10 years younger: six effective ways to erase years

“I wouldn’t go to a cosmetologist who didn’t look at least 10 years younger!”

“Why do you need your procedures and professional cosmetics if in the end you still look your age?!”

“No one will go to a fat nutritionist, no one will go to a cosmetologist who does not look younger than his age.”

I periodically see similar comments under my videos, especially about anti-aging care.

Why don't cosmetologists look 10 years younger? I see at least 8 reasons.

  1. A cosmetologist is not required to look younger than his age
  2. It's natural to look your age
  3. The possibilities of the procedures are greatly overestimated
  4. Knowing side effects
  5. Contraindications to procedures
  6. The influence of genetics
  7. Lifestyle and stress
  8. Skin health is a priority

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There are no tests to accurately determine age

Before I begin, I want to make two small remarks.

First , there are no exact formulas, criteria or tests that will help more or less objectively assess who looks their age, who is older, and who is younger than their age.

How this can be done, for example, with the body mass index - calculate and more or less objectively say who has weight within the medical norm and who is overweight.

Assessing the appropriateness of appearance and age will always be subjective, even when given by professionals.

For example, some viewers write to me in the comments that I look my age (47 years old), others think that I look younger, and still others think that I look several years older.

Who is right?

I think everyone is right in their own way, because we look at this world, at the same things, with different eyes. But let’s say we take the opinion of some randomly selected majority as the verdict.

Secondly , I do not claim to be the ultimate truth, I express exclusively my view on the issue. I don't speak for all cosmetologists. Although perhaps some colleagues will agree with me.

A cosmetologist is not required to look younger than his age

Maybe, but not obliged - there is no such requirement in this profession.

For example, a model may have certain requirements for body parameters that she must support. The actress who is applying for the role of Juliet must look young, in which case, of course, there will be an age limit and this is normal.

And a cosmetologist must first of all be a professional - have good knowledge, skills and experience that he can successfully apply in practice. And don’t engage in endless beautification of yourself.

After all, no one demands that a plastic surgeon make breasts of size 4 or correct a hump on the nose.

There are people who have exactly this request - large breasts, straight nose. And the surgeon’s task is to do this professionally. But he is not at all obliged to have exactly the same queries or complexes about his nose or small breast size.

Everyone seems to understand and accept this. But for some reason, many have completely different requirements for a woman cosmetologist - for some reason she is simply obliged to suffer from complexes about her age and go out of her way to look younger.

10 years younger: six effective ways to erase years

At 40, look 30. And at 50, look 40. Modern women dream of exactly this. And their desires are quite feasible. There are several effective methods, which should be selected according to your age, skin condition and general level of health. In general, the sooner you take charge of yourself, the less drastic methods you will need.

Plastic surgeon Amjad Al-Yousef knows how to prolong youth

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Method one - proper nutrition and vitamins

The condition of our skin and hair is the result of nutrition and the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, if you want to look young, first of all balance your diet. Consume proteins in sufficient quantities, because they are the source of collagen. To not only ensure smooth skin, but also maintain normal weight, give preference to skinless poultry, lean fish, and low-fat cottage cheese. Also be sure to eat seafood as it contains healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Don't forget about fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

First of all, pay attention to your diet

Photo: Pixabay.com/ru

Also, talk to your doctor about taking Omega-3. This is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect cell membranes and internal organs of humans from destruction. Moreover, the body does not synthesize them itself; they can only be obtained from the outside. Unfortunately, we cannot always take them in sufficient quantities from food. Therefore, it makes sense to take Omega-3 as supplements.

In addition, get tested to ensure that all vitamins meet the norm. If any of them are missing, you definitely need to take the appropriate course. And be sure to pay attention to the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. If there are problems in this area, then you first need to solve them, and only then deal with the correction of appearance.

Method two - special exercises for the face and neck

You can make them at home. The main thing is regularity and accuracy of execution. Most of us have neuromuscular tension. With the help of exercises we can remove them. Due to this, not only will your face become smoother, but headaches will also go away, the condition of your spine will improve, and your posture will normalize. This method is based on osteopathic principles. This method will also lengthen the neck, form a youthful angle of the jaw, and recreate the shape of the chin.

Method three - beauty injections

Cosmetology has now come a long way. And now it can help patients even with severe problems. Plasmolifting of the face, neck, and scalp is most often used. This is a shallow invasive procedure in which plasma from the patient's blood is injected under the patient's skin. This promotes activation of stem cells and overall rejuvenation. An absolutely safe method that does not cause allergies or other adverse reactions. Its effect is not only long-lasting, but also increasing; it can last for several years. The main indications for plasmolifting are age-related changes, pallor or unhealthy skin color, sagging or excessive dryness, skin laxity as a result of weight loss.

The next effective method is biorevitalization using hyluaronic acid. This substance has the unique ability to moisturize the skin and restore youth to it. The procedure is indicated for loss of skin turgor, poor complexion and small wrinkles.

Botox is used to get rid of frown lines between the eyebrows, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, and horizontal folds on the forehead. Thanks to it, certain muscles become motionless, and the skin in these places stops folding. And to eliminate nasolabial folds, doctors use fillers.

Method four - normalization of hormonal levels

Most often this is true for women who are entering menopause. To look younger, they do numerous injections, which, unfortunately, do not give the desired effect. And cosmetologists call them “hyluaronic acid eaters.” If you are faced with such a problem, you should urgently contact an endocrinologist and gynecologist, who will prescribe the correct hormonal therapy. And the result will be literally “in your face.”

Method five - thread lifting

This is a non-surgical rejuvenation procedure during which special threads are inserted under the skin. Over time, a framework consisting of collagen and elastin fibers begins to form at the site of their insertion, which serves as a natural corset against age-related ptosis.

Thread lifting is usually performed when injections are no longer effective and plastic surgery is impossible for one reason or another. Thread lifting helps to cope even with pronounced wrinkles, nasolabial folds, ptosis of soft tissues in the chin and cheekbones, and noticeable drooping of the corners of the eyebrows. As for age, this manipulation is recommended to be carried out from 30 to 50 years.

Method six - blepharoplasty

This is an operation that is performed to get rid of sagging eyelids and bags under the eyes. It is these defects that make the face tired and add age.

Blepharoplasty will help you get rid of sagging eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Photo by Linh Ha on Unsplash

The main indications are a sagging upper eyelid, deep wrinkles on the lower eyelid, excess skin in the lower eyelid area, the formation of a large number of wrinkles on the lower eyelid, bags under the eyes, drooping corners of the eyes, eyelid defects, deterioration in the quality of vision due to severe sagging of the eyelids.

The operation does not last long - from 30 to 90 minutes. General anesthesia is usually not required. Most often, local anesthesia is used in combination with sedatives. The operation can be performed traditionally with a scalpel or with a laser, which is less traumatic.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty lasts approximately 10-12 days. At this time, you should avoid physical activity, applying decorative cosmetics and wearing contact lenses, and it is better to go outside wearing sunglasses.

Overall, this is a simple and inexpensive operation that can significantly improve your appearance!

Method six - surgical facelift

The most radical method of rejuvenation. Suitable for deep wrinkles, facial and static wrinkles on the face and neck, pronounced nasolabial folds, severe drooping of the upper eyelids, double chin, sagging soft tissues of the cheeks. As a rule, this intervention is performed on the oldest patients. There are 2 main methods that help tighten facial skin - subcutaneous and SMAS lifting.

A good specialist will plan an action plan for you

Photo: Pixabay.com/ru

SMAS lifting is a serious surgical intervention, during which skin incisions are made, the necessary strengthening of the muscle layer occurs in special “anchor” zones, and excess tissue is removed. This operation almost completely changes the face and eliminates age-related changes. SMAS lifting lasts about 3-4 hours.

Subcutaneous lifting is divided into two types. 1) Endoscopic is designed to tighten the forehead and temples. During the manipulation, a special microcamera is used, which is inserted into incisions in the scalp area. 2) Simple cervicofacial lifting is indicated for eliminating smaller facial wrinkles, since it affects only the upper layers of the epidermis.

Surgical facelift is performed only under general anesthesia with mandatory hospitalization. This is a serious operation, but it has the most pronounced effect and allows you to remove not even 10, but 20 extra years.

It's natural to look your age

If a cosmetologist looks good for his age or even a little older than his age and feels great, one can only be happy for this person. This means he is in harmony with himself, his age and the world around him.

But when a woman is embarrassed by her age, hides her age, or considers her main task to be forever young and to please others. When for a woman age is some kind of expiration date, this is a sad and not entirely healthy situation in my opinion.

And if this is typical for a cosmetologist, he can transfer his complexes, his fears about age to the client. And this is not very good.

The possibilities of the procedures are greatly overestimated

The third reason is that the beauty industry, like any other industry, overestimates its importance and capabilities.

I noticed that people who are far from cosmetology often think: oh, if only it were possible to do all these procedures, I would look 10 years younger! As the advertisement promises.

And cosmetologists have such an opportunity! So why don't they look 10 years younger? Perhaps they don’t know how to choose the right procedures? Perhaps they are not competent enough?

The truth is that the capabilities of many procedures are greatly exaggerated, especially in terms of the anti-aging effect. And the side effects of high-intensity techniques are usually underestimated or not disclosed at all.

But many cosmetologists know both very well.

Knowing side effects

Hence the fourth reason - knowledge of side effects or the unpredictability of long-term consequences often stops sensible specialists from resorting to one or another anti-aging technique.

The same cannot be said about those who want to look younger at any cost. Different people have different attitudes towards their health - some value health, others do not.

I like one joke on this topic. A man bought an iPhone. I put it in my jeans in my back pocket and got on the bus. Suddenly he hears a crunching sound and thinks: God, if only it was a spine!

Effect after HD facelift

After a smart circular lift, the patient's face gets rid of deep wrinkles. After it, you can easily forget about sagging folds, double chin and jowls. As a result of the operation, the face acquires a V-shaped oval and an impeccable neck line - the most obvious signs of youth. Add to this a clear line of cheekbones and the absence of nasolabial folds - and a complete post-operative portrait is ready.

Contraindications to procedures

But of course, there are cosmetologists who also want to resort to all sorts of modern techniques, who are not afraid of the risk of complications, but this is not always possible.

There are many health contraindications to anti-aging procedures. And they resort to such methods in adulthood, when, in addition to age-related changes, serious illnesses often occur.

Therefore, we must not forget that those who want to correct something in their appearance, to smooth out some age-related changes, may have contraindications to effective procedures.

Moreover, the diseases themselves can affect appearance.

Alisa Mon: real name, date of birth, height, weight, plastic surgery

Real nameSvetlana Bezukh.
Date of birth/place of birthAugust 15, 1964 / USSR, Russian Federation, Irkutsk region, village. Slyudyanka.
Height / weight / figure parameters169 cm / 61 kg / 87 – 66 – 94 cm (chest-waist-hips).
Confirmed plastic surgeriesBlepharoplasty, eyebrow lifting, contouring, mammoplasty.
Alleged plastic surgeryNo, he does not hide transactions.

The influence of genetics

Health, care, and lifestyle are certainly of great importance in preserving youth and beauty, but genetics cannot be discounted.

There are people who are lucky with genetics. As a rule, everyone in their family looks youthful, even their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who never visited a cosmetologist the last time.

And there are people prone to early aging. This is how their body is programmed.

Plus, some anatomical features can contribute, for example, to early ptosis. Therefore, you need to understand that even if a cosmetologist looks 10 years younger, this does not mean that he knows some secret and will make you younger.

Perhaps his secret is good genetics.

And vice versa, if a cosmetologist looks his age, perhaps this is an excellent result given his genetics, health status and other nuances.

Main advantage: optimal incision length + invisible seam

Fashionable techniques using a short suture and endoscopic operations without an incision are wonderful. But a short cut should not become an end in itself. It is only suitable for the youngest patients, as it does not remove any significant amount of excess skin.

For ladies aged 45+, it is necessary to use incisions of optimal length and precisely adjusted shape (in this case, a straight incision should not be used in any case). These conditions allow you to recreate a natural, youthful face without distorting your features.

There is no need to be afraid of noticeable scars. The author's HD-lift technique involves the use of “invisible seam” technology. For example, an incision made in front of the ear is practically invisible after a few days, and after 2-3 weeks the stitch is almost impossible to detect.

Lifestyle and stress

The older a person is, the more significant lifestyle, stress and bad habits are reflected on his face.

A cosmetologist does not have to be an example of a healthy lifestyle and run in the morning. This is a living person, he may have his own weaknesses, which will be reflected on his face with age.

And of course we cannot know the level of stress in the life of a stranger.

It is no coincidence that there is an expression - old from grief. If a person has a difficult life situation, this will be reflected in his appearance, it will take away his youth and health.

But well-mannered people do not burden strangers, much less clients, with their problems. Therefore, from the outside it may seem that everything is fine with a person, but it doesn’t look very good.

How Alice Mon's face changed after plastic surgery

For those who don’t remember what the singer of the hit “Plantain-Grass” looked like in 1988, we are publishing a photo. The quality, of course, leaves much to be desired, but you can still understand that the girl depicted on it is sweet and attractive. Curly hair gathered at the back of the head, a high forehead, expressive eyes and eyebrows, a charming smile - the image is ingenuous, just like the song performed by the artist Svetlana Bezukh. Soon she took the pseudonym Alice Mon and changed beyond recognition.

This was Alice Mon in her youth

Her light almond-shaped eyes became transparent, her lips were sensual, and her hair was blue-black and absolutely smooth - this is how the artist appeared in the video for the song “Almaz”. This is how fans still remember her, who did not have the opportunity to follow how Alice Mon changes with age due to a break in her work.

Compare photos of Alice Mon in her youth and now

Fortunately, the singer has not lost her natural beauty and charm, but, according to the experts invited to the television project, she looked gray and expressionless. The star herself was unhappy with the wrinkles on her forehead and around the eyes, as well as the condition of the skin on her neck and décolleté.

Singer Alisa Mon before and after plastic surgery

Several specialists were involved in the rejuvenation of Alice Mon:

  • A plastic surgeon performed blepharoplasty; tightened my eyebrows and removed excess skin in the neck area.
  • The cosmetologist performed biorevitalization of the skin, and also injected Botox into the forehead and hyaluronic fillers into the lips, cheekbones, and chin.
  • The dentist restored and whitened the teeth.

Alice Mon plastic surgery: working moments

The designers added the icing on the cake by choosing several sets of stylish clothes for Alice Mon.

This is what Alice Mon looks like now

Skin health is a priority

And one more reason - cosmetologists, as a rule, are aware of the latest trends in aesthetic medicine and are the first to pick up new trends. When the majority of women are not yet ready for a new approach.

But at this point, the cult of eternal youth is already outdated. The trend in recent years is maintaining healthy skin.

Look good for your age, and not try to eliminate signs of age at any cost. And in my opinion, this is a very correct trend, at least it is close to me personally.

The author's methodology: how is it better than world standards and requirements?

HD lifting is a precise method of deep face lifting. The manipulations affect all levels: the subperiosteal region, muscles, ligaments of the face and neck, subcutaneous fat and the skin itself. As a result of the operation, the tissues return to the position in which they were in their youth. To preserve the naturalness of the face, to make it look like it was in youth, the surgeon studies photographs of the patient from 10-20 years ago.

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