Facial care: TOP 10 golden rules for daily and basic care

Skin aging occurs gradually and unstoppably. It is impossible to beat time, but modern cosmetology offers a set of anti-aging measures that will slow down the formation of wrinkles and age spots, maintain skin elasticity and a fresh appearance. In our article we will talk about what procedures for caring for aging facial skin can be done at home, and how to combat the signs of aging in a cosmetology clinic.

Causes of skin aging

Over the years, our hormonal background , metabolic processes slow down. Natural proteins collagen and elastin (the building material of our skin) are produced more slowly and in smaller quantities , cell renewal occurs less intensively. The skin becomes less elastic, drier and thinner, and its protective properties are reduced. Also, due to the slowdown in cell renewal, keratinized cells do not exfoliate on their own and form a dense surface layer (keratosis process), in which the number of melanocytes responsible for pigmentation is increased. Pigment spots become more pronounced, and lentigo appears.

Signs of aging skin are:

  • age wrinkles;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • slow regeneration;
  • dryness;
  • tendency to peeling.

The causes of premature aging can be negative heredity, bad habits, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases, insufficient care and even poor ecology.

Anti-aging care is a set of measures (cosmetics, procedures, drugs, etc.) aimed at eliminating or softening the signs of aging on the skin of the face and body.

About skin problems at 35 years old

There are many options for problems at 35 years old. If we omit the topic of various skin pathologies, then conditions include hypersensitivity of the epidermis, rosacea, hyperpigmentation and expression lines, as well as post-acne.

It is important to take into account all the factors leading to the listed conditions:

  • season of the year;
  • Lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • general somatic conditions and skin diseases requiring special treatment;
  • problems with hormonal levels, lack of vitamins and microelements.

All people are individual. It is necessary not only to consult about skin problems after 35 years, but also to undergo a complete examination and collect anamnesis.

Features of anti-aging care

Anti-aging care is aimed at:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the skin, its regenerative and protective functions;
  • restoration of skin elasticity, smoothing the oval and reducing wrinkles;
  • nutrition and hydration;
  • fight against increased pigmentation;
  • protection from harmful effects (primarily from ultraviolet radiation).

Anti-aging care may include the following:

  • eliminating the problem of premature aging from the inside : taking medications that stimulate the production of collagen, vitamins, nutrition correction, drinking regimen;
  • treatment of chronic diseases, equalization of hormonal levels in women;
  • change in living conditions : refusal to work, which involves constant flying or applying makeup, lack of sleep, stress, being in the sun for a long time; moving to other climatic and environmental conditions;
  • home care: anti-aging creams, light peelings, serums and masks; self-massage, taping, face fitness;
  • cosmetic procedures.

How to care for facial skin depending on its type

To choose the right care products, you need to know what type of skin you have. The success and effectiveness of the products used depends on this factor.

Tips for caring for oily skin

Basic care should be aimed at reducing sebum production, reducing the intensity of the sebaceous glands and preventing the appearance of inflammation and rashes. Look for product formulas labeled non-comedogenic, salicylic acid, mattifying and anti-inflammatory ingredients.


  • Effaclar range products are designed specifically for the care of oily skin: cleanses and tightens pores, prevents the occurrence of imperfections. The formula of the range is based on La Roche-Posay Thermal Water to strengthen the protective functions of the skin, salicylic acid for accelerated cell renewal, mattifying, moisturizing and restoring components.

Rules for basic care for dry and sensitive skin

Dry skin especially needs long-lasting, high-quality hydration. In addition to an established drinking regime, do not forget about products based on hygroscopic agents (glycerin, hyaluronic acid), which not only moisturize cells, but also prevent transepidermal moisture loss, leaving the skin soft, smooth and nourished for a long time.

Formulas based on softening, soothing and lipid-restoring components, such as vegetable oils, can cope with increased sensitivity. Choose special products labeled “for sensitive skin” and “hypoallergenic”.


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Step-by-step procedure for caring for normal skin

The condition of normal skin type rarely worsens, so the main task is to prevent it from becoming sensitive or dry.

Suitable: nourishing care with an antioxidant formula, for example, based on vitamin C, to prevent oxidative stress in cells and slow down the natural aging process. Also choose moisturizing and softening formulas based on hyaluronic acid and plant extracts.

Basic measures for caring for combination skin

Combination skin type is the most common. Care for such skin should be aimed at reducing oily shine in the T-zone and moisturizing the skin in the U-zone. Lightweight products with dual formulas are suitable: moisturizing and at the same time matting.



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Step-by-step care for acne-prone skin

Caring for problem skin, as in the case of oily skin, should be aimed at reducing sebum secretion, narrowing pores and reducing the number of rashes and inflammations. Formulas with antibacterial, healing components will help fight acne, mattifying components reduce shine, cleanse and tighten pores.



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Pore ​​tightening lotion

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Moisturizing mattifying sebum-regulating emulsion

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Corrective emulsion for oily skin

Cleanses and visibly tightens pores, reduces oily shine, and effectively evens out skin texture and color.

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General indications for anti-aging procedures

After 25 years, the elasticity of the skin begins to gradually decrease, the first wrinkles appear, so cosmetologists advise starting to use anti-aging cosmetics from this age .

Signs that you should consider anti-aging treatments include:

  1. change in skin type, tendency to dryness and flaking;
  2. formation of wrinkles;
  3. loss of skin elasticity, the oval of the face “floats”, jowls and sagging appear;
  4. the appearance of age spots, the complexion becomes dull and sallow;
  5. enlarged pores, post-acne, long-term recovery after injury, the appearance of small scars;
  6. increased skin sensitivity - reactions to cold and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Fighting deep wrinkles

Wrinkles in the skin are evidence of aging. They are formed when the synthesis of collagen and elastin substances decreases, and the cellular activity of connective tissue decreases. During a consultation with a dermatologist, you can find out how to care for your skin after 35 years and smooth out deep wrinkles.

For folds, one cream is not enough, and any woman wants to stay young as long as possible. In this situation, injection techniques are used:

  1. Botulinum therapy (Botox). The substance, a neurotoxin, creates a block in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle tissue, and it stops contracting and the fold disappears.
  2. Contouring. Involves the use of gels, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. They are injected into the deep layers of the dermis, this adds volume, and the fold goes away.
  3. Plasma therapy. Injecting her own blood plasma (in a small amount) under a woman’s skin creates a lifting effect, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Hardware techniques are an excellent option for those who are afraid of injections or who have contraindications to procedures. They are also effective and safe. Today, thermolifting and laser grinding are used.

Types of cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation

Rejuvenation using the HydraFacial device is a painless hardware procedure based on the method of vortex delivery of therapeutic serums to the skin of the face and body and vacuum removal of imperfections, dead cells and spent compounds.

The uniqueness of this type of anti-aging therapy lies in the stunning multi-complex effect, which is noticeable immediately after 1 session . Absolute safety thanks to individual attachments, painlessness, as well as the ability to replace several visits to different specialists - these are the main advantages of HydraFashle.

The procedure simultaneously combines:

  • cleansing;
  • exfoliation (peeling);
  • extraction;
  • hydration and nutrition;
  • lifting and rejuvenation;
  • protection.

To achieve maximum rejuvenation effect, 7 to 10 sessions are usually required.

Facial photorejuvenation using the M22 device

This is a very effective procedure that allows you to remove defects from the skin such as:

  • dark spots;
  • post-acne;
  • vascular formations;
  • solar keratosis;
  • small wrinkles.

Thanks to the action of an intense pulse color of a certain range , skin tightness is restored, age-related changes are eliminated, metabolic processes are improved, and the process of cellular regeneration is launched.

Before the procedure, a special conductive gel is applied to the skin. After photorejuvenation, it is necessary to constantly use sunscreen , including decorative cosmetics with a high protection factor from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. For maximum rejuvenation effect, 3-5 photocorrection sessions will be required .

Botulinum therapy

Botulinum therapy is an injection of botulinum toxin protein into the facial muscle tissue, which has a relaxing effect on it. The muscles stop contracting under the influence of the neurotoxin and pulling the skin along with them, wrinkles are smoothed out for up to six months. In addition to the fact that the procedure is quite painful, after it you must follow a number of rules during the rehabilitation period: you cannot take a horizontal position and apply makeup for several hours, you cannot play sports, drink alcohol, visit the sauna and solarium, or do other cosmetic procedures for several days.


The principle of rejuvenation is based on the subcutaneous administration of meso-cocktails containing hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and homeopathic and medicinal preparations.

Many microinjections are made into the skin of the face and neck after preliminary local anesthesia with a special cream. The procedure has a rejuvenating and healing effect, helps remove toxins, get rid of imperfections and restore lipid metabolism.

Mesotherapy can also be carried out using one of the hardware methods:

  • laser;
  • hydromesotherapy;
  • oxygen;
  • ionic;
  • cryomesotherapy.

For comprehensive rejuvenation, 8-10 procedures will be required at weekly intervals . The effect can last up to a year, but more often noticeably decreases after 6-7 months.


This type of rejuvenation differs from mesotherapy in that the principle is based on saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid . The procedure can be carried out using various methods:

  • injection;
  • laser;
  • iontophoresis;
  • magnetophoresis;
  • cryobiorevitalization;
  • oxygen;
  • peptide;
  • fractional.

Hyaluronic acid has a complex effect on the skin:

  • hydration;
  • increasing firmness and elasticity;
  • restoration of protective functions;
  • activation of natural production of collagen and elastin;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • giving the skin a healthy tone.

A course of rejuvenation using biorevitalization usually includes 4-7 sessions.


Chemical peels based on AHA and PHA acids have a complex effect on the skin, removing dead cells and awakening it, stimulating regeneration and normalizing metabolic processes.

For rejuvenation, medium and deep (to the level of the dermis) peels are most often used. After the procedures, long-term recovery is required - the use of sunscreen, soothing, moisturizing agents , since during the rehabilitation period the skin is very flaky, redness is observed, and the aesthetic appearance is far from ideal. The anti-aging effect is achieved on average after 6 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days.

Make an appointment

Stage II – cleansing and toning the skin

Cosmetologists and dermatologists unanimously argue that washing cannot be neglected, since most cosmetic compositions for makeup remover require subsequent removal from the facial skin in order to free up the pores.

Most products are removed from the face with water, but cleansing the skin with micellar water, which does not require rinsing, is becoming increasingly popular. After cleansing the skin, dermatocosmetologists strongly recommend using a tonic, and it is better to choose it from the same brand and series as the main cleanser to restore the optimal PH level.

Using special liquid soap for problem skin for washing is only permissible if it is excessively oily; under other circumstances, it can dry out and tighten the skin.

How to prepare for anti-aging procedures

To prepare for anti-aging procedures you need:

  • reduce swelling , to do this, limit the consumption of liquids, spicy and salty foods, fish and seafood for 2-3 days;
  • do not drink alcohol for 3-5 days;
  • avoid being in direct sunlight without protective cream;
  • refrain from other procedures that injure or reduce the protective functions of the skin;
  • use moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics;
  • apply self-massage methods.

Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

The basic reason for the formation of wrinkles around the eyes is the prolonged exposure to UV rays and the resulting photoaging, as well as the functioning of the facial muscles responsible for squinting. Ultraviolet spectrum B (UVB) activates the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing their excess.

What's happening:

  1. Natural antioxidant systems cannot quickly neutralize many ROS, which causes stress oxidation.
  2. UVB negatively affects the functioning of mitochondria and this further increases oxidation due to ROS directly in the mitochondria. This promotes the activation of matrix metalloproteinases, which destroy collagen in the skin.
  3. Also at this time, the activity of proteolytic enzymes increases, which leads to elastin fragmentation. These and other pathogenetic mechanisms negatively affect the quality of the dermis around the eyes - facial wrinkles and folds are formed.

Smoking increases the negative effects of matrix metalloproteinases and leads to the earliest formation of crow's feet.

Environmental pollution plays an important role in this process - microparticles of urban smog accumulate in the skin, including around the eyes, deteriorate the properties of the dermis, and wrinkles form even more actively.

When should you start using anti-aging cosmetics?

You can start using anti-aging products after 25 years , but there is no need to overdo it and use age-inappropriate compositions with a lifting effect. Otherwise, the skin adapts to cosmetics, and at a more mature age, when enhanced measures should be taken, they will not work.

To begin with , toning and moisturizing, as well as light peelings and regenerating masks at home, is enough. Then, as the skin ages, use age-appropriate creams (indicated on the package), visit a cosmetology office, and even, if necessary, resort to surgical facelift methods.

The importance of using cosmetics from the same company

Systemic cosmetic facial treatments involve the use of products from the same brand. After all, modern compounds are complex chemical compounds that can react with other substances. When developing a line of products, the characteristics of each component are taken into account, minimizing the risk of allergies or inflammation after use. In addition, all formulations complement each other, ensuring the greatest effectiveness.

When using creams, tonics and scrubs from different companies, be prepared to deal with the unpleasant manifestations of conflicting cosmetics. It is almost impossible to determine which substance caused an allergic reaction or skin irritation. At best, the condition of the epidermis will remain unchanged. But is it worth the money spent? Therefore, it is recommended to initially select a line of skin care products from one brand. Moreover, the modern cosmetology market offers a huge selection for all ages and skin types.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

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Precautionary measures

In the pursuit of beauty, it is important to remember that the main goal is to improve your appearance, not spoil it. To keep your skin looking healthy and radiant at any age, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Before any cosmetic procedure, you need to consult a cosmetologist , and the specialist must be from a trusted clinic, have extensive experience and high-quality education. Such a specialist will not impose unnecessary or inappropriate manipulations and means;
  2. You should not do chemical peels yourself at home , and also scrub your skin with compositions with large abrasive particles too often;
  3. It is very important to take into account your skin type and health status. What is suitable for a friend or relative may be completely unacceptable for you;
  4. if there are microtraumas, cuts and inflammations on the skin, cosmetic procedures should be postponed

Why you need to cleanse your face regularly

Every day, impurities accumulate on the surface of the skin and in the pores: dust, decorative cosmetics, sebum, dead skin particles and even remnants of care products. In order to get rid of them, you have at least two reasons:

  • They provoke inflammation. An explosive mixture of pollution is an ideal breeding ground for the development of bacteria and, consequently, the occurrence of acne.
  • They reduce the effectiveness of skincare products. It is difficult for beneficial components to break through the “mask” of impurities, so creams and serums cannot show their full potential.
  • How to understand that your skin lacks cleansing? Believe me, she will “tell” about it herself! Or, more precisely, it will show in the mirror.

Signs of dirty skin

Healthy, clean skin should look smooth, hydrated and radiant (not to be confused with “shiny with oil”). If yours is still far from this ideal, look for the main signs of contamination:

  • A scattering of small pimples.
  • Dull complexion.
  • Black dots.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Uneven terrain.

Moisturizing masks

The next step in your morning routine could be applying a moisturizing eye mask. Apply the mask in the morning 1-2 times a week. Keep the mask on for about 15 minutes. If you set yourself up and get up on time, you will see that a morning mask is a completely acceptable procedure for the work week. You can use ready-made masks offered by well-known brands:

Morning face masks from Kiehl's, Garnier, Lancome - a mask based on calendula and aloe. Has a calming, cooling and moisturizing effect. It is enough to keep the mask on your face for 5 minutes, and your facial skin will receive the moisture it needs for the whole day.

Sheet mask “Moisturizing and freshness”, Garnier - the mask has a moisturizing and cleansing effect. The mask contains hyaluronic acid and green tea extract, which tightens pores. The mask is suitable for combination skin. Exfoliant face mask Énergie De Vie, Lancôme - contains extracts of lemon balm, ginseng and cranberry. It is enough to hold the mask for 3 – 5 minutes. Has a cleansing, refreshing effect. Ideal for sensitive skin.

Exercises for the face and neck

  1. To tighten the cheeks , we stretch the lips as we do for a kiss - with a “tube” and move them as far as possible to the right side. Then, keeping the lips in this position, we turn the neck to the right. After 5 seconds, we return to the starting position. We do the same lip movements and turn the neck to the left side. We repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
  2. To lift the lower part of the face , we move the lips inward, behind the lower line of the teeth, while also straining the chin and pulling it up so that the lower jaw protrudes. After 5 sec. we return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. For the muscles of the neck and chin , against the double chin and sagging cheeks - pull the chin forward, while placing the tongue behind the upper teeth, the mouth is closed. At the same time, we press the chin from below with two thumbs and stretch out the lower lip. You need to feel the tension in your lower face and chin. We hold the muscles in this tension for 10 seconds. and relax the muscles. The exercise is performed 10 times.
  4. Against wrinkles between the eyebrows - extending the middle and index fingers parallel, connect them and press them along the eyebrow growth line. Gently pull the skin of the face under your fingers up and to the side, as if stretching the area between the eyebrows. At the same time we try to close our eyebrows, which fails because... We don't let you do it with our fingers. You need to feel the muscle tension. Keep the muscles in this tension for up to 10 seconds. and relax. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. For the neck muscles - place your hand on the chest and lightly pull the skin down, while stretching your neck up and smiling broadly with your lips closed. This is the basic pose. Next, slowly turn your head to the left, while nodding your head. We do the same to the right. We repeat the exercise 5 times in each direction.
  6. For elastic cheeks - open your mouth the way we open to pronounce the letter “O”, while slowly lowering the lower jaw to the limit. Using your index fingers, lightly press the apples of your cheeks. Without closing your mouth, you need to tense your muscles as if you want to smile. We tense our muscles in a “smile” for 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  7. For clear cheekbones , we stretch our lips as if we are going to pronounce the letter “I”. Holding the apples of the cheeks from “I” with your middle fingers, we try to say: “U”, while stretching our lips forward as much as possible. We hold our lips in this position for 10 seconds and return to the “I” position. Repeat 10 times.
  8. For a clear contour of the lips , we tighten the lips in a “ducky” manner, leaving them in this position for 10 seconds, then we move on to the widest grin possible. Hold your lips in this position for 10 seconds. We repeat the cycle 10 times.
  9. For a clear oval face , open your jaws and purse your lips. In this position, we push the lower jaw forward as far as possible. We linger at the point of maximum tension for 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  10. To tone the chin , clasp the front of the neck with your palms, as if trying to strangle yourself. Slowly tilt your head back, linger at the maximum point for 10 seconds, and slowly return back. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Now you can start washing. Remember that an excellent finishing step for washing is a contrast rinse: alternately rinse your face with warm and cold water. This procedure activates blood flow. The procedure should begin and end with warm water. You can use ice cubes. Pre-freeze pure mineral water without gas, or a decoction of herbs in ice trays and wipe the face and area around the eyes every morning. *see publication: masks and creams around the eyes

Attention! If your skin is prone to rosacea, contrast rinsing is canceled.

The most effective anti-age procedures

And again, there is no single, universal solution that suits everyone. Every procedure in the clinic will be useful and effective if it is chosen correctly. Conversely, any type of influence may be useless if chosen incorrectly.

All procedures must be carried out on time and according to indications. You should not rush and start the fight against aging at the age of 20, taking, for example, biorevitalization courses - young skin will not receive the expected benefits from such exposure. Hyaluronic acid has exceptional properties and works wonders, but if the skin is well hydrated, without signs of aging, photodamage, solar lentigo and increased dryness, then you should not expect noticeable results.

For young patients, a course of mesotherapy or redermalization is more suitable. But at a more advanced age, in the presence of dryness, wrinkles, pigmentation and sagging, biorevitalization will become a real salvation.

Some procedures are aimed at solving specific problems, for example, eliminating fat bags or tightening. Others are more versatile. For example, plasmolifting, bioreparation, redermalization, photorejuvenation simultaneously refresh, even out the relief and shade, smooth out and stimulate renewal of the skin.

Lying gymnastics

To strengthen the neck. Place your palms around the front of your neck as if you are trying to strangle yourself. Raise your head up 1cm. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

Anti-edema. Close your eyes, place your palms on your forehead, so that your little fingers are in line with the closed milestones. You need to rotate your eyes the way we do when we look up and then down. In this case, you should hold your eyebrows with your fingers, which will rise upward under muscle tension. The exercise can be repeated 10 to 15 times.

For bags under the eyes. Place your middle fingers between your eyebrows, above the bridge of your nose, with your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes. We look up, trying to squint our eyes, and at the same time we use our fingers to prevent the muscle from doing so. We strain the muscle for 15 seconds. Relax the muscle. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

To raise eyebrows. We place our index fingers on the forehead parallel to the eyebrows, repeating their curve. Raise your eyebrows with all your might, and use your fingers to prevent muscle movement. Hold for 30 seconds at the moment of maximum tension, then let the muscles relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Now you can get up and the first thing you need to do is drink a glass of water - this way you provoke an acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.

Now you can continue your gymnastics classes. You can sit on a chair and do the following exercises in turn in front of a mirror:

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