Rating of the TOP 10 best products for hand paraffin therapy in 2022

At any time of the year, and especially in cold weather, hands need powerful care, and a regular cream is often not enough. What to do if the skin begins to peel, becomes dry, dehydrated? Paraffin therapy will come to the rescue! The procedure can be performed at home - it is simple and comfortable. But which products should you prefer, which ones really work and moisturize the dermis? We found out everything and compiled the TOP best products for hand paraffin therapy! We proceeded from reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro and open data from the Yandex search engine.

The criteria by which we evaluate the products of each brand:

  • Moisturizing and nutrition.
    Still, these are the main functions of paraffin therapy formulations.
  • Perform additional functions.
    It’s great if the products also help smooth out wrinkles or even out skin color.
  • Compound.
    Most users prefer natural composition. And, of course, it should not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Texture.
    The smoother the composition is and the more pleasant it is, the higher the score.
  • Smell.
    Should be neutral or unobtrusive, soft.
  • Price.
    Saving is always good, but we're looking for the perfect example of value for money.

Point system:

By quality:

  • 1 point for excellent hydration;
  • 0.5 points for additional functions: reduction of pigmentation, reduction of wrinkles, etc.;
  • 1 point for natural composition;
  • 1 point for pleasant texture;
  • 1 point for neutral odor or light aroma;
  • We deduct 1 point for allergy complaints.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 300 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 300 to 500 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 500 to 700 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 700 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

After we talk about each of the 10 best manufacturers of hand paraffin therapy products and assign points, we will collect all the data in a common table.


Paraffin therapy is harmless, but it, like any spa procedure, has its limitations. You should refrain and find other analogues if:

  1. Your blood circulation in your extremities is impaired.
  2. You often experience numbness in your hands.
  3. You suffer from a severe allergic reaction to cosmetics.
  4. You are diabetic.
  5. You have sensitive skin.
  6. Intermittent high blood pressure.
  7. Constantly find redness and rashes on the body of unknown origin.
  8. You currently have an infectious disease.
  9. You recently suffered burns or cuts.

Photo: www.pexels.com

Is special training needed?

Before the cosmetic procedure, hands must be steamed in warm water. To remove the layer of dead epidermal cells, you need to massage your hands in a circular motion using a scrub for several minutes.

If you are planning a manicure after the procedure, then the layer of old varnish must be removed before applying paraffin.

After steaming, you need to rub in a nourishing cream based on oils (under the influence of paraffin, its effect is enhanced).

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Posted by Rosie HW (@rosiehw) Jan 6, 2022 at 10:28 am PST

When is cold paraffin therapy performed in manicure and pedicure?

All spa treatments on hands and feet are performed after manicure and pedicure.

If you do cold paraffin therapy before applying varnish, extensions or working with cutters, the coating will not stick, and the manicure will not be able to be done efficiently on dense skin saturated with moisture.

The cost of a cold paraffin therapy procedure in a salon can vary from 150 to 1000 rubles. The average price is 250 - 300 rubles. A line of products for home use will cost 1,500 - 2,000 rubles and will last for 1 year or more (using the example of the Aravia line).

Necessary materials

The main component that is the basis of the procedure is cream paraffin. The remaining means may vary depending on whether paraffin therapy is performed in the salon or at home, for yourself or for a client.

Products for the procedure are also sold in complexes, but you can replace some of them with alternative cosmetics that you already have on hand, with the exception of paraffin cream. In general, you will need the following list of materials and tools:

  • Disinfectant antiseptic gel;
  • Disposable spatulas;
  • A container for collecting the required amount of material per client, so as not to use directly from the jar;
  • Plastic gloves or bags;
  • Dry and wet wipes;
  • Terry or fleece mittens/socks (can be replaced with a terry towel or woolen mittens/socks at home);
  • Finely ground scrub or rolling scrub;
  • Fluid cream or light cream for a paraffin mask;
  • Cream paraffin;
  • Nourishing cream for the final stage;
  • Timer.

Indications for use

Cold paraffin cream is used:

  • To restore dry skin.
  • To eliminate flaking of the skin of the hands.
  • To normalize skin firmness and elasticity.
  • As a softener for rough skin.
  • To stimulate blood circulation and relieve tired legs.
  • As a nail strengthener.

Paraffin therapy sessions help relieve fatigue and irritation. They are often recommended as relaxation procedures. Such procedures can be performed on people suffering from varicose veins.

Application of cold paraffin is suitable for people suffering from dermatological complications due to heat exposure of the skin.

Difference between cold and hot paraffin therapy

It is there, and quite noticeable.

  1. The first and most important factor is that the cold procedure has no contraindications.
  2. The second is the complexity of organizing the process.
    Cold paraffin therapy is performed much faster and requires less effort in organizing and preparing material and instruments. Hot paraffin therapy requires a bath and at least 30 minutes of time to warm up the material under the influence of temperature. Paraffin therapy: everything you need to know about this useful procedure
  3. The third is the presence of active substances in the composition. Cream paraffin for a cold procedure contains much more active substances for skin care, since it already contains cream in addition to paraffin.
  4. Fourth, availability for execution at home and in the salon. Not everyone can afford to carry out hot paraffin therapy at home due to the need to buy a paraffin bath and plan the time for the procedure taking into account the heating of the material. Cold paraffin therapy is more economical. Jars of products are always at hand, at any moment when you need home SPA care.

Paraffin therapy for hands - what is it, benefits and step-by-step instructions

Paraffin therapy for feet: performed in the salon and at home

How does cosmetic paraffin work?

The peculiarity of this substance is its very slow cooling and long-term heat retention. At the same time, cosmetic paraffin has a low melting point, so it turns into liquid form before it gets too hot. When applied to the skin, this mask has a moderate warming effect and does not cause discomfort.

The paraffin layer does not allow air to pass through, so underneath it a kind of sauna effect is obtained. The heat increases sweating, which helps flush out toxins and other impurities from the skin. Then the paraffin mask (and with it the surface of the body) gradually cools down, the pores narrow. As a result, the remaining moisture is absorbed back, and large molecules of harmful substances remain outside. In this case, fluid is redistributed because water is absorbed into the dry areas of the skin that most need hydration.

Advantages of cold paraffin therapy

It allows you to provide comprehensive care and restoration of the skin of your hands and feet under increased stress. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least once a month, but the optimal option is 1-2 times a week, depending on the condition of the skin.

Cold paraffin therapy has a rejuvenating effect. Hands show age, and with such care you can immediately remove the extra 10 years.

The procedure enhances the regenerative abilities of the epidermis. After contact with water, detergents, in case of mild sunburn and chapping, cream-paraffin in combination with complementary products restores the condition of the skin after the first application.

Paraffin cream can be successfully used in the fight against calluses on the feet. When performing a manicure, it does not slow down the growth of the cuticle, but allows you to make the final result neat and well-groomed for several days.

Hygiene. Cream paraffin is used once, unlike hot paraffin therapy, where the material in the bath is subject to repeated use.

Paraffin baths

To facilitate paraffin therapy at home, you can use paraffin baths. When choosing baths, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Price. It varies between 1200-1000 rubles. The most ordinary one is suitable for home use.
  2. Volume. There are large, medium and small models. The optimal volume is 2.5-4 liters. With a smaller volume, part of the paraffin will have to be applied with a brush.
  3. Power. The larger it is, the faster the paraffin will melt (average melting time is 30-120 minutes).
  4. Thermostat. Not present in all models and is more necessary for salon equipment (an additional option helps maintain the optimal paraffin temperature throughout the day).

Composition of cosmetic paraffin

The starting material for the production of this substance is oil. Paraffins of varying degrees of purification are made from it, which are used both in industry and in the domestic sphere. For example, candles are made from them.

In cosmetology, only highly purified paraffin with a melting point of about 53 degrees is used. It does not contain impurities that can harm the skin. Additional ingredients may be added to improve characteristics, such as vitamins, essential oils, plant extracts, etc. Some manufacturers also use safe dyes. Purified cosmetic paraffin does not cause allergic reactions, so it is suitable for different skin types. It is better to choose formulations with additives on the recommendation of a specialist who can advise the most effective means taking into account individual characteristics.

Stages of cold paraffin therapy

Like any procedure, cold paraffin therapy consists of several successive stages, each of which is a logical continuation of the previous one. Their essence is as follows:

  1. Disinfection;
  2. Skin cleansing;
  3. Exofoliation;
  4. Applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream with active ingredients;
  5. Applying paraffin cream or paraffin mask;
  6. Applying a nourishing cream to fix the result.

In different lines of cosmetics, the first stages can be combined, when the disinfectant gel simultaneously has a cleansing effect.

Let's look at the stages of implementation step by step using the example of the Russian-made Aravia brand product line.

The first stage is cleansing and degreasing the skin.

At this stage of cold paraffin therapy, a “Cleansing and Moisturizing Tonic” is used. The master sprays it on the client’s hands with several pumps, distributes it, and removes the residue with a dry napkin.

The second stage – deep cleansing, scrubbing

A fine or medium grind scrub is used to prepare for paraffin therapy. To scoop it out of a large package, you will need a disposable wooden spatula. The required amount of scrub is separated from the total mass, and then applied to the client’s hands with the same spatula or fingers and distributed well with soft massage movements. After exposure, remove the remaining scrub with a disposable napkin.

The task is to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin to ensure adequate nutrition of the hands during the cold paraffin therapy procedure.

The big advantage of the scrub in the Aravia line is its light creamy texture. The scrub must be rubbed in until almost completely absorbed, like a cream, and then the almost dry particles must be removed with a dry or damp cloth.

After using this scrub, many masters additionally use a scrub roller. It removes all dead epidermal cells and allows you to proceed to further application of the cream with an ideal hand surface.

Stage three – intensive care

Performed using “Nutritious Care” cosmetic cream from the Aravia brand. The required amount of cream is separated from the total mass in a large container with a disposable spatula, and then applied and evenly distributed on the skin of the hands with massage movements.

Cream can be replaced with any nutritious dense cream with natural oils. It is not recommended to use cheap cream that forms a film on the surface of the skin. So paraffin will not be able to have the desired effect.

Stage four – paraffin mask or application of paraffin cream

The preparatory stages are over, and it's time to apply the paraffin itself. It has a dense texture and is called cream paraffin. You can choose a product with different scents and beneficial additives, depending on the initial condition of the hands and the client’s preferences.

The paraffin cream is also separated from the total mass in a large container with a disposable spatula. You will need a teaspoon of product per hand.

Before applying it, you need to warm it up a little in your palms so that it melts, and then spread it on the skin of the client’s arms or legs in a thick, thick layer. It is necessary to work well in the areas between the fingers and at the cuticle.

If you use paraffin cream at home, you can apply it in a thin layer at night under plastic gloves, like a mask, and then wash off the residue in the morning. Hands are transformed after such care.

Fifth stage - creating a thermal effect

After applying cream paraffin, hands are placed in disposable plastic gloves or bags, and then wrapped in terry mittens or wrapped in a terry towel. The mask exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

Remains of cream paraffin are removed with a dry cloth.

Stage six - applying moisturizer

Now you need to consolidate the resulting effect and apply the cream fluid to your hands. It has a light texture and is quickly absorbed into the skin, which is very important at any time of the year when providing services in a salon. The client can almost immediately go about the procedure on business, and the film on his arms or legs, like a rich nourishing cream, will not cause him any inconvenience.

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