Facelift without surgery: face threadlifting with 3D mesothreads

Elimination of gravitational ptosis (sagging), correction of age-related skin changes, smoothing of wrinkles and folds

The effect occurs immediately. Short recovery period, from 7 to 14 days

Long-lasting results for up to 2 years

Mesothreads are registered in the Russian Federation, made from material used in medicine for more than 50 years

The cost of the procedure is from 9,000 rubles

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  • What are mesothreads and how do they work?
  • Efficiency of the procedure
  • Who is thread lifting recommended for?
  • Advantages of thread lifting with mesothreads
  • Technique of the procedure
  • Rehabilitation after thread lifting
  • How long does the effect last?
  • Contraindications for threadlifting
  • Cost of thread lifting
  • Reviews

What are mesothreads and how do they work?

An innovative technique came to Russia from South Korea; it is based on a combination of mesotherapy and thread lifting.

Threadlifting is a non-surgical tightening of sagging tissues, an alternative to plastic surgery.

The Absolut Med clinic uses three types of threads:

  • PDO threads (polydioxanone) - they provide effective compaction and reinforcement of the skin.
  • PM threads (polymilk) - they are used to restore the original contours of the face and body, effectively tightening sagging skin.
  • COG threads (Kogi) are threads with notches. They give a lifting effect; this is an effective and fast method of tightening the skin. The notches ensure restoration of a clear facial contour and tightening of soft tissues. COG threads have a prolonged effect, the result of the procedure lasts up to 2 years.

Doctors at the Absolut Med Clinic install threads in the face, neck, décolleté, arms, stomach, knees, and buttocks.

All types of mesothreads dissolve on their own within six months.

3D mesothreads for face lift: indications

On the websites of cosmetic clinics, the indications for a facelift with mesothreads look very beautiful, but more often than not, everything that is written there is usually not true. The purpose of such advertising articles is to encourage the patient to buy a completely affordable thread lifting procedure using mesothreads. The promise of the impossible is precisely the reason why most patients’ reviews on mesothreads later turn out to be negative. Advertising tells us that thread lifting with mesothreads is intended for:

  • improving the appearance and elasticity of the skin,
  • correction of wrinkles on the forehead,
  • brow lifts,
  • tightening the area around the eyes,
  • smoothing wrinkles and folds,
  • improving the shape of the oval face and submandibular area.

Additional effects when used on the body include tightening of loose tissue in the chest area, buttocks, abdomen, arms and legs, as well as for eliminating unevenness and sagging skin after liposuction or pregnancy. But in fact, mesothreads (synonym - biostimulating threads) are intended only - 1) for the prevention of age-related skin changes, 2) as the first stage of thread lifting in patients with loose skin, in order to strengthen the skin before installing more serious types of threads - reinforcing or lifting.

And thirdly (with regard to the correction of changes that have already occurred), mesothreads in some cases can improve the appearance of the skin and slightly increase its elasticity. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable only in patients with a finely wrinkled type of aging, who have thin skin, and which should be in poor condition. If you have relatively well-groomed skin, then you most likely will not notice the effect at all. Also, you most likely will not notice any effect from the procedure if you have thick skin or soft tissue ptosis.

As for the effect of smoothing out wrinkles, you shouldn’t really count on this when using mesothreads. Of course, immediately after the procedure, the cosmetologist will take you to the mirror and show you the changes. Some changes can actually be noticeable immediately after the procedure - due to swelling, which increases the volume of the tissue, smoothing out wrinkles. That is why, when for advertising purposes they show photos before and after installing mesothreads, the “after photo” is almost always taken immediately after the procedure, when tissue swelling is still present and there is a characteristic blush (redness). If you need a lifting effect, then you need not meso-, but lifting or reinforcing threads.

Advantages of thread lifting with mesothreads

  • The effect occurs immediately after the procedure
  • Quick elimination of age-related problems - the procedure results in ideal facial contours and elastic skin
  • No pain or discomfort during the procedure
  • The procedure takes only 30 minutes
  • Short recovery period from 7 to 14 days
  • Absolute safety
  • Virtually no risk of complications

The mesothread procedure does not require surgical intervention and leaves no traces; the injection points disappear almost instantly. The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes, it is painless and does not cause harm to health. The clinic uses only proven safe mesothreads.

Advantages of leather reinforcement with Aptos threads

Facelift with Aptos threads is a low-traumatic procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. After it, no long rehabilitation is required, and there are no scars left on the skin.

The depth of installation of threads does not exceed 5 mm, which eliminates the risk of damage to nerve endings and guarantees complete preservation of natural facial expressions.

At the sites where Aptos threads are introduced, the processes of angiogenesis are launched - the formation of new blood vessels. This helps improve blood supply to tissues and accelerate cell regeneration processes. A few more months after reinforcing the face with biothreads, fibroblasts actively synthesize elastin, collagen and biologically active substances. Therefore, the skin becomes denser, fresher, smoother and more elastic. An artificial subcutaneous scaffold can hold tissue in a given position for up to five years.

If you do not like the result of the lift, the doctor will remove the threads and your face will return to its previous appearance. The safety and effectiveness of Aptos technologies is confirmed by the fact that in 2010, Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation officially approved their use in surgery and therapeutic cosmetology.

Technique of the procedure

Before the procedure, you must consult with a cosmetologist. The doctor will assess the presence of age-related changes in the face and body, identify possible contraindications, and determine the desired result of the lifting. After this, the specialist, together with the patient, will select the appropriate type of thread to solve the problem.

The skin areas are disinfected, and then, using a needle, mesothreads are inserted to a certain depth; they are placed in the form of a mesh perpendicular to the position of the muscle. The number of threads depends on the severity of age-related changes.

Subsequently, the threads are woven with collagen, providing a natural reinforcing frame. As a result, problem areas of the skin are kept in place for a long time.

Mesothreads: contraindications

Contraindications for mesothreads are, in principle, exactly the same as for any other anti-aging procedures in cosmetology practice. Absolute contraindications –

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • bleeding disorders or taking anticoagulants,
  • malignant neoplasms and inflammation in the intervention area,
  • acute infections,
  • allergy to thread components,
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars.

There are also relative contraindications. For example, a tendency to allergic reactions, which means the presence of allergies to several antigens at once. Another contraindication is excess facial soft tissue, as well as moderate to severe ptosis. We hope that our article on the topic: Mesothread reviews before and after photos was useful to you!


1. Add. prof. author's education on thread lifting (


), 2. Personal experience of clinical application, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. National Institutes of Health (USA), 3. “Thread implantology” (Kodyakov A.A., Fedorov P.G., Aleksandrov V. .N.).

Rehabilitation after thread lifting

Since thread lifting is not an operation, it does not require a rehabilitation period. Immediately after the procedure, the patient can return to their normal lifestyle.

At first, swelling of the skin and redness of the treated areas may be observed; they disappear on their own. For the next 12 hours, you must refrain from physical activity and applying makeup. For the next 3 days, you should not visit the bathhouse or sauna, and it is not recommended to drink alcohol.

Types of Aptos biothreads for the face

Aptos biothreads for the face are made from polypropylene and caprolac. Polypropylene threads are safe, do not cause rejection reactions, and are hypoallergenic. They do not dissolve and ensure the preservation of the rejuvenation effect for up to five years. After this period, they can be tightened in places of previously made punctures under local anesthesia. The installation of such threads is indicated for patients 40-50 years old.

Threads made from caprolac (polylactic) completely dissolve after about six months. During this time, a reinforcing frame is formed at the sites of their introduction from the young collagen’s own fibers. L-lactic acid, which is part of such threads, has an additional rejuvenating effect on tissue. The achieved result lasts for about two years. Polylactic threads are usually installed in patients under the age of 40 years.

The surface of the biothreads can be smooth or have notches, which, when modeling the oval of the face, move away from the thread rod and fix the soft tissues in a “young” position, preventing them from sagging under the influence of gravity.

Doctors at the PRAGA clinic have all types of Aptos threads at their disposal. This makes it possible to select them taking into account the thickness of the skin and the degree of gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues of the face.

What is the method?

Its essence consists of subcutaneous injection into different parts of the body of the thinnest, almost invisible threads of polydioxanone.

A thread attached to a flexible steel guide needle, sharpened by a laser, is inserted in the form of a mesh perpendicular to the muscle tissue. The needle is so thin that it easily slides into the subcutaneous fat tissue, practically without damaging it. At the moment the needle moves back, the thread loses connection with the conductor and remains in the skin. The material is biologically compatible and absolutely safe for the human body. The mesothread is under the skin for 3-9 months, after which practically no traces remain of it, except for decay products: water and carbon dioxide.

During this period, the mesothreads are braided with new collagen fibers. Thus, a clear supporting frame is formed, which performs its functions of keeping problem areas of the skin in a certain state for more than two years.

Mesothreads for face lift: reviews, photos, research results

As we said above, mesothreads are only one of the suture options for thread lift procedures, and are most often made from the material polydioxanone (PDO), which is a common cheap surgical suture material. You probably ask: why do most manufacturing companies make threads from PDO - while the best material for thread lifting is 90% or 100% polylactic acid, and in second place is a combination of polylactic acid and caprolactone?

After all, it is polylactic acid that has the strongest biostimulating effect on tissue, stimulating collagen production. However, only the cost of 1 set of reinforcing threads made of polylactic acid from Resorblift® (France) will cost a cosmetologist from 24,000 to 35,000 rubles and, thus, the final cost of the procedure for 1 patient will be from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles. The use of Italian Darvin® reinforcing threads made from a copolymer of L-lactide with caprolactone will be approximately 30% cheaper, but even this cost of thread lifting makes it inaccessible to a wide range of people.

Therefore, polydioxanone (PDO) threads are an alternative available to most. However, you should not confuse PDO mesothreads with PDO reinforcing threads, because they have different properties due to different thicknesses of threads. Thin mesothreads are too quickly destroyed in tissues into fragments (in about 30 days), i.e. cannot act for a long time in the form of stiffeners. The last point also applies to mesothreads made of polylactic acid with caprolactone, but at least they have a more pronounced biostimulating effect on tissue.

What effect can you expect from mesothreads?

The effect of ordinary mesothreads will probably be noticeable only in those patients who are not used to caring for their skin, i.e. it must be in relatively poor condition. And secondly, the effect will be visible only in patients with a finely wrinkled type of aging (thin skin). If you have relatively well-groomed skin, thick skin, or have ptosis of soft tissues, you will not notice any effect from specifically mesothreads. On average, only 5% of patients see the effect of mesothreads. Mesothreads, in our opinion, are optimally used only to prevent aging, but not to correct existing disorders.

In our opinion, if you decide to implant mesothreads specifically, then it is better to choose threads made from a copolymer of polylactic acid and caprolactone, because in this case the effect will be slightly more pronounced. If you are forced to choose mesothreads by the high cost of polylactic acid reinforcing threads (such as Resorblift® or Darvin®), then we recommend choosing PDO threads. But not on mesothreads, but on thicker reinforcing threads.

An example of quite affordable reinforcing threads made from PDO is Beaute Lift V-line® threads (models Rose, Rose-2D, Rose-3D, Cog-2D). These threads are much thicker than conventional PDO mesothreads and therefore, even despite the cheapness of this material, thick reinforcing threads will have a more significant rejuvenating effect. Moreover, they can be used not only for reinforcement, because... if the doctor knows the “loop” thread fixation technique, not only a reinforcing, but also a very definite lifting effect will be achieved.

Clinical trial results –

Let's say right away that there are very few independent studies, and almost all of them are only based on threads from PDO. When interpreting the results of clinical studies, it is very important to look at the thickness of the threads, i.e. what kind of threads were used in the study - thin mesothreads or thicker reinforcing threads. Below you can read an independent clinical study of thin PDO mesothreads, in which there was no increase in collagen production in skin samples taken before and after thread lifting.

However, in other studies using thicker PDO reinforcing sutures, skin biopsies convincingly showed an increase in the amount of collagen (although this increase disappeared quite quickly once the sutures were completely reabsorbed).

The influence of threads on collagen production - in 2013, the article “Thread lift with absorbable monofilament threads” was published in the Journal of the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (authors - Shimizu Y., Terase K., published in the Journal of Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery » vol. 35. No. 2) – with the results of a study of the effectiveness of thread lifting with absorbable PDO mesothreads. Histological examination of skin samples 3 months after the procedure showed that the level of collagen and elastin in the area where mesothreads were introduced and in the control area where no threads were introduced did not differ from each other. The photographs below are also taken from this clinical study (Figs. 17-18).

Mesothreads: photos before and after the procedure a) before the procedure, b) immediately after the procedure, c) and d) – 1 and 6 months after the procedure, respectively. As you will see below, visual changes are clearly visible only in photos taken immediately after the procedure, where the tissue is enlarged due to traumatic swelling. Only an improvement in the appearance of the skin was achieved - it should be taken into account that the patient was injected with not 30-40, but 118 mesothreads!

If you see photos of patients before and after the installation of mesothreads, which show a noticeable lifting effect, this means that in fact these photographs were taken after the installation of reinforcing or lifting threads. Only the latest types of threads are capable of giving a visible lifting effect (Fig. 19-21).

Skin thread lifting with mesothreads - reviews

Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Doctor: Kotova Irina Nikolaevna

Irina Nikolaevna is an excellent specialist. It works according to a program compiled individually for you. I performed peeling, biorevitalization and mesothread procedures. I already see a positive result. I highly recommend coming to her for a consultation. The clinic has good equipment. Prices correspond to good quality.

Yulia Doctor: Kotova Irina Nikolaevna Very attentive doctor. The procedure was performed painlessly. The principle of action of the drug is clearly explained. Very pleased.


I did mesothreads to return the corners of the lips to their place and remove the nasolabial fold. I was very pleased with the result; my face immediately looked younger, like when I was 25 years old. At first there was swelling, but now it’s all gone, I’m very happy.


I used mesothreads to correct the décolleté and neck area, it turned out well. The skin smoothed out and became more elastic, wrinkles almost disappeared. Price


  • 3D mesothreads (from 10 pieces) + fractional rejuvenation (check prices)
  • 3D mesothreads (from 30 pieces) + Scarlet RF thermal lifting (check prices)

- this is a great opportunity to become 10 years younger at minimal cost!
Please note that the price of installing mesothreads can be very low only when non-branded suture materials and needles are used or when an insufficiently experienced cosmetologist is “training” on clients. The results of such savings are often disastrous - the face can become asymmetrical or unnatural. Complications are also possible - infection, formation of subcutaneous nodules, migration of mesothreads to the surface of the skin and their eruption.

Cost of thread lifting

The cost of the procedure is determined depending on the type of threads used, their quantity, location and other factors.
Make an appointment with a cosmetologist to discuss in detail all the details of the procedure and find out the exact cost.

NamePrice per procedurePrice for 1 thread
COG (Kogi) threads (notched), for 1 pc. (from 1 piece to 3 pieces) 4,000 rub.
COG (Kogi) threads (notched), for 1 pc. (from 4 pieces or more) RUB 3,500
PDO (Polydioxanone) threads, 10 pcs.9,000 rub.900 rub.
PDO (Polydioxanone) threads, 20 pcs.RUB 14,500725 RUR
PDO (Polydioxanone) threads, 30 pcs.18,000 rub.600 rub
PDO (Polydioxanone) reinforced threads, 10 pcs.10,000 rub.1,000 rub.
PDO (Polydioxanone) reinforced threads, 20 pcs.RUB 15,500775 RUR
PDO (Polydioxanone) reinforced threads, 30 pcs.RUB 19,500650 rub.
PM (polylactic) threads, 10 pcs.10,000 rub.1,000 rub.
PM (polylactic) threads, 20 pcs.RUB 15,500775 RUR
PM (polymilk) threads, 30 pcs.RUB 19,500650 rub.

Advantages of thread face lifting with 3D threads at the SPIK clinic

When you sign up for any procedure at our medical center, you have the right to expect:

  • attentive attitude from doctors and staff;
  • to maintain anonymity when necessary;
  • to perform procedures using high-tech equipment and clinically proven drugs;
  • loyalty in relation to the cost of services;
  • to an approach that truly takes into account the individual characteristics of your body.

Working in the field of beauty and health for more than 20 years, the specialists of the SPIK clinic have reached the highest professional level, which allows them to combine generally accepted rejuvenation methods with their own proprietary developments.

You can get personal recommendations from leading cosmetologists in St. Petersburg, as well as read reviews and photos of patients in the website gallery. Appointments can be made by phone or online.

Indications for reinforcement with mesothreads

Lifting the oval face using mesothreads will be relevant in the following cases:

  • formation of a double chin in the patient;
  • the appearance of facial and deep wrinkles in various areas of the face;
  • the need for a facelift;
  • the presence of obvious folds of skin in the décolleté area, on the neck or in the ear area;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • bags and hernias under the eyes;
  • fading and sagging skin;
  • ptosis of eyelids, eyebrows;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • formation of the nasolacrimal groove.

The difference between classic thread lifting and meso lifting

There are a number of fundamental differences between lifting with the prefix “meso” and conventional:

  1. Thread volume. Mesothreads are thinner, more elastic, more delicate. Therefore, they are required much more than regular pull-ups. The former will need 150-200 pieces for regular face reinforcement, for example, and the latter only 20 or 30. And the cost of mesolifting is therefore calculated by the thread number, and not by the coverage area, as is the case with classic face lifting with threads.
  2. Minor pain. Experts assure that a meso-type face lift is practically painless (it is even performed without anesthesia in all areas except the forehead), while a conventional thread lift is a procedure with noticeable pain. And “meso” rehabilitation is much faster - the skin is restored in just a week, a maximum of 10 days.
  3. Double effect. Mesolifting gives an amazing tightening effect. In any case, botulinum toxin injections, which are strongly recommended by specialists when performing a lift with Aptos threads, are completely unnecessary here.
  4. Duration. Here mesothreads lose to Aptes. The effect of using the latter lasts up to 5 years, while the former lasts only 2 years.
  5. Consequences of use. It has been proven in practice that mesothreads have no side effects. But, for example, at one time gold implanted under the skin (the so-called “golden threads”) caused itching and over time shifted to the chin area.

As for the combination of original meso threads with other procedures practiced in beauty salons and beauty salons, experts even recommend combining meso threads with other beauty and youth complexes. For example, with:

  • hyaluronic acid fillers (then the skin “framework” is formed much faster, and changes in relief become almost invisible);
  • radiofrequency lifting (but only 2-3 weeks after mesothreads, not earlier, then it will give an amazing effect of tissue retraction).

If the threads were implanted into the body, then 2-4 weeks after the procedure myostimulation, electroporation, laser or fractional rejuvenation, fractional mesotherapy and ultrasonic cavitation may be useful.

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