Medical center "Plastic S" in the city of Korolev - Obzor


Type honey institutions

  • disease diagnostic centers
  • dentistry


  • prosthetics
  • X-ray diagnostics of teeth
  • deletion


  • diagnostics in laboratories
  • ultrasonic examination

General medicine

  • gastroenterology clinics
  • gynecological care clinics
  • dermatology clinics


  • outpatient surgery departments
  • professional anesthesiology
  • vascular surgery clinics

Rehabilitation medicine

  • cosmetology centers
  • ozone therapy centers
  • trichology clinics

Price list

  • Dentistry Consultations Dentist consultation
    501 rub.
  • Consultation with an orthopedic doctor
    RUB 501.
  • Consultation with an orthodontist
    RUB 501.


  • X-ray of 1 tooth
    330 rub.
  • Analysis and calculation of TRG
    900 rub.

Therapeutic dentistry - Prevention of caries

  • Application of fluoride-containing drugs (1 tooth)
    81 rub.
  • Deep fluoridation of enamel (1 tooth)
    RUB 210.
  • Elimination of dental hyperesthesia
    RUB 239.

Therapeutic dentistry – Treatment of caries – Applying a gasket under a filling

  • Medical
    370 rub.
  • Insulating
    310 rub.

Therapeutic dentistry - Treatment of caries

  • Placement of a light polymerization filling
    RUB 1,170.
  • Placement of glass ionomer filling
    RUB 499.
  • Removal of old filling
    129 RUR.
  • Restoration of the tooth stump for a crown
    990 RUR.

Therapeutic dentistry – Treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis

  • Application of devitalizing paste into the tooth cavity
    RUB 100.
  • Mechanical treatment of the root canal
    610 rub.
  • Medicinal root canal treatment
    RUB 79.
  • Temporary filling of the root canal with medicinal paste
    510 rub.
  • Placing a temporary filling
    RUB 209.
  • Filling a dental canal with pastes
    370 RUR.
  • Installation of an intracanal titanium pin
    RUB 380.
  • Installation of intra-channel fiberglass pin
    RUB 840.
  • Removing a pin from a dental canal
    RUB 790.
  • Removing a foreign body from a dental canal
    RUB 501.
  • Unsealing a resorcinated dental canal
    1200 RUR.

Surgical dentistry - Tooth extraction

  • Simple permanent tooth extraction
    RUB 1,600.
  • Complex permanent tooth extraction
    RUB 2,360.
  • Removal of a mobile tooth
    RUB 390.
  • Removal of impacted, dystopic tooth
    RUB 5,740.
  • Removal of a moving tooth fragment
    RUB 440.

Surgical dentistry – Dental operations

  • Lengthening the crown of a tooth
    RUB 1,900.
  • Hemisection of tooth
    1840 rub.
  • Curettage of tooth socket
    RUB 380.
  • Opening and drainage of periodontal abscess
    RUB 1,160.
  • Surgical treatment of pericoronitis
    RUB 1,170.
  • Stitching with catgut
    199 rub.
  • Vicryl sutures
    RUB 280.
  • Removing stitches
    RUB 151.
  • Tamponade of tooth socket with iodoform
    251 rub.
  • Cystectomy of a dental cyst
    6900 rub.
  • Tongue frenuloplasty
    RUB 2,240.
  • Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip
    RUB 1,400.
  • Removal of the anastomosis of the oral cavity with the maxillary sinus
    RUB 5,830.
  • Removal of a benign tumor of the oral cavity
    RUB 3,070.
  • Dressing
    210 rub.
  • Filling the bone cavity with osteoplastic material
    RUB 1,130.
  • Open sinus lift
    RUB 20,600

Periodontology – Treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease

  • Closed curettage of periodontal pocket
    490 rub.
  • Medical treatment of periodontal pocket
    RUB 199.
  • Therapeutic splinting of mobile teeth with heliocomposite
    RUB 1,330.
  • Periodontal applications in the area of ​​1 tooth
    RUB 140.
  • Polishing a tooth with abrasive paste
    130 RUR.
  • Selective grinding of 1 tooth
    RUB 129.
  • Sclerosing therapy in the area of ​​1 tooth
    RUB 141.

Surgical periodontology

  • Gingivectomy in the area of ​​1 tooth
    600 rub.
  • Simple patch surgery in the area of ​​1 tooth
    RUB 1,600.
  • Plastic surgery of the vestibule of the oral cavity (vestibuloplasty)
    RUB 3,170.
  • Application of a protective periodontal bandage
    RUB 251.

Orthopedic dentistry – Removable dental prosthetics

  • Partially removable laminar denture
    RUB 14,000.

Orthopedic dentistry – Clasp dental prosthetics

  • Splinting clasp prosthesis
    RUB 34,200.
  • Clasp prosthesis with clasp fixation
    RUB 27,000.
  • One-sided clasp prosthesis (lock MK-1)
    RUB 25,000.
  • Clasp prosthesis with locking fastenings “Bredent”
    RUB 37,000.
  • Metal-free clasp prosthesis
    RUB 31,000.

Orthopedic dentistry - Fixed dental prosthetics

  • Metal-ceramic crown
    7200 rub.
  • Metal-ceramic crown using shoulder masses
    RUB 8,400.
  • Ceramic crown on a zirconium dioxide frame
    RUB 17,000.
  • Solid crown
    4100 rub.
  • Temporary crown made in a laboratory method
    RUB 1,300.
  • Solid core inlay for a multi-rooted tooth (collapsible)
    RUB 2,200.
  • Solid-cast stump insert made of special alloy
    RUB 2,470.
  • Gum retraction with threads and rings
    59 rub.

Orthopedic dentistry - Nylon dentures

  • Installation of a partially removable nylon prosthesis
    RUB 28,400.

Orthopedic dentistry – Repair and correction of dentures

  • Welding 1 tooth into a prosthesis
    RUB 3,100.
  • Welding the 1st clasp to the prosthesis
    RUB 3,200.
  • Replacing the bushing in the lock of a clasp prosthesis
    RUB 2,100.
  • Relocation of a removable denture
    RUB 3,100.
  • Repair of a removable denture
    RUB 3,200.

Orthopedic dentistry - Other orthopedic services

  • Making an alginate impression
    RUB 310.
  • Making an individual impression tray
    RUB 2,400.
  • Removing a stamped crown
    RUB 299.
  • Removal of a solid-cast (metal-ceramic) crown
    RUB 700.
  • Fixation of the crown with permanent cement
    400 RUR.
  • Fixation of a temporary crown
    201 rub.

Dental implantation - Installation of implants

  • Installation of a gum former
    2100 rub.
  • Classical implantation of 1 tooth Alpha-Bio (Israel)
    23,000 rub.
  • Classical implantation of 1 tooth Astra Tech (Sweden)
    RUB 31,000.
  • Implantation of osteoconductive material in the area of ​​1 tooth
    RUB 8,051.

Dental implantation – Implant supported crowns

  • Metal-ceramic crown supported by an implant
    RUB 26,000.

Dental implantation - Implant supported dentures

  • Removable denture supported by implants
    RUB 131,251.
  • Clasp prosthesis supported by implants, MK 1-sided
    RUB 168,000.

Orthodontics – Braces – Installation of lingual brace system (1 jaw) Incognito (Germany)

  • Without equipment
    RUB 72,700.

Orthodontics – Braces – Installation of a lingual brace system (1 jaw) (other)

  • Without equipment
    54,000 rub.

Orthodontics - Braces

  • Course of orthodontic treatment (12 months)
    RUB 42,300.
  • Course of orthodontic treatment (24 months)
    RUB 72,500.
  • Course of orthodontic treatment (more than 2 years)
    RUB 90,900.

Orthodontics - Other orthodontic services

  • Taking an impression (with alginate mass)
    500 rub.
  • Making a diagnostic model for one jaw
    RUB 1,770.

Aesthetic dentistry – Professional teeth cleaning and whitening – Plaque removal with the “Air-flow” device

  • all teeth
    4680 rub.

Aesthetic dentistry – Professional teeth cleaning and whitening

  • Ultrasonic teeth cleaning (1 tooth)
    79 rub.
  • Removing plaque using the “Air-flow” device (1 tooth)
    RUB 141.
  • Intracoronal whitening of a pulpless tooth
    RUB 849.

Aesthetic dentistry - Dental restoration

  • Restoration of the crown part of a tooth
    RUB 1,980.

Aesthetic dentistry – Restorative veneers

  • Classic veneer
    13,000 rub.

Aesthetic dentistry

  • Cosmetic dental restoration
    RUB 2,780.


  • Application anesthesia
    60 rub.
  • Infiltration anesthesia
    370 rub.
  • Conduction anesthesia
    RUB 320.

Clinic Plastic S in Korolev on Stroiteley Street: reviews

  • 12 January 2022, 15:16 Guest review

    I went to this clinic on the advice of friends. I was looking for an experienced gynecologist. I made an appointment at 8 am with doctor Khuditskaya. I arrived at the clinic at 7.50 and stood at the closed door for another 7 minutes (it was freezing outside). All this time, the administrators sat opposite and turned their eyes away. Very unpleasant. The administrators of this clinic are a separate issue - women are rude, unfriendly and not interested in quality service. One day, the doctor personally asked one of them to make an appointment, but as it turned out later, they didn’t do this, and they also rolled their eyes when I came without an appointment. They didn’t try to resolve the situation - they just said “I don’t know who should have signed you up”... From the first visits, the doctor seemed competent and communicated kindly. She suggested doing several tests when the result came back that I was healthy, but they also offered to do a biopsy. When the result came, it turned out that we had already done this test (I paid 6k for the second one!!!), and the doctor said all this out loud. She started to intimidate me - that if I don’t have surgery, I’ll soon get cancer. I prescribed a bunch of expensive medications, when I started wondering “are there cheaper analogues,” the doctor crumpled up the prescriptions and looked with a “how did you get me” look. After that, she advertised their urologist for my husband and offered to make an appointment. But because I refused to give a referral, where I indicated a bunch of diseases to be checked, which I don’t even have. I ran away from her to another doctor, who found the cause of my problem and directed treatment specifically at her, saying that I had no cancer in sight and that the previous treatment would only help for a while, because... The cause has not been determined or corrected. Don't go to this terrible clinic and this incompetent doctor. The choice is yours, but they won’t help you there, they will only intimidate you and siphon off your money.


  • September 22, 2014, 2:20 pm Guest review

    On Stroiteley Street there is a devmatologist-venereologist T.V. Orlova. I don’t recommend going to her. She scams her out of money in full.


  • 03 April 2013, 09:58 Guest review

    I would like to write about the clinic on the street. Comintern During pregnancy, the veins in my legs began to appear very badly and pain in the calf muscles began to bother me very much. My gynecologist advised me to go to a phlebologist for a consultation. I made an appointment at Plastic S with phlebologist Irakli Avtandilovich Kutidze. The doctor left a good impression; after examining me, he said that most likely 90 percent of me have varicose veins. But to clarify the diagnosis and rule out blood clots, I need to perform an ultrasound of the veins. After an ultrasound, the diagnosis was confirmed; no blood clots were found. The doctor gave recommendations and said to come back after giving birth, we’ll see and finally decide. I’ve been following the doctor’s recommendations for 2 weeks now, my legs feel much better! Thanks to Dr. Kutidze)))


  • 17 September 2012, 14:32 Guest review

    I would like to write about the clinic on the street. Comintern. I was there a couple of times during pregnancy, had an ultrasound, but everything turned out to be so bad according to the doctor. All nervous, she ran to the gynecologist - she responded to me “without a sucker and life is bad.” The second time I went for an ultrasound, I had to, again everything was bad - the fetus was small, the blood flow was impaired, nothing was visible on the ultrasound screen. 1500 paid for an illiterate doctor named Balaev. For the first time


  • 30 August 2012, 14:16 Guest review

    The clinic is just terrible - the doctors are illiterate. One money scam. The ears are bad, the equipment is bad. I don't recommend it to anyone. There is no better family clinic in the Queen.


  • 05 August 2012, 02:17 Elena Kopeikina

    Ultrasounds are not done well, in particular the doctor Galina Anatolyevna Chernykh, I later had the ultrasound done in another center - not a single diagnosis was confirmed! But the dentistry here is good, they saved me a tooth that other doctors recommended removing, thank you Elena Viktorovna and Artur Sergeevich for their professionalism and sensitive attitude towards their patients!



Reviews. In general, patients are satisfied with the work of the center’s specialists. But there is one case related to the death of a patient. The incident happened quite recently.

The girl, a mother of two children, decided to undergo surgery to correct her breasts. The head of the medical center assures in an interview that upon recovery from anesthesia, the woman suffered cardiac arrest. A rare disease was discovered; information about it had not previously surfaced.

Before going under the knife, the patient passed all the necessary tests. No contraindications were found. According to Barsuk, specialists did everything in their power, but they were unable to save the woman. Relatives of the deceased deny such information; in their opinion, the doctors made negligent mistakes. A criminal case has been opened for causing death by negligence. The leadership of the central office of the department took it under special control.

The case is isolated. When undergoing surgery, all nuances should be taken into account. After all, any procedure has its contraindications. Unfortunately, sometimes patients turn a blind eye to this.

Description of the organization

If you are looking for a medical institution with a full range of high-quality services, then it is recommended to head to the Plastic Clinic S in Korolev on Stroiteley Street.
It is located in Moscow at st. Stroiteley, 4/2, 1st floor, in the Korolev area. To get here by car, use the coordinates to search on the map 55.9183, 37.8600. You can form your own opinion about “Plastic Clinic S in Korolev on Stroiteley Street” with 1 photo. In addition, you have the opportunity to take advantage of the rating, which is 3.3. It is compiled using ratings and reviews from 12 patients. It is possible to make an appointment using the phone or website. This medical institution is included in category 1. This diagnostic center uses the latest diagnostic methods; studies are carried out using the latest equipment, which makes it possible to correctly determine the disease. The dental clinic “Plastic Clinic S in Korolev on Stroiteley Street” will provide you and your family with a healthy smile. If you are interested in prosthetics, x-ray diagnostics of teeth, extractions, medical will help you solve the problems that have arisen. Among the diagnostic procedures that this clinic carries out are: diagnostics in laboratories, ultrasonic examinations. Skilled doctors work in the medical field: gastroenterology clinics, gynecological care clinics, dermatology clinics. Qualified doctors in this outpatient clinic perform effective procedures of varying complexity, including outpatient surgery departments, professional anesthesiology, and vascular surgery clinics. Cosmetology centers, ozone therapy centers, trichology clinics - restoration methods with which you will be beautiful and healthy. Is Clinic Plastic S in Korolev on Stroiteley Street the address and telephone number or the company’s opening hours are incorrect? Write to us!

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  • 08 May 2022, 17:10

    The organization is equipped with cutting-edge technology

    Doctors use new methodologies to help find the optimal solution for difficult cases.

    The rate of evolution of the aesthetic transformation of our time is so high that it makes it possible to eliminate inconsistencies in aesthetics, correct the influence of age, and serious pathologies that exist from the moment of birth.

    Doctors constantly undergo internships in various specialized organizations, which helps maintain a high level from a professional point of view, gain experience, become familiar with new methodologies, and improve personal skills.

    The use of the latest methods of surgical therapy supports the achievement of excellent plastic results with a very low level of injury inherent in invasive methods. For this reason, the recovery process is much shorter.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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