Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich: date and place of birth, brief biography, education, personal life, work, quality of plastic surgeries performed and patient reviews of his work

Shikhirman's success

His success is a result of hard work and constant learning. As for education, Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich is a plastic surgeon, and he received his base, or so-called crust, at the Saratov Medical University. Then he continued to improve his knowledge in postgraduate studies at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Medical Sciences (Department of Maxillofacial Surgery), and then in residency at the Moscow Medical Academy. The advantage is not only the huge amount of knowledge provided in the best educational institutions, but also the desire of Eduard Vadimovich to become the best. Therefore, he has various advanced training courses, years of practice and experienced teachers. He himself is 100% sure that his knowledge and desire to become a good specialist paid off. And studying at top-level institutions provides an excellent foundation, helps you gain confidence and everything you need to become successful in the future. One day, a doctor devoted himself to aesthetic surgery and never regretted it. And the world saw golden hands.

All the pros and cons of laser nose correction

Laser nose surgery, like any other new product in the field of medicine and technology, has found its fans and enemies during its existence. Usually those people who are accustomed to classical methods speak negatively about this type of correction. But modern medicine has already been able to appreciate the benefits of using such “know-how”. Surgeons evaluate cases in terms of the need for such equipment.

Indications for laser plastic surgery

Laser surgery on the nose should have its indications, like any other surgical intervention. Among the main reasons for such correction are:

  • Excessively wide tip of the nose.
  • Crook in the nose.
  • Defects acquired after injuries.
  • Congenital defects.
  • Narrow nostrils (in such cases, cartilage from the nasal septum is often taken as a spacer, which can easily be done with laser nose surgery).
  • Wide nostrils.
  • Curved back.

These are the main indications for surgery, which is performed using a laser. But despite the available reasons, in some cases the operation cannot be performed. Therefore, it is necessary to consider contraindications.

Contraindications for surgery

Laser surgery on the nose also has its contraindications. They are typical for almost all types of rhinoplasty, especially when it comes to surgery. Among the reasons not to undergo laser correction are:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Scars at the site of intervention.
  • Incoagulability of blood.
  • Inflammatory diseases in the area of ​​intervention.
  • Rash on the nose.
  • Infectious diseases of an incurable or difficult to treat type (hepatitis, HIV, etc.).
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

We recommend that patients not only undergo a full examination, but also provide complete information about their health status. This includes a list of medications he is taking. You need to take into account every nuance, since not only the result, but also your health and even life depends on it.

Possible complications

With any surgical intervention, complications may develop. Reviews of laser rhinoplasty say that after the operation unpleasant symptoms appear that go away over time. Here we mean swelling, pain, bruising on the face, difficulty breathing through the nose. Considering that rhinoplasty in general is more of a piece of jewelry, requiring the surgeon’s firm hand, experience, and skill, the patient should take the choice of an institution and a specialist seriously. You will have to wait a very long time to see the results of the doctor's work. That's why you need to rely on real reviews about laser rhinoplasty, the price of which can be a little high at times.

It is also worth considering the fact that the patient himself must exercise common sense and not do independent procedures with the operated olfactory organ, unless the doctor himself has told you about it

Maximum caution and accuracy is required. Otherwise, the following complications may develop:

  1. Changing the shape of the nose in a negative context.
  2. Curvature of the nostrils.
  3. Curvature of the back.
  4. Impaired breathing due to narrowing of the nasal passages.
  5. Valve failure.
  6. Perforation of the septum.

Such problems will only have to be corrected with repeated surgery. Note that correction of the nasal septum with a laser during repeated intervention may require large expenses. Therefore, be careful in finding an experienced doctor and follow his recommendations.

Next Steps

Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich practiced and built up a clientele in leading metropolitan clinics, even then he gained authority and managed to become a fairly successful specialist. He headed the department of plastic surgery at a famous medical institution called Lathan. You could rely on him, the plastic surgeon knew his field from “A” to “Z”, everyone wanted his advice. Gradually, the ambitions of a born doctor will help him decide to open his own clinic.

Answers to the most pressing questions about non-surgical nose correction

Is non-surgical rhinoplasty considered a full replacement for classical surgery?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is an excellent way to correct minor flaws in the nose. But with the help of such a procedure it will not be possible to cope with cardinal changes in the respiratory organ.

Is there any pain during the procedure?

To correct nasal defects without surgery, you do not need to endure pain. The procedure is considered absolutely safe if it is carried out by a qualified specialist.

When will the effect be noticeable after non-surgical rhinoplasty?

The effect of non-surgical rhinoplasty is temporary. This means that after a certain period of time you will have to visit the doctor again. On average, the duration of the effect of the procedure is from 6 months to 1 year. The thread method guarantees longer lasting results.

Will it be possible to shorten or lengthen the nose with non-surgical rhinoplasty?

It will not be possible to make the respiratory organ shorter or longer without surgery. This method of influence helps to cope only with minor flaws.

If you need drastic changes, pay attention to the classic type of rhinoplasty

Opening your own clinic

Finally, Dr. Shikhirman’s most important project came to life. All knowledge, work and high level of professionalism are reflected in the Dr. clinic. Shihirman. The plastic surgery center has a large number of positive aspects. Firstly, it is individual work with each client, and secondly, a responsible approach and experienced specialists. The clinic is under the leadership of a pioneer and one of the most famous doctors. It is impossible not to mention modern equipment, a wide range of techniques, and the ability to perform complex operations. The center promises safety and excellent results. Plastic surgeons guarantee only high quality and excellent patient care, as well as follow-up consultations after a certain period of time.

Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich considers it necessary to be as interested as possible in establishing a connection with the patient, in understanding him and his situation as a whole. Each client is an individual. Accepting this fact is the key to success. Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich is a doctor who helped people become beautiful, confident and healthy. Find a balance between aesthetics and safety. By his example, he shows the importance of training, experience, effort and complete dedication to his favorite business. The plastic surgeon is aware of all the responsibility, and this is incredibly gratifying. Thanks to such people, the quality of medical care in Russia is improving!

Rating of plastic surgeons in Moscow

The capital of Russia is a place on the map where the best specialists in the country practice (some specialize better in rhinoplasty, others in mammoplasty).

High competition, perfectionism and healthy ambitions do not allow any of them to stand still, but force them to develop and improve. Our ranking of the best plastic surgeons in Moscow includes only such doctors.

According to the results of a survey of Internet users in the field of mammoplasty, these are:

  • Krahmanov Eldar Beglarovich. He brilliantly performs not only mammoplasty, but also liposuction, correction of eyelids, ears, and abdomen. Works at the Doctor Plastic clinic.
  • Korobkov Georgy Igorevich. Accepted at the Medina clinic. He is the author of the unique device orbitometr.
  • Mistakopulo Philip Nikolaevich. It has been working since 1996. He receives treatment at the Frau Klinik.
  • Bakov Vadim Sergeevich. Accepted at LanTan clinics, as well as Dr. Plastic. He has been performing operations since 1993.
  • Mikhailov Andrey Anatolyevich. Also working since '93. Currently working at Soho Clinic.
  • Gigiberidze Otari Teimurazovich. Serves patients in her own clinic, called “Beauty Time”.

The TOP of the best specialists in Moscow in rhinosurgery includes:

  • Konstantinov Badri Gulievich (experience: more than 30 years);
  • Pavlyuchenko Leonid Leonidovich (accepted as a Mediaesthetician, experience: 37 years);
  • Samartsev Viktor Ivanovich (works at Delta Clinic, experience: 25 years);
  • Wulf Igor Aleksandrovich (working since 1977, accepting appointments at FrauKlinik).

The best plastic surgeon for blepharoplasty in Moscow is Eldar Beglarovich Kahramanov, a talented representative of a whole dynasty of brilliant plastic surgeons, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

He also practices otoplasty, abdominoplasty and breast contour correction.

Among the best facelift doctors in Moscow, Internet users include:

  1. Korobkov Georgy Igorevich (Medlounge and Medina);
  2. Kahramanov Beglar Umbatovich;
  3. Bely Igor Anatolyevich (leading clinics in Moscow);
  4. Ovanesova Olga Aleksandrovna (“MedLaz”);
  5. Naumov Vladimir Viktorovich (RossClinic);
  6. Karpova Elena Ivanovna;
  7. Efendiev Magomed Magomedovich (Clinic of the Century).

Professional position of Eduard Vadimovich and his team

The plastic surgeon is confident that his task is not only to bring people closer to perfection, but also to ensure their safety, above all. He insists that the clinic's philosophy is integral to this. Health is the most important thing in our lives, we need to take care of it! Therefore, he spent a lot of time searching for equally responsible and experienced specialists in order to assemble a wonderful team. Today, they work together hard and provide their clients with everything they need. This is the secret of the success and successful activities of the Shikhirman clinic.

On the official website for patients there is a special block that helps them take the first step and find out everything they need regarding the surgical intervention being performed. This includes a list of analyzes and many articles; there are also videos, news and recommendations from the specialists themselves. Of course, it will not be possible to do without a consultation; nevertheless, as stated earlier, the doctor needs to see the patient in person, understand his situation completely and decide together what to do next.

Prices for plastic surgery cannot be called budgetary, because the procedure includes several stages, it is incredibly important and responsible. On a pleasant note, the site regularly hosts promotions that help you spend a little less.

Myths about rhinoplasty

Often, myths about rhinoplasty prevent women and men from deciding to undergo surgery. Below are the most common misconceptions:

  1. During the operation, the doctor breaks his nose. Sometimes plastic surgeons perform an osteotomy (making a hole in the bones). But all this is done carefully, no one breaks their nose.
  2. It is possible for the nose to shift during recovery. Indeed, after surgery, bone and cartilage structures are very fragile. Therefore, you need to be careful for about 3 months. But the nose cannot move on its own. This can happen if a person hits himself during rehabilitation.
  3. After rhinoplasty, nasal breathing disappears. After the intervention, the doctor will place special turundas in the nostrils. These gauze swabs are used for 2-3 days. At this time you will have to breathe through your mouth. But in the future, during the rehabilitation process, the patient will be able to breathe as before. Moreover, if septoplasty was performed, then breathing also improves.
  4. Over the course of a year, the nose can change shape. Of course, the changes are not global, but still, there is some truth in this. During rehabilitation, the nose may change slightly.
  5. Everyone who has had rhinoplasty has the same nose. It is not true. But sometimes all the results from one surgeon are very similar. It all depends on the technique the doctor uses. Not all surgeons approach each patient individually.
  6. Your appearance will change dramatically after surgery. The nose is the visible part of the face. This is why it seems that your appearance changes a lot after rhinoplasty. But changes are happening for the better. After all, the purpose of the operation is aesthetic correction.

Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich: positive reviews

Many people write that I would like to express my deep gratitude to every specialist in this clinic. Clients have thought for a long time about which clinic to choose; after all, human life and health are at stake after surgery. But, fortunately, those who chose Shikhirman were not mistaken. After the operation, everyone feels great, finally the cherished dream of many has come true, emotions are still raging. People say that they are happy and express sincere words of gratitude to Shikhirman.

Many women have already experienced so-called age-related changes. As soon as they notice this, their self-esteem immediately collapses. The swollen outline and wrinkles are terrible. But most women could not decide to undergo surgery; the word itself frightened them. And from the first minute of communication with plastic surgeons, the smile does not leave the face, all clients instantly calm down and trust themselves to the professionals. Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich is called a miracle doctor, a talented and experienced specialist. The life of patients after surgery changes for the better, they become self-confident and beautiful.

Clients say “thank you very much” to plastic surgeons and all the clinic staff. People are very happy to meet highly qualified specialists and simply sympathetic people. Thanks to their approach, the operations went perfectly. No consequences, only joy and happiness! The atmosphere in the clinic is wonderful and cozy, the staff is friendly and caring. Clients find this really important before, during and after surgery. And the result exceeded all expectations, the work was filigree. Everyone recommends the clinic of Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich in Moscow.

The best plastic surgeons for rhinoplasty in Moscow

Blokhin Sergey NikolaevichRNRMU named after Pirogov, st. Gilyarovsky, 55 From 70,000 to 200,000 rubles
Wulf Igor AlexandrovichRNRMU named after Pirogov, st. Gilyarovsky, 55 From 70,000 to 200,000 rubles
Grigoryants Vladislav Semenovich"ArbatAesthetic", trans. Kamennaya Sloboda, 6/2 From 260,000 to 380,000 rubles
Aleksanyan Tigran Albertovich"Art Plastic", st. Mnevniki, 13 From 280,000 to 400,000 rubles
Shikhirman Eduard Vladimirovich"Art Plastic", st. Mnevniki, 13 From 320,000 to 450,000 rubles
Bely Igor Anatolievich"Ottimo", st. Myasnitskaya, 24, bldg. 1 From 120,000 to 340,000 rubles
Kudinova Ekaterina Sergeevna"Bikod", Leningradskoe shosse, 8From 260,000 to 460,000 rubles
Abrahamyan Solomon MoiseevichRNRMU named after Pirogov, st. Gilyarovsky, 55 From 320,000 to 400,000 rubles

How to choose the right plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty in Moscow

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a specialist, we recommend that you create an individual rating of plastic surgery clinics

We will tell you what to pay attention to first and how to immediately weed out unsuitable medical institutions

When choosing, it is important to take into account your personal requirements for the clinic and specialist; first of all, you need to select plastic surgery clinics according to the following criteria:

Territorial location of the clinic

Priority should be given to medical centers located as close to your home as possible.

This is important because after surgery it is not recommended to use public transport or stay in public places for a long time. This is especially important to consider if you do not plan to stay in the hospital for the first few days after rhinoplasty. Any minor infection that gets into a fresh incision is dangerous with serious complications and may even lead to the need for repeat rhinoplasty; this operation can cost several times more.

Any minor infection that gets into a fresh incision is dangerous with serious complications and may even lead to the need for repeat rhinoplasty; this operation can cost several times more.

Cost of services

Please note that the minimum cost of the operation does not include anesthetic benefits, consumables, daily observation in the hospital, the cost of diagnostics, mandatory preoperative clinical studies and consultations with a plastic surgeon. To calculate the approximate cost of rhinoplasty, add up all prices, but do not forget that the price of a rehabilitation course is always personal and is determined by your current state of health at the time of surgery

Qualification and experience of a plastic surgeon

You should trust rhinoplasty to an experienced and reliable specialist; the slightest mistake during the operation is fraught with serious consequences, from the visibility of scars to the need for repeat rhinoplasty. Many plastic surgeons in Moscow have extensive experience and a high qualification category, but it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the doctor’s specialization and your individual requirements for the type of operation. If you want to correct the appearance of your nose, consider doctors who specialize in aesthetic surgery. Likewise, if you have problems with the functions of the respiratory tract, choose a specialist among bone reconstructive rhinoplasty surgeons.

When choosing a plastic surgery clinic, pay attention to bonus and discount systems, free services and promotions; sometimes the savings are significant. Be sure to find out what equipment is used in the operating rooms. Some Moscow clinics are equipped with innovative medical equipment that allows plastic surgery to be performed faster and with better quality than with standard equipment.

Don’t forget about the hospital conditions of medical institutions, read patient reviews about the nursing staff

Some Moscow clinics are equipped with innovative medical equipment that allows plastic surgery to be performed faster and with better quality than with standard equipment. Don’t forget about the hospital conditions of medical institutions, read patient reviews about the nursing staff.

Negative reviews

Of course, as in any other industry, there are dissatisfied customers and negative reviews. Fortunately, negative reviews about Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich are not associated with the unsuccessful outcome of the operations.

Many girls were consulted by a leading specialist. And some people immediately did not like the specialist; he seemed a cheeky and unpleasant person. The women did not undergo the operation and decided to look for another clinic.

Also, some women were terribly disappointed in the specialist, because the consultation took literally ten minutes, and the bill was billed for half a million rubles. Naturally, many people were shocked and did not like it. We did not receive clear and understandable answers to the questions. They don't understand how they can trust such doctors.

Many people have the feeling that the specialist is stuck in the nineties. And initially, many bought into the vast experience and positive reviews.

Rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty

The list of recommendations for rehabilitation after surgery does not have any particular gender differences. After an operation to reduce the shape of a man’s nose, special splints are inserted into the nasal passages, which help reduce swelling and stop bleeding. A plaster splint will be applied to the face, which will perform a protective function, and will be removed after 3 days.

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to minimize heavy physical activity. Sleeping is recommended only on your back, on a high pillow. It is prohibited to wear glasses. Many patients are concerned about the question: is it possible to smoke after rhinoplasty? This topic is included in a separate article on our website. Due to the characteristics of the male body, rehabilitation is easier than in women. Nasal breathing normalizes faster, nasal congestion is less pronounced, and there is no tendency to swelling. With repeated rhinoplasty of the nose, rehabilitation will take longer, as well as after reconstruction of the nose after a fracture.

Technique of the operation

There are two schools that develop in parallel and partly compete: the school of open rhinoplasty and the school of closed rhinoplasty. The choice of access depends on the experience and tactics of the operating surgeon. For the patient, the only difference is a small incision on the skin of the nasal septum (columella).

With open access, the incision passes along the columella, with closed access, on the mucous membrane in the vestibule of the nose

Incisions both inside and outside the nose heal quickly and are completely invisible to others.

To gain access to cartilage and bone during correction, closed rhinoplasty involves making small incisions inside each nostril. In this case, the skin is not separated from the frame. During the operation, miniature surgical instruments are used. For example, to get rid of the “potato” nose shape, the doctor corrects the pterygoid cartilages. Taking into account the required intervention and the structure of the patient's nose, the surgeon uses sutures to tilt or pull the alar cartilages inward, achieving a specific correction. The result is the desired, aesthetically correct shape. The method gives excellent results, the recovery period is relatively short.

Read more about closed rhinoplasty here:

Open plastic surgery provides the greatest opportunities for performing surgery at a high level of quality. At the beginning of open surgery, 2 incisions are usually made. A small cut in the columella, the area of ​​tissue that separates the nostrils. Using a retractor to open the inside, the rhinosurgeon makes a second incision, known in surgery as a marginal incision. It runs from the incision in the columella area to one and the second nostril

Using special surgical scissors, the surgeon carefully cuts the skin along an incision in the columella area to separate it from the frame. The incisions make it possible to correctly separate the anatomical components

This ensures complete visualization of the required areas. The doctor has the opportunity to carefully examine the entire frame, make an extremely precise correction of the structure and give the nose the necessary shape. Using advanced operating technology and special medical instruments, the doctor is able to achieve the desired shape when removing or replacing tissue (including implants).

Read more about open rhinoplasty here:

Surgeon's comment: “In open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made, after which the skin of the nose is completely folded back and all the structures of the nose are exposed. This access gives very good visualization. For the patient, this access is somewhat more traumatic, because The nasal area is more involved, and in the postoperative period with the open technique, swelling lasts longer. In the future, a small scar remains on the skin, but it is almost invisible. With closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made inside the nose, on the mucous membrane. But for the surgeon, the operating field is much less visible. A deep knowledge of anatomy is required, because... everything is done almost by touch. Since the result can be obtained equally good with both open and closed surgery, the latter is more popular.”

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