Try a powerful weapon against facial wrinkles: recipes for masks with aloe

The area around the eyes needs special careful care. The skin of this area is very vulnerable, as it has almost no protective properties: it does not contain collagen fibers, sebaceous and sweat glands, and is very thin. High mobility of the muscles of the eyes and eyelids located directly below it, and the lack of close nutritional reserves increase the risk of early aging. Aggressive sun rays, frost, wind, dust dry out the cover. Various pathogenic factors: cigarette smoke, alcohol, lack of sleep, fluid imbalance very quickly deprive the area around the eyes of freshness, leaving a rough imprint of fatigue. Violation of microcirculation and expansion of the vascular network causes the formation of dark circles and swelling even in young girls. The habit of squinting and straining your eyes leads to the appearance of so-called crow's feet - wrinkles that spread like a fan, long before old age.

Care problems

Instructions Most face creams and masks are not suitable for the skin around the eyes, as they have too heavy a texture, stretch or irritate the capricious area. But even special cosmetics, if selected or applied incorrectly, do not bring any benefit.

Herbal remedies are considered the most suitable for maintaining the health of the delicate epidermis. For cosmetic purposes, anti-inflammatory, smoothing, and vitamin natural products are used:

  • decoctions and infusions of chamomile, calendula, parsley, cornflower, green tea;
  • pulp of grapes, apples, peach, apricot, banana;
  • jojoba, almond, wheat germ, oat, grape seed oils;
  • whey, kefir, cream.

Extracts from these products are included in many professional cosmetics.

Will there be a result?

In Korea, at Seoul National University, dermatologists conducted an experiment.
They gathered a group of women who took aloe juice orally every day. The experiment lasted three months, and the result surprised experts. The number of wrinkles in the subjects decreased, facial features tightened and the skin became more elastic. Before using aloe internally, you should consult your doctor.

Benefits of aloe for skin

Of all the medicinal plants that have proven themselves in caring for the area around the eyes, aloe can be called the most effective. The juicy pulp of its leaves contains active substances that nourish and restore thin skin:

  • vitamins A, E, group B, ascorbic acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • minerals.

The gel-like structure moisturizes and smoothes dry epidermis, accelerates cell renewal, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, reduces the severity of existing ones, brightens, relieves irritation, redness, itching, and heals microcracks. Penetrating into capillary vessels, succulent juice increases their tone, stimulates intracellular metabolism, and improves fluid outflow. With regular use of aloe-based products, blue discoloration caused by fatigue disappears, the skin is saturated with necessary moisture, rejuvenated, and remains smooth for a long time.

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To care for your eyelids, you can use regular homemade agave or aloe vera, squeezing the juice out of them. To do this, you need an adult plant, at least 3 years old, from which the lower fleshy leaves are plucked off. In order for raw materials to have the greatest therapeutic and cosmetic effect, it is necessary to properly prepare it. After wrapping the greens in a paper napkin or thin cloth, they put them in a dark, cold place, where they are stored for about 2 weeks. This period is necessary for the production of unique biogenic stimulants in aloe, which accelerate the formation of new tissue cells. Then the skin is cut off from the leaves with a thin blade, the juice is collected and the pulp is crushed.

Aloe perfectly fights epidermal problems at any age: it is used to eliminate the effects of fatigue, prevent and treat wilting. Masks are prepared from the juice and gel, used as lotions, compresses, alone or in a mixture with other components.

To strengthen the caring and healing effect, the plant juice is useful to take orally. The substances contained in it help cope with hypovitaminosis, have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antimicrobial effects, improve digestion, support kidney and liver functions, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin around the eyes and complexion. To achieve results, it is useful to eat 1 tbsp daily. l. raw pulp in the morning on an empty stomach for a month.

At home, it is preferable to prepare care products from your own plant, but if you don’t have one, you can purchase ampoules with liquid extract at the pharmacy. For oral use, you can buy syrup, sabur or a tablet herbal preparation.

Chemical composition of the plant

The exotic cactus has more than 200 active and more than 70 nutrients, including: vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12; potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, selenium (more than 30 minerals in total); amino acids; essential oils and esters; succinic, cinnamic and other acids; phytoncides and flavonoids; resins and tannins; mono- and polysaccharides; alkaloids.

An indispensable component in the composition, due to which agave is widely used in cosmetics, is allanoin. The substance penetrates deep under the skin, delivering other components. Has a powerful regenerating, moisturizing and restorative effect.

Rules and methods of application

To eliminate puffiness of the eyelids and dark spots, succulent can be used without additives or in combination with milk components and herbs. Such products perfectly moisturize the skin, improve drainage, and reduce the permeability of vascular walls. Frozen aloe juice has an excellent tonic effect: you can get rid of bags under the eyes and bruises by rubbing your eyelids with an ice cube every day.

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Aloe juice for wrinkles around the eyes is combined with oils. Apply smoothing masks and creams with massaging movements of the ring fingers, lightly patting the skin, but without stretching it.

After applying masks to the area around the eyes, the muscles located under the skin need to be ensured rest: it is best to rest at this time while lying down or reclining with your eyes closed.

Fat-based creams should be avoided before bedtime - metabolic processes slow down at night and you can wake up the next morning with very swollen eyes.

Before starting use, you must make sure that the succulent juice is well tolerated; aloe can cause severe allergies. The classic way is to apply a little product to your wrist, elbow and wait a few hours. Severe burning and irritation are a sign of high sensitivity.

You should never take aloe orally during pregnancy - a miscarriage may occur. You will have to refuse to use a succulent if you have raised moles or papillomas near the eyes.


For external use:

  • children under one year of age;
  • individual intolerance;

However, in the case of internal admission, the list expands. These are: children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, people with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, complex forms of hypertension, hepatitis A, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, cholecystitis, cystitis, nephritis, bleeding and hemorrhoids.

When used externally, it has no side effects. Due to its safety, aloe, especially for wrinkles on the face, can be used frequently and for a long time. For the preparation of masks, lotions, tonics, ice and in its pure form, it is grown on windowsills and bought in pharmacies.


Masks with aloe for the skin around the eyes are used in courses - 2-3 times a week, at least 10-15 procedures. Exceptions are special tightening agents; they should not be abused.

Mask with cottage cheese for swelling

The product removes bags under the eyes, moisturizes the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes. Cottage cheese in the recipe can be replaced with thick kefir. The succulent pulp is combined with liquid flower honey and 5% fat cottage cheese or fermented milk product. All components are taken in equal parts. The finished mixture should be at room temperature. Apply the mask to the skin in a thick layer. The top of the eye area can be covered with a thin napkin. Remove the mass after 20–30 minutes. and wash with cool water.

To provide emergency assistance for severe swelling of the eyelids after insomnia or tears, you can use the mask once.

Revitalizing mask with peach

This composition with aloe eliminates dark circles under the eyes, perfectly nourishes and softens delicate skin, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. The mask is prepared immediately before use; it cannot be stored for a long time. It will take 1 tsp. Agave juice, peach pulp and cream. Mix the ingredients in a small glass, whisking a little during the process. Apply carefully with your fingertips. Remove the product with a damp cotton pad.

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Lifting mask with oatmeal

This recipe should not be used frequently as it may have the opposite effect. Home lifting is used as a quick-acting remedy to refresh the look and eliminate signs of fatigue. Required components: 3 tsp. oat flour, 1 tsp. agave, 1 tsp. glycerin. After preparation, the mixture is diluted with water to obtain a semi-liquid mass and applied to the skin for 20 minutes. You need to wash off the mask with cool water.

Anti-wrinkle creams with aloe extract

This homemade smoothing cream can be used both for prevention and for getting rid of severe wrinkles. To prepare it you need aloe in ampoules.

Combine 10 ml of extract, distilled water, 20 ml of rose water. Add 0.5 tsp. Heat the product to 60°C in a water bath, add 60 g of cocoa butter and mix until smooth. Store the cream in a tightly sealed container in the cold, apply once a day, applying to clean skin until the product runs out. There is no need to rinse it off after application.

A simpler recipe for eyelids: a mixture of equal parts almond or peach oil and extract. Use your fingertips to gently massage the liquid into the skin.

Growing at home

Growing aloe at home
The best option to have a rejuvenation product at hand is to plant the plant at home, like an indoor flower. The average price for rooted children does not exceed 50 rubles.

The easiest way is to buy already rooted aloe at a flower shop. You can also cut the leaf. However, with a leaf it is a little more complicated.

  1. The sheet must be cut slightly at an angle with a clean, sharp knife.
  2. Leave in a warm place until a film forms on the cut line.
  3. Prepare a pot with drainage and soil for cacti. (or 1 part sand and 1 part regular soil for indoor plants).
  4. It is advisable to disinfect the soil and dip the leaf in a root-forming agent for plants, since it is difficult for aloe to take root.
  5. The leaf is immersed 1/3 in the soil, pressed slightly to the ground and watered.
  6. The pot must be placed in a warm, sunny place and ensure that the soil is always moist.
  7. After rooting, water only after the soil has dried out.
  8. Further care is the same as for indoor plants.

Preparations with aloe can be found in stores, but purchasing from pharmacies is still safer. Available in the form of juice, syrup, tablets, ointments, creams, solutions, extracts, and in ampoules for injection. Depending on the form of release, prices vary from 100 to 300 rubles.

Agave-based masks will have a visible effect regardless of the form of release, but it is better to use a fresh plant.


In winter, the eyelids suffer greatly, especially on frosty days. The skin is dry and itchy. Instead of my usual cream, I started using homemade aloe vera cream with cocoa butter. After coming from the street I immediately applied it. As a result, after 2 weeks the eyelids became smooth and no longer itch. And the eyelashes stopped falling out.

My eyes are always tired because of dark circles, and recently bags have begun to appear. Only cold lotions with aloe help - I put the leaf in the refrigerator in the evening, and in the morning I cut it and apply it to my eyelids. The swelling is going down with a bang and the blue discoloration has become less lately. The skin is also smoother than before.

Does it help?

With age, many processes in the human body slow down. The production of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for skin hydration, decreases, and the production of elastin and collagen is disrupted. Experts note that aloe juice does an excellent job of accelerating cell regeneration. Due to its texture, it penetrates deep into the layers of the skin and has a moisturizing effect.

What beneficial components of the plant contribute to this?

  • The allantoin component helps stop the process of premature aging.
  • Amino acids and vitamins of groups A, B, C, E nourish the skin and become natural antioxidants.
  • Salicylic acid is an antimicrobial agent that heals wounds, cracks, and fights acne.
  • Among other things, aloe contains a huge amount of minerals and trace elements responsible for restoring the resources of the human body.
  • The water balance in the tissues is regulated, the appearance of new folds and unevenness of the skin is prevented.
  • Aloe protects against ultraviolet exposure and subsequent photoaging.
  • Old pigment spots are lightened and the appearance of new ones is prevented.

Eyelash product

Aloe juice can be used to strengthen and stimulate eyelash growth. To do this you need:

  1. Mix juice and vegetable oil in equal proportions (one teaspoon each).
  2. Apply to eyelashes (using a clean mascara brush) once a day.
  3. Wash off after 30 minutes.

In a month, the volume of eyelashes will increase by at least 10%.

How to use for eyelids?

Aloe can be applied not only around the eyes, but also directly on the eyelids. This way, you can relieve this sensitive area of ​​skin from scratches, swelling and bruises. If you smear the prepared juice on your eyelids before going to bed for one and a half to three weeks, you will see changes for the better.

The main thing is to apply the product very carefully and carefully so as not to provoke the appearance of wrinkles. After completing the course, you need to take a break for one and a half to two weeks.

Precautionary measures

If you follow certain rules, aloe juice masks can bring results. Here are some basic recommendations:

  1. When preparing compositions for masks, you should take fresh and natural products.
  2. Carefully select recipes for your skin type. If the skin is dry, and the recipe is written specifically for oily skin, then such a mask can make the skin even drier, since most often drying ingredients are added to masks for oily skin.
  3. The most favorable time for applying aloe juice is before 12 noon. In the morning, the pores are open, the skin perfectly absorbs valuable components.
  4. The likelihood of developing an allergic reaction after applying the plant juice is catastrophically low, but people with hypersensitive skin should still test by applying a little plant juice to the elbow and monitoring the reaction for 24 hours.
  5. Care should be taken when working with aloe leaves, as the skin of the plant is very bitter. Therefore, after applying the juice, you should wash your hands with soap and water.

You should not wipe your face with aloe juice too often to get rid of wrinkles. This can be addictive and even weaken the protective functions of the skin. It is enough to use 2-3 masks a week or moisturize your face once daily with plant juice instead of tonic.

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