Seven best remedies from Promoitalia and mesotherapy with them

For mesotherapy, one of seven compositions from Promoitalia can be selected. Upgrade is suitable for deep restoration of aging skin. NUCLEONIX DNteA is considered the best antioxidant on the market. WHITEIN from Promoitalia fights pigmentation, brightens and protects the skin from sun rays. IDEBAE helps to restore a beautiful oval face and restore the dermis after prolonged exposure to the sun.

REVITAL CELLUFORM, PROSHOCK SHAPE can replace surgical liposuction and accelerate the regeneration of facial and body skin. REVITALTONIC from Promoitalia helps cope with sagging and scars. On average, the cost of mesotherapy with drugs ranges from 4 to 9 thousand rubles. in one procedure.

Main characteristics of Promoitalia drugs and indications for use

Promoitalia is a wide range of mesotherapy cocktails that are used both for skin rejuvenation and for correcting fat deposits or eliminating problems with scalp hair.

The drug is contained in small ampoules, each of which is enough for exactly one use. The meso cocktail is injected into the dermis using a needle.

Let's take a closer look at all types of Promoitalia drugs and indications for their use.


The drug is used for skin rejuvenation, since it has a fairly high concentration of hyaluronic acid in the composition, which saturates epithelial cells and accelerates the production of collagen and elastin.

The product copes with wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, making the skin more elastic and firm.


The drug is aimed at restoring the water balance of tissues, with which problems often arise, especially in the autumn season. Mesococktail eliminates dry skin, preventing the appearance of early signs of aging.

The drug also helps eliminate various reliefs - scars, scars, stretch marks, wrinkles. However, this effect is achieved solely by awakening internal processes in the dermis and saturating it with useful substances.


As you can easily guess from the name, meso-cocktail is used to lighten the skin and cleanse it of post-acne, freckles, pigmentation and other defects associated with a high content of melanin pigment in cells.

Also, the use of meso-cocktail helps create a protective film on the skin, which prevents the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on it.


The drug contains many antioxidants that help improve skin tone and eliminate wrinkles on it - facial or age-related.

As a result of completing a course of mesotherapy, tissues become denser, firmer and more elastic, local immunity increases, due to which the skin is less susceptible to external influences.


The composition contains lipolytics and venotonics, which help convert fat deposits and fiber into energy and its subsequent removal from the girl’s body.

This effect allows you to eliminate fat deposits on a girl’s body or correct the contour of her face, making it clearer and fresher. In addition, cellulite and increased tissue swelling are eliminated.


The meso cocktail is intended to eliminate cellulite and sagging skin in the treated area. In this case, the result is achieved quite quickly - you can notice the first effect after the first execution of the technique.

However, keep in mind that to achieve the desired result, it is important to combine the procedure with sports, otherwise the released energy will return back.


The meso cocktail contains many anti-acids and antioxidants that have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the drug eliminates sagging and laxity of the skin, increases its tone, effectively combating the signs of photoaging, regardless of the girl’s age.


Upgrade is a safe and effective meso-cocktail for the treatment of mature skin. It provides deep hydration, improves skin structure, corrects wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté.

Dipeptides and tripeptides in the mesococktail act on the extracellular matrix, as a result of which substances that renew and smooth aging skin begin to be actively synthesized. B vitamins and antioxidants contained in the cocktail heal the skin and normalize chemical and physiological processes. Glycerin, which complements the anti-aging formula, deeply moisturizes dry skin.

Mesotherapy with Upgrade is used before thread lifting with mesothreads and contour plastic surgery, as well as after photo-rejuvenating procedures, or as an independent procedure.


Almost any cosmetic procedure has health restrictions, which are prescribed to the girl before each session. Mesotherapy involves the mechanical creation of many punctures on the skin through which the serum penetrates into the dermis. Because of this, quite a lot of contraindications are prescribed for it:

  • Pregnancy, lactation period;
  • Diabetes;
  • Low blood clotting rate;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Fungus;
  • Tumor;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of meso-cocktails.

It is important to first make sure that you are not allergic to the drug. To do this, apply it to the inside of the elbow for 20 minutes and rinse, observing the skin's reaction to this treatment.

It is important to follow the prescribed prohibitions in order to avoid unwanted consequences and ineffective results after visiting the salon.

Possible complications after

Due to the fact that the manipulation requires violating the integrity of the skin, there are a number of complications that a patient at a beauty salon may encounter:

  • pain in the treated area;
  • redness in the area where the punctures were made;
  • bruises caused by a violation of the integrity of the vessel;
  • allergic reaction in case of intolerance;
  • swelling, burning and itching sensations.

You can avoid complications if you carefully choose a cosmetology clinic, the doctor himself, and conduct a drug perception test before the procedure.

Technique of mesotherapy with Promoitalia preparations

Mesotherapy always begins with skin preparation. To do this, it is cleaned of cosmetics and contaminants, and then treated with a disinfectant solution of Chlorhexidine.

The technology for performing injection manual mesotherapy is as follows:

  1. The master opens a disposable ampoule with meso-cocktail.
  2. The drug is drawn out with a syringe with a thin needle.
  3. The skin in the injection area is stretched, and then a needle is inserted into it to a depth of 10-15 mm.
  4. With a slow hand movement, the meso cocktail is introduced into the dermis. This should not be done abruptly to ensure maximum effectiveness of the procedure.
  5. After administering the required dose to one area, the needle is removed.
  6. In this way, another 5-7 punctures are created on the girl’s face in problem areas.
  7. After treating all the skin, it is re-cleansed of excess meso-cocktail and treated with Chlorhexidine.
  8. A soothing lotion is applied.

The procedure usually lasts no more than half an hour, and after it the girl is prescribed recommendations and precautions that are important to follow during the skin restoration period.


White In is an innovative meso-cocktail designed to effectively protect the skin from hyperpigmentation and freckles. The cocktail contains arbutin (bearberry extract) - a plant substance that blocks the synthesis of melanin in the skin. As a result of using the meso-cocktail, spots on the body and face are noticeably lightened, and the process of intracellular photoprotection is launched. Various methods of drug administration allow White In to be used to combat pigmentation of varying depths and different origins. It doesn’t matter how much time has passed since the appearance of age spots, this remedy will be effective in any case. Mesotherapy with White In can be combined with chemical peeling.

Feelings during the procedure

As a standard, Promoitalia mesotherapy is performed by injection - through the targeted administration of the drug into the skin using a syringe and a thin cosmetic needle. In this case, you will feel discomfort only at the moment of skin puncture - 7-10 times per session.

However, the procedure can also be performed using a device. Then many small, uniform punctures are created on the skin, through which the mesococktail penetrates its structure.

In any case, mesotherapy is almost always considered a painless procedure. It does not cause severe discomfort to girls that would be impossible to endure.

An anesthetic is rarely used during the procedure as it can affect its effectiveness, however, if your pain threshold is low, you can ask the specialist to pre-apply a local anesthetic in the form of a cream or spray.


Nucleonix is ​​an innovative cocktail for dry, dehydrated skin during menopause. The drug contains an effective formula to prevent hormonal aging of the skin and normalize its structure. Spirulina regulates immune processes and the dermal structure of the skin, hyaluronic acid effectively moisturizes it, and DNA nucleotides of plant origin protect the skin from ionizing radiation and oxidative stress. Thanks to these components, the skin renewal function is restored, scars and stretch marks are corrected, the skin becomes dense and elastic, and takes on a fresh, healthy appearance.

Possible complications after the procedure

Although Promoitalia mesotherapy is considered one of the safest, some undesirable consequences may also occur after its implementation. In this case, they appear either through the fault of the master - due to illiterate administration or selection of the drug, or through the fault of the client - due to non-compliance with the prescribed restrictions and prohibitions.

Complications usually manifest themselves in the form of severe skin irritation, swelling, itching or even a rash. In this case, immediately consult a dermatologist, since such signs usually indicate an allergic reaction to the composition.

However, often after a session, the skin reaction to mechanical impact appears in the treated area, which is reflected in the form of local redness and increased sensitivity of the skin. The reaction usually subsides within 1-2 days, without causing discomfort to the girl.


Idebae is an antioxidant meso-cocktail that provides a pronounced lifting effect against gravitational ptosis and signs of photoaging. The drug contains antioxidant substances (idebenone and acetylcysteine), skin moisturizing hyaluronic acid and DMAE, an analogue of vitamin B4 (choline), which gives skin elasticity by increasing muscle tone. The unique composition of the cocktail promotes comprehensive skin rejuvenation: increasing its density, effective correction of wrinkles, smoothing the relief, biorevitalization, and stopping inflammatory processes.

Recommended course of mesotherapy with Promoitalia and its cost

Promoitalia preparations contain a safe concentration of active ingredients, which gradually accumulate in the structure of the dermis with each use. To achieve the desired result, you will have to undergo a full course of mesotherapy, consisting of 7-10 sessions with breaks of 4-10 days.

Meso-cocktails are used only in salon conditions, so the cost of one session ranges from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles. So, the final cost of the entire course can reach up to 80,000 rubles.

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