Mesotherapy with Viscoderm Skinko and Skinko E

Not only its effectiveness, but also its safety largely depends on the knowledge of choosing drugs for mesotherapy, so it is important to pay attention to their quality even when visiting cosmetology. Mesotherapy Skinko E is a powerful rejuvenating line of serums, thanks to which you can quickly improve skin health, transforming the appearance of your face.

Effect of the procedure

Mesococktails Skinko and Skinko E belong to professional Italian cosmetics, which are used as a standard in beauty salons by masters.

The procedure using drugs ensures the saturation of cells with useful substances and the awakening of natural processes in the dermis, which slow down with age.

Both drugs help improve the internal microflora of tissues:

  1. Blood microcirculation accelerates.
  2. The integrity of blood vessels and capillaries is restored.
  3. The regeneration of epithelial cells is activated.
  4. The production of collagen and elastin is accelerated.
  5. Metabolism is normalized.

However, keep in mind that the indications for using the classic drug and the improved version of Skinko E differ.

If in the first case the serum is used on young skin (up to 30-35 years) to prevent the appearance of signs of photoaging and improve its general condition, then the Skinko E composition is intended to combat sagging, laxity of tissues, and their reduced tone.

Both compositions can be used for preventive purposes, but to choose them, first consult with a cosmetologist so that the result of mesotherapy coincides with your expectations.

Features of the drug Viscoderm 1.6%

The main component of Viscoderm 1.6% gel is unstabilized hyaluronic acid containing 16 mg/ml. It is purified from protein compounds to prevent allergic reactions. In addition to HA, the composition includes: sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, distilled water. The balanced formula of the biofiller allows you to solve a whole range of problems. The process of collagen synthesis starts inside the cells, which ensures natural rejuvenation. New collagen fibers prevent sagging tissue, displacement of the oval line, the formation of folds, wrinkles and creases.


Mesotherapy using Skinko and Skinko E formulations is performed only in salon conditions, since they have a fairly high concentration of active ingredients, which is why their improper introduction into the dermis can lead to side effects.

The technology uses a syringe with a thin cosmetic needle, which evenly distributes the drug throughout the tissues.

When using the SKINKO meso-cocktail, 19 punctures are created on the skin at certain biologically active points. The improved composition of SKINKO E requires the serum to be injected into 21 areas on the girl’s face, due to which the maximum effect of the technique is achieved.

Sign up for the Viscoderm biorevitalization procedure

Contact us in any convenient way, and we will provide more detailed information on prices for the procedure. Our specialists have the necessary amount of knowledge, the procedures are performed at a professional level, and a pleasant bonus is a flexible system of discounts. Contact us, we guarantee excellent results!

You can make an appointment by phone or contact us using the feedback form posted on the website. We are waiting for you every day from 10 to 21 at:

Moscow, Barrikadnaya metro station/Arbatskaya metro station, st. Malaya Molchanovka, 8, building 1.

Progress of the procedure

Mesotherapy begins, regardless of the compositions used, always with preparing the skin for the session. To do this, it is cleaned of cosmetics and impurities, and then treated with Chlorhexidine.

In most cases, an anesthetic is not used, since meso-cocktails are not injected so deeply.

Then the mesotherapy itself begins:

  1. The master marks the puncture sites on the girl’s skin.
  2. The ampoule with meso-cocktail is unpacked, the drug is drawn up with a syringe with a thin cosmetic needle.
  3. The skin in the area of ​​the planned injection is stretched, and then a needle is sharply inserted into it to a depth of 3-5 mm.
  4. With a slow movement of the hand, the master gradually introduces the composition into the skin, and then removes the syringe with the needle.
  5. In this way, another 18 or 20 injections will be performed on the skin at active points.
  6. At the end of the session, the remnants of the meso-cocktail are removed from the surface of the face, and then it is treated with a disinfectant solution of Chlorhexidine.
  7. After a few minutes, a soothing lotion is applied.

Most often, one injection does not take more than a minute, so the entire mesotherapy session lasts within half an hour.

Also, after completing the procedure, the girl is prescribed recommendations and precautions that are important to follow during the period of skin restoration. This will not only protect you, but will also increase the efficiency of absorption of nutrients in epithelial cells.

Procedure process and rehabilitation

Mesotherapy with Viscoderm Skinko does not require special preparation from the patient. First, the specialist treats the surface of the skin with an antiseptic and applies an anesthetic composition to reduce discomfort to a minimum. The drug is administered subcutaneously by injection using a thin needle. The course is developed individually for each patient by a cosmetologist.

The recovery period after the Viscoderm Skinko E mesotherapy procedure takes about 3-5 days, the effect is noticeable almost immediately, which intensifies after 2 weeks. After the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from intense physical activity, visiting the pool, sauna, as well as using cosmetics and creams until the swelling and redness of the skin subsides.

Advantages of mesotherapy with Viscoderm Skinko series preparations

Many cosmetologists advise girls to use products from the Italian brand Viscoderm, taking into account the initial condition of their skin and the result they want to achieve.

This popularity of the products among professionals is due to their many positive aspects:

  • High efficiency. Already after the first introduction of meso-cocktails into the dermis, you will be able to notice the results - the skin will become more toned, elastic, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes will disappear, and the overall tone of the face will even out;
  • Improving the internal microflora of tissues. This also ensures the safety of the procedure;
  • Long-term retention of results. The drug remains in the structure of the skin for up to a year, gradually being removed from it naturally. At the same time, girls do not experience sudden deterioration in the health of their facial skin;
  • Minimal trauma and skin recovery period. Tissue rehabilitation after mesotherapy usually takes no more than 2-3 days;
  • Minimum risks of complications and undesirable consequences. If you follow all contraindications and restrictions prescribed by the master, you make the procedure absolutely safe for yourself.

However, keep in mind that such benefits of Skinko mesotherapy can only be achieved if it is performed correctly. You should not make injections yourself at home, since carelessly creating them can only lead to the opposite effect - quite severe damage to the skin and problems with its internal microflora.

Composition of drugs and their properties


It contains only high-quality native hyaluronic acid, which is obtained using the method of microbial fermentation of beta-hemolytic streptococcus. The drug is available in three main forms, differing in the concentration of the active agent (0.8%; 1.6%; 2.0%), and three additional packaging (Bi, Trio, Maxx).

Viscoderm Skinko

Available in the form of an injection solution of 5 ml in a bottle in packs of 10 bottles. Its basic component is hyaluronic acid with a molecular weight of 1.4-2.1 x 106Da, 2 mg per 1 ml of solution. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the solution contains the following components:

  • amino acids - alanine, asparagine, aspartic and glutamic acids, glycine, leucine and isoleucine, methionine, arginine, etc.;
  • mineral elements - potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iron, nickel, tin, ammonium;
  • vitamin B complex - biotin, folic acid, nicotinamide, calcium pantothenate, inositol, choline chloride, B1, 2, 6, 12.

Viscoderm Skinko e

It differs from the previous one only in the concentration of hyaluronic acid - 32 mg in 1 ml of solution.

The mechanism of their action is aimed at improving tissue respiration and blood circulation, activating metabolic processes and reducing the content of free radicals in the dermis, as well as normalizing the function of fibroblasts and keratinocytes. The introduction of these solutions into the dermis helps to moisturize and tighten the skin, increase its elasticity and firmness, improve color and maintain healthy skin tone, prevent the appearance of signs of aging or reduce their severity.

Compatibility with other techniques

Italian mesotherapy cocktails SKINKO and SKINKO E contain only safe and non-toxic components with a fairly high level of permeability. They quickly penetrate epithelial cells and are not rejected by the body like foreign bodies.

Thanks to this gentle effect, mesotherapy using them can be combined with any other cosmetic procedures in the absence of contraindications to them.

Thus, many girls simultaneously undergo a course of mesotherapy and perform electroporation, peeling, biorevitalization, Botox or other not particularly aggressive techniques.

Specialist of the direction

The Viscoderm procedure is performed by Kira Nikolaevna Uchuvatkina.

  • More than 13 years of experience.
  • Certified specialist in the field of biorevitalization.
  • Certified specialist in dermatovenerology, cosmetology and trichology.

Cost of mesotherapy

Since Skinko meso-cocktails have a large number of advantages and practically no risks of complications and undesirable consequences, their price is quite high.

The price of the bottle itself starts from 3,500 rubles. If we talk about a full-fledged salon procedure, its cost can reach 7000-8000 rubles. Because of this, the drugs are not used so often.

Since to achieve the desired result, a one-time administration of the serum is not enough, and it is necessary to take a full course consisting of 4-7 sessions, the final cost of the entire course can reach 60,000 rubles. In any case, such a high price is quickly paid off by the high efficiency of the technique.


The use of Viscoderm preparations is not recommended for:

  1. The presence of allergic reactions to one of the constituent components.
  2. Acute inflammatory processes of the skin or damage to it in the area of ​​intended injection.
  3. Reduced blood clotting and a tendency to form keloid scars or hypertrophic scarring.
  4. Systemic connective tissue diseases and acute infectious diseases.
  5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Good results are observed when performing contour plastic surgery and botulinum therapy in combination with biorevitalization procedures using Viscoderm.

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