Yellow peeling: all about the transformative effect of this procedure

From this article you will learn:

  • Yellow peeling – what is it?
  • Properties of yellow peeling
  • How does yellow facial peel work?
  • Types of yellow peeling
  • What is yellow peeling with salicylic acid
  • Who is suitable for yellow skin peeling?
  • Contraindications to the yellow peeling procedure
  • How is yellow peeling performed in the salon?
  • Useful tips for those planning to undergo a course of yellow chemical peeling
  • What is the correct care after the yellow peeling procedure?
  • How much does yellow peeling cost?
  • Is it possible to do yellow peeling at home?

Yellow peeling... This is exactly the “colored” name for retinoic peeling, which is familiar to many. It perfectly helps in the fight against age-related skin changes. During the procedure, the top layer of dead cells is exfoliated, thereby stimulating the regeneration process of the dermis.

Like any other chemical peeling, yellow peeling must be carried out under the supervision of a cosmetologist, who will not only perform the procedure correctly, but also give detailed recommendations for further care. But you will learn in our article what results can be achieved using this amazing technique.

Yellow peeling – what is it?

Among ordinary people, this procedure is better known as yellow peeling rather than retinoic peeling, due to the color of the film that forms on the face during the process. Another unofficial name for the manipulation is “weekend exfoliation,” since after the service is provided, the skin heals very quickly, literally in a couple of days. Therefore, many women make an appointment with a cosmetologist on Friday in order to come to work after the weekend with a fresh and well-groomed face without any consequences of cleansing.

Experts divide cleaning according to the degree of penetration into the skin into superficial, middle and deep, and according to the degree of impact on the dermis - into mechanical and chemical. If we talk about yellow peeling, it has a chemical effect at the surface or middle level.

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The mask contains retinol, or retinoic acid. This drug has beneficial properties that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It triggers intracellular processes, while gently influencing the dermis of the face.

Let's say a few words about the properties of retinoic acid.

It is close in structure and properties to vinegar. However, when in contact with facial skin, retinoic acid has a milder effect and helps exfoliate dead cells.

Patient reviews

Patients do exfoliation using Block Age Peel on the recommendation of cosmetologists. The process causes discomfort, but the result is pleasing. Many patients avoid the option, fearing the upcoming discomfort.

The cosmetologist experienced the effect himself: he liked the result, but the process caused discomfort.

Properties of yellow peeling

Beneficial features:

  • Stimulation and rejuvenation of the skin.

Retinoic yellow peeling helps improve metabolism in the dermis, stabilizes cell membranes, accelerates their regeneration, protects against harmful radicals, and forms new protein structures such as collagen and elastin.

  • Improving the protective properties of the skin.

Such cleaning helps to improve and restore the natural immunity of the dermis, with the help of which it can protect itself from pathogenic microbes. Also, strong immunity promotes rapid healing of wounds.

  • Restoration of epithelial tissues in a number of skin diseases.

Retinoic acid helps get rid of acne, acne, loss of pigment at wound sites, and rapid skin regeneration after burns. It helps with psoriasis and dermatitis.

  • Lightening facial skin.

Retinoic yellow peeling produces a brightening effect on the skin. The components it contains block the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which promotes the release of melanin. Due to the increased activity of the latter, freckles, post-acne and hyperpigmentation appear on the face.

  • Prevention of cancer.

There is an opinion among experts that retinoic acid, through its action, can destroy damaged and weak skin cells, preventing the formation of harmful tumors in them, which could lead to the formation of a benign or malignant tumor.

Top manufacturers and products

Mediderma (Spain)

Leader in the market of professional and medical services in the development of chemical peels. The company of the same name is a division of the Sesderma laboratory. Its products have gained worldwide popularity due to their high efficiency and safety.

The drugs produced are intended for men and women of different ages, are suitable for all skin types, and are used for the prevention and treatment of dermatological diseases.

The best product for healing, cleansing and rejuvenating facial skin is Retises Forte Cream peeling cream based on retinol 10% (vitamin A) and retinyl propionate 1%. Smoothes wrinkles and prevents their appearance, nourishes, moisturizes, increases elasticity. In addition, it helps eliminate acne and pigmentation, brightens the tone, regulates the synthesis of new cells and the activity of old ones that produce melanin.

Possible compatibility with other types of chemical and laser exfoliation. Price in Moscow - 7125 rubles (15 ml).

Another cleanser from the Spanish company Mediderma is 3 RETISES CT Yellow Peel. Unlike the previous option, it has a less aggressive effect on the dermis.

In addition to the main active component, the “three retinol system” includes:

  • zinc - fights rashes, relieves inflammation;
  • hyaluronic acid - has a rejuvenating, moisturizing, antiseptic, smoothing effect;
  • ascorbic acid - whitens, evens out tone.

Recommended for use in cases of fine-wrinkled aging with severe rosacea, hyperpigmentation, acne and increased sebum production.

Available in micro ampoules (2 ml) and sachets (5 ml). The cost of one set is 2500 rubles.

Arcadia (Russia)

A domestic company that has gained popularity among cosmetologists due to the high effectiveness of its products.

Carrot's peel cleanser based on retinol, its derivatives and ascorbic acid.

Contains natural tocopherol as an auxiliary component. This is vitamin E, which is a powerful natural antioxidant, relieves inflammation, saturates cells with oxygen, stimulates regeneration processes, and improves the absorption of the active substance.

The exfoliant allows you to solve a wide range of problems with the dermis: rashes, age-related changes, the effects of ultraviolet radiation and other negative environmental factors. There are no age restrictions.

Sold in sets (gel peeling, creams - restoring and SPF 30, con). The price of one is about 3,000 rubles (enough for 2 procedures).

Kosmoteros Professionnel (Switzerland, France)

This is an international holding company developing products for the medical and cosmetic industries.

The innovative Yellow Peel cleanser helps eliminate fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Effectively fights seborrhea, acne, hyperkeratosis.

Among the main active ingredients (in addition to transretinoic acid 5%):

  • vitamins C and E - stimulate renewal processes, rejuvenate, maintain moisture levels, increase turgor, remove free radicals, have an anti-inflammatory effect, even out texture, improve color;

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Vitamin E - tocopherol is rightfully considered the vitamin of youth and longevity. The tocopherol molecule binds dangerous substances that are released by dead cells. By neutralizing such free radicals, it prevents aging and prevents the formation of cancer cells.

  • beta-carotene - protects against premature aging, the negative effects of external factors, prevents malignant degeneration of cells, and heals.

Available in 30 ml bottles. You can buy the drug in online professional cosmetics stores at a price of 8,300 rubles.

Dermatime (Spain)

Products are manufactured using modern technologies and high-quality raw materials. Today the brand offers a number of professional products, incl. and the legendary yellow peeling - Dermatime ( Golden Yellow Peel) .

It has gained popularity around the world thanks to its unique composition that combines retinyl palmitate and carrot polypeptides. This is an absolute innovation in cosmeceutical products.

The exfoliant provides delicate exfoliation of the skin and rapid regeneration, models the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles, and moisturizes. Effective against atrophic scars and stretch marks, follicular keratosis and acne.

Sold in sets: 6 ampoules of 2 ml and 6 sachets of 4 ml. Price - 8160 rubles.

How does yellow facial peel work?

Cosmetic manipulation renews the skin and improves the condition of your skin. However, its effect is completely different from other types of exfoliation, which tend to act on the skin from the outside, while the yellow peel solves problems by dealing with them from the inside. Let's take a closer look at this process.

To better understand the differences, let’s compare the effects of retinoic and fruit acids, namely glycolic acid. The latter grossly disrupts the outer layer of the skin, damaging it and removing dead cells, which are subsequently replaced with new ones. Retinoic acid has a milder effect on the dermis of the face, working not with cells directly, but with intercellular structures.

Retinoids do not interact with the top layer of the skin, but with the basal layer, where cells are born. Due to their structure, microparticles of the medicinal substance quickly penetrate to their destination and promote accelerated division and formation of new cells. They begin to actively move towards the surface of the skin and take the place of dead specimens, pushing them out. As a result, the dermis is exfoliated and renewed.

Thus, this composition does not act aggressively on the skin of the face, destroying old cells. On the contrary, it works from the inside and helps the emergence of new healthy specimens. Retinoic acid also helps improve the density and elasticity of your facial skin and its uniform pigmentation.

In addition to this substance, the medicinal composition also contains other components that have a positive effect on the condition of the dermis, such as:

  1. Phytic, kojic, azeloic acids, which help whiten the skin.
  2. Salicylic acid – exfoliates dead cells.
  3. Vitamin C fights free radicals.
  4. Allantoin, aloe and chamomile extracts produce a calming effect.

Here are some benefits of a cosmetic service:

  • has a gentle effect on the skin, there is virtually no discomfort or burning during the procedure;
  • after the first session you will be able to see a significant improvement in the condition of your dermis;
  • no side effects, skin healing occurs one to two days after the procedure;
  • four to five sessions will be enough to consolidate the result;
  • the effect lasts for three to four months.

Types of yellow peeling

Yellow peeling comes in two types. Cleanings differ in the amount of retinoic acid used and the time of the procedure.

Cosmetic brands offer exfoliating formulations with varying concentrations of retinoic acid. Thus, the professional product contains approximately 5–10% of this substance, as well as other auxiliary components: kojic, azeloic, phytic and other acids, which produce an additional effect, help whiten the skin, and soothe it.

The first composition contains synthetic retinoic acid, which is a high concentration of retinol. With this active substance content, the product has a deeper effect on the skin of the face. The medicinal composition is applied to the dermis twice with a break of one day. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight, so it is recommended to do it in autumn or winter in mostly cloudy weather. Before the session, you need to prepare your facial skin.

The second composition contains natural retinoic acid, which has a more gentle effect on facial skin. Yellow cream peeling on a natural basis produces superficial cleansing of the dermis. The procedure is performed once every month, interrupted during the summer.


The main advantage of retinoic peeling is the ability to use the products even on sensitive skin, since they have a gentle, gentle effect, minimizing the risk of complications, trauma and pain. The rejuvenation effect is noticeable after 2 procedures. The method is most effective if hyperpigmentation is actively combated. Complete rehabilitation after the procedure occurs on the fourth day. The product can be used even in summer, and if the skin does not have a tan.

Yellow peeling with salicylic acid

If you want to achieve greater results and have a few days to complete a full facial skin treatment, the yellow peeling procedure with salicylic acid is suitable for you. Before applying yellow peeling, the cosmetologist treats the dermis with salicylic acid and then applies the main composition. This manipulation promotes active peeling of dead skin cells.

Salicylic acid actively helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of the face, resulting in a more effective effect of the main composition on problem areas. If your dermis is acne-prone, you should regularly cleanse with this substance. Therapeutic components help heal inflammation and get rid of acne, improve blood circulation and cell restoration process.

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During the procedure, you may feel a slight burning sensation due to the active effect of salicylic and retinoic acids on problem areas of your skin.

After the first session you will notice an improvement in the condition of the dermis. However, do not forget that in order to consolidate the effect, you must undergo a course of treatment. As a result of proper therapy, you will become the owner of smooth, renewed skin. This manipulation will help you:

  1. Smooth out superficial wrinkles and reduce deep ones.
  2. Lighten or completely get rid of age spots.
  3. Even out skin texture and tone.
  4. Firm and tighten the dermis of the face.

After completing the procedure and removing the composition, you may notice redness of the skin, which is a natural reaction of the body. It will soon pass. However, a couple of days after your yellow salicylic acid peel session, a process will begin in which the top layer of your face's dermis will begin to crack and peel off.

Don’t be alarmed – this is how dead skin cells are removed from the surface so that their place can be taken by renewed and healthy cells. Of course, your appearance may raise many questions and not the most pleasant attention from colleagues and acquaintances. The use of concealing cosmetics will not help you much, and their use is not recommended, as it can limit the access of oxygen to new skin cells. Therefore, it is better to do yellow peeling at a time when you have a few free days to spend in peace at home.

As you know, salicylic acid dries the skin, so this manipulation is not recommended for people with dry skin. If you have thin and sensitive skin, the procedure may be harmful. Yellow peeling with acid is indicated for those with oily and combination skin types.

To consolidate the result, a course of three procedures should be carried out every two weeks. Next, you need to perform prophylaxis every three months.

Efficiency of application

Arcadia retinol peeling is recognized as a fast, effective way to improve skin quality. The procedure is characterized by maximum comfort during the intervention period, in comparison with other options for the yellow type of exfoliation, and is characterized by a minimum amount of inconvenience during recovery.

To achieve optimal results, 2 sessions of retinol exfoliation are sufficient. In difficult cases (problematic, aging skin), a cosmetologist may prescribe a more intensive course of procedures. Positive changes are noticeable after the first intervention:

  • the face becomes fresher and takes on a healthy appearance;
  • freckles and age spots lighten;
  • pores are cleansed, the number of rashes is reduced;
  • the number of wrinkles is reduced, deep creases become less noticeable;
  • scars and stretch marks are smoothed out;
  • Pores are reduced, the problem of excessive oiliness and dry skin disappears;
  • tissues reach optimal tone, sagging becomes less noticeable, and a slight lifting effect is visible.

Retinol exfoliation procedures are carried out 1–2 weeks apart. It is recommended to perform the intervention on the eve of the weekend (preferably on Wednesday, Thursday), providing the skin with the opportunity for a calm recovery. Before the Arkady retinol peeling course, as well as in anticipation of any other yellow exfoliation option, preparation of the integument is necessary. The process will take 2–4 weeks.

Who is suitable for yellow skin peeling?

Retinoic yellow peeling is an almost universal cosmetic procedure that allows you to cope with many skin imperfections.

In addition to the usual set that any other exfoliation has, namely getting rid of dullness, greasiness and uneven surface of the dermis, yellow peeling will help you in the fight against:

  • wrinkles;
  • age spots;
  • photoaging;
  • decreased turgor;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum.

As a rule, most often this cosmetic procedure is performed by women after 40 years of age with the appearance of age-related changes on the face. If you have acne or acne marks, you are also recommended to use this service.

Thanks to its medicinal composition, yellow peeling improves skin condition and helps:

  • deeply cleanse the dermis, while producing an antibacterial effect that prevents the development of acne;
  • stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, tighten facial contours and smooth out wrinkles;
  • even out skin color, making it healthy and matte;
  • lighten freckles, age spots and post-acne.

This cosmetic service is recommended for you if you:

  • withered dermis, there are wrinkles;
  • the sebaceous glands are too active;
  • dry skin type;
  • there are defects on the face (pits, scars, etc.);
  • there are pimples, comedones, blackheads;
  • unhealthy complexion.

As you can see, yellow peeling helps fight many skin diseases, so it can be performed by anyone who in one way or another wants to improve the condition of their skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort.
  • There is virtually no chance of complications developing
  • Fast rehabilitation
  • Visible effect after the first session
  • No restrictions on age and skin type
  • Solving a wide range of dermatological problems, improving health and slowing down the aging process
  • Can be done in summer
  • After the full course, the result lasts up to 4 months
  • Presence of contraindications
  • Pre-peeling preparation required
  • Yellow complexion and slight itching for a few hours after exfoliation
  • Repeated applications of the cleaning composition will be required for maximum effectiveness.

Contraindications to the yellow peeling procedure

Before carrying out the procedure, you must consult a cosmetologist. This manipulation has a number of contraindications, so you should find out in advance whether this service is right for you or whether it is not worth doing.

Yellow facial peeling is not recommended if you have:

  • Allergy. By its effect on the skin of the face, retinol triggers an accelerated metabolism and makes the dermis more sensitive. If you have previously had allergic reactions, then after exfoliation there is a high probability of a relapse of the disease.
  • Viruses and infections. For the reasons described above, the risk of developing pathologies caused by the activity of harmful microorganisms also increases. Most often, herpes may develop after the procedure.
  • Photosensitivity. If your skin is sensitive to ultraviolet rays, it may burn after exfoliation.
  • Liver diseases. The active components of the medicinal composition not only interact with skin cells, but also partially enter the blood and then the liver. If you have pathologies of this organ, retinoic acid can cause negative consequences.
  • Skin diseases. If your dermis is damaged or can suffer from the slightest impact, you are not recommended to undergo the procedure, as it can cause burns and additional injuries.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. The active component of yellow peeling - retinol - can negatively affect the health of the baby in the womb, so you should refrain from using the service a year before the expected pregnancy, while pregnant, and also during lactation.
  • Taking certain medications. For example, if you take Roaccutane or other medications that are similar in composition and purpose, this service is not indicated for you during the course.
  • Neoplasms. If you have a tumor on your face, it is not recommended to do yellow peeling, as exposure to it may cause it to grow.

Remember that you can do yellow peeling only if you have no contraindications. Even if you plan to perform this procedure at home, be sure to consult a specialist first.

Precautionary measures

The only side effects that may be observed after the procedure are peeling, redness and slight swelling, which is normal for chemical exposure. Unpleasant symptoms disappear without a trace after 5-7 days.

If the instructions for use are followed and there are no contraindications, complications usually do not occur. They occur only in exceptional cases. Possible reasons include:

  • insufficient examination or complete neglect of it at the preparatory stage;
  • non-compliance with recommendations during the post-peeling period;
  • unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist, violation of application technique;
  • low quality of the drug used;
  • individual allergy to retinol and its derivatives.

Retinol peeling is prohibited if you have the following health problems:

  • eczema;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • liver pathologies;
  • skin damage (wounds, abrasions, ulcers);
  • warts on the face;
  • increased susceptibility of integument to solar radiation;
  • pregnancy and its planning period, lactation in women.

You will have to temporarily postpone the procedure after a fresh tan and undergoing retinoid therapy.

How is yellow peeling performed in the salon?

This cosmetic procedure will help you renew your skin, make it fresh and shiny, get rid of dead cells and acne areas. Let's take a closer look at how yellow peeling is done in the salon.

Stage 1. Preparation.

It is strongly recommended that the procedure be performed only by a specially trained technician. Of course, you can buy yellow peeling to do it yourself at home, but in this case the responsibility will lie entirely with you, since if the subtleties are not followed or the dosage is incorrect, there is a high risk of negative consequences.

Before visiting a cosmetologist, you need to prepare your skin in a certain way:

  • Use skincare products daily with a percentage of retinoic acid of 0.025–0.1%.
  • Temporarily refrain from sunbathing and tanning.

If you have a fair skin type, start this preparation two weeks before the procedure. For those with dark skin, it is recommended to increase the duration of this stage to four weeks. This is due to the fact that dark skin is more sensitive to the active components of the composition.

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Before starting the session, the cosmetologist must conduct a test for an allergic reaction. If the skin has not shown a negative response, you can safely proceed to the main stage.

Stage 2. Carrying out the procedure.

Yellow peeling, application protocol:

  1. The specialist cleanses the skin of cosmetics, dust and all types of impurities.
  2. Then the dermis must be wiped with salicylic or glycolic acid to superficially remove dead cells from the surface of the face. After such cleansing, the main composition will be easier to penetrate into problem areas.
  3. The main preparation is applied to the face using a brush.
  4. The medicinal composition is kept on the skin for 15 minutes. During the first procedure, it is recommended to use a product with a reduced concentration of retinol to adapt the dermis and eliminate the risk of chemical burns. In this case, the composition can be left on the face for up to 12 hours.
  5. 15 minutes after application, the drug hardens and forms a yellow film. After the procedure is completed, it must be removed. If you need to let the compound sit for several hours, you will have to remove it at home yourself.

After exfoliation, you should apply a protectant to your skin to act as a barrier to harmful ultraviolet rays.

Useful tips for those planning to undergo a course of yellow chemical peeling

  1. Contact only those specialists who have the necessary qualifications to perform the yellow peeling procedure with retinol. The quality of the service provided and your health directly depend on this.
  2. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the office and the sterility of the equipment.
  3. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist must conduct a consultation, during which he can check the condition of your skin for any contraindications to the procedure, and give recommendations for preparation.
  4. Listen to all expert advice. Remember that the final result depends on the correct adherence to the stages of the procedure.
  5. For some time after the session, try to avoid direct sunlight and refrain from going to the solarium.
  6. It is recommended to do the procedure in autumn or winter, when the weather is mostly cloudy and the risk of exposure to ultraviolet radiation is reduced. During the rest of the year, exposure to the sun can lead to premature photoaging of the skin and the appearance of age spots.
  7. How long to do yellow peeling? To consolidate the result, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment of three sessions every two to three weeks. However, if you have minor facial skin problems, one procedure may be sufficient.
  8. You should not perform exfoliation if you are planning an event or public presence in the near future. After the service is provided, an unexpected allergic reaction may occur or the skin recovery time may increase, which may negatively affect your appearance.
  9. Assess all negative complications that may arise after the procedure.
  10. After the end of the session, it is advisable to get home by your own transport or by taxi. Since the composition is kept on the face for six hours or more, you will have to return to your place with the applied drug.
  11. There is an opinion that the active component of yellow peeling, retinol, can be harmful to health. This possibility cannot be excluded, however, for this to happen, the concentration of the substance must be enormous, which is impossible with this procedure, since a negligible amount of retinol enters the blood through the skin, which is then excreted from the body in the shortest possible time.
  12. Sometimes on the Internet you can find negative reviews about yellow peeling, the effect of which turned out to be insignificant. This is only possible with thick skin, since in this case the active components of the substance cannot penetrate through the dense structure to problem areas. To get the result, you must first do regular exfoliation, which will help remove the stratum corneum of the dermis and facilitate the penetration of the active substance.

It is worth remembering that yellow peeling, due to its effect on the skin, can lower your immunity and increase the risk of skin infection with various infections. As a result, herpes may appear. To avoid such consequences, the cosmetologist prescribes a course of medications before the procedure that are aimed at strengthening your immunity.

After the session, the following reactions may occur in some areas of the skin:

  • redness;
  • burning;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • slight swelling.

As a rule, all these phenomena disappear within a day or two after the procedure.

You can do yellow facial peeling only if you have serious skin problems and only in a salon with a professional cosmetologist in order to avoid negative consequences after the manipulation.

Proper skin care after yellow peeling procedure

After the procedure is completed, a period of rehabilitation and restoration of the skin begins. At this time, you may experience:

  • dryness and peeling of the dermis;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • rash (with liver pathologies).

Usually these consequences completely disappear within two to three days after the procedure. Within a week of doing the yellow peel, the peeling will completely stop and you will get rid of dead skin cells.

After performing yellow peeling, care for the dermis is necessary:

  • use sunscreen regularly;
  • Wash your face daily with light cleansers that do not contain alkalis or acids;
  • To moisturize, periodically treat your facial skin with thermal water.

In order for the dermal restoration process to be completed as quickly as possible, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • do not try to get rid of flaky skin on your own, as scarring may form;
  • refrain from visiting the sauna and bathhouse, as well as swimming in a pool or open water to avoid the risk of infections;
  • Avoid sunbathing and visiting a solarium;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol and spicy foods, as well as medications that contain retinol.

Follow these recommendations for the first five to seven days. Try to be more gentle with your skin for a month after the procedure.

After the end of the recovery period, you will become the owner of a smooth and velvety dermis, an even complexion. Pigment spots and post-acne will be significantly lighter, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the skin will be tightened. Below you can see before and after photos of the yellow peel.

The first two procedures must be carried out every two weeks. The next two sessions are in four weeks. In the future, it is advisable to perform preventive manipulations every four months.

If during the rehabilitation period your skin turns red and experiences unpleasant itching, try to soothe it with special cosmetics or herbal lotions.

Also, to get rid of uncomfortable sensations, a mask made from oatmeal and milk (cereals must first be crushed) will help you. You can brew chamomile or linden flowers and rinse your face with the prepared tinctures.

Rehabilitation period

Recovery lasts 4–10 days. The duration depends on the susceptibility of the integument and the intensity of the intervention performed. Skin care differs little from the standard everyday option. Regular cleaning is carried out using mild detergents. If necessary, Vegefarma cream is applied to the surface (can be replaced with Thriphalan Balm ointment, regular panthenol). When going outside, be sure to use a product with a high SPF level: the manufacturer recommends Mediscreen.

In the first 2–5 days, the development of edema, erythema, and swelling is possible. The integument turns yellowish. The external picture is similar to that which occurs after excessive insolation. You may experience unpleasant sensations in the form of burning, tingling, itching in mild forms.

Active peeling occurs on days 2–3. The nature of exfoliation is individual: pieces of skin can come off in small strips or peel off in whole layers. The doctor will warn you against helping exfoliation: scratching your face or tearing off exfoliating pieces is prohibited. This is important to obtain a quality result.

Important point! Peeling can occur not only in areas exposed to the composition. Retinoids penetrate into the blood and spread throughout the body.

The appearance of itching or a mild rash in different parts of the body does not necessarily indicate an allergy. In doubtful situations, you can additionally consult a cosmetologist.

During preparation and rehabilitation, it is prohibited to sunbathe or be in the sun without protective cream. The restriction is valid for up to a month. The cosmetologist will also indicate the need to refuse:

  • using scrubs and other care products with abrasive particles, performing various intensive procedures;
  • applying substances containing alcohol and fruit acids to the surface;
  • coloring of eyebrows, eyelashes, and other effects using aggressive chemicals.

It is also recommended to avoid visiting the sauna, swimming pool, washing in hot water, drinking alcohol, playing sports, and using decorative cosmetics. Peeling finally stops after 8–10 days. At this time, most restrictions are lifted. Repeated intervention is carried out 1–2 months after the previous procedure.

How much does yellow peeling cost?

Depending on what type of peeling you do and what brand of product you use, the price of yellow peeling also changes. During the consultation, the cosmetologist will create an individual treatment plan for you with preparatory procedures.

The average cost of peeling is 4,500–8,000 rubles.

Currently, there are a huge number of manufacturers offering medicinal compositions for performing manipulation. You can buy any brand of yellow facial peel for the procedure.

Here are some popular brands that offer the best yellow peeling: GIGI (Israel), CosMedix (USA), SesDerma (Spain), etc.

The cost of a session using these compounds will be approximately 10,000 rubles.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors use Block Age Peel in their work. The product gives positive results and is easy to use. Cosmetologists classify the substance as a strong variant of the yellow exfoliation option.

The doctor considers Block Age Peel Gel a tough option.

The cosmetologist calls Block Age Peel Gel a strong remedy.

The cosmetologist likes the yellow exfoliant from Martinex.

The doctor likes the results of the product.

Is it possible to do yellow peeling at home?

Of course, you are wondering how to make yellow peeling at home. However, there is no answer to this. This procedure is strongly recommended to be carried out in beauty salons. Since retinol has serious effects on the skin at the mid-level, this service should be provided under the supervision of a professional technician.

If the procedure is carried out incorrectly at home, negative consequences may arise, such as skin pigmentation, which will then have to be dealt with for a very long time.

Only a specialist can choose the correct dosage of the composition specifically for your skin type.

Let us repeat once again that yellow facial peeling is a professional cosmetic procedure that is contraindicated to be done at home.

On your own, you can only use cosmetics that contain retinol. Such products affect the skin at a superficial level and promote gradual and gentle renewal of the dermis.

But even when using such formulations, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations described in the instructions for the drug.

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Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can undergo a cupping massage course at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13, and you will see for yourself!

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