyasealon is a unique mixture of three molecular modifications of hyaluronic acid obtained from natural marine raw materials Pectinidae (bivalves).

Peeling-gommage Kosmoteros Professionnel

The new peeling formula ensures an optimal level of metabolic processes in the skin, being included in the mechanisms that control the production of collagen fibers, hyaluronic acid and other components of the dermis, and maintains the necessary level of skin hydration. Thoroughly and delicately removes impurities and dead cells, cleanses pores without irritating the skin, and improves its structure.

Main active ingredients: Hyasealon 1.0%, particles of inert polyethylene, extracts: linden, leuzea, chamomile, almond oil.

For deep cleansing of all skin types, including sensitive ones.

Corrective mask “Enzyme peeling” Kosmoteros Professionnel

Thanks to the keratolytic action of a complex of proteolytic enzymes that loosen the stratum corneum, it has a deeply cleansing and renewing effect, effectively smoothes wrinkles, restores skin tightness and elasticity. Gives skin smoothness, healthy glow and a feeling of freshness.

Main active ingredients: papaya and pineapple extracts.

For any skin type, as well as before facial cleansing, massage or applying an active mask. Facilitates the extraction of comedones.

Cleansing gel with AHA acids Kosmoteros Professionnel

Thanks to a balanced complex of alpha hydroxy acids, it has a mild exfoliating, whitening and antiseptic effect. Smoothes the skin surface, normalizes desquamation processes, and increases the permeability of the epidermis to other cosmetic components.

Main active ingredients: AHA 7.0% pH 3.5%, acids: lactic, citric, tartaric, glycolic, extracts: passion fruit, lemon, grape, pineapple, panthenol.

For regular care of oily, porous, problematic skin.

Cleansing gel Kosmoteros Professionnel

Gently but thoroughly removes impurities while maintaining the necessary level of skin hydration. It has antiseptic properties and provides long-term protection against pathogenic microflora. Reduces the stress response of the epidermis to the influence of the external environment, maintaining an optimal level of moisture throughout the day, and improves complexion. Prepares the skin for further care, leaving a feeling of freshness.

Main active ingredients: Hyasealon 0.7%, Symclariol 1.0%, extracts: sage, eucalyptus, celandine, white willow, panthenol.

For all skin types, including sensitive, but definitely recommended for oily, problematic and rash-prone skin.

Cleansing milk Kosmoteros Professionnel

A highly effective product for quickly cleansing the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Maintains the necessary level of skin hydration, suppresses the activity of the enzyme elastase, which destroys elastin, maintaining the integrity of the hydrolipid film, giving the skin a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Main active ingredients: Hyasealon 1.0%, Proteasyl 3.0%, oils: shea, almond, lecithin.

For gentle cleansing of any skin type.

Cleansing foam for washing Beaute Globale Kosmoteros Professionnel

An excellent product with a foaming agent quickly and comfortably cleanses the skin of impurities and makeup, maintaining the integrity of the hydrolipidic film, maintaining the necessary level of skin hydration, giving it a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Main active ingredients : Hyasealon 0.5%, Proteasyl 2.0%, extracts: nettle, thyme, chamomile, hops, panthenol.

For gentle cleansing of any skin type.

Gel-foam sebum regulator Kosmoteros Professionnel

A special mild, gentle cleanser for oily and problematic skin regulates the oil balance and moisture of the skin, protects it from bacteria and viruses, prevents inflammatory reactions, and gives the skin a matte and velvety feel. Main active ingredients: Hyasealon 0.7%, Evermat 3.0%, extracts: mint, horsetail, panthenol.

For cleansing oily and problematic skin.

Buy and order delivery throughout Kazakhstan of Kosmoteros cosmetics for skin cleansing - KTGroup company

Retinoic peeling

Mechanism of action of retinoic peeling CIMEL (Martinex, France)

fundamentally different from the mechanism of action of other chemical peels. Retinol and its derivatives in the peeling composition do not destroy living skin cells, but primarily have a stimulating effect.

The effect of peeling is manifested:

  • Stimulating the production of your own hyaluronic acid;
  • In stimulating the production of collagen and elastin;
  • Normalization of intracellular metabolism;
  • Significant reduction in melanin production;
  • Reducing the number of atypical cells.

As a result of the peeling/course of peelings, the manifestation of age-related changes in the skin of various etiologies is slowed down, pigmentation is reduced, and the texture and relief of the skin is improved. In addition, the effect of retinol on the receptors of hypertrophied sebaceous glands leads to a significant decrease in sebum synthesis, which is especially important for acne.

Retinol peeling procedures in our clinic are part of a comprehensive program for the treatment of acne and post-acne conditions. Over many years of work, such procedures have proven their unsurpassed effectiveness in patients with acne.

Although Cimel

refers to superficial peels, its effect is comparable to medium-impact peels. In addition, histological studies have shown that the stimulating effect of retinol and its derivatives on the cellular structures of the skin persists for another 3 months after the last application of retinoids.

Benefits of peeling

  • A short rehabilitation period that does not require cessation of social activity;
  • Low risk of complications;
  • High security;
  • Peeling can be done for patients with thin and sensitive skin;
  • Peeling is suitable for skin of any phototype;
  • Blends in with skin color (without yellowness);
  • Pronounced stimulating effect on the skin.

Indications for peeling

  • Hypermelanosis (hyperpigmentation) of any etiology, including post-traumatic;
  • Problem skin (seborrhea, acne);
  • Hyperkeratosis (including follicular), keratomas;
  • Signs of photo- and chronoaging (skin aging of various etiologies).

Post-peeling care

The duration of the early rehabilitation period is 3-5 days. At this time, you should apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30+ to your skin in the morning, and use moisturizer as needed throughout the day.

Expected post-peel reactions

Bright redness in the peeling area (similar to active tanning in a solarium), which persists for 2 days. Slight swelling of the treated area is possible. 12-48 hours after peeling, fine-plate peeling is observed, which can last for 4-5 days. When using recommended skincare cosmetics at this time, peeling on the face is visually almost invisible.

Peeling programs

The retinol peeling procedure can be performed either once or as a basic course. Everything depends on the goals and objectives set for this procedure. The basic course consists of 2-3 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 1.5-2 months. The course is conducted 1-2 times a year.

IMPORTANT! Being a non-traumatic exfoliant, retinoic peeling prevents chronoaging and is an ideal tool for correcting photoaging.

Regular use of retinoids slows down aging, eliminates fine wrinkles, increases skin tone and turgor, eliminates acne and post-acne scars . Thanks to the powerful balanced stimulation of the epidermis and dermis, lifting (tightening) of soft tissues is visible already after the first procedure, and reparative processes are launched.

Before and after results

  1. Peelings
  2. Almond peeling “Mediderma”

    3200 rub.

  3. Salicylic peeling "Mediderma"

    3900 rub.

  4. Azelaine peeling "Mediderma"

    3100 rub.

  5. Hycolic + salicylic combined peeling “Mediderma”

    4300 RUR

  6. Glycolic peeling 50-70% “Medexfol”

    3100 rub.

  7. AHA peeling “Holy Land” + care

    3800 rub.

  8. ABR- peeling, “Holy Land” face + care

    3900 rub.

  9. ABR- peeling, back “Holy Land” + care

    5800 rub.

  10. AHA + ABR combined peeling, face “Holy Land”

    4500 rub.

  11. AHA + ABR combined peeling, back “Holy Land”

    8500 rub.

  12. Trichloroacetic peeling "Medexfol"

    6300 rub.

  13. Coral peeling, face “Christina”

    5200 rub.

  14. Coral back peeling “Christina”

    7200 rub.

  15. Retinol peeling ICP “Martinex”

    8700 rub.

  16. PRX-T33 peeling

    4200 rub.

  17. PRX-T33 (face + neck + décolleté)

    7500 rub.

  18. Enzyme peeling Lactolan “Holy Land” + care

    3600 rub.

  19. Enzyme peeling “Danne” + care

    4800 rub.

  20. Depigmenting peeling M.E.Line for intimate areas + home care, brightening.

    14200 rub.

  21. Depigmenting peeling Enerpeel NECK

    3100 rub.

  22. Jessner Peel

    3800 rub.

  23. Purges
  24. Manual cleaning “Holy Land”

    4200 rub.

  25. Manual cleaning "Danne"

    5300 rub.

  26. Manual cleaning “Christina”

    5200 rub.

  27. Combined manual cleaning “Enerpeel SA”

    3200 rub.

  28. Combined cleaning “Holy Land”

    4500 rub.

  29. Combined cleaning “Danne”

    5700 rub.

  30. Millium removal

    350 rub.

  31. Cares
  32. Care for oily and combination skin using Danne products

    5300 rub.

  33. Lifting care using “Danne” preparations

    6150 rub.

  34. Correction of facial contours using Danne preparations

    5800 rub.

  35. Correction of rosacea using Danne preparations

    5500 rub.

  36. Pigmentation correction using Danne products

    5400 rub.


Retinoic peeling is a chemical effect on the skin that injures the upper layer of the epidermis. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications to the procedure:

  • pregnancy planning, prenatal period and lactation;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • excess retinol in the body;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • presence of wounds, cuts, burns on the skin;
  • newly acquired tan;
  • skin diseases caused by bacteria and viruses;
  • allergic reactions to the components in the exfoliation mixture.

Important: even if you have never noticed allergic reactions, be sure to test the yellow peeling composition on a small area of ​​skin. If after 15-20 minutes redness, rashes, and itching do not appear on the dermis, then exfoliation can be done without fear.

Vitamin A tends to accumulate in the body, leading to hypervitaminosis conditions:

  • dry and itchy skin, rash, redness, dermatitis;
  • dry mucous membranes and intolerance to contact lenses;
  • spontaneous hyperthermia;
  • the appearance of pigment spots.

To prevent such conditions from arising, you need to carefully discuss nutrition, taking multivitamin preparations and creams with retinoids with your cosmetologist-dermatologist during the period of preparation for peeling.

The principle of action and effectiveness of Kosmoteros yellow peeling

Important: Retinoic acid, when applied to the skin, gives it an intense yellow tint, which gives the procedure its name. This is normal, since retinoids are colored substances. After exfoliation is complete, the skin will have a natural color

Kosmoteros retinoic peeling is prescribed not only to improve the aesthetic appearance of the skin, it is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Indications for use:

  • therapy for dermatitis of varying degrees of complexity;
  • treatment of acne, post-acne;
  • preparation for surgical correction of the face;
  • age-related skin changes: loss of elasticity, wrinkles, dull dermis tone;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • rosacea;
  • skin restoration after psoriasis;
  • uneven complexion;
  • prevention of skin diseases, prevention of neoplasms.

The solution to a complex of skin problems is solved thanks to the properties of retinoic acid:

  1. Restores the natural barrier properties of the epithelium. Local immunity is strengthened, which effectively fights the growth and reproduction of bacteria that provoke inflammation.
  2. Promotes the restoration of epithelial tissue, damage to which is a consequence of dermatological diseases. Scars and pigmentation become less noticeable or disappear completely.
  3. Evens out and brightens skin tone. Retinoic acid inhibits the activity of an enzyme that is involved in the formation of the melanin pigment.
  4. Protects the skin from negative environmental factors and fights free radicals. Retinoids actively protect skin cells from destruction, prevent the formation of tumors, prolong youth and remove toxic substances from tissues.

The Kosmoteros Yellow Peel, which has a simple protocol, is considered a “weekend exfoliation.” You can do it on the weekend, and by the beginning of the work week go to work with a young, radiant health face.

Effect after peeling

Retinol peeling is carried out using preparations with different contents of retinoic acid. With a low percentage, the desired effect appears after 6-12 months. You can get a pronounced result faster with the help of a more concentrated composition for medium peeling. Noticeable rejuvenation, smoothing of facial wrinkles and smoothing of skin texture is achieved in just a few sessions.

The procedure is as safe as possible due to its gentle and non-traumatic action. However, it has a number of limitations. Therefore, before doing peeling, it is recommended to consult a doctor and not risk having it done in regular salons.

Cosmetologists in St. Petersburg have a medical education and the necessary knowledge about the structure of the dermis. This allows them to make individual prescriptions based on the specifics of the case.

The technique is applicable for hyperpigmentation, freckles and acne. At the end of the rehabilitation period after the session, the following is observed:

  • smoothing out small facial wrinkles;
  • restoration of elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • elimination of signs of age-related changes and photoaging;
  • improvement of skin texture, reduction of roughness;
  • removal of superficial scars and hyperpigmentation;
  • lightening, rejuvenation of the dermis;
  • narrowing of pores.

Video about the procedure:

The result of using retinoic peeling is noticeable after the first procedure, however, dermatocosmetologists recommend a full course consisting of four to five sessions (they are carried out at intervals of one week).

The Ego Estetic clinic uses two types of retinoic peeling:

  • Block Age Peel Gel from the Russian company Martinex. It contains a 5% solution of retinoic acid and demethyl sulfoxide, which increases the permeability of cell membranes;
  • depigmenting peeling Cimel (Spain) based on retinol, which is suitable for patients with sensitive skin.

The duration of the course, as well as the use of a specific composition, depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin and is determined by the clinic’s dermatocosmetologist after examination and medical history to identify possible contraindications.

Features of the method

The main components of yellow peeling compositions are retinoids. These are synthetically created analogues of vitamin A, which have a milder effect on the skin and, unlike acids, do not destroy proteins. The method is a superficial type of facial peeling, but the result obtained is similar to the average one.

After the procedure the following is observed:

  • activation of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of the intercellular matrix and epidermal lipids;
  • normalization of the production of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • slowing down age-related changes in the skin;
  • reduction in the number of atypical cells;
  • improvement of skin texture and relief;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • rejuvenation.

Preparation and care after the procedure

In the case of peeling with retinoic acids, preparation is required, which takes 2-4 weeks (depending on the type of skin). To enhance the results of the main procedure, the cosmetologist selects special home care products that prepare the skin and ensure effective penetration of the drug into the middle layers of the dermis.

The concentration of retinoids is determined depending on the identified problems. Accordingly, the recovery period may vary, but on average it is 1 week. At this time, it is necessary to use post-peeling products that relieve swelling and inflammation, and also accelerate skin regeneration. Thanks to an integrated approach, you can achieve a visible rejuvenation effect in just one procedure.

Contact the medical office to buy peeling products and undergo a course of procedures at an attractive price.

How to care for your skin after Cosmoteros treatments?

The appearance of tightness after exfoliation turns into redness and flaking of the skin. During this period, dead cells exfoliate, giving way to young tissue. Experts do not recommend facilitating this natural process.

After Kosmoteros retinoic peeling, it is prohibited to use scrubs. Abrasive particles can damage developing young cells, leading to scar formation. Cosmetologists allow the use of creams with a moisturizing effect and masks with enzymes. The use of products with a sun protection factor is a prerequisite if exfoliation was carried out in the spring and summer.

The first seven days after exfoliation with retinoic acid, Cosmotherios is not recommended:

  1. Take a steam bath or sauna, go to the gym. During these procedures, intense sweating occurs, which interferes with the natural process of exfoliation and the formation of new tissue. Moisturized skin is a fertile environment for the development of bacteria, which can cause inflammation. In addition, steam baths and exercise prolong the period of skin redness.
  2. Visit pools, swim in open water. These objects are sources of infection for skin weakened by chemical exposure.
  3. Visit the solarium, the beach. Injured skin has increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to pigmentation.

The retinoic peeling procedure has a short recovery period. In 2-3 days, redness and peeling disappear, and the woman can enjoy the result.

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