What cosmetics can you use during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time of change and maximum responsibility. Self-care turns into caring for two. It is during this period that most women, as a rule, begin to study the composition of cosmetics more carefully and think about switching to more natural products.

So, first you need to immediately eliminate harmful and dangerous substances from the composition of cosmetic products. And even if you haven’t noticed any allergic reactions before or couldn’t call your skin too sensitive, then during pregnancy everything can change and naturally, you shouldn’t take risks and use an untested or dubious product. After all, even what suited you perfectly yesterday may not suit the main person in your life today.

Body care

First of all, pregnancy and cosmetics are not mutually exclusive concepts; it’s just that while you’re expecting a baby, it’s better to give preference to natural and hypoallergenic products. Now there are quite a few brands to suit a variety of budgets with lines of care products for pregnant women.

If you don't trust them, you can try using homemade recipes based on natural ingredients. Olive oil, coconut oil, wheat germ oil and almond oil perfectly moisturize the body and help fight against stretch marks. To improve the condition of your body skin, you can use a sugar or salt scrub once or twice a week: simply apply fine salt in a circular motion to damp skin, and then rinse with water.

Personal hygiene for a pregnant woman

You don't have to live in Ancient Greece to worship the goddess Hygieia, who personified purity and preservation of health. In those distant times, the principles of the science of hygiene were laid down, which explains how to eat, dress, and care for the body so as not to harm the body. Hygiene explains in what conditions you need to live, how to alternate work and rest, and maintain mental health.

Hygiene for a pregnant woman takes into account physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, local and general immunity decreases, and a woman becomes more susceptible to infections. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the skin and mucous membranes clean.

To do this, you should adhere to the following rules of personal hygiene:

  • take a shower 2 times a day;
  • use neutral or baby soap;
  • do not wash the body and intimate area with antibacterial agents;
  • wash the genitals from front to back;
  • Do not use depilatory cream.

In pregnant women, the level of estrogen in the blood increases; hormones stimulate the active reproduction of beneficial vaginal microflora. This leads to an increase in the amount of whitish discharge. To prevent them from staining your laundry, you can use personal hygiene pads. But it is better to choose brands without fragrances, so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Facial care

To care for oily skin, as well as when acne appears, it is better to avoid using special creams, as they usually contain dangerous salicylic acid. You can improve the condition of problematic facial skin during pregnancy using folk remedies, using, for example, a mask based on dry yeast.

Dry skin also needs special care while expecting a baby: you should not use soap to remove makeup, it is better to use a moisturizing gel for washing and choose a cream containing vitamin E and aloe vera.

What other products should I avoid during pregnancy?

Here are some cosmetics that are best avoided during pregnancy:

  • Nail polishes,
    acetone-containing products. Unfortunately, varnishes contain toxic formaldehyde, toluene, and phthalates. These substances are, in principle, dangerous, and for pregnant women, definitely exclude them, or use safe alternatives, for example, natural Neobio varnishes.
  • Permanent hair dyes.
    There are no reliable studies yet confirming the negative effects of hair dyes on pregnant women. There are different opinions on whether pregnant women can dye their hair or not. For safety reasons, we recommend refraining, because the chemical composition of such paints leaves much to be desired. An alternative is vegetable hair dyes.
  • Self-tanning products.
    As we wrote above, they contain dangerous substances that can negatively affect the health of the child. When using the product, be sure to study the composition.
  • Anti-acne products.
    Medicinal products may contain antibiotics, isotretinoin, tretinoin, which should be absolutely excluded, as they negatively affect the development of the fetus. Again, when selecting, check the composition for the absence of such ingredients.
  • Persistent perfume.
    They often contain phthalates, although manufacturers like to keep silent about this. They are unsafe for the development of the baby, so it is better to avoid long-lasting perfume during pregnancy.

Hair care

Many women note that during pregnancy, hair becomes less brittle and practically does not fall out. All this is the result of hormonal changes that occur in the body while expecting a baby. However, protection and hydration are still your hair's best friends, and choosing natural shampoos and hair masks won't be too difficult. Ideally, they contain organic plant substances.

To reduce the adverse effects on the body of daily use (and therefore inhalation) of hairspray, it is better to replace it with fixing foams, emulsions, waxes, etc.

Gentle paints without ammonia and tinted shampoos, if used within reasonable limits, will not cause much harm. It is better not to buy ordinary household paints for home use in the store, but to go to a good salon and consult a professional hairdresser about what is suitable for you during pregnancy.

Hair coloring can be done using natural dyes - henna or basma. However, it is worth considering that such coloring will be very durable and ordinary factory-made dyes, if you then decide to use them, will not last - you will have to wait until the henna-dyed hair grows out and you can cut it off.

Rule 5. No heels

A feature of pregnant women’s posture is a shift in the center of gravity. Therefore, to maintain personal hygiene, you need to switch to shoes with a stable heel no higher than 2-3 cm. Completely giving up heels and wearing shoes with flat soles is also harmful to health.

Hormonal changes in pregnant women make the ligaments loose. Therefore, many women develop flat feet after childbirth. To avoid this, it is recommended to choose orthopedic insoles during pregnancy.

Nail care

Manicure and pedicure are an important part of personal care. But frequent inhalation of nail polish and nail polish remover fumes is far from beneficial, especially if you're sitting in a crowded or poorly ventilated salon area. You can be content with a home manicure and pedicure, including various softening and strengthening baths, correction of nail plates, and polishing. And to paint your nails, it is better to choose varnishes without toluene, dibutyl phthalate and formaldehyde. Nail polish remover should be soy or water based, without acetone.

Vitamins and sunscreen

The intake of vitamins and antioxidant complexes into the body should occur constantly. This is not to say that cosmetics containing them should be used only during certain periods. Body cells need them constantly. Therefore, even if a woman takes dietary supplements, this does not mean that attention should not be paid to their presence in face cream. As a rule, manufacturers separately indicate that the product contains some special oil or vitamins.

Antioxidants play an important role as they prevent premature skin aging. This is especially important during periods when there is a lot of sun, such as in summer. This is also true for those who live in southern countries. Long exposure to the sun provokes the formation of age spots. A sun filter will help protect your skin, and the higher its value, the more effective it is.

Decorative cosmetics

The main rule for pregnant women when using decorative cosmetics is to choose hypoallergenic products. It is advisable to leave the makeup itself as light as possible: a touch of lipstick, a light application of mascara, a little eye shadow and a soft touch of blush. Foundation and powder can clog pores, so give preference to a light fluid or mineral powder. As a decorative product for lips during pregnancy, it is better to choose moisturizing balms with a light shade.

Skin types

The skin does not change its type depending on how far along the pregnancy the woman is. In total, it is customary to distinguish three types of dermis:

  • Normal.
  • Fatty.
  • Combined.

Depending on weather conditions, age, hormonal levels, including during pregnancy, the skin can sometimes be prone to dryness or increased sebum production and become sensitive. You can choose a cream for pregnant women (for the face in particular) by conducting a home test. After washing and toning the dermis, before using the cream, it is enough to take a dry cloth, preferably a colored one, so that you can notice traces of sebum. It should be used to blot the skin on the forehead, near the wings of the nose, and on the cheeks.

Normal skin type is characterized by a natural pinkish tint, pores are invisible, and the surface is smooth. On the contrary, the oily type is characterized by an oily sheen; a woman may notice that the pores are enlarged. Because of this, the face may appear uneven, lumpy, and prone to acne.

The third type is characterized by the presence of dry and oily patches in certain areas of the face. Visually, you can draw the letter “T”, the base of which will go down the entire length of the nose to the chin, and touch the forehead from above. The skin with a combination type has an uneven shade, and acne may appear in places.


During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, the expectant mother may be especially sensitive to odors, so there is a chance that even the smell of her favorite perfume will seem too intense or unpleasant to her. If increased sensitivity to fragrances has appeared, it is better not to torment yourself, but to stop using perfume or eau de toilette for a while and choose cosmetics without fragrances (as a rule, brands of “pharmacy” cosmetics based on thermal water have such options).

During pregnancy, hormonal changes often lead to active sweating and increased natural odors. When choosing a deodorant, it is better to give preference to one that does not contain alcohol, parabens and aluminum. In natural and organic cosmetics stores, you can choose special talc or powder that will prevent the appearance of sweat odor.

Reasons to use the cream

Signs that become harbingers of dry skin:

  • Dehydration.
  • Long stay in a room with artificial ventilation, air conditioning, heating.
  • Living in environmentally unfavorable conditions.
  • Spending a long time in the open sun.
  • Change of season.

Without sufficient intake of water and vitamins, the new cell has no chance of transforming into a healthy one. It’s no longer a secret that you need to drink from one and a half to two liters of water a day. However, the situation cannot be solved only by replenishing the water balance. It is worth remembering that the water should be without gas and at room temperature. Externally, the skin should also be protected. Otherwise, it becomes flabby and you will have to urgently look for a special cream for pregnant women for the face.

A tan

During pregnancy, it is better not to use a solarium or use self-tanning products. If you really need to change your complexion, it is better to choose BB cream or mineral powder.

Sunbathing on the beach in direct sunlight is also not beneficial - it is better for the expectant mother to relax in the shade, remembering to use sunscreen. There is definitely no place for saving in this matter - we choose a cream with the maximum protection factor (you can use “children’s”) and use it as often as the specific instructions suggest.

Important Components

There are a number of features in choosing cosmetics during the period when a woman is expecting a baby. It is worth listening to advice on choosing a face cream for pregnant women from experienced mothers and cosmetologists who do not recommend using products that contain hormones. This is why the composition of the product is very important.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body becomes vulnerable to various irritants; special attention should be paid to what components the cream is made from. Since it comes into direct contact with the skin, the risk of an allergic reaction should be minimized. Experienced mothers advise to study in advance the question of whether pregnant women can use face cream from a particular manufacturer. The buyer should pay attention to the packaging, which should contain detailed information about the manufacturer and composition of the product.


One of the popular products for pregnant women is Weleda face cream based on almond and plum kernel oils. Do not be alarmed by the presence of alcohol in the composition; it is intended to combat irritations. After using the product, even minor rashes go away, and, judging by the reviews of experienced mothers, it effectively combats skin changes during pregnancy. Thanks to almond oil, the skin softens and acquires a uniform appearance. It is advisable to use it on a daily basis in the morning and after evening toilet.

In addition, you can find cream with calendula on sale, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The product is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen. Moms recommend using it on a daily basis. The composition of the cream is so safe that it can be applied to the baby’s skin while walking.

What to do if an allergy occurs?

If, after applying any cosmetic product, a girl notices manifestations of an allergy, she must wash it off with plenty of warm water and contact her supervising specialist. You cannot take antihistamines without a doctor's prescription, since not all medications are approved during pregnancy.

What components should not be included?

Care products and decorative cosmetics for pregnant women should contain a maximum of natural ingredients and a minimum of harmful substances that can harm the baby.

When studying the composition, pay attention that it does not contain the following substances:

  • retinol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • hydroquinone;
  • fragrances;
  • aluminum chloride hexahydrate;
  • triclosan;
  • phthalates;
  • formaldehyde.

Dermatitis: which cream to choose?

This problem causes discomfort and, in some cases, fear and confusion. Symptoms of dermatitis can affect not only your health, but also your work and personal life. It causes particular concern among young parents, like any illness in the baby.

Dermatitis is usually called any kind of manifestation on the skin that differs from its normal state: redness, peeling, itching, and so on.

If any changes occur, consult a specialist. It is worth noting that 10% of all visits to a dermatologist are related to manifestations of dermatitis. Women apply more often due to greater contact with household chemicals.

Types of Dermatitis

There are two main groups of dermatitis: contact and allergic.

The manifestations of contact dermatitis are:

Acute - the onset is rapid after a single interaction with substances that have a pronounced irritant effect.

Chronic - develops gradually with constant contact with an irritant over several days or even years. In this case, the cause will be mild irritants such as: household chemicals, soap solutions, dry air, dust.

Allergic dermatitis is a manifestation of a malfunction of the body's immune system to one or more irritants, manifested by inflammation.

The most common places of manifestations:

  • Skin of hands
  • Face
  • Neck
  • Armpits
  • Scalp
  • Anogenital area, most often in children.
  • Ears
  • Shin
  • Feet

The manifestations of acute contact and allergic dermatitis are very similar: redness, swelling and rashes in the form of bubbles and blisters and “pimples”. Itching, burning, and soreness of the skin will also be felt. With allergic dermatitis, the manifestations will not be limited to the place of skin contact with the irritant; the reaction goes far beyond its limits. As a result, mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary to confirm the correct diagnosis and treatment.

In chronic dermatitis, the lesions do not look as bright as in acute dermatitis, but also have swelling, which can be accompanied by: cracks, hyperpigmentation and damage to the integrity of the skin, the desire to scratch and pinch it. Even after eliminating the impact of the irritant, the process can continue for up to several months.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will need to tell you in detail how, when and after what the skin lesion occurred. Skin tests will also be performed.

Dermatitis is usually called any kind of manifestation on the skin that differs from its normal state.


The main goal of treatment is to return the person to the previous comfort and condition of the skin. The priority in the treatment of contact dermatitis is to identify the irritating factor and eliminate it. If it is impossible to eliminate contact, for example, due to professional necessity, adequate and reliable skin protection must be selected (overall clothing, gloves, protective creams and ointments). For simple contact dermatitis, the effectiveness of hormonal ointments and creams is not enough. The effectiveness of the use of selective alcineurin inhibitors tacrolimus and pimecrolimus for the types of dermatitis indicated in the article has not been proven in controlled studies.

In case of severe itching, it is possible to use antihistamines - Zodak, Claritin, Xestin, Erius, Suprastinex, Dizal, Alegra, Xyzal, Fenistil.

Local treatment:

  • Cutivate (fluticasone propionate) cream, ointment for 2 weeks
  • Triacort, Fluorocort (triamcinolone acetonide) ointment 0.025%, 0.1% for 2 weeks, treatment must begin with a higher dose
  • Dermovate, Clobetasol, Psoriderm, Dilasen, Powercourt (clobetasol propionate) ointment for 3–4 weeks
  • Akriderm, Beloderm, Celestoderm (betamethasone valerate) cream, ointment 2 weeks
  • Uniderm, Elokom, (mometasone furoate) cream, ointment 0.1% 2 weeks

It happens that a bacterial infection can join the course of the underlying dermatitis. In this case, it is worth connecting additional local antibacterial therapy:

  • Fucidin (fusidic acid) cream, gel 2% for 1–2 weeks
  • Supirocin, Bactroban (mupirocin) ointment 2% for 2 weeks

If there is no result in the treatment of allergic dermatitis, it is possible to use immunosuppressive drugs cyclosporine, azathioprine. Application of UV-B or PUVA therapy.

Prevention of dermatitis is the understanding that this reaction is lifelong and even short-term contact should be avoided.

Reminder for hand skin care for occupational contact dermatitis:

  • Be sure to wear gloves
  • Use soap substitutes. Soap removes the protective fatty layer of the skin and damages the stratum corneum of the skin, which retains water, thereby greatly increasing permeability to any substances. In addition, some soap components themselves are irritating.
  • Avoid Potentially Irritating Substances
  • Follow your doctor's recommendations for at least six months
  • Do not wear rings as they are a place where irritants accumulate, and if a person is still not ready to give up wearing them, then it is necessary to remove them while working and doing household chores.
  • Also regularly use emollients - these are substances similar in composition to the natural protective fatty film of the skin, affecting the upper layers of the skin. They are: natural, chemical, synthetic.

Available daily care products that can be purchased at any pharmacy: Bepanten, Tipikrem, Emolium, Mustela, Lipobase, La-cree.

For adults only: Lokoid, Dermovate, Sinalar. They should only be applied to clean, dry skin.

One of the new directions is the use of corneoprotectors. These are products that restore the integrity of the stratum corneum directly. Physiogel, Oilatum, Lipikar, Protopic.

By self-medicating, you can cause irreparable harm to your health; be sure to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Literature: Federal clinical guidelines for the management of patients with contact dermatitis, Moscow - 2015

A selection of effective cosmetics for pregnant and nursing mothers

In modern media and the Internet there is a lot of information for studying the range of cosmetic products for pregnant women and for the period of breastfeeding. A survey was conducted among expectant and nursing mothers. Based on this survey, a rating of the most favorite and effective beauty products while expecting a baby and after childbirth was created. These products not only gave expectant mothers more self-confidence, but their use actually produced excellent results.

Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay

La Roche-Posay presents a cream-gel for cleansing the skin of the face and body, which restores the lipid layer of the epidermis. Suitable for use by babies, children, pregnant women, adults. Gently cleanses the skin, reduces dryness and strengthens the skin's protective barrier thanks to its composition with shea butter and niacinamide. Restores the lipid layer of the epidermis.

Price: from 915 rubles.

Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay


  • Contains oil and essence;
  • Easy to clean without sticky film;
  • Nutrition and hydration;
  • Suitable even for dry and sensitive skin.


  • Small volume;
  • Not a very convenient dispenser.

Hydraphase UV Intense Riche, La Roche-Posay

The fluid has a soft, but at the same time rich texture; it contains protective ingredients against ultraviolet radiation, hyaluronic acid.

Price in stores: from 1264 to 2320 rubles.

Hydraphase UV Intense Riche, La Roche-Posay


  • Gives a healthy glow to the skin;
  • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive;
  • Intensive hydration;
  • Sun filter.


  • Price;
  • During pregnancy and postpartum recovery, it must be used all the time.

Cleansing foam Pureté Thermale, Vichy

This cleanser will gently remove impurities from the skin, adding moisture and without damaging the protective barrier.

Price: around 800 rubles.

Cleansing foam Pureté Thermale, Vichy


  • Light fluid texture;
  • Suitable for the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Cleanses well, leaving skin clean and shiny;
  • Hypoallergenic product;
  • Suitable for normal, dry skin, also sensitive;
  • Improves complexion and moisturizes the skin;
  • Protects against UV - SPF 20;
  • Does not contain parabens, sulfates;
  • The formula is based on Vichy thermal water;
  • Suitable for everyday use.


  • Price;
  • The fragrance is a little strange in smell;
  • Not economical packaging.

Intensive Treatment and Moisturizer, Kiehl's

Are there dry and rough patches of skin?

The product will provide intensive restoration of the skin of the hands and feet, softens and moisturizes it thanks to an organic complex of oils. Will help cope with the problem of cracked nipples at the beginning of feeding.

Price category: up to 2,000 rubles.

Intensive Treatment and Moisturizer, Kiehl's


  • Subtle aroma;
  • Delicate moisturizing;
  • Nourishing oils;
  • Suitable for any skin type;
  • Does not contain parabens, sulfates.


  • Price;
  • Volume.

Hand cream Nutrix Royal Mains, Lancôme

Price 2700 rubles.

A luxury product will be especially effective for dry skin.

Hand cream Nutrix Royal Mains, Lancôme


  • The active complex is lipids, vitamin E and betaine;
  • Strengthening nails;
  • Helps prevent the first signs of aging;
  • Intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the hands.


  • Price;
  • During pregnancy and postpartum recovery, it must be used all the time.

Cream-gel against stretch marks Biovergetures, Biotherm

Price from 2166 rubles.

An effective product with a light texture that is quickly absorbed and helps prevent stretch marks.

Cream-gel against stretch marks Biovergetures, Biotherm


  • Prevents the formation of stretch marks;
  • Reduces existing ones;
  • Can be used both before and after childbirth, as well as separately against stretch marks;
  • Does not contain parabens;
  • Active ingredients: vitamin E, soybean oil and shea butter.


  • The effect is cumulative, it is necessary to use until traces of stretch marks disappear completely and then for a couple of months for prevention.

Super Bust Tense-In-Serum, Biotherm

Serum for bust and décolleté.

Price category up to 2,000 rubles.

Super Bust Tense-In-Serum, Biotherm


  • Excellently restores elasticity;
  • Improves the shape, tone and elasticity of the décolleté area;
  • Results are visible after the first use.


  • Price;
  • Small volume.

Face cream during pregnancy - reviews

  • Yana: “What I liked most was the “Intense Hydration” for the face from the German line Nonigue. She has dry skin. The product worked great.”
  • Marina: “After changing many products, I settled on vitamin cream from Teana and radiance cream from the same brand. I am pleased. I believe that this is the optimal combination of cost, quality and results.”
  • Anna: “I used Loreal moisturizing creams - day and night products. I liked the result."
  • Alena: “On the doctor’s advice, I switched to the Bubchen children’s series. For my face I used their face and hand cream. Even my very harmful skin became very tender and soft. I am very pleased."
  • Olga: “I used Cristina moisturizing cream. Well moisturizes and is affordable.”

The period of carrying a baby is not the time for experiments. If there are no medical indications, it is better for a woman to avoid potent products, because the health of the growing baby should come first. A pregnant woman should give preference to hypoallergenic products designed for pregnant women. An alternative could be products for the children's category of consumers. And don't forget to check the composition of the cream you plan to use.

Safe body creams: list of popular ones

Not all pregnancy creams are safe. Some of them cause real harm to the mother and the unborn baby. When choosing a body cream, give preference to the following:

  • 1) Solutions body maximum makeover from Avon;
  • 2) Slim extreme serum from Eveline;
  • 3) Mamma Donna from Chicco;
  • 4) Cream with placenta Evinal;
  • 5) Mama Comfort for stretch marks;
  • 6) Indulgent body cream from Avent;
  • 7) Scrub, mask, gel cream from Green mama.
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