Aloe juice for the face against wrinkles: reviews, methods of use, instructions

There are many ways to restore youthful facial skin. Natural methods, namely folk remedies, are widely popular among women. Most of them are as effective as expensive branded cosmetics. These products include aloe juice, which significantly rejuvenates the skin and transforms its appearance.

Properties of aloe juice and methods of use

The juice of a medicinal plant, popularly known as agave, is indispensable for aging skin. It is excellent at fighting wrinkles and other signs of aging. The juice is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. The natural product has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of dermatological diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and pyoderma.

Let's take a closer look at the effect of aloe juice, its use on the face, against wrinkles and other age-related changes.

  1. The juice contains an abundance of valuable vitamins and microelements, essential for the beauty of skin and hair. Among other substances, it contains vitamins A and C, B vitamins, pectins, flavonoids, and organic acids. Allantoin in the product formula has a strong moisturizing effect. It transports other beneficial components deep into the dermis, maintaining its hydrolipid balance, promoting tissue regeneration, and healing damage.
  2. Aloe helps in caring for problematic facial skin, perfectly cleanses it, makes enlarged pores visually smoother, and eliminates excess oiliness.
  3. The juice of the plant stimulates collagen production. A large amount of protein helps maintain skin elasticity and also make wrinkles less pronounced. Aloe accelerates metabolic processes and stimulates tissue restoration.
  4. Agave eliminates inflammation and perfectly disinfects the skin. Aloe has always been famous for its antibacterial and antifungal effects.
  5. Pharmacy aloe juice for the face against wrinkles helps perfectly. It also reduces the manifestations of skin allergies.

Aloe juice for the face against wrinkles, reviews of which are extremely positive, in addition to the pronounced rejuvenating effect, has a healing effect.

Cosmetologists also recommend using aloe for pale complexions and severe dehydration.

Why aloe

Everything is explained by the chemical composition of the plant juice. It is rich in vitamins A, E, B, C, and is able to retain moisture and fight signs of fatigue.

The juice of the plant stimulates the production of natural collagen, which slows down the process of skin aging.

The value of aloe vera lies not only in the above qualities, there are others:

  • wounds and cuts lubricated with juice heal faster;
  • provides protection from harmful atmospheric influences;
  • excess dryness disappears;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands, leading to excess oily skin, is normalized;
  • acne goes away;
  • freckles and age spots become lighter;
  • the skin softens and its elasticity is restored;
  • dark circles under the eyes disappear.

Important: to smooth out wrinkles, the juice of the plant should be used daily, since aloe has a cumulative property. This means that the result will not be immediate, it will only appear with constant use.

Some cosmetic procedures using aloe in combination with other components give a positive effect almost immediately. If you need to relieve fatigue or improve the color of your facial skin, the result is noticeable after the first use.


Despite the fact that aloe juice has many medicinal properties, when using it, you should pay attention to contraindications. This herbal product may in rare cases cause an allergic reaction. If you have an individual intolerance, you cannot use it on the skin.

Before using the product, apply a small amount to your body and observe the reaction. If discomfort, itching, or redness occurs, immediately wash off the juice from the skin.


Aloe flower for wrinkles around the eyes has received mostly good reviews. The flower is an excellent assistant for cosmetologists to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin. Of course, nothing can stop the natural aging process, but you can delay it a little. The main thing is not to be lazy and use this product regularly.

According to reviews, aloe juice is not suitable only for those who are especially sensitive to this drug. In such cases, redness, itching, and peeling may appear on the skin. If such allergic reactions occur, the product should not be used.

Egg mask

This mask will become a favorite in caring for dry skin during the cold season. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • Agave leaf juice – 30 ml;
  • cream – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.

Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply to facial skin for 15 minutes. When used regularly, women report in their reviews that this mask will moisturize the skin, relieve tightness, fine wrinkles, and even out the color and texture.

Smoothing mask

The following mask effectively smooths out wrinkles. To prepare it, you should prepare the following products:

  • kelp (seaweed) powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • aloe juice – 15 ml;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • vitamin E – 1 ampoule.

Mix the ingredients. Before applying to the face, to achieve a more pronounced result, many women in their reviews recommend steaming the skin over a water bath. Distribute the mask with massaging movements. After 10-15 minutes, wash your face.

Reviews from women who have used the mask note that it should be done at least 2 times a week. The recommended course is 20 procedures.

How to replace home remedies with aloe juice

What to do if the plant does not take root at home or is too young and its juice does not yet have valuable properties? There are several solutions: use a pharmacy extract of aloe juice in ampoules or dark glass vials, purchase a cream that contains aloe.

Surely there will be something suitable in the catalog of your favorite cosmetics manufacturer, since the healing effects of the juice of one of the most ancient plants are well known to humanity and cosmetic concerns.


If there is no suitable offer, it is worth taking a closer look at the South Korean brand Holika and its 99% universal aloe vera gel. This is a completely natural product that does not contain synthetic dyes or fragrances. Thanks to this, the gel is suitable for eyelid skin care: just apply a few drops to cotton pads and place them on your eyes for a few minutes. This is both a soothing and hydrating eye mask.

Information: Holika gel is not suitable for those who are hypersensitive to aloe.


Another well-known brand, Oriflame, also uses the healing properties of the plant to produce cosmetics. His line of aloe products includes several products. This is a cooling cream-gel for the skin around the eyes, a refreshing gel and an eyelid gel. The main component in each is aloe vera.

Important: I have conducted dermatological and ophthalmological testing of all creams and gels intended for the delicate skin around the eyes; their effectiveness and safety have been officially confirmed.

And if the cream also contains hyaluronic acid as an active component, then just one jar of the product can replace a day or night cream along with a restorative mask. To get the effect of a mask, the cream must be applied in a thicker layer, wait a few minutes and remove using any available method - tonic, napkin, water.

In terms of action, all of the above ready-made forms are not inferior to fresh juice, and are excellent against wrinkles around the eyes. However, when giving preference to a pharmaceutical extract, you should remember its concentrated form and do not forget to dilute it with water 1:1.

Nourishing mask with baby cream

Dry skin with wrinkles and folds needs proper nutrition. For this purpose, you can prepare a nourishing mask. Take ingredients such as:

  • baby cream – 1 tube (40 g);
  • Agave juice – 30 ml;
  • spoon of honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Mix the mask components. Apply to face twice daily, paying attention to problem areas. Rinse off 10 minutes after application.

According to reviews from women, after using this product, the skin looks well-groomed, velvety, the complexion becomes healthier, and the texture becomes smooth.


Excellent creams are made with the juice of the medicinal flower. One of the best is called "Cleopatra". The balanced composition of the cream will help smooth out wrinkles. For preparation you will need:

  • Aloe juice – 2 teaspoons.
  • Pure water – 10 ml.
  • Honey - half a teaspoon.
  • Rose water – 25 ml.
  • Pork internal fat – 60 gr.

It is better to cook in enamel or glass containers. Pour the juice, plain water, rose water and honey into a container. Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath. When the mixture is heated, fat is added to it. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

You need to set the finished cream aside to cool, then place it in the refrigerator. Regular use of cream with aloe juice for the skin around the eyes will significantly reduce crow's feet and make the skin softer.

It is easy to prepare a cream with agave juice by mixing it in equal parts with any oil from jojoba, chamomile, grape seed, peach, etc.

The resulting mixture is applied to the face with tapping movements. It is advisable to use in the morning and evening. Remove excess with a napkin.

How to get aloe juice at home?

If you are the happy owner of an aloe plant, then it will not be difficult for you to prepare its juice yourself. It should be noted that for anti-aging purposes, you need to take a plant that is at least three years old. Only an adult aloe is able to “share” juice with the maximum amount of nutrients.

Experts recommend using the fleshy part of the plant to make juice. The lower leaves look a little wrinkled, but they contain the most vitamin-rich liquid. Before pruning the plant, it is not recommended to water it for 14 days.

Cut off the lower leaves and wash them thoroughly under running water. Dry the aloe on a terry towel for at least 30 minutes so that the moisture completely disappears from its surface. Wrap the leaves in thick paper and store in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Now you can take the leaves out of the refrigerator and start extracting the juice. Using a knife, chop the leaves and place them in a glass container. You can also use a blender for this. Fill aloe with water in a ratio of 1:3. Leave the preparation to infuse. After 2 hours, strain the resulting extract through cheesecloth or a strainer. Agave juice is ready!

Keep the medicinal mixture in a cool place in a dark glass container. In this case, it will have a more pronounced effect on the skin. The shelf life of hand-squeezed aloe juice for the face against wrinkles, reviews of which are positive on women's forums, is 2 weeks.

Plant juice

In cosmetology, the juice of a plant that is at least three years old is used. It is at this age that aloe gains its strength. The older it is, the more useful elements it contains.

Features of preparing juice for skin:

  1. Choose a thicker leaf from the flower. They cut it off.
  2. Take a napkin or a piece of gauze and wrap the sheet.
  3. Place on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. This should definitely be done. A cut leaf in a cool and dark environment begins to actively produce biological stimulants. Do not put the sheet in a plastic bag, as it must breathe.
  4. After two weeks, they take it out and wash it thoroughly.
  5. Squeeze the juice into a vessel.
  6. All. The juice can be used for its intended purpose.

The resulting product is safely frozen. At the same time, it does not lose its miraculous properties. The best helpers in the fight against bags under the eyes are ice cubes with aloe juice. For hypersensitive skin around the eyes, it is better to dilute the juice with water and then freeze it. The face is wiped every morning.

Pharmaceutical aloe juice

You can carry out procedures with aloe juice for the face against wrinkles (reviews from cosmetologists also report this) in ampoules all the time. But it is better to use the product in courses of 10 days with breaks for a month.

Aloe can be used as a toner or serum. In the morning after tonic, apply the contents of the ampoule with gentle movements along massage lines onto the skin. You can apply your favorite day cream on top.

In the evening after cleansing, you can make a mask with agave for your skin type. To have a rejuvenating effect on your face, use sour cream, kefir, and honey as additional ingredients.

Women most often use aloe juice for wrinkles. The instructions for the drug indicate that the herbal product is effectively used to treat many diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, and respiratory organs.

Compresses for swelling and bruises

Not only wrinkles, but also bruises and swelling give a woman extra years. It is very difficult to get rid of such problems, but they can be reduced.

Aloe juice compresses for the skin around the eyes are very suitable. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • Pass aloe leaves through a meat grinder.
  • The resulting slurry should be divided into two equal parts.
  • Place one half in one gauze pad, the other half in another.
  • Wrap the napkins and make bags.
  • Place the bags under the eyes, on problem areas where swelling has formed.
  • It is better to do this in a lying position so that the juice does not drain and the bags do not fall.
  • Lie like this for half an hour (or longer). Derma will take as much juice as it needs.

Sometimes the skin begins to tingle a little - this is the effect of the plant. After the compress, do not wash your face, but you can apply cream.

Aloe leaf juice for wrinkles around the eyes

Aloe leaves contain 18 types of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. It is not surprising that the juice of the plant easily copes with swelling and wrinkles on the delicate skin of the eyelids. It is used both in pure form and as part of oil masks.

When applying agave juice to a problem area, follow the rule of massage lines, distribute the product carefully, without stretching the delicate skin. Apply the juice to the lower eyelid in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, on the upper eyelid - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

Pure aloe juice for wrinkles under the eyes, as girls write in reviews, shows especially good results when applied overnight. The herbal product doesn’t even need to be washed off.

Chemical composition

The unique natural components found in the plant will only benefit the skin. An inconspicuous bush, which can often be found on the windowsills of flower lovers, can provide an excellent service for facial rejuvenation.

The rich composition of aloe is striking:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, E.
  • Amino acids.
  • Manganese.
  • Tannins.
  • Carotenoids.
  • Zinc.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Catechins.
  • Sodium.
  • Enzymes.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Mineral salts.
  • Glycosides.
  • Resins.

Aloe is used for both external and internal use. It is used for compresses, rinsing and treatment of affected skin areas.

Rejuvenating eye cream-gel

According to reviews from the fair sex, homemade anti-aging cream with aloe has proven itself to be excellent. The product soothes delicate skin, eliminates irritation, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes and removes puffiness.

To prepare the product you will need the following ingredients:

  • sesame oil – 15 ml;
  • aloe juice – 45 ml;
  • tocopherol – 2-3 drops.

Mix the ingredients until a creamy consistency is obtained. To store the gel, take a small glass container with a screw cap.

Apply the natural gel cream to cleansed skin around the eyes after waking up and before going to bed. Store leftover product in a cool place for no more than a week.

The value of plant juice

Two components of aloe are widely used in cosmetology:

  • Juice. Rich in calcium, potassium, chromium and iron.
  • The gel is a transparent substance with a large amount of antioxidants.

This gift of nature eliminates dryness well, perfectly cleanses and heals scratches, peeling, and burns. The plant extract is included in the structure of many creams that have moisturizing properties. It is present in tanning lotions. The skin perfectly absorbs the juice of the plant. What are the benefits of aloe juice for the skin? Actions differ in their beneficialness in different aspects:

  • Assists in the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Saturates cells with oxygen.
  • Improves the strength of the epidermis.
  • Excellent moisturizer.
  • Has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Soothes and relieves irritation.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Disinfects.
  • Regulates metabolism.
  • Regenerates, tones and improves skin elasticity.

Aloe saturates the skin with vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, protecting against harmful effects. The juice of the plant encourages the skin to produce collagen, which slows down the process of skin aging.

Aloe juice is very beneficial for the skin around the eyes. It is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis and remain there for a long time. In the unequal fight against old age, this is an indispensable tool.

Recipes for eyelids

The skin around the eyes is very delicate, thin and sensitive. Meanwhile, this area of ​​our face is subject to constant stress: we squint, blink, our eyes smile and feel sad along with us. Among the reasons for the appearance of crow's feet are stress, negative emotions, and working at the computer. Skin that does not have sufficient hydration dries and fades over time, losing its original tone. It stretches and becomes wrinkled easily.

The following recipes allow you to get rid of small wrinkles and will be an excellent prevention of their appearance:

For a nourishing mask you will need the following components:

  • aloe juice – 5 ml;
  • milk – 5 ml;
  • yolk of one egg.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin using a cotton pad or gauze. After the mask has dried, wash it off with water at a comfortable temperature. Aloe juice will show excellent results in the fight against wrinkles.

To prepare an anti-aging eye treatment, take the following products:

  • Agave juice – 30 ml;
  • cottage cheese – 1 teaspoon;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon.

Mix the ingredients in a glass container until smooth. Apply the anti-aging composition to the skin under the eyes. Once dry, remove and apply moisturizer to skin.

Dilute the plant juice with water in equal proportions. Apply small compresses to the skin under your eyes. After 15 minutes, remove them and apply nourishing cream.

A nightly nourishing compress is highly effective. Mix the juice of agave, beets and celandine in equal parts. Apply a rejuvenating compress to the cleansed skin under the eyes. Leave it on until the morning. Aloe juice for wrinkles under the eyes in the lotion is very effective.

Homemade anti-aging eye cream “Cleopatra” will be a salvation for women with dehydrated skin around the eyes that has lost its elasticity. For it you will need the following products:

  • Agave juice – 10 ml;
  • water – 30 ml;
  • rose water – 25 ml;
  • liquid honey – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • interior fat – 50 g.

Mix the first four ingredients and heat them through. Add the visceral fat. Stir until desired consistency is achieved. Store your moisturizer in a closed container on the refrigerator shelf. Gently, using your fingertips, work the product into the “web” around the eyes. Perform an anti-aging treatment before bed. Remove excess with a napkin.

Important nuances

To preserve beauty, it is better to apply the plant juice before bed. In the morning you can see the result. The main thing is to do the procedure regularly. Only then will the effect be noticeable.

The juice of the flower is easily and simply mixed with any cream in a 1:1 ratio. When applying the product, lightly tap the area around the eyes with your fingers.

Aloe juice is a godsend for the skin, especially when there are bruises under the eyes. They may disappear completely with continued use of the following remedy. Scroll the cut leaf of the plant through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting pulp with Vaseline.

At night, lotions based on agave, beet and celandine juice will work well. The first two components are taken in equal quantities. A few drops of celandine juice are added to them.

A course of masks based on agave juice is made for six months. The shortest period is three weeks. Afterwards you should take a break for about two weeks.

Anti-wrinkle lotions

To use aloe juice against wrinkles, you need to combine it with other ingredients, thus obtaining a vitamin facial lotion. The main task of such a product is cleansing. An additional bonus from use is the tightening of pores, elimination of inflammatory elements and visual rejuvenation of facial skin.

Compositions prepared by yourself should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one week.

Let's look at the most popular and effective lotions:

  • Mix agave juice with 70% alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 4:1. The resulting product restores a healthy appearance to oily, aging skin.
  • For tired, sensitive skin, aloe juice combined with a decoction of the string will be a real salvation.
  • Combine a decoction of nettle and calendula with lemon juice and aloe. The lotion effectively fights inflammation on both young and aged skin.
  • The following product will help restore your skin to its former tone and make it as elastic as possible. Combine aloe juice with chamomile infusion and heat in a water bath. Add eucalyptus essential oil and a few drops of tocopherol to the mixture. A refreshing herbal lotion will tighten your facial skin, returning its glow and healthy tone.

How to use aloe in its pure form

No special skills are required, but you need to remember a few basic rules:

  • benefits come from the juice of a plant older than three years;
  • cut off the lowest leaves;
  • use them chilled;
  • carry out manipulations with clean hands when removing makeup;
  • try not to stretch the skin around the eyes.

The juice of two varieties of the plant has the greatest benefits: aloe vera, popularly called “agagave” and aloe vera.

Deep moisturizing procedure

Representatives of the fair sex, who constantly use homemade facial care products, in their reviews recommend that those with aging skin deeply moisturize the dermis. The anti-aging procedure is carried out in several steps:

  1. To prepare your skin for the effects of aloe juice, you need to make a mask with fruit acids. To do this, take any ripe fruit and gently wipe your face with its pulp. After 5 minutes, wash your face.
  2. Take 15 ml of agave juice and add two drops of jasmine or lavender essential oil to it.
  3. Apply the resulting anti-aging product to the skin using a regular cotton pad. If excessive dryness occurs, several layers can be applied.
  4. When 10-15 minutes have passed, wash your face with water at a comfortable temperature and apply a rich cream to your skin.

Thus, aloe juice for use on the face, against wrinkles, and folds has proven to be quite effective. It will become the best assistant for those ladies who want to prolong the youth of their skin. With timely and regular facial care, you can significantly delay the appearance of such unwanted signs of aging as wrinkles, dullness, puffiness, dullness, earthy color, loss of elasticity.

Comments for the site
Cackl e

Features of the dermis around the eyes

This area is the most delicate. He is in tension for almost 16 hours a day (constant blinking, squinting and facial expressions). The skin in this area is thinner than in other areas of the face. It lacks fatty tissue in which nutrients would accumulate.

But the fluid in the body safely collects around the eyes, forming bags and stretching the skin.

The dermis around the eyes is deprived of sebaceous glands, which produce oil and naturally nourish, soften and protect the epidermis from aging and negative influences.

Aloe juice will help in the unequal fight against swelling, bruises and wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews after prolonged use are only positive. Many people praise this product.

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