Products that even out facial tone: homemade, cosmetic, salon treatments

From this article you will learn:

  • Causes of uneven skin color
  • Skin smoothing methods
  • The effect of food on skin color
  • Folk remedies to even out skin tone
  • Masks that even out complexion
  • Cosmetics that even out your complexion
  • Salon procedures

The ideal complexion is a beauty trend that has been popular for several seasons. Beautiful skin with a slight natural glow is in fashion.

But what to do if the natural complexion leaves much to be desired? This problem spoils the mood of millions of girls every day. You can easily solve it even with a small budget through home remedies that even out your complexion, cosmetic and salon procedures.

Causes of uneven skin color

Every representative of the fair sex strives to ensure that her skin is beautiful and attractive. But no means (neither salon procedures, nor expensive creams) that even out the tone of the face will help until the cause of the uneven color of the dermis is identified. As a rule, choosing a healthy lifestyle is already the first step towards improving the appearance of your skin.

The most common causes of uneven skin tone are:

  • Poor nutrition.

What we eat matters a lot. Food with a large amount of preservatives negatively affects not only the digestive system, but also the body as a whole. Frequent consumption of fatty, sweet, spicy foods, as well as a deficiency of fruits, vegetables, and berries leads to water retention, which means swelling, the appearance of acne and, accordingly, a change in the tone of the dermis.

  • Violation of water balance.

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of water; no creature, including humans, can live without it. It is involved in many processes occurring in the body, including metabolism, removal of waste and toxins. A lack of fluid will not only ruin the tone of the dermis, but will also cause skin changes such as peeling and many others.

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  • Lack of sleep.

Sleep is considered the most simple and effective means of skin care. When we sleep, epidermal cells are renewed, and the body replenishes its energy. For full recovery, we need to sleep 8 hours, and we need to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night, since it is not for nothing that they say that every hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after this time. Regular lack of sleep leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs, including the skin.

  • Ecological situation and climatic conditions.

It is no secret that currently the main problem of large cities is severe air pollution, including emissions from large enterprises, most of which are toxic substances. The latter negatively affect the skin. Living in a monotonous climate, for example, in the northern parts of our country, where the polar night lasts for several months, brings no less harm to the dermis. A deficiency of sunlight leads to vitamin deficiency, which has a negative effect on appearance.

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Even the most minor diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are immediately reflected on the human skin. Gastritis or a stomach ulcer make themselves especially obvious - the face immediately takes on an unhealthy hue, and acne appears on it. Timely and regular examinations of the body will help identify ailments at an early stage, when they have not yet had time to harm the dermis.

  • Heredity.

Diseases are often transmitted genetically, including skin diseases, such as swelling under the eyes and uneven skin tone. That's why they can be so difficult to remove.

  • Bad habits.

An unhealthy lifestyle, in particular alcohol abuse and smoking, has a negative impact on the body; many people look much older than their age. For example, alcohol dehydrates the skin, and this in turn leads to yellowness, the appearance or deepening of wrinkles.

  • Lack of fresh air.

Currently, due to an inactive lifestyle (working at a computer, constantly driving a car), people practically never spend time in the fresh air. Lack of oxygen affects the beauty and youth of the skin - it becomes dull and tired.

  • Incorrect care.

To always look attractive, you need to properly care for your skin: nourish and moisturize it on time, use only high-quality cosmetics, including products that even out your complexion.

Use Vitamin C Serum

Serum differs from cream in that the concentration of active components in it is simply off scale. For example, vitamin C. Yes, yes, it is this that helps smooth out wrinkles and causes the skin to age an order of magnitude slower.

But how can such a serum help you forget about foundation? The thing is that its composition perfectly soothes the skin (like a personal therapist) and relieves inflammation (like a doctor). It also gets rid of nasty pimples, post-acne and whitens.

In general, this elixir works better than any makeup artist. Use it for your health and do not forget to store the bottle in a dark place - vitamin C is terribly afraid of sunlight.

Skin smoothing methods

Not only eliminating the above reasons will help make your skin smooth and beautiful. Every day, representatives of the fair sex mask imperfections in the dermis: some with properly applied makeup, others with masks or regular visits to beauty salons.

However, an integrated approach is most effective. It is he who will help solve your problems in a short period and with good results. In addition, we remind you of the following, long-proven methods:

  • You need to take care of your skin morning and evening. At the beginning of the day, do not forget to apply products that even out your skin tone, and at the end of the day, you should not just rinse your face with water, but thoroughly cleanse the dermis to remove dust and oil accumulated during the day. After this, do not forget to apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream. Care should be multi-stage.
  • You cannot use masks every day. Usually it is enough to apply them once every two days. Use mixtures that suit your skin. Have patience. Only regular cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing will help you achieve the desired beauty.
  • Thanks to keratinization and exfoliation of cells, the skin is constantly renewed, but it also needs help with this. Therefore, do not forget to use suitable peels and scrubs. It is better to use them several times a week. After removing dead cells, the dermis becomes smooth and its tone is evened out. The most popular lately are the so-called rays; they cleanse the skin more delicately and evenly than scrub particles.
  • Our skin is full of toxins and chemicals, so do not forget to arrange detox days for it - a kind of “day off” for the dermis. Avoid cosmetics during this period, eat fruits and vegetables, foods containing healthy fats, etc. This stimulates metabolic processes in the body, cleanses the liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs, and enriches the skin with vitamins.

How to prepare your skin for makeup to even out your face

Before you start straightening your face, you need to thoroughly clean it. After all, if there are areas of severe peeling left on the skin, no amount of makeup will eliminate it. Particular attention should be paid to cleansing and moisturizing.

If you don’t take care of the condition of your skin and take care of it every day, you definitely won’t be able to achieve an even tone. Dull, unhealthy skin with a yellowish tint will make any woman look older. Dead cells, if not removed in time, will prevent the moisturizer from being absorbed, and accordingly, the tone will lie unevenly. As a result, the makeup will be done poorly, and the appearance will become untidy. Before evening out your complexion with makeup, be sure to use scrubs to ensure complete skin care. Your esthetician may perform special chemical peels or beta-alpha hydroxy acid peels.

Folk remedies to even out skin tone

Currently, you can buy a variety of cosmetics in the store, including ones that even out your complexion, and some cost a lot of money. But is it possible to get by using folk methods? Of course yes! And the ingredients for such preparations will cost you very little.

What time-tested folk remedies even out your complexion?

  • Make a decoction of herbs, strain and freeze it until it turns into ice. You can do the same with freshly squeezed juices. Every morning, wipe your face with these ice cubes - this way you tone the dermis and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. However, keep in mind that this method of skin care is harmful for those who suffer from a vascular disease such as rosacea.
  • Another folk skin care remedy, including one that evens out the complexion, is steaming in a bathhouse or sauna. During a visit to the steamed pores of the dermis, the dermis opens and cleanses, dead cells fall off, metabolism improves, etc.
  • For those for whom a bath is contraindicated, steam facial baths can be done at home. Hot air, just like in a sauna, opens pores, removes toxins and waste, and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. It is most beneficial to add various herbs and essential oils to such baths, and after them apply masks and peeling to the face, because steamed skin is better cleansed.
  • Toners that even out your complexion can also be made at home. For example, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices will be an excellent skin tonic.

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Evening out complexion using cosmetic procedures

No, not the advertised BB-glow. By the way, the procedure is just a marketing ploy. At first the effect is really visible.

A couple of months pass and the skin color may acquire a gray or even greenish tint.

Let's talk about methods that actually work, and, most importantly, with a positive outcome.


What to do if you have an uneven complexion with redness - go for an ice massage. Or rather, liquid nitrogen. Although both are cold. Low temperatures eliminate acne, wrinkles and age spots, and also tighten pores. And without chemicals.

In general, get into the habit of wiping your face with an ice cube every morning.

A. You will wake up instantly.

B. Skin tone and elasticity will increase, wrinkles will smooth out. And you no longer have to type “even complexion cosmetology” into a search engine.

It is carried out using injections or laser. The procedure is based on hyaluronic acid. The component retains moisture in the dermis, due to which an even tone is achieved. Moisturizing, elasticity and antiage effect included.

There are many varieties - from diamond to light chemical. In the case of the first peeling, the skin is thoroughly exfoliated using attachments sprayed with diamond chips, while in the second peeling, the skin is exfoliated using a chemical burn. It just sounds scary. Light chemical peeling affects only the upper layers of the epidermis and the skin quickly recovers. Even despite such aggressive influence.

Just check out the contraindications. And it’s better to sign up for a salon.

Masks that even out complexion

Another facial product that evens out the tone is a mask. But, of course, not a carnival one! The choice of such mixtures for the skin is huge, so you need to choose their composition correctly. In the store, you run the risk of purchasing ones that contain preservatives and harmful chemicals, which means it’s best to make them yourself.

Important! Before using the mask, check to see if you have an allergic reaction to it. To do this, take a little product that evens out your skin tone and apply it to the crook of your elbow or wrist. If red spots appear, you should know that this is an allergy to the ingredients of this drug.

1. Toning masks.

  • Cucumber.

Grate a medium-sized ripe cucumber, drain (do not squeeze!) the resulting juice. If the pulp is still runny, add a little oatmeal. Apply the resulting product to your face and leave for at least a quarter of an hour.

  • With parsley.

It is necessary to crush a bunch of parsley to a paste. This can be done by hand or using a food processor. Add a little lime juice to the resulting mixture and apply it to your face. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse off the product that evens out your face tone with warm water.

  • Sour cream.

Recipe from the “It couldn’t be simpler” series. You will need 100 g of fat sour cream and a gauze napkin. Soak a cloth in the milk product and apply it to your face; after 20 minutes, remove any remaining mixture with water.

  • Oatmeal.

It is necessary to boil 50 g of oatmeal in water and cool the resulting mush. Next, add liquid sour cream or plain yogurt. The composition is applied to the face and décolleté, and the product that evens out the skin tone is washed off after 20–25 minutes.

  • With the addition of carrots.

Take one carrot, grate it, mix with the yolk of a quail egg and one teaspoon of oatmeal. Apply to your face, after 15–25 minutes, rinse with cool water.

  • Potato.

You need to boil one potato, mash it until puree. Then chop half of one carrot and mix with the yolk. Combine the resulting mixtures and dilute with light beer. Apply the mask to your face, after 20 minutes, wash off the product that evens out your skin tone with slightly warmed beer.

  • Cabbage.

Take several cabbage leaves and grind them to a thick paste, dilute with one tablespoon of kefir. Apply the mixture to your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes.

  • With watermelon and melon.

Take a couple of pieces of watermelon and melon, squeeze the juice out of them, mix. Next, add half a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse it off.

2. Masks to strengthen blood vessels.

  • With the addition of peach.

You will need the pulp of one peach, one teaspoon of olive oil and ½ teaspoon of honey (liquid). Next you need to combine the ingredients. Then apply the resulting product, which evens out the skin tone, to your face. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your face first with hot and then with cold water.

  • With oatmeal and orange.

Add the juice of one orange to the oatmeal and stir until it becomes a thick paste. Apply the composition to the face with a special brush. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

  • With strawberry.

Grind 2-3 strawberries, add half a ripe banana, a few drops of lemon juice, one tablespoon of natural yogurt without preservatives. Apply the resulting product, which evens out the skin tone, to the face, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • With celery.

Grind 100 g of celery leaves in a blender, add a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, and after 10–15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • With dandelion.

Grind the dandelion flower along with the stem. Add one teaspoon of almond oil and one drop of rose oil to the paste. Apply the mixture to your face and wash off after 15 minutes.

  • Cottage cheese.

Mash 100 g of natural cottage cheese, removing any grain. Add one teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply the resulting product, which evens out the skin tone, to your face and wash off after a quarter of an hour.

  • With the addition of rose essential oil.

You will need flaxseed, coconut and olive oil. Take half a teaspoon of each, add 2-3 drops of rose essential oil, mix the ingredients. Warm the mixture slightly and apply a thick layer to your face. It is recommended to apply a product that evens out the skin tone of the face while lying down, since the mask is quite liquid and can drain from the face, so it is better to place an oilcloth under your head and a terry towel on it. After 20 minutes, blot your face with napkins; no need to rinse.

Do a jade facial massage

Probably each of you has seen these stone roller facial massagers. No, this is not a marketing ploy, but a completely working way to rejuvenate.

Look how good Asian girls look! Their ancestors used the forces of nature to remain in a suitable form for as long as possible. Among the remedies is, among other things, jade. This “stone of life” makes blood flow faster, gives a healthy color and radiance to the skin.

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Buy a roller made of natural jade, cool it, apply cream or oil to your skin and let’s go roll the miracle stone along the massage lines. The effect is immediate and, as they say, obvious!

Cosmetics that even out your complexion

Have you just recently noticed that you have an uneven complexion and have started to solve the problem using various masks? But this process is quite lengthy, and you want to look good now. In this case, properly applied makeup will help you. Cosmetics should be chosen depending on your skin type. So, for dry dermis, use moisturizing preparations, and for oily dermis, use mattifying preparations.

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A makeup base will help even out your skin tone and smooth it out. But it cannot be used every day, because over time, due to the large amount of silicones, it clogs the pores. For this reason, you need to do a thorough makeup removal every night.

Color Uniformity Factors

A healthy complexion indicates that a person is feeling well. In this case, the use of leveling cosmetics is not required. If the shade is uneven, then the condition of the skin needs to be improved. The reason for this phenomenon may be:

  • Weather
    . During frost and strong winds, the skin must be treated with a protective serum, otherwise there is a risk of uneven color appearing. The film covering the face prevents harmful influences from penetrating;
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
    . You should not exclude sunbathing; you just need to constantly use protective creams. Then the skin of the face will always have a uniform tone;
  • Bad habits
    . Due to excessive alcohol consumption, the vascular walls become weak, and smoking leads to their spasm. If you eliminate bad habits, the even complexion will return;
  • Poor nutrition
    . The complexion becomes uneven due to the consumption of fatty, spicy foods. Due to such food, blood flow increases, which affects the appearance of an unhealthy complexion;
  • Medical factors
    . You need to visit your doctor regularly for examination. If you have diseases, you should not delay their treatment.

Don't neglect these simple recommendations. First you need to eliminate the cause, otherwise no cosmetic products will help completely solve the problem. As a result, the skin takes on an unhealthy appearance.

Salon treatments

If cosmetics do not help hide facial defects and you are ready to turn to professionals, then pay attention to procedures such as:

  • skin cleansing using laser (this way skin cells are renewed, traces of acne and pigmentation are removed);
  • gas-liquid peeling with oxygen (dead cells of the epidermis are exfoliated, new ones are enriched with O2, saturated with nutrients, blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation improves);
  • cryomassage with liquid nitrogen (pores are narrowed, stagnant spots are removed, the activity of the sebaceous glands is improved, and the metabolism is normalized);
  • microdermabrasion, or diamond peeling (by polishing the dermis using diamond crystals with a vacuum, dead skin cells are removed, blood vessels are strengthened, and the number of wrinkles is reduced).

We talked about the main products that even out facial skin tone and procedures that help hide visible defects in the dermis. However, in the fight against such problems, it is better to take an integrated approach and use the services of professional cosmetologists.

Use eye cream instead of concealer

If your complexion is even, but the circles under your eyes are treacherously spoiling them, you have to use concealers so as not to look like a panda! Sound familiar?

How about fighting the cause rather than the effect? You need an effective eye cream! One of these is Perfect C EYE Treatment from 3LAB. It perfectly removes all bruises and evens out the complexion. And all because it contains rice extract, mango and coconut oil, and vitamin C (where would we be without it!).

In general, we get rid of the circles and say goodbye to the foundation!

Home "military" arsenal

The process of evening out facial tone on your own begins with choosing the right cosmetics. First, avoid regular soap for washing your face; it only dries out the outer epidermis, causing it to age prematurely. Choose special foams and gels for your skin, taking into account its type and problems.

Be sure to get into the habit of using a peeling mask. The product effectively removes dead skin particles and various impurities. And massage during the procedure will restore blood flow to the face, which will launch restoration processes at the cellular level. You need to please yourself no more than twice a week, otherwise thorough cleansing will harm the epidermis.

Remember the algorithm of action for healthy skin:

  • Cleansing – twice a day (in the morning and before bed).
  • Toning – tightens pores and saturates the skin with vitamins.
  • Moisturizing – nourishes the skin.

How to choose - recommendations from cosmetologists

Perhaps one in a thousand people can boast of perfect skin. But everyone, without exception, wants to achieve perfection. A cream for smoothing facial skin will help you achieve your goal.

Attention! Products in this segment may be required at any age and for any skin type. When choosing, pay attention to the age indicators, which are necessarily written on the packaging of the product.

Cosmetologists advise monitoring the composition, because only a specially packaged product is suitable for evening out the tone. This is what should be included in a cream that improves complexion and eliminates visual problems:

  • hyaluronic acid, thermal water, glycerin that deliver and retain moisture;
  • analogs of elastin and collagen that restore skin turgor (amino acids are best);
  • substances with antimicrobial and antibacterial effects that actively fight inflammatory manifestations, redness, rashes and pimples;
  • natural extracts of medicinal plants that restore the structure of the epidermis at the cellular level;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes responsible for tissue nutrition, combating pigmentation, and regeneration processes;
  • UV filters and reflective particles that protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and make the face radiant and bright.

All these components are important in the composition of the cream, but it is not a fact that they will be presented in a complete list. However, most of them must be present to ensure a truly visible result.

And a few more practical tips that you need to keep in mind when purchasing any cosmetic product, if you want to really solve the problem and not buy a new one.

  1. Manufacturer. Give preference to well-known brands, regardless of pricing policy. Newcomers to the market are, of course, wonderful. But experience and practice have always remained fundamental criteria.
  2. Package. It should be intact, not wrinkled, with clear marks and legible text, from which you will get information about the composition of the product, its purpose and other aspects important for cosmetics.
  3. Best before date. Many do not pay due attention to this point, and completely in vain. The best “result” of using such a product will be its ineffectiveness. In the worst case, you can “earn” allergies, dermatitis or other unpleasant problems.
  4. Skin type. Pay attention to what exactly the product is intended for. If it says “for all types,” it’s worth considering. After all, different problems require individual solutions.
  5. Age. And again about him! Don’t forget about this criterion, because skin at different times requires completely different approaches in terms of product composition.

If everything is clear on this point, move on.

You can find out what else cosmetologists recommend to improve your complexion from the video below:

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