Dimexide in cosmetology for the face against wrinkles. Recipes, methods of application

Dimexide is a medicine for external use that has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to reduce inflammation and improve the penetration of other medicinal components into the skin.

The product has a local effect:

  • analgesic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Dimexide in cosmetology for the face against wrinkles and for smoothing the skin
Considering the beneficial properties, Dimexide is used in cosmetology, and facial procedures for wrinkles using it are an economical option due to the low cost of the drug: from 37 rubles.

What is Dimexide used for?

The drug is prescribed for problems with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, in case of subcutaneous damage to soft tissues, Dimexide actively relieves the inflammatory process. The ability of the drug to enhance the effect of other drugs is often used by doctors in antibacterial therapy. Direct indications for prescribing Dimexide are:

  • bursitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • gout;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pain syndrome due to intervertebral hernia;
  • scleroderma;
  • skin ulcers;
  • swelling accompanied by pain;
  • synovitis

In addition to the above problems, Dimexide is also used in other areas, including cosmetology.

In what form is it produced?

Dimexide is available in two forms:

NameDescriptionRelease formPrice
Dimexide gelColorless gel (or with a yellowish tint) with a weak specific odor. The main active ingredient (DMSO) is 25%.
  • nipagin – 0.05 g;
  • nipazole – 0.013 g;
  • carmellose sodium – 2 g;
  • purified water – up to 100 g.
Aluminum tubes – 30 g.From 156 rub.
Dimexide external solutionClear liquid with little or no odor. DMSO – no less than 99% Bottles
50 ml

100 ml

From 37 rub.

From 50 rub.

In cosmetology, an external solution of dimexide is used - a concentrate, which is diluted according to the recipe with water.

How to dilute Dimexide for hair

As a result of the fact that Dimexide was seen as a kind of catalyst for some local drugs, which quickly penetrated the cellular barrier deep into the tissues, Dimexide began to be used as part of cosmetic masks.

In particular, by mixing a teaspoon of the substance concentrate with essential oils, lemon juice, aloe extract and honey, you get an effective hair mask. Its regular use relieves hair from brittleness, gives rich shine and restores natural growth. And if you mix a teaspoon of Dimexide with ground red pepper and apply it to the scalp, holding for 15 minutes, you can wake up dormant bulbs, resulting in thicker curls.

Rules for using the substance

Since the substance requires certain knowledge and skills, we offer simple rules for using the product yourself that will help you protect the skin of your hands from the negative consequences of using Dimexidum:

  • prepare solutions with the drug only while wearing gloves;
  • dilute the substance only with boiled or distilled water;
  • strictly follow the dilution proportions recommended by the doctor (1:10 or 1:20).

In addition, there are simple tips that will help you increase the effectiveness of dimexide in masks:

  • before starting the course of correction with dimexide, an allergy test is carried out: a drop of the diluted drug is applied to the wrist and after half an hour they look at the skin reaction; if there is none, you can start the procedure; redness or itching is a reason to discontinue the drug;
  • there is no need to use dimexide on an ongoing basis: once a month you need to use other means;
  • ethers are not added to masks with dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • Before applying the mask, the face must be thoroughly cleaned and ensure that the integrity of the skin is not damaged;
  • if the goal is to remove wrinkles, then Dimexidum is used in the form of a solution;

Photo by Polina Kovaleva: Pexels

  • Masks with the drug are best done in the evening, since after them the face acquires a reddish tint, which can be simply unsightly in the daytime.

How to dilute Dimexide for boils

Inflammation of the skin glands, which develop into boils, is often accompanied by a local increase in temperature and tension on the skin surface. In order to relieve pain and reduce tissue tension due to growing inflammation, dilute Dimexide in warm water in the proportion of 1 ml of concentrate per 10 ml of clean water. Cotton pads are soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the boils. It is important not to rub, rub, or knead an unruptured boil. Safe use is considered to be simply applying a moistened swab to the inflamed area.


Level 4 ATX code matches:




Bee venom


Menthol oil

Gum turpentine



Camphor alcohol

Turpentine ointment

Formic alcohol

Mataren Plus

Dimethyl sulfoxide

Fast Relief

Synonyms: Dimexide-Lugal , Dimexide Zhff , Dimethyl sulfoxide .

Analogs with a similar mechanism of action: Alvipsal , Apifor , Artran , Boromenthol , Viprosal , Medical bile , Diclogen , Camphor alcohol , Camphor (ointment/oil), Capsicam , Carmolis , Kolkhuri , Kim , Mataren , Kuznetsov ointment , Pikhtanol , Revma-gel , Chondroxide , Honsurid , Chondroitin , Espol , Eftimethacin .

How to dilute Dimexide for heel spurs

The situation with inflammation of the heel, called a heel spur, can be resolved not only through surgery. In some situations, a conservative method using Dimexide may help. It is important to begin treatment at the first signs of inflammation in order to prevent the disease from entering an irreversible phase when the help of a surgeon is required. For spurs, use a concentration of Dimexide diluted in water in a one to one ratio. Taking 20 ml of the drug you need to add 20 ml of water.

For severe pain, novocaine 2% is added to the solution in a volume equal to the amount of Dimexide and water. A cloth is moistened in the resulting liquid and placed on the sore spot. The compress is covered with polyethylene and a wool sock is put on.


Contraindications for use:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • liver/kidney failure;
  • stroke;
  • severe atherosclerosis ;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • coma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

When prescribing a drug, take into account the fact that it can enhance not only the activity, but also the severity of the toxic effects of a number of drugs.

When even a small amount of dimethyl sulfoxide is swallowed, as well as when used for applications in the oral cavity, the patient may experience stomach upset or intestinal spasms.

Dimexide for sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, accompanied by an accumulation of mucus pressing on the nasal cartilage from the inside. The disease may be accompanied by redness of the skin over the sinuses, as well as an increase in temperature, which is localized in the area of ​​the inflammatory process. Dimexide will help relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and reduce inflammation in the nasal passages. It is mixed with saline solution in a ratio of 1:3.

You can also add aloe juice or vasoconstrictor nasal drops, for example, naphthyzine or phenylephrine. After moistening cotton swabs in the resulting solution, they are inserted into each nasal passage and kept in this position for up to 20 minutes. This treatment can be repeated for up to 7 days in a row.


Dimexide is a drug in the form of a clear, colorless liquid or crystals, with or without a slight specific odor of garlic. The main active ingredient, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), makes up 99% of the concentrate. Used to prepare a solution.

The composition of Dimexide gel includes:

  • dimethyl sulfoxide – anti-inflammatory component;
  • nipazole – antiseptic, antibacterial component;
  • nipagin is an antiseptic that provides protection against fungal infections;
  • sodium carmellose is a component that affects the rate of penetration and absorption of the drug.

Adverse reactions

The use of Dimexide, like any other drug, can lead to unpleasant side reactions. Among them:

  • redness of skin areas;
  • burning in the area of ​​application;
  • allergic reactions, manifested by nasal congestion, drainage from the eyes, bronchospasm and rhinitis;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • nausea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • dizziness;

At the first signs of illness as a result of using Dimexide, you should definitely stop therapy and discuss what happened with your doctor.

Precautionary measures

Dimexide for the face is used only after thorough preliminary cleansing of the skin from makeup residues and other surface contaminants - otherwise, the condition of the dermis may become worse than the original one.

During application, you need to ensure that the mixture does not get on the mucous membrane - if this happens, it is important to rinse your eyes thoroughly under running water.

Expert opinion

Elena Apostolyuk


To eliminate the risk of burn wounds and protect yourself from swelling, the medical solution is always diluted with plain or purified water, as well as herbal decoctions. If itching or burning appears before the time after which you need to wash off the mask, the product is immediately removed.

What is the benefit of the newest technique over other means?

Our women, before trying any technique, will play it safe. They will definitely weigh the pros and cons. Now we will tell you why yellow peeling is better than other procedures.

Skin smoothes and rejuvenates

The acid included in the procedure can normalize metabolism in superficial tissues. Retinol also activates the production of collagen and elastin, which slows down the aging process.

The dermis brightens and pigment spots disappear

Once the flaking has gone away, you may notice that your skin has brightened. This occurs due to the blocking of melanin, a substance that is responsible for various skin blemishes.

Increases skin immunity

The procedure allows you to protect the dermis from bacteria, which often lead to suppuration of wounds. All this happens thanks to the retinol included in the mask. Yellow peeling also prevents the formation of skin cancer.

Experts' opinion

Cosmetologists speak differently about the use of Dimexide as a component of home cosmetics. However, the essence of their comments is approximately the same.

On its own, this drug does not have a significant anti-aging or cleansing effect. Its main function is to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis in order to distribute the active substances present in other components of the mask or compress there to all levels of the skin.

Without this medicine, any beneficial substances are not able to penetrate the skin so deeply. Accordingly, the maximum effect is not achieved. Only the use of Dimexide in the correct proportion and in combination with other ingredients can give real results.


In their reviews, many representatives of the fairer sex share their opinions regarding the use of masks with dimexide to cleanse the face of wrinkles:

  • Oksana, 23 years old: “A mask with dimexide and vitamin C helped me reduce the severity of freckles, which negatively affected my self-esteem. In addition, this product narrowed the pores, removed red spots and peeling. An excellent, inexpensive and easy-to-make product, I recommend it to everyone.”
  • Marina, 34 years old: “From my own experience, I warn everyone - prepare masks strictly according to the instructions, or better yet, consult a dermatologist. I thought there was a lot of water in the recipe so I made less. As a result, after about 3 minutes my face began to burn, but I endured it for a few more minutes and then took off the mask. The effect was terrible - the face was swollen and covered with red spots. Then I restored the health of my skin with a cosmetologist. Girls, don’t repeat my mistakes.”
  • Yana, 30 years old: “I’ve had retinoic peeling done at a beauty salon more than once. I recommend it to anyone who has an unhealthy complexion, flaking, acne and age spots. After just 1 procedure, positive changes are visible, but after a course of 3–5 procedures, you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror.”

Do not forget that dimexide is a medicine, so before using it it is strongly recommended to consult a dermatologist - in this way you can protect yourself as much as possible from the emergence of new problems with the epidermis.

A preliminary study of the beneficial properties, selection of the composition taking into account the type of epidermis and compliance with all precautions when processing mixtures containing dimexide will help prevent the occurrence of side effects.


Masks against wrinkles and aging skin

With tea tree oil


  • 2 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 tsp. dimexide;
  • 5-7 drops of tea tree oil.

Mix all ingredients, apply to the dermis using a brush or cosmetic disc, rinse with warm water after 25 minutes.

The composition will help eliminate acne and purulent rashes, giving the skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

With solcoseryl ointment


  • 1 tsp. dimexide;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water;
  • 5–7 g solcoseryl;
  • 1 tsp. almond oil

Combine all ingredients, distribute evenly over skin, rinse after 15 minutes. Treat the cleansed dermis with antioxidant cream or rub in vitamin E.

This dimexide mask is used to smooth out the contour of the face, restoring elasticity and firmness to the skin.

With oatmeal


  1. Dilute dimexide with water in a ratio of 1:6.
  2. Mix with 1 tbsp. l. dimexide solution 2 tbsp. l. crushed oat bran or flour with the contents of 4 capsules of doxycycline.
  3. Treat the epidermis, rinse after 15 minutes.

The mixture has an antibacterial, moisturizing, soothing and regenerating effect on the skin.

With ascorbic acid


  • 1 ampoule of ascorbic acid 2 ml;
  • 1 boiled potato;
  • 1 tsp. dimexide;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

Mash the boiled potatoes, let them cool, then add the dimexide solution. Mix ascorbic acid with water in a 1:1 ratio in another container and pour into the main mixture. Apply to the dermis, leave for several hours, rinse with warm water and treat the skin with a nourishing cream.

Compositions with ascorbic acid reduce the number of wrinkles, activate natural collagen production, even out facial tone and eliminate rashes of varying complexity.

With sour cream

Mix 1 tsp. dimexide with 2 tbsp. l. water. Add 3 tsp. fat sour cream, spread evenly over the skin, remove the remains after 20 minutes with a damp cloth.

With erythromycin

Dissolve 1 tsp. dimexide in 2 tbsp. l. water, add crushed erythromycin tablet, stir until all grains are dissolved. Wipe your face with the mixture once a day for 4–5 days.

With rose oil

Combine 1 tsp. Dimexide gel with 4 tbsp. l. water and 10 drops of rose oil. Apply to skin, rinse after half an hour.

With clay

Mix any cosmetic clay with water in a 1:1 ratio, add ½ tsp. dimexide, spread a thin layer over the face. Carefully remove the mask with damp wipes after it hardens after 10–15 minutes.

With vitamins A and E

Dissolve 1 tsp. dimexide in 2 tbsp. l. water. Add 1 tbsp to the solution. l. vitamin A and E, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. olive oils. Mix the mixture thoroughly, apply and leave for an hour. Repeat the procedure once every 4–5 weeks.

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