Enlargement of the glans penis with hyaluronic acid in Moscow

Intimate plastic surgery is one of the most promising areas in the field of plastic surgery.

According to experts, the quality of intimate life often depends on the size of the male genital organ. Correction of the penis is one of the most acceptable means to resolve this issue.

An important part of intimate plastic surgery is the procedure for enlarging the glans penis. This effect is achieved using surgical techniques or subcutaneous injection.

What is this procedure

Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid is a minimally invasive procedure that involves introducing a biocompatible filler under the skin of the penis or glans with thin needles or Venfor (cannulas). The result after correction appears immediately and lasts from one to two years, depending on the characteristics of the filler itself.

Hyaluronate is a temporary filler and has been approved as a safe and effective soft tissue plumping agent. In this way, you can increase the circumference of the penis by 2-3 cm, and the length by 1-3 cm. Moreover, in the first month the effect constantly increases. This is because hyaluronic acid attaches and holds water molecules, increasing the volume of the penis. In aesthetic medicine, several names are used for this method of penis enlargement:

  • intimate contour plastic surgery;
  • penis augmentation with hyaluronate;
  • intimate filling;
  • injection phalloplasty.

Increasing the size of the penis with hyaluronic acid is a non-surgical procedure, performed on an outpatient basis, and the patient can return home immediately after administration of the drug.

Increasing penis size with hyaluronic acid is a safe procedure

The need for safer and more effective, less invasive treatments has increased in all areas of modern medicine. Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid solves three problems at once: medical, psychological and aesthetic. In the United States, soft tissue fillers are the second most popular minimally invasive procedure, with more than 2.6 million such fillers performed in 2022.

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This term refers to the procedure for correcting the frenulum of the head of the penis.

The frenuloplasty technique consists of enlarging the penis by filling the frenulum with gel to increase its volume. The drug is injected into the soft tissues under the frenulum in an amount of 0.1–0.3 ml per “step”, needle 25–27 G, administration technique – drip. Injecting the drug directly into the frenulum (ligament) is unacceptable.

All techniques of male injection contouring can be combined and performed in one procedure, while the terms of rehabilitation and the development of complications do not change in any way.

The tissues of the external genital organs in men, as in women, have a very good blood supply, so healing after such procedures occurs without scarring. During the recovery period, which is an average of 2-3 days, active sex life is not recommended.

Is it necessary to enlarge the penis with fillers?

Each case is individual, and it is impossible to give a universal answer. With a good erection, even a small penis can give pleasure to a woman and bring her to orgasm. This is due to the fact that the most sensitive G spot is located on the front wall at the entrance to the vagina. You can learn more about normal penis size in this article.

Indications for injections into the shaft of the penis

The introduction of hyaluronate into the shaft of the genital organ is carried out for several indications:

  • psychological problems associated with small penis size;
  • insignificant thickness of the penis, or the so-called “thin penis”;
  • insufficient stimulation of the partner’s vagina during intercourse and her dissatisfaction;
  • disproportion of the parameters of the partners’ genital organs (large vaginal volume and small penis);
  • erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature associated with the syndrome of expectation of failure due to the small size of the penis;
  • Peyronie's disease - curvature of the shaft of the penis;
  • defects of the urethra;
  • consequences of unsuccessful operations on the genital organ;
  • fibrosis of the cavernous bodies;
  • genetic and hormonal pathologies leading to underdevelopment of the penis, micropenis.

It should be noted that the correction of hyaluronic acid into the shaft of the penis does not increase the length of the penis, but only gives it volume, increasing the size of the girth and diameter, although visually the penis looks more impressive in a calm state and during an erection.

Indications for injections into the head of the penis

Minimally invasive enlargement of the head of the penis with hyaluronic acid is performed for the following indications:

  • small size of the head of the penis relative to the shaft (thin head);
  • the crown of the head is insufficiently pronounced;
  • smoothed frenulum;
  • wrinkled mucous membrane of the head;
  • deformation of the head of the penis after injury;
  • premature ejaculation.

This correction of the head can not only improve its shape, but also increase its length.

Clinics and prices

Many clinics offer the glans and penis filling procedure, but you should choose a specialist, not an institution.

Examples of clinics with prices:

  • “Abia” (St. Petersburg): penis filling from 23 thousand rubles. without the cost of the drug.
  • “Ego Aesthetic” (Krasnodar): prices are calculated based on the number of syringes used (Reneall Secret Life filler). Head enlargement will cost from 19 to 60 thousand rubles.
  • Clinic “ViTerra” (Moscow): filling of the penis shaft with “Macroline” or “Restylane” from 31 thousand rubles.
  • "Medical Academy "Genesis" (Moscow): head enlargement from 55 thousand rubles. (gel “Sofiderm” (Germany)).

It is imperative to clarify what drug the clinic uses and what exactly is included in the cost of the procedure.

What results can you expect after injections?

After introducing filler into the shaft, its girth increases by 1-2 cm, and the procedure in the glans not only improves its aesthetic qualities, but also lengthens the penis by 3-5 cm. Once under the skin, hyaluronate is evenly distributed, smoothes the skin and mucous membranes, improving appearance of the penis. Administering the gel helps to increase the relief of the corolla of the head, its width, highlight the frenulum, make it more convex, change the shape and volume of the head.

More information about the drug

At rest, the penis filled with hyaluronate is heavier, so it appears longer, due to the fact that it is not retracted into the groin. When erect, it looks thicker than before the injections, but the length remains the same.

Gel injections into the head of the penis help men suffering from premature ejaculation cope with this problem. Hyaluronate is injected into the sensitive part of the head - the frenulum. The substance penetrates the subcutaneous layer and is distributed in the intercellular space, shifting some of the receptors to the lower subcutaneous layers. As a result, the sensitivity of the penis decreases, and the man can control the onset of orgasm.

Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid before and after

How long does the effect last?

The results of the first filler injection last from nine months to two years. Moreover, the volume constantly increases during the first six months due to the fact that the disintegrated short units of hyaluronate retain more water. The enzyme dehyaluronidase then gradually breaks down the acid. After 12 months, more than 30% of the gel disintegrates. To restore volume, it is recommended to repeat the procedure. Hyaluronate tends to break down less with repeated injections.

According to reviews, such penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid increases a man’s sexual attractiveness, increases the quantity and quality of sexual intercourse, while experiencing more vivid sensations from additional stimulation and giving pleasure to his partner, which also increases a man’s self-esteem.

Methods for penis enlargement and correction of its shape

Modern methods of male intimate plastic surgery are aimed not only at improving the aesthetic and functional results of interventions, but also at reducing the number of complications. Among such methods are lipofilling, microsurgical autotransplantation of tissue, transposition of vascularized muscle or fascial fat grafts, installation of various implants. Until recently, lipofilling of autogenous fat was a frequently used method of injection contouring. However, frequent resorption and migration of injected autologous fat, as well as cases of the development of fibrosis, have minimized interest in this method. Various synthetic materials (silicone, paraffin, etc.) have not found widespread use for penis enlargement due to frequent complications such as infection, migration implant, tissue sclerosis, necrosis. Professor D.G. To enlarge the penis, Kurbatov et al proposed a method of microsurgical autotransplantation of a rotated fascial fat flap from the anterior abdominal wall on a feeding vascular pedicle. Despite the obvious advantages, the method requires expensive equipment and a specially trained microsurgical team. In the postoperative period, it is necessary to avoid physical activity for up to 3 months.

Of considerable interest is a new direction in male intimate plastic surgery, based on the implantation of special viscoelastic biogels based on hyaluronic acid under the skin of the penis, which not only replenishes the existing volume deficit, but also helps to improve the structure of the skin of the penis. Professor JJ Kim in 2003 conducted relevant research and obtained the first data on the effectiveness of using these biogels in male intimate plastic surgery, indicating the possibility of their clinical use. Male injection contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid preparations can help in solving sexual problems that are associated not only with the external type of penis, but sometimes with its functional characteristics (the most common problems of this kind include premature ejaculation). So, for injection contouring, specialists use viscoelastic gels (fillers) based on hyaluronic acid. The composition of these drugs differs from the composition of fillers that cosmetologists use when performing facial contouring.

In particular, in our practice we use Bellcontour G-visc gels (Hyal Inertrade SA, Switzerland) for this purpose. The range of Bellcontour gels includes 6 drugs, each of which has its own characteristics and areas of application. Since 2005, another drug from the Bellcontour line has been registered in Russia - G-visc, designed specifically for intimate plastic surgery in men and women. Using this filler, you can effectively and safely enlarge the penis, correct the size of the corolla, frenulum, change the shape of the penile body and treat premature ejaculation.

It allows you to successfully work with intimate areas, as it is easily administered, is well distributed in tissues, effectively compensates for the missing volume, and provides long-lasting results without causing allergic reactions. The drug is produced in syringes for single use with a volume of 0.8 ml, packaged in blisters that guarantee the safety and absolute sterility of the gel. The procedure for intimate injection contouring in men is carried out on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia (without sedation). Hyaluronic acid biodegrades over time, Moreover, the rate of biodegradation depends on the level of blood supply in a specific area of ​​the body. Thus, with plastic surgery of the glans penis, the duration of the effect lasts on average for 0.7–1 year; with plastic surgery of the body of the penis, the effect can be maintained for up to 1.5–2 years, so it is recommended to repeat the procedure after an average of 1–1.5 years .

Is hyaluronic acid safe?

Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate, hyaluronic acid) belongs to mucopolysaccharides and is part of the epithelium, nervous and connective tissues. It is contained in the extracellular space, in biological fluid, including biological lubricant. The body of an average weight person contains about 16 g of this substance. Hyaluronate is involved in tissue hydrodynamics and cell reproduction. It is with this feature that its regenerating effect is associated.

The substance contains up to 25,000 disaccharide units and is capable of holding the same amount of water. It is this ability of the polysaccharide that gives the hyaluronate and penile tissues additional volume. Therefore, the introduction of exogenous hyaluronic acid is absolutely safe for humans.

This compound is not rejected by the body and does not cause allergies. It has been used in medicine since the 80s of the last century to increase the viscosity of synovial fluid in joints. The technique of increasing the volume and length of the penis with hyaluronic gel appeared relatively recently, but has gained the trust of men as an effective procedure that does not require surgery.

Postoperative period after denervation of the glans penis.

Microsurgical denervation of the head is usually performed on an outpatient basis, and the patient can leave the clinic within 1-2 hours after the operation.

In the first 3-5 days, it is recommended to protect the bandage from water, which speeds up healing and contributes to the formation of a more accurate scar. Dressings are performed daily for 10 days, usually by the patient himself at home. By the end of this period, the main stage of wound healing is completed, and there is no need for dressings.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the process of complete formation of a scar usually requires about 3 weeks, therefore, it is recommended to exclude sexual intercourse for this entire period.

The postoperative period after denervation, in most cases, is easy and does not require restriction of normal daily activities. Pain is not typical for this operation, therefore, painkillers are rarely needed.

How to perform penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid

The procedure itself is preceded by a preparatory stage. The andrologist collects anamnesis, asks about systemic and chronic diseases, psychological problems, and conducts an examination. Patients consent to the processing of their personal data. Before the procedure, tests are taken:

  • general blood analysis;
  • urine test;
  • blood test for clotting.

Additional studies may be needed according to indications.

Penis augmentation with hyaluronate is performed on an outpatient basis. Before correction, the hair in the groin area is shaved. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

The introduction of filler into the penis takes place in several stages:

  1. The groin area is treated with an antiseptic and covered with a sterile disposable diaper.
  2. An anesthetic gel is applied to the penis, which takes effect after 15 minutes.
  3. The required amount of the drug with hyaluronic acid is drawn into the syringe. A thin needle is inserted into the subcutaneous layer and filler is slowly injected. The doctor ensures that the hyaluronate is evenly distributed in the injection area.
  4. An aseptic bandage and patch are applied to the injection site.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of injections and takes from half an hour to an hour, taking into account the time for anesthesia.

Places for injection of hyaluronic acid

Methods of administration

There are several methods for introducing filler into the head of the penis. The doctor chooses the technique according to indications. More often, several methods are combined to improve the aesthetics of the head of the penis:

  1. Fan method
    - galuronate is injected with a thin needle in different directions through one fan-type puncture.
  2. Point method
    - the injection is performed on a limited part of the penis to eliminate irregularities or deformation.
  3. Contour
    filler injection is performed along the crown of the head, after which the contour becomes voluminous and more pronounced.

Features of the recovery period

After correction, pain may occur at the injection sites, which can be easily relieved with lidocaine spray. The penis looks swollen, and small hematomas may appear. Swelling can persist for up to 5 days, hematomas resolve on the 6th day. There is slight redness at the injection site. All these changes should not be scary. It must be taken into account that this is a very sensitive organ with a large number of nerve endings and small vessels. Many men report frequent nighttime erections after the procedure.

More information about the drug

Serious complications are extremely rare and are most often associated with poor hygiene and infection of injection sites, which become entry points for microorganisms. Sometimes hyperpigmentation may be observed at the site of the hematoma.

Restrictions after the procedure

After the introduction of hyaluronic acid, there are a number of restrictions and recommendations:

  • interrupt intimate life for two weeks;
  • antibiotics are required for 5 days, then as indicated;
  • be sure to treat the penis with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents;
  • do not take hot baths, exclude baths and saunas for a week.

Preparation for the procedure:

In order to identify indications and contraindications for thickening the penis, the patient comes for a consultation with a urologist and undergoes a preliminary examination.

Examination before the procedure:

  • general blood analysis
  • coagulogram (blood clotting)
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C
  • taking a smear test for sexually transmitted infections (PCR method) to avoid wound infection.

In some cases, the patient may be advised to undergo circumcision first, which will eliminate the possibility of drug accumulation on the foreskin of the penis.


Like any other procedure, filler injection has a number of contraindications:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • blood diseases, including bleeding disorders;
  • inflammatory diseases and acute viral infections (fever, fever);
  • taking antibiotics and anticoagulants;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diabetes.

Hyaluronate injections are not carried out if a man at this time has an elevated body temperature, fever, or if there are rashes or ulcerations on the penis.

Clinical studies of the results of filler injections

Fillers appeared in our country relatively recently, so long-term clinical studies in this area have not been conducted. However, such experience has been accumulated in foreign clinics. The results of one of the long-term observations conducted in the Department of Urology of the Cha Meditech Co., Ltd. Clinic, Korea by scientists led by Professor De Yul Yang have already been published. These studies aimed to summarize the long-term clinical results of hyaluronic acid (HA) injections.

The multicenter, randomized trial was conducted for 18 months after a single filler injection between November 2016 and May 2022. It included 67 healthy men aged 20 to 66 years who considered their penis to be smaller than normal for an adult. .

All observed men underwent an initial examination before the study, and a detailed medical history was compiled on them with an emphasis on psychiatric and psychological problems. They consented to the processing of their personal information.

The study was conducted using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) by an independent biostatistician. During the blinded portion of the study, all post-injection assessments at each site were performed by an independent physician who was not involved in screening or injection of excipients.

Research results

Overall, the penises were smooth, natural and pliable, and the increase in girth was maintained for up to a year and a half after the filler injections. No unevenness, retraction, hardening or deformation of the penis, or migration of fillers was observed. Six months after the injection, the average increase in penile girth was 1.91 cm. Then the average girth gradually decreased until 18 months and after one and a half years it was +1.79 ± 1.41 cm.

Dynamics of increase in penile girth after injection of filler with hyaluronic acid:

Study period after administrationAverage girth of the penis in the group (cm)Deviation from the average value (cm)
Before injection7,74±1,40
1 month10,15±1,57
3 months10,25±1,64
6 months9,74±1,83
18 months9,08±1,87

Satisfaction level

After one month, the indicators of the appearance of the penis increased significantly. This improvement lasted up to six months. Thereafter, they gradually decreased until 18 months, but scores at one and a half years were significantly higher than at baseline.

After three months, rates of sexual activity increased significantly. This increase lasted up to one and a half years.

Results of the study

The study found that the hyaluronic acid filler resulted in a significant increase in penile girth and increased satisfaction associated with the injection. The procedure was tolerable and no major complications were observed over 18 months.

Hyaluronic acid consists of natural ingredients and has a direct and passive effect. After injection, the filler is gradually absorbed by surrounding tissues. As hyaluronate breaks down into smaller fragments, the molecules bind more water; the same volume can be maintained with less hyaluronic acid for several months. Then the result steadily decreases. The enhancing effect of the filler lasts up to 18 months.

Filler injection sites during the study

The results of the present study are comparable to the results of previous trials and prove the clinical utility of the gel, its effectiveness and safety. Because hyaluronic fillers are temporary, long-term follow-up after injection is of utmost importance. Regarding the augmentative effect, penile girth after filler injection increased to a maximum within about one month. Satisfaction with the appearance of the penis increased significantly approximately one month after the filler injections. This increase lasted approximately 6 to 12 months. Then they gradually decreased until one and a half years; however, satisfaction levels were still higher than at baseline.

The study demonstrated that increased satisfaction with sexual activity after filler injections lasted 18 months, despite the increased penile girth gradually decreasing over time. The discovery suggests that injecting the filler may alleviate the psychological stress associated with sexual activity. This also supports the idea that men who want to enlarge their penis experience psychological stress. They often require psychological counseling or psychotherapy.

How it works?

The essence of the operation of microsurgical denervation of the glans penis is the intersection of the nerves that provide sensitivity to the glans. Due to this, a significant decrease in sensitivity is achieved and, accordingly, an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.

Over time, according to the laws of physiology, nerve fibers grow together, and sensitivity is gradually restored. This period takes from 6 to 10 months or more. During this time, provided that sexual activity is fairly regular, the reflex is “reprogrammed” for longer sexual intercourse, which then persists for life.

As you can see, glans denervation is a surprisingly logical and therefore effective operation.

Compatibility of hyaluronate injection with other types of augmentation

The introduction of hyaluronate into the penis can be combined with other surgical interventions:

  • ligamentotomy
    - surgical intervention to intersect the ligament that supports the penis;
  • liposuction in the pubic area
    - extraction of adipose tissue that hides the penis in obese men;
  • lipofilling
    - increasing the girth of the penis shaft with subcutaneous injections of its own lipids;
  • scrotal plastic surgery
    - removal of the scrotal sail that hides centimeters of the genital organ;
  • circumcision of the foreskin
    - excision of the dermis around the head;
  • denervation of the glans
    - reduction of sensitivity by excision of part of the nerves of the penis.

The decision on the compatibility of certain types of penile correction and the need for such surgical interventions is decided by the doctor separately in each specific case.

Who should undergo penile denervation in Moscow?

This operation is perfect for men with premature ejaculation caused by hypersensitivity of the head, especially with the primary form (for more information about the various forms of premature ejaculation, see here ).

One of the conditions for high efficiency of denervation of the head is the presence of a permanent sexual partner and regular sex life. For men with infrequent and irregular sexual intercourse, other ways to increase the duration of sexual intercourse are recommended ( see here )

In order to assess in advance the effectiveness of denervation of the glans penis, it is recommended to undergo a Lidocaine test. 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse, apply 10% Lidocaine spray (or better Emla cream) to the frenulum area, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water. Then evaluate the result.

A positive result of the Lidocaine test - an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse by 2-3 times - indicates good prospects for surgical treatment of premature ejaculation - denervation of the head.

A negative result (that is, no effect) indicates the neurogenic nature of premature ejaculation ( read here )

Reviews about penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid

Evgeniy K. 28 years old.

I was always embarrassed by the modest size of my penis. I'm terrified of operations, but injections didn't scare me. I immediately enlarged the barrel and head. In general, the length of the penis increased by two cm due to the head, the circumference by 1.5. Now I am not ashamed in front of girls.

Oleg O. 35 years old.

Married for five years. The first two years, when there were no children, sex and sensations were vivid. After the birth of the child, I noticed that our sizes did not match, my wife’s satisfaction, and mine, fell. I scoured the Internet, found out about the method of penis enlargement using hyaluronic acid and took the plunge. I am more than pleased with the result. It’s been six months now, and I’ve felt something new in sex.

Nathan O. 42 years old.

I was injected with hyaluronic acid more than 2 years ago; I received injections abroad. Now part of it has resolved, but has not returned to its previous size. I want to repeat the procedure, but at our place, and ask for more filler.


How does hyaluronic acid affect potency?

How does hyaluronic acid affect potency?

This filler has virtually no effect on potency. In some cases, there is an improvement in erection associated with new sensations during sexual intercourse.

What should hyaluronic gel be like for the head of the penis?

What should hyaluronic gel be like for the head of the penis?

It must be biocompatible, high or medium density, hypoallergenic and stable.

How painful is hyaluronic acid injection?

How painful is hyaluronic acid injection?

Anesthetic agents make the procedure completely painless.

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  2. Lupton JR, Alster TS: Cutaneous hypersensitivity response to injectable hyaluronic acid gel. Dermatol Surg. 2000; 26: 135–7.
  3. Kamel I, Gadalla A, Ghanem H, Orabi M. Comparison of penile measurements in patients with normal and erectile dysfunction. J Sex Med. 2009; 6:2305–10.
  4. Vardi Y., Har-Shai Y., Grunwald I. A critical analysis of penile enlargement procedures in patients with normal penile size: surgical techniques, successes and complications. Eur Urol. 2008; 54: 1042–50.
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