Cosmetic face masks: 10 rules to maximize effectiveness

Nutrition is an essential step in facial skin care. Regular moisturizing makes the skin soft and smooth. Particular attention should be paid to the corners of the lips, eyes, and forehead. These areas require special care, since expression lines are the first to form on them.

With a lack of nutrition and hydration, skin cells begin to die. As a result, deterioration in appearance.

You should use nourishing masks if you have a tired appearance, lack of sleep, poor diet, exposure to direct sunlight, or seasonal vitamin deficiency.

Choosing a mask: which gods will we please?

There are so many types of masks on the market now that it’s really dizzying: nourishing, fortifying, restoring, smoothing, and 100,500 more options. If you are sure that your problem is targeted, and this specific mask is needed to solve it (for example, pores are clogged, and you need a normalizing and additional cleansing product) - take it with confidence. But if you have a little bit of everything... opt for a hydrating mask. Often mild problems have a common root - dehydrated skin. If you return the required amount of liquid, the skin has a chance to handle the rest on its own.

Anti-aging masks

Based on what was said earlier, to rejuvenate your face you need to follow a few simple rules. We don’t go outside without protection from the sun or cold, we try not to grimace and we carefully take care of our dermis type.

Over time, the skin inevitably loses its elasticity. Therefore, every woman tries to find an effective way to combat these metamorphoses. Rejuvenating nourishing masks are the best solution. The required effect is achieved through collagen, elastin or hyaluronic acid. All this has a positive effect on reversing age-related changes. Let's ask an expert which mask is considered the best.


“You need to understand that everyone’s skin is different. Therefore, anti-aging masks are selected based on the characteristics that the user has. I can offer a choice of five of the most successful products from the 7 days collection:

  • with willow and cocoa beans, a rejuvenating mask will be an excellent end to a long day;
  • with iris and jasmine, this is a toner, lotion and essence in one bottle;
  • with blue agave and lotus, which will allow the skin to experience unforgettable relaxation;
  • yellowvenus especially for the area around the eyes, ideal for removing crow's feet;
  • bluevenus, which is suitable for combating black circles and puffiness.

Choose what you like best. But I recommend evaluating each product, because they are all unique and provide completely different effects. Some positions are more nutritious, and some correct age-related defects.”

Let's add to the expert's words. The listed anti-aging positions are suitable for almost any type of face, which makes them even more attractive.

We take into account the nature of entities

For pronounced combination skin, it is better to take several masks and apply them specifically to problem areas. This way you won’t waste the product, and your face will look much better. Masks with a creamy texture are suitable for this: for the T-zone you can use a drying one (charcoal or clay), and for the rest of the face - hyaluronic.

Homemade masks for oily skin

The reason for oily skin lies in the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Oiliness depends not only on skin type, but also on nutrition, bad habits, stress, external factors and facial care. Eliminate spicy, sweet and fried foods from your diet, and replace coffee with aromatic tea. And don't touch your face with your hands!

Oily skin is prone to breakouts, but you can normalize the production of sebaceous glands by caring for it properly. Freeze herbal infusions (chamomile, tea, linden) into ice cubes and wipe your face in the morning. You will quickly wake up, and your skin will say “thank you” with a light blush.

Cosmetologists do not recommend using alcohol-based herbal tinctures, soaps and oils. They can trigger new skin rashes. You shouldn’t “dry” your skin unnecessarily, because the more we degrease the epidermis, the more it tries to protect itself by secreting sebum.

Mask for oily skin with salicylic acid

Action: removes oily shine, mattifies, reduces inflammation, cleanses, gets rid of acne and blackheads, removes age spots.

You will need:

  1. 1 teaspoon salicylic acid;
  2. 2 tablespoons yeast;
  3. rose hip.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 80 ml of boiling water over 4-5 rose hips and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, and then let the broth brew for a few minutes.
  2. Pour the warm broth over the yeast and let it stand again for 10 minutes.
  3. Add salicylic acid.
  4. Apply the mask to your face for 10 minutes.

Different rituals for different purposes

Get yourself several masks of varying intensity to suit your problem. There is no point in using a product with an SOS effect if the current condition of the skin simply requires maintenance - this is fraught with over-grooming. And too weak a concentration of the mask will not cope with urgent problems (for example, against the background of hormonal fluctuations, weight changes, pregnancy, previous diseases).

Benefits of nourishing masks for facial skin

The benefits of use are:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • regeneration of facial skin cells;
  • restoration of water balance;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • saturation with useful microelements;
  • increased elasticity;
  • appearance of an even skin tone.

Nourishing care according to skin type

Everyone needs nutrients.
In order to choose the right home care, you need to determine your skin type. To determine your skin type, you will need a special napkin or a regular paper one. You need to apply it to your face and see the result.

  1. If there are stains on the napkin in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin, then this is a combination skin type. This is one of the most common types.
  2. If traces remain all over the napkin, then it is a greasy type. The oily type is characterized by pimples, comedones, enlarged pores and a characteristic shine.
  3. Minor marks on the forehead and cheeks indicate a normal skin type. Its signs: cleanliness, lack of shine, elasticity, even tone.
  4. If there are no marks at all on the napkin, then it is considered dry. This skin is too thin and delicate. It is most susceptible to premature aging and environmental influences.

Once your skin type is determined, you need to choose the right nourishing mask, which can be made even at home.

  • Oily skin.

Many people believe that oily skin does not need to be nourished and moisturized. Actually this is not true. She also requires attention and care, like other types.

To prepare masks, you can use eggs mixed with lemon juice, which helps tighten pores. But we must remember that it cannot be used for rashes and inflammations.

You can also use cucumber, oat or rice flour, aloe vera juice, herbs, kiwi or kefir and clay. Clay can be purchased at pharmacies or beauty supply stores.

  • Dry skin.

Dry skin requires careful hydration and nutrition. To prepare moisturizing masks, ingredients such as grapes or their juice, avocado, potatoes, and chamomile decoction are used. Particular attention should be paid to various oils. For example, olive, almond, castor or avocado oil. Masks with these ingredients help relieve the feeling of tightness, dryness and prevent flaking of the surface of the face.

  • Combination skin.

To prepare masks for combination skin, kefir, sour cream, aloe juice, bananas, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and a strong infusion of green tea are suitable. These components not only contribute to nutrition and hydration, but also stop inflammation and help eliminate acne and flaking.

  • Normal skin.

Normal facial skin type is quite rare. Cottage cheese, honey, egg yolk, kiwi, and apples are suitable for preparing masks for this type.

Rules for using masks for nutrition

In order to get the effect of using these masks, you must adhere to certain rules.


  1. Compliance with the frequency of use. In the autumn and spring periods, it is recommended to do a mask course. On average it is 9–12 masks. It is recommended to do them 1-2 times a week.
  2. Before use, remove cosmetics, accumulated dirt and dust from the skin surface.
  3. Scrub the skin. The scrub helps remove dead skin particles that could interfere with hydration and nutrition.
  4. Steam your face with a decoction of herbs or plain water. This will increase blood flow and metabolic processes will be activated.
  5. Use a special brush for application. Apply the mask in a thin layer, and avoid the area around the eyes.
  6. After application, keep it on your face for no longer than the recommended time. Each mask may have a different time period. Usually it does not exceed 15–20 minutes.
  7. Once the required time has passed, you need to wash off the mask with water at room temperature.
  8. It is not recommended to use a towel. It can be replaced with either paper towels or paper napkins. If none of the above is present, then let your facial skin dry naturally.
  9. If necessary, use face cream.

In order for the skin to remain elastic, soft, fresh, wrinkle-free for a long time and not begin to fade ahead of time, it needs to be nourished. For proper, effective care, it is not necessary to visit a cosmetologist. If necessary, you can make nourishing masks yourself using ingredients that are found in every home.

The exit from the ritual is as important as the entrance

In other words, the mask must be washed off properly. This skincare product basically has a thick texture that cannot be removed simply with water. First, it is better to use micellar water or fat-containing balm, and the residue can be easily removed with cleansing foam. Don’t be afraid, the skin has already pulled everything it needs into the deeper layers, and you won’t wash off the excess.

To cleanse your skin faster and easier, you can use a special facial sponge. Read: Why is konjac better than other sponges?

Why shouldn't you use face masks too often?

Using face masks too often can have the opposite effect. They have a more intense effect on the skin than creams and other skin care products. The reason for this is that the masks contain a higher concentration of biologically active components.

Oversaturation of the skin with active substances often leads to:

  • thinning of the epidermis, disruption of its protective properties, inflammatory reactions;
  • loss of moisture and pH imbalance;
  • failure in the metabolic processes of the lipid layer and the appearance of excessive dryness.

An excess of components also stops the synthesis of many substances that are formed in the skin layers. The layers do not receive enough oxygen through the pores and stop breathing.

What does the mask risk “fighting” with?

Masks are not as friendly as they seem at first glance. It's a bad idea to use them together with serums and other targeted assets. Both contain substances that penetrate deep into the skin. At best, one of these means will be useless, at worst, the components will “fight”, and the battlefield with the defeat of “civilians” will be your face.

Here you will find: 5 best aloe face masks + DIY recipes

Bonus: a versatile coffee scrub

A homemade scrub will help get rid of dead cells and improve your complexion. If coconut oil doesn't suit your skin type, simply replace it with natural yogurt.

What you will need

  • 1 tablespoon ground coffee;
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

How to make a mask

Stir coffee with coconut oil to form a smooth paste. If your skin is not very dry, you can add a little lemon juice to the mixture. Spread the scrub evenly over your face, avoiding the eye area, and massage into your skin (but don't overdo it). Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with water or remove with a damp towel.

Safety precautions

If you have already had an allergy to any cosmetic product, applying a mask to your entire face is more than a risky undertaking. First, do a standard allergy test: apply a drop of the product to the skin behind the ear or on the bend of the elbow, wait for the prescribed 10-15 minutes and evaluate the result within 24 hours. If nothing is red, swollen or itchy - a mask, welcome to its intended purpose!

Be careful, you may be making at least one of: 5 mistakes in caring for sensitive skin that will cause irritation and redness

With such instructions, you will no longer be afraid of any minor demons in the form of pimples or irritation. Have fun!

Types of masks and frequency of use

According to their consistency, the preparations are:

  • Gel. Usually contain hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe juice, which moisturize and tone the skin.
  • Cream. They contain a number of moisturizers, antioxidants, and nutritional ingredients. Night cream masks have a more concentrated formula than day masks.
  • Film. They form a thin shell that absorbs dirt and excess fat on the face. Cleanses the epidermis of dead cells and smoothes wrinkles.
  • Fabric. Made on a gel basis and impregnated with a hydrofix and various useful substances. The components retain moisture in the skin, nourish and rejuvenate it.
  • Alginate. The masks are based on salts of alginic acid contained in red, brown and green algae. They have a pronounced drainage and lifting effect.
  • With exfoliants. The preparations contain abrasives that gently polish the upper epidermal layer and smooth the skin. Clay, cream or gel is used as a base.

Face masks are classified according to their composition into:

  • acidic;
  • herbal;
  • fruit and berry;
  • oil;
  • clay;
  • algae;
  • vitamin.

According to the method of action, face masks are divided into types, which are also presented in the PREMIUM cosmetic line:

  • Cleansing. Suitable for oily and combination skin as it eliminates excess sebum. They tighten pores well and mattify the skin. MATCHA anTEAstress cleansing mask with white clay, betaine and niacinamide deeply cleanses sensitive skin, eliminates excess sebum, and stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Moisturizing. They are considered universal, since any skin requires hydration, regardless of age, season or care program. Cream-polyhydrant with sea grapes, natural oils and hops provides a pronounced moisturizing effect, corrects aging, improves skin tone and turgor.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Suitable for problematic skin prone to rashes, irritation, acne. They have an antiseptic effect and give the face a healthier appearance. “Resorbable” cream mask with white and green clay prevents stagnation in the epidermis and eliminates sebaceous plugs. The product tightens pores well, improves microcirculation and complexion.
  • Calming. Suitable for sensitive facial skin that reacts sensitively to external irritants. Help eliminate redness, irritation, and other unwanted reactions. Soothing cream mask with azulene and corn oil removes greasiness, flaking, redness and infiltration, reduces pimples and blackheads.
  • Nutritious. With their help you can fight the first signs of aging. This is especially true for dry and aging skin. Nourishing masks effectively eliminate tightness and restore the epidermal barrier. The skin becomes silky and elastic. Hyaluronic cream mask with AHA complex improves the elastic and protective properties of the skin and reduces wrinkles.
  • Whitening. Get rid of freckles, age spots, dark circles under the eyes, refresh your appearance. The “Brightening” cream mask with a complex of whitening ingredients gives a pronounced depigmenting effect and evens out the complexion.
  • Anti-aging. Effectively fight wrinkles and other signs of aging. Increases the elasticity of the epidermis and tightens the facial contour. The “Complex” cream mask has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the skin, increases its elasticity and hydration properties.
  • Anti-aging. Deeply moisturize the skin, activate the production of collagen and elastin, tighten and even out the facial contour. Lifting cream mask with snail secretion, fruit acids and a vitamin complex is intended for intensive care of dry skin of the face and neck with signs of aging. It has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, smoothes out small and medium wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.

With the help of these cosmetics you can slow down the process of skin aging.

Facial peeling mask at home

Peeling is an indispensable procedure if your goal is healthy skin. With age, it quickly becomes covered with a layer of dead particles, and therefore looks lifeless.

Peeling smoothes wrinkles, reduces pigmentation and acne marks, increases oxygen supply and exfoliates dead cells. What is the result? Masks and creams will penetrate deeply into the epidermis and act more effectively, because they will not be “interfered” with the dead layer of cells.

Remember that the most important rule of care is regularity . Do peeling once a week for 2 months, stop for 30-40 days, and then repeat the procedure.

The best time for the procedure is spring and autumn. Delicate new cells are vulnerable to external factors, so in hot and cold weather you risk chapped skin or pigmentation.

Cosmetologist Natalya Gureeva recommended the easiest, safest and most effective oatmeal peeling , which will keep the skin toned and tighten it.

You will need:

  1. 1 tablespoon oatmeal;
  2. cambric or silk handkerchief (the main thing is that the fabric is not rough).


  1. Cleanse your face with gel or foam.
  2. Place the oatmeal in a handkerchief and tie it in a knot.
  3. Wet the handkerchief with hot water.
  4. Move the handkerchief in a circular motion along the massage lines for 5-7 minutes, periodically dipping the knot into hot water. The epidermis will slowly swell, and dead scales will be easily removed from the skin.
  5. Do not wash the “oatmeal” off your face, let it absorb. And the lifting effect will be a bonus.

How to properly care for your facial skin?

7 tips without which you cannot achieve perfect skin

  1. Use sunscreen in both summer and winter. During the cold season, ultraviolet rays are reflected from the snow and give pigment to the face, and also contribute to early aging of the skin.
  2. Never touch your face with your hands or squeeze pimples. This should be taboo!
  3. No procedures will help if you don’t watch your diet . Put sweets, flour, salty and fried foods far away in the cupboard. The main thing to remember is that everything takes time. You may not notice any noticeable results in the first few days. Don't give up, and your skin will thank you (okay, okay, for a holiday or when you really want it, you can have a bun).
  4. Stay hydrated . Of course, you shouldn’t force water into yourself, but you can “push” your brain to desire. Place a glass of water on the table, and your hand will naturally reach for it.
  5. Always remove your makeup at night .
  6. 90% of the success of facial care is proper washing . Gel or foam for washing should gently and delicately remove dirt and cosmetics. Beauty and health of the skin are impossible if the protective layer is destroyed, so you can’t wash your face every day until it’s squeaky clean.
  7. Wash your makeup brushes often to prevent bacteria from growing.

If the skin is tight and pimples appear on it, then use masks and creams for young skin with salicylic and azelaic acids. They will reduce sebum production, moisturize and reduce acne.

Masks and peelings will make your skin smooth, soft and radiant. But the best thing you can do for your face is massage . In combination with masks it will give an amazing effect! Massage stimulates blood circulation and breathing of the skin, so it can quickly and permanently restore its youth, tighten and refresh it. Massage your face for 5 minutes while washing your face along the massage lines or pat it with your fingertips.

If you are worried about wrinkles, dream of a beautiful oval face at any age and want to be sure of the effect of a massage, take a course. Or maybe you have decided to master the profession of a massage therapist, which, by the way, will always be in demand? Then facial massage courses are definitely for you!

What to look for when choosing courses?

  1. Course program . Find out what massage techniques they will teach you, whether they are suitable for your purpose, and whether there are sections on facial anatomy.
  2. Student reviews.
  3. Are there practical classes? Without consolidating the theory, you will gain much less knowledge and quickly forget it.
  4. Course teacher . What is his work experience and education?
  5. Band size . There should be no more than 15 students.
  6. Duration of the course. To master the massage technique, you will need at least 10 practical lessons.

The cost of facial massage courses starts from 4,000 rubles and reaches 20,000 rubles . The price depends on the number of hours of training, program and group size.

Love yourself and your appearance, be healthy, take care of yourself, don’t frown and think about good things more often. Believe me, positive thoughts work wonders in all areas of life!

This training may be right for you:

  1. 10 Best Online Makeup Training Courses
  2. 10 Best Makeup Training Courses in Moscow
  3. Best Makeup Training Courses in Moscow for Yourself from 2,000 Rubles
  4. Best Makeup Courses in St. Petersburg from 2,000 Rubles

The best Makeup Training Courses in Your City: Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Perm and Chelyabinsk .

What skin problems have homemade masks helped you solve? Share with us in the comments! Repost the article so that the recipes for light masks are at hand!

Masks are one of the most favorite and effective home care procedures. Why?

A home procedure available at any convenient free time
. Effective intensive care. Professional masks provide an effect for at least 3 days

It is not necessary to go to a cosmetologist - the procedure is easy to use, they are easy to use and apply

“Ambulance” in emergency situations (dehydrated, “tired” skin, inflammatory elements, enlarged pores)

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