Mesothreads for the forehead - a safe and painless facelift

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Thread lifting Resorblift of the forehead and/or eyebrows is a lift using threads by moving and fixing the soft tissues of the upper third of the face.
Eyebrow and forehead lifting is most often indicated for patients over 40 years of age to reduce the first signs of aging in this area. In this age category, lifting of the upper third of the face is most in demand. However, if the problem of drooping eyebrows and/or ptosis of tissues, deep furrows in the forehead occurs in younger patients, this procedure can also be recommended for them.

The advantage of Resorblift thread lifting is its scientifically proven effectiveness, the ability to move and fix the soft tissues of the upper third of the face, the absence of rehabilitation and recovery periods, the absence of general anesthesia, and long-lasting results for up to 5 years.

The essence of the procedure

With age, many people experience drooping of the forehead and eyebrows. This is due to overstretching of the skin and hypertonicity of the frontal muscle.

Mosothreads are used to tighten the face and eliminate wrinkles.

This is a safe and effective method, because its basis is acupuncture (acupuncture) - it is aimed not only at transformation, but also at finding inner harmony.

Threads for implantation are made from different suture materials:

  • Polydioxanone (PDO) . High biological compatibility, low cost, rapid destruction in tissues.
  • Caprolactone (PLC) . Minimal biostimulating effect, the price is slightly higher.
  • Copolymer "L-lactide with caprolactone" (PLLA PLC) . A combined material with a strong stimulating ability that affects collagen production. Costs 50% more than polydioxanone thread.

Lifting fiber has long been used in cosmetology and has natural compatibility. It is coated with polylactic acid, which provides a moisturizing effect at the implantation sites.

Complete dissolution of the material occurs after 6-8 months. No marks are left on the skin as the threads are converted into carbon dioxide and water.

The thinnest elastic needle (0.3 mm) is made of high-quality medical steel and has a high degree of flexibility. This makes it possible to work with different layers of the epidermis.

The compaction of connective tissue occurs by enveloping the material with organic collagen in the form of fibers. After the mesothreads disintegrate, the supporting frame remains for several years.

Threadlifting is successfully combined with mesotherapy, contouring and RF lifting, and can also complete skin tightening operations.

Types of threads

There are fibers of different modifications that are combined with each other.

Type of mesothreadsDescription
With bi-directional knurls Used to eliminate age-related tissue displacement in the center and lateral areas of the forehead. One side requires 3-4 threads.

When performing the procedure, you need to take into account that a woman’s eyebrow looks like an arch, while a man’s eyebrow is a straight line, without pronounced bends.

Linear Used for excess flabby dermis on the forehead. With their help, you can thicken the cover, reduce the area of ​​the skin flap and reduce the depth of the folds.

The fibers create the effect of an indirect brow lift.

The procedure takes from 10 to 20 threads, which are inserted from bottom to top parallel to each other at a distance of 1 cm.

Spiral Suitable for eliminating wrinkles and dermal breaks. They allow you to increase the internal volume of tissue at the injection site and smooth out the surface relief.

In addition, this arrangement improves the architectonics of the dermis in the fold area. Most often, 10 pieces are enough.

Important! In Russia, threads produced in Korea “Lead Fine Lift”, Japan “Beaute`Lift V Line” and domestic Aptos® Nano Vitis-4, Aptos® Nano Vitis-7 are certified. The use of other products is fraught with negative consequences.

What is a thread lift?

Thread lifting in cosmetology (thread lifting) is a minimally invasive procedure to combat age-related skin changes, a “rejuvenation procedure.” Through a puncture, the doctor introduces very thin threads, which are fixed in the upper layer of the skin and form a kind of “lifting frame”. Moreover, the introduced threads stimulate the active production of collagen and elastin, which strengthen this framework, so the effect is double. In fact, the thread continues to act even when it completely dissolves (if absorbable types of threads are used), which ensures a long-term rejuvenation effect.

Indications and contraindications

Threadlifting is relevant in the absence of significant changes in young and middle age.

Rejuvenation using biostimulating threads is carried out for the purpose of:

  • remove eyebrow and frontal horizontal wrinkles;
  • improve the appearance and elasticity of the skin;
  • tighten eyebrows and areas near the eyes;
  • smooth out small creases and folds;
  • prevent age-related changes;
  • strengthen the dermis before installing reinforcing or lifting threads.

The procedure has a number of absolute and relative limitations.

It is strictly not recommended in the following cases:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • oncology;
  • hemophilia;
  • severe somatic diseases;
  • neurological disorders;
  • skin diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • acute infections;
  • previously introduced non-biodegradable injectable drugs into the facial area.

Relative contraindications:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • taking anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • excess soft tissue of the face;
  • ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) of moderate to severe degree.

Pros and cons of the technique

  • A non-traumatic and painless method of rejuvenation.
  • The lift is not accompanied by a long rehabilitation period.
  • The result can be seen 3 days after the manipulation.
  • The fiber is compatible with organic human tissue, so rapid healing is guaranteed.
  • The punctures are minimal, do not leave scars, scars and heal quickly.
  • Threadlifting goes well with other types of rejuvenation.
  • To achieve a positive effect, a highly qualified specialist is required.

Types of facial threads in cosmetology

What types of threads should the doctor and patient make a joint choice from in order to achieve the best result?

Aptos threads

Invented and patented by doctor Sulamanidze M.A., they have been actively used for more than twenty years and have been improved several times. Today, doctors and patients are offered a large number of types of threads, different in both materials and profiles. One of the most popular thread models in cosmetology.

Aptos technology involves the use of a double-edged needle. This allows you to move the threads exactly “along given trajectories” and makes it possible to effectively act at the required points.

Some types of Aptos threads are completely non-absorbable, others dissolve over time. In this case, the presence of polylactic acid in the composition ensures the active production of collagen and elastin, which allows for a long-lasting lifting effect, up to five years.

Each of the Aptos thread designs works effectively in its own “area of ​​responsibility” of the patient’s face, which gives the doctor a wide choice of options.

They are also quite affordable, which makes the procedure more accessible.

Carrying out the procedure

Precautionary measures

Before carrying out the manipulation, you should protect yourself from the appearance of herpes.
To do this, you need to take antiviral drugs a few days before the procedure. Mesothreads are inserted using sharp needles rather than a blunt cannula, so the risk of developing hematomas is very high. And if the blood clotting rate is increased (with varicose veins or taking contraceptives), then experts prescribe a drug that accelerates this process, because

To minimize the likelihood of a negative reaction, you should avoid medications containing acetylsalicylic acid and any painkillers, and do not do thread lifting during menstruation.


The manipulation takes place in a treatment room with complete sterility.

  • First, thoroughly cleanse the skin of makeup, dust and other contaminants.
  • Carry out antiseptic treatment with alcohol-containing solutions.
  • The most commonly used local anesthesia is a lidocaine-based cream or gel. The drug is applied to the injection area in a thin layer under a film for half an hour. Sometimes anesthesia is performed using a cannula - through the injection point, the anesthetic solution spreads to the entire operated area.

How it goes

Mesothreads are inserted subdermally to a depth of 0.1-0.2 cm parallel to the surface or intersecting. The depth should correspond to the boundary between the reticular and papillary layers of the dermis. When positioned parallel, the distance between the materials cannot exceed 0.1 cm.

After inserting the fibers into the tissue, pressure is applied to the skin near the tip of each needle to secure the length of thread, and then the needle is removed. The mezzanine remains inside.

The number of units required depends on age, skin condition, and the number of problem areas treated per procedure. On average, a forehead lift costs between 10 and 20 pieces.

Healing period

Complete rehabilitation lasts up to a month. Recovery after injections lasts up to 3 days.

At first, subcutaneous depressions, bumps, pain, cyanosis and loss of sensitivity at the implantation sites may be observed.

There may be a feeling of skin tightness and slight tingling during facial movements.

Symptoms do not require medical intervention and disappear on their own. Drug treatment is necessary when a tumor appears in the operated areas.

You can shorten the recovery period if you do not ignore taking prescribed medications (anesthetics) and fulfill certain conditions:

  • Sleep on your back, using a high pillow or several.
  • Apply cold compresses for 7 days.
  • Do not eat hot food for a month.
  • Avoid touching your face with your hands for a week.
  • Restrain facial expressions as much as possible.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The connective tissue fibers that surround the mesothreads are finally formed within 21 days; it is during this period that contact with the facial skin must be limited as much as possible. You should not actively rub yourself with a towel, or use belongings.

Current questions on the topic

What is a “non-surgical facelift with Aptos threads”?

This is one of the new procedures that involves face lifting without surgery.

Two main areas of the face are subjected to lifting: the cheekbone or middle third and the lower third in the jowl area. We perform the procedure with Aptos Excellence Visage threads.
Why do you use Aptos Excellence Visage threads?

This is an absolutely ingenious invention, which has taken on a form that is convenient for use and ready to use with minimal risk of complications. Barbed threads are inserted into special conductors and delivered almost atraumatically to the point of attachment. At the final point of attachment, the threads hook inside and do not come out, so the main complication of the previous generation - depressions or retractions - disappears

What results can you expect after an Aptos facelift?

The result is visible immediately after the procedure. The skin tightens and becomes elastic and smooth. This effect is achieved by the polylactic acid contained in the thread. Maybe someone remembers the drug Sculptra produced by Aventis, which was injected subcutaneously into the subcutaneous fat? It consisted of Poly-L-Lactic Acid. This drug was used to correct nasolabial folds that did not respond to fillers (injections).

What recommendations do you give to patients after a non-surgical facelift with Aptos threads?

During the procedure, the patient is in a supine position. When he stands up, the effect of reinforcing the face with Aptos threads is immediately visible. But this is the primary effect - mechanical. The fabrics are suspended on notches and moved upward. On this day you should not contract your facial muscles. The calmer the patient holds his face, the better the threads will take root and grow more accurately with connective tissue fibers. It hurts to even smile. But the effect is worth it!

A month later, the second wave of results from the action of polylactic acid begins. It determines the elasticity of the skin and reduces areas of saggy tissue.

How long will the effect last?

The effect lasts up to 2 years

. During this period, the threads dissolve. The procedure can be repeated.

Find out the possibilities of non-surgical thread lifting at a consultation with specialists at the RAMI clinic!

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Side effects

  • The most common complications arise from damage to blood vessels and nerves during tissue puncture. The use of pointed needles is unsafe when inserted deep into the dermis. The risk of bleeding, hematoma development and edema will be minimal when using a blunt cannula. Numbness due to injury to nerve trunks is rarely diagnosed.
  • Sometimes an exacerbation of herpes and infection at the injection site is possible. Such consequences are the result of non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, as well as unsatisfactory postoperative care.
  • Improper superficial introduction of the material can result in the threads contouring (seeing through) through the skin or causing retraction of the skin. Unpleasant effects disappear on their own after 10-15 days. The fiber discolors even faster, in about a week. Smooth linear varieties can migrate and change location within tissues.
  • Quite often the end comes out. The situation arises if the angle of insertion is less than 45 degrees. The exit site is treated with an antiseptic, the fiber is cut with a sterile instrument and tucked under the skin.
  • Rarely does the tip fall under the epidermis, which can lead to the appearance of a papule. When opening the element, a piece of thread is found in its bottom, which needs to be cut and removed under the skin.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

It is strictly forbidden to pull the thread at home using improvised means. The mesothread is overgrown with connective tissue, so any forceful pulling can lead to subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Service cost

The implantation of threads must be carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training in the treatment room.
Before the manipulation, an informed consent is signed and a photograph is taken in five projections. The forehead lift itself will cost 20,000-50,000 rubles.

Cost of mesothreads:

The most budget-friendly ones are linear ones made from polydioxanone, the price is from 700 to 1000 rubles. a piece.

Needle-shaped with notches - from 1,500 rubles.

Threads made from a copolymer of L-lactide with caprolactone are significantly more expensive. Their cost depends on the type:

  • “Aptos Nano Vitis-4” – from 1500 rubles;
  • Screw and Double Screw from PDO - from 1500 rubles;
  • GOG – 2300 rub.
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