Effective face masks with oils at home

Today’s selection of recipes for oil masks will be of interest to all fans of natural cosmetics who trust the latest research, without neglecting the valuable experience of our grandmothers.

Vegetable oils obtained by pressing seeds, grains or pits of various crops are widely used in both conservative and home cosmetology. They are used to prepare creams, lotions, balms, ointments and other effective products for the care of the skin and its appendages.

Oils are used to enrich finished cosmetics, including shampoos, balms, massage mixtures, creams, hair conditioners, etc. And all kinds of masks are made from vegetable oils, which, depending on the ingredients included in the product, have nourishing, keratolytic, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle properties , rejuvenating, lifting and regenerating properties.

Experts advise choosing a composition from the many recipes that exist today, based on the characteristics of your skin:

  1. Type (dry, oily, normal, combination, problematic, fading, saggy, wrinkled).
  2. Age (puberty, girls, young women, ladies of Balzac age, ladies of elegant age).
  3. Condition (dryness, presence of wrinkles, degree of moisture).
  4. Time of year (cold, hot).

By regularly applying masks based on facial oils, you provide your skin with a complete nutritional cocktail of lipids from oilseeds and seeds, healing fatty acids, vitamins, microelements, and antioxidants.

Judging by the reviews of women who regularly carry out cosmetic procedures at home using oil mixtures, this type of care can replace expensive salon procedures, provided that this is carried out on an ongoing basis.

Olive oil masks

Olive oil is quite universal - it is one of the most accessible ingredients, does not cause allergies, can be combined with almost any additional ingredient, and is suitable for any type of facial skin.

Vitamin composition

Crush a handful of cranberries in a bowl, add a small spoon of melted honey and a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. After applying the mask, lubricate your face with a soothing cream. If there are inflammations on the face, then it is better to replace berry porridge with banana porridge.

Cucumber mask

Grate the cucumber on a fine grater or chop in a blender. Pour a spoonful of slightly heated olive oil into it. This composition eliminates swelling and significantly improves the condition of the skin, eliminating wrinkles and evening out the color.

Moisturizing mask

Grind 2 large spoons of oatmeal in a blender to flour. Add a spoonful of olive oil and the same amount of bee honey, ½ spoon of sour cream. This mask is an excellent way to rejuvenate and eliminate pigmentation.

Tip: not every oil is suitable for useful masks. You should choose an extract from olive fruits by checking the expiration date and the latest date of manufacture. The “extra virgin” mark and the dark glass container are also important. It should be stored away from sunlight for no more than 10 months.

Masks with castor oil

The composition of castor oil is based on the predominance of various beneficial acids, among which oleic, linoleic, and stearic acids stand out. It is best suited for dry and normal skin, softening it, whitening and rejuvenating. When purchasing, you should choose cold-pressed oil.

Face mask that reduces wrinkles

Grate raw potatoes, add a large spoonful of sea buckthorn and castor oils.

Anti-greasy mask

Castor bean extract is also used for oily epidermis, but for this it must be used together with oxidizing components (lemon, berries, kiwi). If you chop an apple and mix it with a spoon of castor bean extract, you can get a useful composition that will relieve wrinkles and soothe.

Firming face mask

Combine a little cottage cheese, the same amount of honey, castor oil and raw beaten yolk. The mass is left on the face for a quarter of an hour.

Face masks made from oils: subtleties

Making face masks from essential oils yourself at home is a useful and convenient practice for caring for your loved one. After all, how nice it is to completely relax in a comfortable, harmonious environment, taking care of yourself with the help of a mask of oils. And the most important thing is that after such a procedure you don’t have to go anywhere. But before you buy up the entire store of essential oils for the purpose of self-improvement, you need to have a good understanding of the nuances of using such face masks.

  1. Rule of three. The most important thing about oil face masks is longevity and consistency. First, decide what you want to achieve and what problems you want to solve. Choose an oil mask recipe that suits you and try it very carefully. Observe the reaction for about a day. If this is what you wanted, now is the most important thing. Use an essential oil face mask regularly, about three times a week, for about three months without a break. Only when your skin is saturated with the beneficial substances of essential oils will you get the maximum effect from a homemade face mask.
  2. Cleaning rule. You know very well that the skin becomes more susceptible to positive, and of course, negative environmental factors when it is cleansed. Before applying a carefully prepared mask of oils to your facial skin, prepare your skin as much as possible. Clean with a special lotion or peeling, or better yet, wash thoroughly and steam out the pores. This way, the essential oils from the mask will penetrate faster and deeper into the pores of the facial skin and bring maximum effect. When making a mask from oils, be careful with very vulnerable areas of the face - eyes and lips. You shouldn’t apply a mask of oils there either – it won’t lead to anything good.
  3. Rules for correct application. Although many do not attach much importance to this, a mask of oils must be applied in a specially recommended way - along massage lines. Do not apply a face mask made from essential oils in a circular motion. Move correctly, in a horizontal direction from nose to ear - let everything be according to Feng Shui.
  4. Rule of endurance. After the face oil mask has been applied, relax completely. Do not talk under any circumstances, do not smile, and God forbid - do not laugh. Oh yes, the facial muscles around the eyes should also be relaxed, so it’s better to keep your eyes closed. Just relax and enjoy the moment. You can lie down in a luxurious bubble bath or on a comfortable bed. The main thing is not to deform the face mask made from oils. Let it dry and absorb well.
  5. Withdrawal rule. When removing a face mask made from oils, do it very carefully. Do not rub or pull the skin, in general, do not deform it in any way. Do everything gently and gradually.
  6. Completion rule. The final stage of the essential oil face mask is to allow the skin to dry out naturally. Again, do not blot your face with a towel or rub with napkins. Allow the skin to absorb the life-giving elements on its own and dry naturally.

Recipes with coconut oil

The main advantages of this oil are that, thanks to fatty acids, it relieves the face of redness and dryness, tightens sagging skin, evens out color and reduces the number of wrinkles. In addition, coconut extract is useful both in the hot season, protecting against harmful ultraviolet rays, and in the cold, creating an invisible barrier to the penetration of the destructive effects of wind and snow. You need to purchase unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil - this type of cosmetic product contains the maximum amount of useful substances.

Moisturizing mask

Mix a spoonful of coconut oil, an equal amount of liquid honey and a chicken egg. Stir thoroughly, apply to face, and rinse after 20 minutes.

Vitamin composition

Pour vitamin E liquid into 1/6 cup of coconut extract.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Add the juice of half an orange, a small spoon of pre-melted honey, and 3 drops each of mint and rosemary essential oils to a spoonful of coconut oil.

Coconut oil is a butter (it is a solid consistency), you can melt it using body temperature, kneading it briefly in your hand or in a water bath. The composition allows you to store it in the refrigerator without losing its beneficial properties.

General rules and tips for use

The correct technique for applying masks prepared at home will help you achieve a lasting, visible result:

  1. Pre-cleanse the skin of impurities using gel, foam or milk.
  2. If you use micellar water or hydrophilic oil to remove makeup, do not forget to rinse off any remaining product with warm water afterwards.
  3. Apply the finished mask, following all massage lines. Recipes with whitening or cleansing properties should not be applied to the sensitive area around the eyes and lips.
  4. For the best effect, it is recommended to be in a lying position during the procedure so that the active components penetrate as deeply as possible into the skin structure.

The mask should be applied along the massage lines of the face.

Shea butter recipes

This unique cosmetic product, also presented in the form of a butter, has numerous properties that are determined by its composition - numerous acids, vitamins A, E, D, F. They provide quality care to the facial skin, improving its condition.

Nourishing mask

In addition to the fact that shea (shea) goes well with nutritional ingredients, it can be added to face cream, improving the properties of the cosmetic product. To do this, you need to hold the batter in your hand for a short time, squeeze out a little cream and apply it to your face. Among the widely used components available, one can highlight a banana, which provides the skin with a large amount of beneficial substances - it must be mashed and combined with a spoonful of shea butter, adding a tablespoon of liquid honey.

Tonic composition

Grate the orange peel (or dry zest will do, but you need to soak it first so that it doesn’t scratch your face), pour in the yolk and melted shea fruit extract (a small spoon).

Anti-wrinkle mask

Peel the avocado, remove the pit, and mash with a fork. Add a large spoon of shea butter to it.

Essential oil for female beauty

In adulthood, the desire to get rid of crow's feet under the eyes and facial wrinkles comes to the fore. Beauty is lost over the years due to a number of negative factors:

  • long-term adherence to bad habits;
  • lack of sleep and stress, excessive workload;
  • poor nutrition, consumption of harmful foods;
  • negative influence of external factors (bad environment);
  • internal changes in the body, such as hormonal imbalances;
  • decreased function of the skin to retain moisture;
  • deterioration of blood microcirculation;
  • slowing down cell regeneration.

Unfortunately, many of these factors cannot be eliminated in modern life. Therefore, it remains to use all the opportunities provided by nature to maintain your beauty. One of them is essential oil, a product of natural origin. This ingredient is used in home beauty recipes to create anti-aging cosmetics. A few drops of essential oil applied to the skin have a beneficial effect on the epidermis and can work wonders.

Essential oils perform the following functions:

  • saturation with vitamins and other beneficial substances;
  • moisturizing and cleansing the skin;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • face contour lift;
  • smoothing the relief of the skin;
  • smoothing out wrinkles.

Loose skin most of all needs intensive hydration, stimulation of cell regeneration and protection from harmful factors. Properly selected essential oils for the face, such as grape oil with an argan component, cope with these tasks.

They provide conditions for skin renewal, improvement of complexion and rejuvenation. You will definitely look younger than your age.

With grape seed oil

Grapeseed oil is used for any skin type. It tightens pores and regulates the sebaceous glands, while nourishing and eliminating wrinkles. At the same time, it is used to eliminate flaking and dryness. Procyanide and vitamin E, contained in large quantities, provide it with such good qualities. These two substances have a direct effect on cell renewal and regeneration.

Mask for oily skin

Dilute a spoonful of white clay in water - you should get a fairly thick consistency that will not run off your face. Add a raw egg and a spoonful of grape seed extract to the mixture.

Composition for narrowing pores

Grind the orange in a blender, add the yolk gradually, stirring the mixture. Add a spoonful of grape oil.

Recipe for peeling

Dilute a spoonful of cocoa powder in slightly warmed milk, pour in a spoonful of grape oil.

With almond oil

Widely used by manufacturers of many cosmetics, almond oil is suitable for eliminating various problems. It can make your face look younger, eliminate acne, provide adequate nutrition and soften rough skin. It is used for all types of facial skin. Being a hypoallergenic product, it is also suitable for children's skin.

Face mask for acne

Mix a spoonful of calendula flowers and St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiled water, leave for 20 minutes. Add a spoonful of almond oil and the juice of half a lemon.

Mask for oily skin

Pour a spoonful of mustard powder with warm water, add sour cream (low fat) and almond extract.

Anti-inflammatory composition

Prepare a decoction of birch leaves by pouring a glass of boiling water over a small amount of the plant. Pour in almond oil and 3 drops of lemon balm essential essence.

With jojoba oil

This cosmetic product is universal - it normalizes oily skin, moisturizes dry skin and protects all types from external influences. It is also one of the most effective oils for eliminating wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle toner

A tincture based on cornflower flowers will get rid of wrinkles if used daily. Pour a spoonful of dried flowers into a glass bottle and fill them with vodka or medical alcohol (1 glass). Place in a dark, cool place for a week. Then pour in a little jojoba oil. Wipe your face with the mixture every evening before going to bed.

Mask for elasticity

Mix jojoba oil in equal proportions with sour cream and linden honey. Pour in the raw egg.

For dry skin

Grate fresh cucumber on a fine grater. Pour a spoonful of jojoba extract into the resulting porridge.

Beneficial properties of olive oil for the face

Olive oil, due to its monounsaturated fatty acids, has beneficial properties:

  • smoothes facial and static wrinkles;
  • promotes healing of scars, abrasions, inflammation;
  • normalizes the level of moisture in epithelial cells;
  • blocks the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

It is useful not only for the skin of the face, but also for the hair, so the remainder can be safely applied to the hair.

In addition, masks based on olive oil have become a salvation for dry skin, because their regular use eliminates the flaking characteristic of this type of skin.

The composition contains useful substances:

  • monounsaturated acids – improve the protective functions of the epidermis, have exfoliating, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • alpha-tocopherol is an effective antioxidant, guards the youth and beauty of the skin, and prevents its premature aging;
  • polyphenols and carotenoids – promote the production of collagen in tissue cells, normalize the water-lipid balance of the skin.

Recipes with tea tree oil

This essential extract is famous for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

For acne and blackheads

Beat the egg white well, pour in a mixture of rosemary, tea tree and lavender essential oils, taking 2-3 drops of each.

Whitening mask

Pour hot water over oatmeal flakes and leave for 15 minutes. Drain the liquid and squeeze the juice from half a lemon into rolled oats, adding ¼ cup of green tea and 3 drops of tea tree essential essence.


Mash half an avocado, add 3 drops of tea tree essential extract.

With linseed oil

It is used as a regenerating agent - it can be used to lubricate minor injuries on the face. In addition, it eliminates wrinkles, nourishes, moisturizes and eliminates oily shine on the face.

Nourishing mask

Combine equal amounts of liquid honey, flaxseed oil and yolk.

Whitening mask

Prepare rice flour: grind 2 tablespoons of white rice in a blender, pour in 2 tablespoons of flax oil.

To eliminate oily shine

Mix kefir (¼ cup) with a small percentage of fat content with the same amount of honey and flax extract.

With cocoa butter

This component smoothes sagging skin, provides it with vitamins, makes it soft and elastic. A large amount of healthy fatty acids and vitamins slow down the aging process and restore the balance of microelements. The solid composition allows you to make cosmetic bars from cocoa extract, which are stored in the refrigerator and used repeatedly.

For wrinkles

Prepare a mixture of vegetable and essential oils: cocoa (2 parts), jojoba (1 part), sage and lavender (2-3 drops each). Pour the resulting composition into a small plastic mold, after cooling it will harden. Wipe the steamed face with a tile, rubbing the composition until completely absorbed.

For mature skin

Cut a couple of aloe leaves, keep them in the refrigerator for 10 days, and then squeeze the juice out of them. Add a mixture of equal amounts of cocoa butter (melted) and jojoba butter.

Lip balm

Melt beeswax (1 tsp), also add melted cocoa butter (1 tbsp) and 2 drops each of lemon and mint essential essences. Pour into a plastic container or lipstick tube. After hardening, apply to the lips - this will make them soft and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Cautions before using oil masks

The main condition for using face masks is regularity. The rule “the more often the better” does not work. One procedure per week is enough, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect to what was expected.

Adhere to the following principles:

  • Before the mask, steam your face or treat it with a scrub;
  • a warm mask is more effective than a cold one, so heat the compositions to body temperature or slightly higher, but within the limits of comfort;
  • the skin perceives the mask better when at rest, so during the 15-20 minutes that it works, try to take a horizontal position, relax your face, and tune in to pleasant thoughts;
  • the neck and décolleté area also needs care - do not deprive these areas of attention when you apply the mask;
  • rinse off the composition with warm water without using soap - alkali dissolves fatty acids and neutralizes the entire effect.

Always use ingredients that suit your skin type. Test the product for individual sensitivity before first use.

With sea buckthorn oil

In addition to its anti-aging properties, it is also famous for its healing (extracting sea buckthorn fruits can lubricate damaged areas on the face) and nourishing, which makes it indispensable for dry skin types. You should be aware that it has a coloring property, so masks with it should not be overexposed (the optimal time is 15 minutes).

Nourishing mask

Mix cottage cheese (2 tbsp) with a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil.

For hydration

Combine an equal amount of sour cream with sea buckthorn extract.

For wrinkles

Heat a small spoonful of honey and combine it with a tablespoon of sea buckthorn extract.

Each of the listed oils has unique properties, so finding the right one for yourself will not be difficult. When skillfully combined with other ingredients, you can get a complete replacement for cosmetic creams and lotions. To do this, you need to take into account your facial skin type and be aware of the properties of a particular oil.

How to choose anti-wrinkle oil

When choosing an anti-wrinkle oil, it is important to consider the degree of comedogenicity (from 0 to 5 points). This indicator indicates how capable the product is of clogging pores. Products with a zero comedogenic index are suitable for any skin type; they do not clog pores. The higher the number, the more caution they should be used by people with acne and other skin problems caused by clogged pores. However, please note that this information only applies to pure oils.

You should also select anti-wrinkle products based on your skin type. Most products are suitable for normal to dry skin. It is necessary to select them taking into account the individual reaction to certain components.

Combination and oily types of epidermis are characterized by increased sebum secretion, so it is necessary to use products marked “non-comedogenic.”

Problem skin often lacks linolenic and linoleic acids, so you should choose products rich in these components (grape seed oil, rosehip oil).

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