4D laser rejuvenation by Fotona: stages, effect, reviews

The pace of modern life does not allow wasting time. Therefore, everyone strives to maintain youth and beauty using the fastest and most minimally invasive methods. How is such a difficult task accomplished? Total Charm aesthetic medicine clinics have everything for this: impeccable staff and advanced equipment.

Total Charm clinics are one of the few that have a unique Slovenian laser system (Fotona).
This company has been around for more than half a century, developing innovative laser equipment for a variety of fields, and today is deservedly considered a leader in the laser industry. “Indeed, Fotona has existed for a long time and initially produced laser systems for defense, industrial, and communications purposes, and then mastered the medical field, where it achieved great success,” says Maria Kuznetsova. “She has been on the aesthetic medicine market for more than 20 years.”

Everything is possible

The Photon laser device is a multifunctional device that generates radiation from erbium and neodymium lasers, considered the “gold standard” in aesthetic medicine. “Today this is one of the most modern laser systems with many patents,” says Maria Kuznetsova. – With the range of possible procedures, it can replace almost an entire clinic!

“Photona” has a colossal number of different protocols, starting from the removal of blood vessels and ending with peelings and skin resurfacing. It can be used both in aesthetics and in dermatology, gynecology, and surgery for the removal of tumors. There is even such an interesting protocol as treating snoring. Most methods are patented and approved by a reputable American organization - the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Erbium laser (Er:YAG) has a wavelength of 2940 nm, neodymium (Nd:YAG) - 1064 nm. The first allows you to carry out techniques that damage the skin surface: various peelings, resurfacing, removal of tumors and skin rejuvenation.

The second works with vascular changes in the skin, removes blood vessels, treats nail fungus, acne and rosacea, performs laser hair removal, four types of rejuvenation, lipodestruction of subcutaneous fat and procedures aimed at reducing local fat deposits. That is, he is able to solve all the most pressing problems of an aesthetic nature.”

Is it possible to combine the procedure with other types of rejuvenation?

Laser rejuvenation will be more effective the better the skin is hydrated. If, due to age or improper care, the tissues contain little moisture, the results of the procedure may not be as pronounced as you would like. The problem can be solved with additional cosmetic procedures such as biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid - or mesotherapy - injection of a vitamin cocktail into problem areas. Both of these injections restore the skin's water balance and stimulate tissue volume restoration and new cell growth. It is permissible to carry out these procedures both before and after laser rejuvenation.

What is the difference from others

The aesthetic medicine market does not stand still; every year new devices appear, improving this or that procedure and attracting new possibilities. “The Foton system differs from other similar installations in that it has many patented modes for delivering laser pulses,” explains Maria Kuznetsova.

This means that no one has such technologies. For example, for a neodymium laser these are ultra-long and ultra-short pulses, which form the basis of the FRAC3 and PIANO modes.

In FRAC3 mode, three-dimensional laser pulses impact the superficial and middle layers of the skin, providing reconstruction of the dermis. PIANO deeply heats the tissues, causing them to tighten and have a lifting effect. And with an erbium laser, this is a cold mode and exposure to an ablative laser without damaging the skin - SMOOTH.

The latter allows you to work on the mucous membranes, for example, it is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, atrophic phenomena in women, and this mode has also found application in andrology for working with the skin of the male genital organs. There is an innovative direction - performing a laser procedure with an effect comparable to surgical blepharoplasty (the effect is on the mucous membrane of the eyelids).

Also, in the SMOOTH mode, you can work on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which allows you to rejuvenate the skin from the inside. The effect of this procedure can be compared to the introduction of fillers into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

One of the features is that the developers have equipped it with a large number of very convenient tools. These include manipulators - hand tools, and scanners for faster work, which operate in automatic mode.

The instruments have special sensors that detect and control the temperature on the surface of the skin, which helps prevent burns. In addition, additional cooling systems are used to work in a comfortable mode for the patient with minimal pain.”

Facial skin rejuvenation 3D and 4D

The effect of Fotona facial skin rejuvenation is achieved quickly, non-invasively and effectively through a combination of various laser reconstruction methods. Recreating the collagen framework of the middle and lower third of the face acts in three directions: the volume of facial tissues increases, the tone and turgor of the skin and tissues are restored. The face looks fresher and younger, and this effect lasts for years. 3D laser facial skin rejuvenation is better than any facelift!

  • What's happening?

The laser “works” all layers of the skin: from the superficial to the deepest. The procedures (intraoral lift, skin tightening, light peeling) are performed sequentially one after another, absolutely painless, anesthesia and rehabilitation are not required. The skin area after the procedure is reduced by 10-15%, providing a collagen “tightening” effect. Fotona 4D procedures can be performed year-round. Laser rejuvenation has a long-term increasing effect, the result becomes most noticeable after 6 months. If you maintain your weight, you will enjoy the effects of laser treatments for at least 5 years.

  • What problems does it solve?

Fotona facial skin rejuvenation copes with almost all age-related changes:

  • eliminates wrinkles: both facial and age-related;
  • tightens the skin (the effect is like after plastic surgery);
  • eliminates imperfections;
  • start the skin regeneration process.

We do not retouch signs of age, but truly restore youth.

Full set

Many multifunctional devices are limited in their capabilities to a certain configuration. “The Fotona systems installed in Total Charm clinics have all the capabilities listed above,” continues Maria Kuznetsova, “plus they have an additional handpiece - R34, which allows you to carry out the Fotona SCULPTOR procedure (TightSculpting technology).

With its help, you can work with local fat deposits percutaneously, without damage, and in addition to reducing volume, at the same time tighten the skin at the site of treatment. Impact areas on the body: back of the thigh, buttocks, subgluteal folds, knee area, inner shoulder, abdomen.

On the face they usually work in the projection of the second chin (submental zone). This technology is also used in a technique that is popular today, called “Slim Face,” which allows you to reduce its volume.”

Our specialists

The clinic employs cosmetologists and dermatologists of the highest qualifications; they are active trainers, that is, they not only know perfectly all even the most complex laser techniques, but also teach their application to specialists from other clinics.

Effect of the procedure

What problems does it solve:

  • "Crow's Feet"
  • Loose skin
  • Expression and age wrinkles
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Fuzzy oval face
  • Porous skin
  • Lower face lift
  • Premature skin aging
  • Dull complexion

Obvious advantage

The capabilities of the Photon laser system are truly impressive. However, this is not its main advantage. The excellent results of its work lie in the power of the system.

“The Photon laser is very powerful,” confirms Maria Kuznetsova, “and this high power allows you to select the desired parameters from a huge range. It is precisely thanks to the breadth of the range of parameters that one can easily adapt to any skin type, any type of aging, any particularity of the patient and approach it as individually as possible in each specific case.”

Only a qualified doctor who has completed a special training course, including theoretical and practical parts, as well as practicing acquired practical skills, works on the Photon laser installation.

A course of treatment

1-3 procedures. Intermediate intervals are discussed with the treating dermatologist.

  • Preparation

No special preparation required.

  • Anesthesia

It is performed under local anesthesia (cream or spray).

  • Recovery

Possible redness and slight swelling. If necessary, the doctor prescribes caring and antithetic skin care products at home.

A complex approach

“It is now very popular to combine techniques,” notes Maria Kuznetsova, “since modern patients do not want to undergo course procedures. They are ready to undergo rehabilitation and the recovery process, but the procedure must be single or double, and at the same time combine a maximum of types of influence and give the maximum effect.

Each technique has only one effect. For example, peelings work only on the surface: they even out the skin, remove pigmentation, and narrow pores. Fractional techniques are aimed at reducing the skin flap. There is deep dermal rejuvenation, which increases skin density and elasticity.

When it is possible to combine all three techniques, the most pronounced result is achieved, which can be further enhanced by the effect on the mucous membranes. Thanks to the combination of various techniques - fractional, planar, deep dermal - Photona has the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive rejuvenation or treatment procedure.

The device controls the supply of pulses clearly to the desired structure and to the required depth. As a result of a combination of work at different depths, with different impulses and methods, we obtain the maximum possible and pronounced result.”


Complex laser rejuvenation using the Fotona device is not indicated for everyone; for patients who have health problems, the procedure is contraindicated. Who will be denied treatment:

  • patients with exacerbation of viral and infectious diseases;
  • patients with chronic herpes;
  • patients with signs of skin diseases in the treatment area;
  • patients with pathologies of the immune system;
  • patients with bleeding disorders;
  • patients with oncology.

For pregnant and lactating women, the procedure is also limited and is permissible only on the recommendation of the attending physician. Restrictions are imposed on the use of certain medications - you will either have to give them up for a while, or, if this is unacceptable, postpone the procedure. The list of such medications can be found with a cosmetologist during a preliminary consultation.

The bigger, the better?

There is an opinion that a mono-device (carrying out only one technique) is better and more effective than a complex system “stuffed” with all sorts of functions.

“This is not about Photona,” Maria Kuznetsova is sure. “Everything in this device is so well thought out: computer equipment, high technology, component materials - all of the highest quality. This is exactly the multifunctional system that can provide maximum capabilities. However, in fact, there are devices that perform only one technique and this is justified.

For example, the Q-Switch laser device is a neodymium laser aimed at removing tattoos and vascular defects. Yes, there are such directions, but there is a completely different modification of the impulses, so of course not everything can and should be contained in one device.

As for “Photona,” this device is very mobile and, if necessary, if procedures are combined with each other, it can easily be transported from one office to another and select the settings that are necessary in this case.”

How to prepare for the procedure

Laser rejuvenation is a medical procedure, so before you decide to go to the salon, you should visit a dermatologist-cosmetologist and discuss with him the possible consequences of this step. If there are indications for the procedure, and the doctor has given the go-ahead, undergo a medical examination and find out that you have no contraindications. This way you can avoid health problems and wasteful expenses.

Preparation for laser rejuvenation includes a mandatory medical consultation

No cheating

Given the high demand for hardware procedures, it is not surprising that so-called “analogs” of high-quality equipment appear. It should be remembered that Photon lasers and all components for the system are manufactured in Slovenia. There they are tested to ensure compliance with all standards of quality, reliability and durability. “Of course, even by the appearance of the device it is quite possible to understand that this is an original,” Maria Kuznetsova is convinced.

– All components are of very high quality. Even if other manufacturers try to copy them and introduce similar modes, they are still not able to achieve the power and range of parameters that Photona has, so they cannot achieve the patented techniques.

In addition, new laser systems have a very convenient computer interface, a screen (touchscreen) with work protocols. It is simply impossible to reproduce all these characteristics at a lower cost.”


The disadvantage of 4D rejuvenation is the high price. Its formation is influenced by many factors: place of residence, type of procedure, depreciation of equipment, qualifications of specialists, prestige of the salon, etc.

On average, a service can be purchased at the following cost:

Area of ​​influenceprice, rub.
Facefrom 30000
Face + neckfrom 40 000
Face + eyesfrom 35 000
Neckfrom 25 000
Cleavagefrom 30000
Handsfrom 20 000


As a practicing specialist, I would like to note the high efficiency of the “4D rejuvenation” procedure; I believe that this is the only technology that gives such a pronounced result in a given patient in such a short period. The results of working with FOTONA laser systems clearly demonstrate the effectiveness, safety and high demand among patients of clinics and cosmetology centers, which are practically incomparable with other systems and devices of this kind. One device combines several different systems, allowing, with proper selection, to achieve fantastic results comparable to the results of plastic surgery, and to see satisfied and happy patients.

The 4D rejuvenation technology is extremely convenient for the patient in terms of rehabilitation, when several years of skin aging can be corrected in one hour. In the modern world, the trend is minimally invasive, fast, safe, and the laser system fully meets these requirements.

Also, the FOTONA laser system is safe for both the specialist and the patient. With a timely patient visit to a cosmetologist, you can forget about the manifestations of aging of the skin of the face and body. And an important fact is the durability of the achieved results for up to several months and years, when course visits and maintenance procedures are prescribed. The investment is fully justified in the form of pleasant emotions and confidence in yourself and the future.

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