Troxevasin: will help cure vascular disorders

Scientifically, “bumps” from injections are called post-injection infiltrates of the buttocks. “They are lumps that appear some time after an intramuscular injection,” says the head of the outpatient surgery department at one of the medical clinics in Moscow. “They are a pathological response of the body to the administration of a drug, regardless of its type.”

There are several types of “bumps” on the buttocks after an injection. “The first option is an infiltrate, that is, a local reaction, which is characterized by a tissue response at the injection site - edema,” explains the surgeon, graduate student of the Faculty of Internal Medicine, Department of Surgery, Department of Surgical Endocrinology, State Budgetary Healthcare Institution MONIKI named after. M. F. Vladimirsky. — The second option is a hematoma. It appears from hemorrhage of a damaged vessel after injection; unfortunately, it is impossible to predict this in advance.”

The third option (and the most dangerous) is an abscess. “Abscesses are very painful formations with purulent contents and a vivid clinical picture; they can only be treated surgically,” adds the doctor.

In fact, “bumps” are a local reaction of the body to a puncture and intramuscular injection of the drug. If left untreated, the infiltrates can become abscesses, which pose a serious health threat. “In most cases, in relatively healthy people they go away within a week, but there are exceptions,” the doctor notes.

What is Troxevasin

A medicine based on the angioprotective active substance troxerutin. Regulates the tone of capillary vessels and veins. It is used to eliminate pain, swelling and trophic disorders caused by their dysfunction.

Troxevasin is produced:

  • in the form of an ointment for topical use: a viscous yellowish gel-like mass containing 2% troxerutin, packaged in 40 g tubes;
  • in the form of capsules for oral administration: in a dosage of 300 mg of the active substance, gelatin, in blisters.

The product has a pronounced venoprotective effect. It helps reduce the permeability of vascular walls, improves blood outflow, prevents its stagnation in the lower extremities, prevents thrombus formation and the development of inflammatory processes. Troxevasin alleviates the underlying symptoms of varicose veins and slows down its progress.

Causes and symptoms of dark circles under the eyes

For your information! Most often, bruises under the eyes appear due to the influence of external negative factors, which include:

  • presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol in excessive quantities);
  • unhealthy diet , in which there are too many dishes and foods with a high salt content;
  • lack of fluid in the body (this deficiency can only be replenished by drinking about two liters of water and other drinks per day);
  • sleep disorders and lack of sleep;
  • constant stress and emotional disorders ;
  • atrophic processes in the skin tissues under the eyes (begin in old age and are usually irreversible).

But in some cases, such disorders can be pathological and indicate diseases of internal organs and systems.

What is Troxevasin used for?

Medicinal ointment and capsules are prescribed:

  • for chronic venous insufficiency;
  • lack of nutrition of soft tissues caused by varicose veins;
  • with postphlebitic syndrome;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • for symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • with retinopathy against the background of hypertension and diabetes.

The drug is used to prevent complications after surgical treatment of varicose veins, to prevent further vascular damage in the initial stages of pathology. Troxevasin is also indicated to improve well-being after mechanical injuries: bruises or sprains.

The active substance from the capsules is absorbed in the intestines. Its maximum concentration in the blood is observed 1.5–2 hours after administration. Metabolized by the liver and completely leaves the body within 0.5–1 day. Troxerutin from the ointment penetrates all layers of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue within 3–5 hours.

Degrees of bruises:

  • 1st degree – minor damage. They do not require special treatment and heal on their own within a few days;
  • 2nd degree – tissue damage. Special ointments will help as treatment;
  • Grade 3 – characterized by damage not only to the skin, but also to muscles and tendons. In this case, a dislocation is possible upon impact, so it is recommended to consult a specialist;
  • 4th degree - severe swelling appears at the site of the impact, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs are observed. Such injuries require hospital treatment of the victim.

When is Troxevasin contraindicated?

It is prohibited to take the drug orally:

  • with exacerbations of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • some forms of gastritis;
  • severe renal failure;
  • increased sensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug.

The use of ointment should be avoided:

  • if an allergic reaction to the drug develops: increased swelling, rash, severe burning or itching;
  • with severe irritation, furunculosis, open skin lesions at the site of application of the product.

What happens after the impact?

During an impact, not only the skin is damaged, but also muscles and sometimes internal organs. It all depends on the force of the blow and the object. Also, often with a strong impact, cracks, dislocations and even fractures occur. Usually the bleeding stops within 10 minutes, but if the damage is serious, the bleeding may last for a long time. If a tumor forms, you must go to the hospital immediately. Time is important here and not a minute can be wasted. Take care of your health and take it seriously.

How to use Troxevasin capsules

The medicine should be swallowed with water, without chewing or crushing. Meal times don't matter. At the beginning of therapy, take 1 capsule. three times a day. Diabetic retinopathy and other severe conditions require up to 1800 mg (6 capsules) per day.

The course is continued for up to 15 days. After assessing the effectiveness of the dose, the dose is adjusted. It may increase or decrease. If the symptoms of the pathology subside, at the discretion of the doctor, therapy can be completed without a maintenance period. Otherwise, Troxevasin is taken for another 3-4 weeks.

Ointments for children

If a child is injured, then pay attention to the ambulance. But remember that the baby cannot always correctly describe his feelings, so it is best to show him to the doctor so as not to miss an important point. Folk remedies will not cause negative reactions and will effectively relieve pain. Remember, timely treatment will avoid complications. Take care of your health and enjoy life!

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for details!

How to use Troxevasin ointment

The drug is used externally: on clean skin over the lesion. A small amount of ointment is distributed over the body area in a thin layer, lightly rubbing it in until completely absorbed. After application, you can leave the skin open or apply fixing bandages, bandages, and put on compression stockings and bandages if necessary.

The procedure for applying the medicine is repeated twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. If this is not enough, do it more often. There is no need to specifically rinse off any remaining drug before applying again. The duration of treatment with ointment is up to 7 days. If there is no result or the physical condition worsens, the medicine is discontinued and another method of therapy is chosen.

What ointments are effective?


The composition includes troxerutin, which gives a healing effect. For bruises, it is recommended to apply the ointment to the skin immediately after the blow.


Great for relieving pain and preventing inflammation. The injured area must be lubricated 4 times a day. Almost immediately there is improvement and the pain subsides.


The gel composition consists of capillary-stabilizing components. The product quickly and effectively eliminates swelling and pain. If you see that the bruise is swollen, then immediately use the gel. But in such a situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since swelling may indicate a serious injury. You cannot hesitate here, and it is recommended to immediately contact a traumatologist.


This is an effective and inexpensive assistant in the fight against bruises and contusions. This is an ointment that can quickly heal your wound. It is not a drug and allows you to heal shallow skin damage. Its use will protect you from wound suppuration and infections. Recovery will be quick and painless. Suitable only for minor injuries without swelling.


This remedy is recommended for use on its own without additional treatment. It is anti-inflammatory and allows wounds to heal quickly. It has proven itself on the positive side and is in demand.

Heparin ointment

An excellent remedy for relieving pain and healing wounds. Does not cause allergic reactions. For effective treatment, you should smear the wound 3 times a day for 1 week or until symptoms disappear.

How to quickly remove a bruise after injections

After a course of intramuscular antibiotics, few people do not experience bruises on the buttock, and sometimes on two. Marks in the form of blue spots appear quickly and, in addition to their unaesthetic appearance, which makes it difficult to undress on the beach and in the pool, they cause considerable pain. You can quickly remove bruises from injections by applying an iodine mesh.

You should draw it daily until the blue marks from the injections completely disappear.

After a careless injection into a vein, bruises may also remain on the arms. An experienced healthcare worker, after installing an IV or taking blood from a vein, leaves only a small needle point at the injection site. But no one is immune from the work of a novice nurse; moreover, high blood pressure or increased fragility of the patient’s blood vessels can lead to bruising even in the hands of an experienced specialist. A number of drugs, when administered intravenously, can sometimes give this result.

In such cases, seeing a spreading burgundy-purple hematoma, the healthcare worker should quickly apply an alcohol-based warming compress to the injection site.

If you find a bruise upon returning home, make yourself a bandage with a medicinal solution of dimexide. Mix the drug with vodka in a 1:1 ratio, and then further dilute the composition with distilled water (1:4). First, lubricate the post-injection hematoma with baby cream to protect the skin from alcohol. Moisten a small gauze pad with the prepared solution with dimexide and apply it to the bruise. Cover the compress with clean polyethylene on top and secure everything with a bandage. Keep the bandage on for 7-8 hours.

The procedure must be carried out once a day until the bruise completely disappears. It will initially turn yellow and then return to its normal color. However, please note that you will need to consult a doctor if the following cases occur:

  • in the area of ​​the hematoma, the skin has an increased temperature;
  • palpation reveals a painful lump at the injection site and increases in size;
  • swelling of nearby tissues does not subside, but increases and causes concern.

These symptoms are very alarming and may indicate the development of a purulent abscess. Therefore, you cannot do without timely medical assistance; you will have to visit a doctor.

Reviews of troxevasin for bruises

“It was a discovery for me that troxevasin is used to eliminate bruises.
I would not risk using such an ointment for other purposes, but I personally witnessed how this drug helps - my sister used Troxevasin to get rid of dark circles under her eyes that resulted from overwork.

When I decided to try this product, I got the effect I was hoping for. True, after application the ointment burns the skin a little, but it can be tolerated.”

Svetlana Korostyleva, Priozersk

“When it comes to skin blemishes, I try to use natural remedies and avoid using pharmaceutical products.


However, despite the fact that most people are familiar with complications after a blow in the form of hematomas, bruises, and swelling, few know about the rules of first aid and further treatment of bruises.


Despite the fact that every person has had to deal with bumps and bruises to one degree or another, often not everyone knows what happens. Firstly, the skin, muscle tissue, and subcutaneous fatty tissue are damaged; bone tissue in most cases remains intact; vessels and capillaries are often injured; after local hemorrhage, the bruise site swells and pain appears. Depending on the force of the blow, the area of ​​subcutaneous hemorrhage differs. Due to the fact that the blood cannot find a way out, it spreads into neighboring tissues and a hematoma is formed. The joints are affected, and the color of the bruise begins to change, taking on a variety of shades. Depending on the shade, a specialist can determine the age of the bruise. The appearance of unbearable pain often signals bone damage, so you should not delay your visit to a traumatologist and take analgesics yourself. Painkillers will interfere with diagnosing the overall picture and prescribing the correct treatment, which requires individual prescription in each specific case. Local remedies, of course, are good, but they will only relieve the pain a little without solving the essence of the problem. The inflammatory process in bone tissue can lead to serious consequences, so it is highly undesirable to bring your health to such a state.


So that, when faced with bruises of various parts of the body, you do not have to suffer from unbearable pain, or “admire” the colored stains on the body for a long time, you just need to familiarize yourself with the rules of first aid for bruises.

Most often, athletes, tourists, and fans of an active lifestyle have to deal with them, so they are more prepared for damage to soft tissues. Despite the fact that injuries can be different: bruise of the tailbone, fingers, arms, legs, feet, knees, ribs, eyes and head, in all these cases it is necessary to ensure the bruised area at the first stage. Hands and feet must be kept in a natural position. If such a possibility exists, then it is better to lie down and try to move less. In this case, the bruise area should be above the heart area.

It is important to apply something cold to the bruised area as quickly as possible: ice, food from the freezer, etc. This must be done in order to reduce swelling and stop the spread of the hematoma. The best option for taming a hematoma is ice wrapped in a cloth, a cold compress made of wet gauze or a terry towel. If these products are not at hand, then you can use snow from the freezer (scrape off the walls), wrap it in a plastic bag/film and apply it to the bruised area. In addition, cold packages with kefir, milk or sour cream, a bottle of water, a cold egg, a can of canned food, in a word, anything that will have a low temperature are suitable. It is important to remember that the item that will be used as a cooler must be clean.

Instead of ice, you can turn on a tap with cold water and hold the bruised limb under a small stream for 5-7 minutes.

Keep the cold compress for no more than 15–20 minutes to reduce the rate of blood circulation and stop internal hemorrhage. After applying a cooling compress, the impact site is dried and medications are applied.

Rules about what not to do:

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited (dilates blood vessels);
  • massage the bruised area;
  • move actively;
  • warm the hematoma.

Warming procedures are recommended after two days, but not earlier than after 24 hours.

In case of severe bruises to the eyes and brain, you should immediately consult a specialist (there are emergency rooms and ophthalmological hospitals that operate around the clock). If the bruise is serious, it is better to immediately seek medical help, since timely treatment will stop the process of hematoma formation and speed up recovery. Proper first aid is also of great importance, since a cold compress applied a day after the injury will be useless.


It should be noted that self-medication can only be done in case of a slight blow. So, after 48 hours. You will need a warm compress; it will relieve pain, irritation and restore blood circulation. An alternative to a warm compress is a bath filled with water at a comfortable temperature (but not hot). Warm water dissolves clots by restoring blood microcirculation. A light soothing massage of the sore spot is helpful. If pain occurs, it is better to postpone the procedure to a later time. During this period, it is good to perform simple exercises. For bruises on your arms and legs, you can tense and relax your muscles. In addition, you should continue to treat the affected areas with anti-bruise products.


√ Among the folk remedies that have survived to our times and are embodied in new pharmaceutical forms is badyaga . Today there are many local pharmaceutical preparations based on it: natural powder (crushed badyagi needles), multi-component gels, creams, etc. The popularity of badyagi today is not accidental: it has established itself as one of the best natural remedies for bruises and bruises. Sponge powder or other products from this freshwater are sold at any pharmacy. The greenish-gray powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1. A bandage with badyagi mass is applied to the sore area twice a day.

√ There are situations in life when it is not possible to make a cooling compress, but there is a banana, or rather its peel , which is applied to the bruise with the inside.

lead coin and a tablespoon work in the same way (they are periodically moistened with cool water).

butter is suitable for resolving bruises and bumps (lubricate the sore spot every half hour). It resolves hematomas well and the pain quickly goes away when applying a compress of sea salt , which is sold in a pharmacy (half a teaspoon), diluted in 1/2 cup of vinegar. Action time: 30 minutes.

√ Long-time proven remedies - cabbage leaves, plantain, aloe . An ordinary leaf of cabbage, plantain or aloe resolves bruises, relieves swelling, and reduces pain. Before use, one of these products must be rinsed with water; it can be further cooled in the refrigerator and applied several times a day, replacing it with a new one. An analogue of plantain leaf is its juice, which is also sold in pharmacies, like aloe juice. It is also effective to lubricate the affected area with juice.


It is good to have medications in your home medicine cabinet that are used for bruises, when there is a tube of gel or ointment for bruises in the refrigerator “just in case,” because the sooner you start treating the bump, the fewer harmful consequences for the body.

The effect of medications for external use is designed to heal hematomas, relieve swelling, and reduce pain.

√ Practice-tested gels, rubs and ointments based on badyagi:

  • Badyaga forte gel, Badyaga 911 gel, Badyaga bio-balm from different manufacturers;
  • Novikov's rubbing and many others. etc.

The composition of modern preparations with badyaga is additionally enhanced by such components as:

  • plant extract (plantain, yarrow, horse chestnut, chamomile, ginger, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, aloe vera);
  • tea tree oils, mint, lavender, pine, eucalyptus, rosemary, juniper, lemongrass, arnica;
  • medicinal leech extract;
  • vitamin E, D-panthenol;
  • shark oil.

Thanks to the improved formula of drugs with badyaga, the product has an active absorbable, decongestant, bactericidal, antiseptic effect, and reduces pain.

√ In addition, gels and ointments based on medicinal leech are in demand . Bruise-off gel and its analogue, which can be used as a foundation and treatment - Bruise-off cream.

√ Balm Rescuer and thermal balm Rescuer (for thermal procedures on the second day after injury).

√ Homeopathic drug Traumeel S , used in the form of tablets, injections, cream, ointment and gel based on herbal components (relieves swelling of soft tissues and inflammatory processes).

√ Other auxiliary local drugs for hematomas, having one active ingredient - troxerutin: Troxigel, Troxevasin, Troxerutin ;

Heparin ointment.

Pain-relieving anti-inflammatory patches (Salonpas, Salonsip, Nanoplast forte, Magikoplast for children). They have the following medicinal properties: resolve hematomas, reduce swelling, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain. When using the patch for 3-9 days, there is a noticeable improvement.

√ Another effective natural remedy is Medical bile . In addition to its other healing properties, it reduces swelling and resolves compactions after bruises. In the absence of contraindications, compresses with Medical bile are used. The dressing material is soaked in medical bile or a mixture based on it. Then the compress is applied to the affected area, cotton wool and compress paper are placed on top. All this is fixed with a light bandage and left for 12 hours. If severe discomfort occurs, the procedure is stopped. Depending on the extent of the injury, the course of treatment may last 6-30 days.

√ Other long-known remedies: lead lotion, calendula tincture, iodine mesh , etc.


Head contusion is one of the most common injuries to the soft tissues of the skull.

  • Depending on the severity of the injury, various signs may occur:
  • Headache.
  • Formation of a lump or swelling.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • The appearance of nausea and vomiting, nosebleeds.
  • Vision deteriorates.
  • There is a feeling of weakness in the limbs.
  • Problems with consciousness up to its loss.

All of the listed symptoms should not leave any doubt about visiting a doctor, since they clearly indicate a serious injury.

But if your health allows you to cope with the symptoms of a bruise on your own, then you should apply a cool compress (cooling procedures) and special ointments at the first stage, and after 48 hours. - heat treatment.

√ A black eye is another unpleasant injury that can result from any mechanical damage and occurs quite often in life.

Such an accident causes a lot of discomfort and also turns into a noticeable cosmetic defect, so when something like this happens in life, you want to get rid of the consequences of the injury as quickly as possible.

The healing process usually lasts for 7–10 days. without the use of drugs.

In addition to a bruise under the eye, symptoms such as severe pain, swelling and swelling, lacrimation, photophobia, blurred vision (after a strong blow), and involuntary closing of the eyelids may appear in the area of ​​the injury.

Even if an eye injury does not cause serious concern, it is necessary to act quickly to avoid severe bruising and speed up recovery.

  • As in all cases, the rule of first aid is to apply something cold to the injured area (in extreme cases, it can even be a piece of meat).
  • Of the folk recipes used several hundred years ago, badyaga again takes pride of place, so all local remedies based on it are suitable for healing a bruise under the eye.
  • self-prepared mixture of badyagi powder or a ready-made preparation in the form of a gel is applied directly to the bruise and left until completely dry.

Then you need to wash thoroughly with water. Since badyaga can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, it is important that the mixture does not get into the eye. During the day you can make 3-4 applications. Experience shows that these procedures are quite sufficient to disappear a small hematoma.

  • Another well-known folk remedy for hematomas and bruises under the eyes is coltsfoot lotions . This plant has a wide range of uses in folk medicine, in particular for bruises.

To prepare the decoction, you need to purchase dry coltsfoot herb and wild rosemary herb from the pharmacy. A mixture of two herbs (1 tablespoon each) is poured with a glass of boiling water and placed on low heat (boil for 15 minutes). Then strain, cool and begin treatment by generously moistening a cotton or gauze swab, which is applied to the hematoma under the eye for ten minutes. Such lotions can be done every couple of hours on the first day and every three hours on the second. Practice in many cases has shown that three days are enough for the hematoma to completely disappear.

IMPORTANT! Despite the fact that ointment for bruises and contusions can be purchased at any pharmacy, you should pay close attention to the composition of the drug. Many medicines may contain antibiotics and other ingredients that cause an allergic reaction.

  • Of the modern means for treating a black eye, it is better to use gels and creams containing essential oils and extracts of medicinal herbs. They apply well and are quickly absorbed, relieve pain and swelling, and accelerate the resorption of the hematoma. Ai-Bolit cream , which is based on an old recipe (badaga, extracts of arnica, horse chestnut and Japanese sophora, beeswax). Thanks to modern technologies, this product has a prolonged effect, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties, has an antiviral, antiseptic effect, heals wounds, and softens the skin.


Sometimes it happens that a long period of time passes, and the bruise does not heal. This happens if the impact affected the deep layers of the dermis or if first aid measures were not taken in a timely manner. In this situation, visiting a therapist is simply necessary. Perhaps a specialist will prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures (in the absence of contraindications). The following have proven effective: magnetotherapy using high-frequency magnetic fields, electrophoresis with solutions of medications, UHF (exposure to a high-frequency electric field).

Side effects of the drug

The only side effects reported are urticaria, dermatitis and eczema of allergic origin .

Keep in mind! Basically, such conditions are observed with intolerance to the components of the drug. In rare cases, atypical side reactions may occur that are not mentioned in the instructions for use.

In such situations, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist or allergist to eliminate the consequences of using troxevasin.

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