Lip augmentation and correction of nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid

The desire to look fresh and attractive is completely natural for a modern person. Therefore, the demand for anti-aging procedures is high among both women and men.

One of the most popular non-surgical ways to prolong (or restore) youth is contour plastic surgery.

Contour (injection) plastic surgery is a minimally invasive method of rejuvenation and correction, in which gel-like filler substances called fillers are injected under the skin through a puncture.

Fillers allow you to fight age-related changes, restore lost volume in various areas, correct facial features and correct defects. And all this - quickly, without pain and rehabilitation.

Today, filler injection services are offered not only by clinics, but also by beauty salons. However, you should know that contour plastic surgery requires deep medical knowledge and filigree skill from a specialist.

At MedicCity, facial and body contouring procedures are performed by professional cosmetologists who work only with certified and high-quality drugs and are proficient in all injection techniques!

How does injection contouring work?

The filler is injected under the skin using a syringe or cannula. The active substances of the drug begin to act immediately.

Facial contouring with fillers allows you to tighten the oval of the face, remove nasolabial folds, smooth out marionette lines and purse-string wrinkles, lift the corners of the lips and correct a “weak” chin, correct the lips and nose, “raise” the cheekbones, etc.

1 Chin correction

2 Increase in lip volume

3 Getting rid of nasolabial folds

If we talk about body correction, plastic surgery with fillers is successfully used to enlarge and correct the contours of the breasts, add fullness and roundness to the buttocks, and improve the shape of the legs.

Intimate contouring is used to solve both medical problems (muscle weakness, decreased libido, lack of sensitivity or pain during sexual intercourse) and aesthetic problems (shape correction, tissue rejuvenation, work with scars, etc.).


Preparations containing hyaluronic acid are widely used in various fields of medicine: not only in cosmetology, but also in dermatology, ophthalmology, gynecology, urology, dentistry, and rheumatology. For example, in dermatology, they are needed for additional treatment, wrinkle correction and mesolifting.

Hyaluronic acid is popular among cosmetologists all over the world due to its excellent pharmacological properties: high metabolic characteristics, good distribution in tissues, and fairly low risks when used.

Different preparations SUJIDERM and Juvederm have different formulas that are used for different purposes:

  • SUJIDERM 18 is an implant that contains the lowest concentration of hyaluronic acid among all drugs in this series. It is injected into the upper layer of the dermis to remove fine wrinkles, such as crow's feet, vertical folds between the eyebrows, wrinkles in the lip area, and superficial wrinkles on the forehead. Also, with the help of this drug, correction of nasolabial folds is done.
  • SUJIDERM 24XP is used to correct and fill wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, folds in the corners of the mouth and wrinkles on the cheeks. In addition, it can also be used to enlarge lips. The drug has a denser structure. It is injected into the middle or upper layer of the dermis.
  • SUJIDERM 30 is used to fill marionette and pronounced wrinkles in the nasolabial area. It is also used to enlarge lips, shape cheekbones, and restore facial contours. The density of the implant is very high, so it is inserted into the deep and middle layers of the skin.
  • SUJIDERM 30XP is characterized by the least painful injection. The XP line of drugs is based on a special patented technology, which is used to enlarge cheekbones, correct the contours of the face, and also fill in wrinkles of medium depth.

The preparations SUJIDERM and Juvederm act for different amounts of time and this depends on a variety of factors: skin type, injection area, technique used. Effective on average 1.5 years. In the lip area, SUJIDERM lasts up to 6-8 months.

The procedure for correcting nasolabial folds is very important and necessary for women when simpler procedures no longer cope with this area. The corners of the lips droop, the nasolabial triangle collapses, and so-called marionette wrinkles appear. Correction of nasolabial folds using hyaluronic acid preparations easily and effectively solves all these problems

Contour plastic surgery: indications and contraindications

If 20 years ago contouring with fillers was positioned primarily as a rejuvenating technique, today the scope of its application has expanded significantly.

Filler injections make it possible to literally “sculpt” the desired features: create beautiful cheekbones and a perfect nose, or enlarge lips. The technique is also indispensable when eliminating flaws in appearance.

1 Correction of the shape of the cheekbones

2 Correction of the shape of the cheekbones

3 Correction of the shape of the cheekbones

Indications for contour plastic surgery:

  • facial asymmetry;
  • “flat” face;
  • wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, near the mouth;
  • deep nasolacrimal grooves, nasolabial folds;
  • unclear oval face;
  • thin lips, mouth asymmetry;
  • the need to correct the shape of the nose;
  • lipodystrophy;
  • uneven facial relief (pits, scars, post-acne, etc.);
  • ptosis of soft tissues of the face, neck, chest, abdomen, thighs;
  • unaesthetic shape of the chest, legs, buttocks, etc.

The main contraindications to contour plastic surgery are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • individual reaction to drugs;
  • infections;
  • skin and other diseases in the acute stage;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic and keloid scars;
  • oncological diseases;
  • age up to 18 years.


All drugs in the SUJIDERM line are suitable for patients of any age. They are used not only to correct the shape of the face, cheekbones and wrinkles. Injections smooth out nasolabial folds, prevent the formation of wrinkles, model and remodel lips, and also eliminate cosmetic imperfections.

When the need arises for lip augmentation, in most cases SUJIDERM is chosen, because hyaluronic acid provides an excellent effect for these.

You can find out how much lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid costs by calling our clinic - we have the best price for lip augmentation in Moscow.

What types of fillers are there?

Questions like: “Which fillers are best for lips?”, “Which fillers are used under the eyes?” “Which fillers are the best and safest?” – one of the “hottest” on cosmetology forums. And this is understandable - everyone wants to look natural after contouring and not have health problems.

Since many aesthetic problems are solved through injection plastic surgery (smoothing small wrinkles and filling deep wrinkles, correcting age-related changes, modeling the face), fillers differ in composition and density, depending on their purpose. Their validity period also varies.

Let's look at the existing types of fillers:

Non-biodegradable fillers (synthetic fillers) are the “first-born” in the line of these cosmetic products, focused primarily on filling wrinkles. Inexpensive, made from silicones, as well as paraffin or polyacrylamide gels, they do not oxidize, do not decompose, and are not excreted from the body, which ensures their long-term effect. However, the significant side effects of these fillers (movement and clumping, severe allergic reactions, etc.) prevent them from being competitive today.

Biosynthetic fillers are the next generation. They are created on the basis of collagen and synthetic components that are well compatible with the human body (polycaprolactone, calcium hydroxyapatite, etc.). Such preparations provide a natural and at the same time very long-lasting rejuvenation result, filling the volumes well where it is needed and stimulating the production of one’s own collagen. The risk of allergic reactions is reduced, however, over time, some problems associated with the slow resorption of the gel are possible, for example, swelling, blockage of blood vessels.

Biodegradable fillers are hyaluronic-based fillers that, at the end of their effect, break down into simple components and are easily removed from the body. Since hyaluronic acid is also found in human tissues, such drugs interact well with the body and do not cause rejection reactions. Hyaluronic fillers help improve intracellular activity and launch rejuvenation processes, moisturize the skin, activate oxygen supply and metabolic processes, and produce new collagen and elastin fibers. The face after contouring looks fresh and natural. Minus: the duration of the effect is relatively short.

Autofillers are in a separate category. The material for filling wrinkles in this case is the patient’s own fat (lipofillers) or collagen or fibroblasts produced (grown) from pre-taken tissues. Such fillers are highly compatible with the body and provide an obvious rejuvenation effect by stimulating the production of your own hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. Cons: high cost of fillers, short duration.

Important! In order for the effect of contouring to be pleasing, injectable fillers must be selected by a cosmetologist, taking into account the wishes of the patient and the condition of his tissues!

With the help of SUJIDERM and JUVEDERM ULTRA

The Hippocratic Oath clinic corrects nasolabial folds and lip augmentation using professional preparations SUJIDERM and YUVEDERM ULTRA, which eliminate deep wrinkles in men and women.
SUJIDERM is a range of monophasic implants, they are based on reticular hyaluronic acid obtained through biosynthesis. Hyaluronic acid is found in the skin and is a driving component of the extracellular matrix. It has hygroscopic properties, due to which it is able to retain water - this creates optimal conditions for skin hydration. It improves lubrication and absorption properties through viscosity and elasticity.

The skin loses hyaluronic acid for a variety of reasons. They can be both internal (for example, gender, age, and so on) and external (for example, negative environmental influences, taking certain medications, and so on) factors. The connection between the dermis and epidermis weakens, this reduces the tone of the epidermis, and wrinkles appear.

  • Fully compatible and secure
  • Long-term (8 to 12 months) effect
  • Rehabilitation period required (no more than 5 days)
  • Possible contraindications

Hyaluronic acid in SUJIDERM preparations is used after a special treatment - Sterptococcus Equi (bacterial fermentation), and also as a result of a completely natural strain that is harmless to the human body. After purification and fermentation, during which traces of impurities are removed, hyaluronic acid becomes fibrous. After this, it meets the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia documents, and, therefore, is ready for use.

Unstabilized hyaluronic acid degrades quite quickly at the site of its injection. To prolong the time of its action, reticulation is used. This is the process of structure stabilization: molecules form a chain among themselves and become a single polymolecular structure.

The preparations SUJIDERM and Juvederm are monophasic implants that do not contain additional inclusions, which means they have a number of advantages. Firstly, there is a better distribution of implants under the skin. Secondly, heterogeneous correction of nasolabial folds is excluded.

How does the contouring procedure work?

At the preliminary consultation, the doctor examines and interviews the patient, selects the drug, and determines the optimal dosage.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis in several stages:

  • the skin is cleaned and treated with a disinfectant solution;
  • insertion points are marked on the areas to be corrected;
  • filler is injected;
  • the skin is again treated with an antiseptic.

1 Contour plastic surgery in MedicCity. The cosmetologist first identifies problem areas.

2 Contour plastic surgery in MedicCity. The cosmetologist first identifies problem areas.

3 Contour plastic surgery in MedicCity. The cosmetologist first identifies problem areas.

On average, all manipulations take no more than 40 minutes.

The first days after contouring, you should not drink alcohol, drink very cold or very hot drinks, or eat spicy foods.

For 10-14 days you should not visit the sauna or steam bath, sunbathe and swim, take hot baths, or actively engage in sports.

The result of contouring is immediately obvious, but it can be fully assessed after a week - after possible traces have disappeared (slight swelling, bruises) and tissue adaptation to the injected material has completed.

The effect of the filler, depending on the drug used, can last from six months to three years.

Contour plastic surgery at the MedikCity clinic

Our clinic uses filler injections based on hyaluronic acid, as well as polycaprolactone and calcium hydroxypatite.

We use the drugs Juvederm (JUVEDERM ULTRA), Profhilo (Prophilo), Estefil (AESTHEFILL), Radiesse (RADIESSE), Surgiderm (SURGIDERM), Princess (PRINCESS), Teosyal (TEOSYAL), liquid threads Ellanse (ELLANSE), Restylane (RESTYLANE) , Revofill (REVOFIL), etc.

1 Drugs used in MedicCity for contouring

2 The patient is introduced to the drugs that are used in MedicCity for contouring

3 Contour plastic surgery of the glabellar fold in MedicCity

4 Contour plastic surgery for crow’s feet in MedicCity

5 Chin contouring in MedicCity

6 Chin contouring in MedicCity

The procedures are performed with a minimum number of punctures, the finest needles and in compliance with all safety rules.

We carry out injection plastic procedures such as:

  • cheekbone contouring;
  • contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds,
  • injection rhinoplasty (nose contouring);
  • lip contouring;
  • chin contouring;
  • injection plastic surgery of the buttocks, breasts, etc.

You can read real reviews about contour plastic surgery at the MedikCity clinic by visiting the corresponding section of the site.

Find out the cost of contouring and other procedures by phone or see the “Prices” section.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds occur sooner or later in most people and appear for the following reasons:

  • age-related loss of skin elasticity due to lack of collagen;
  • gravitational ptosis (sagging of facial tissues under the influence of gravity);
  • features of the anatomical structure of the face;
  • hypertonicity or, conversely, relaxation of the facial muscles;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • intense facial activity and emotionality of a person;
  • incorrect bite, which provokes the early appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • bad habits that worsen skin condition;
  • lack of fluid intake;
  • excess fluid intake, leading to swelling and stretch marks of the skin;
  • external factors: sun, wind, ecology;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • sudden weight loss, etc.
Correction of nasolabial folds at the Gradient clinic:

Doctor: Kwak Yu.V.

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