“10 years younger” program: how to become a participant. “10 years younger”: casting features

What is the show about?

The plot of the program is as follows: a hero or heroine comes with the goal of changing his appearance and life in general. A large team of professionals works with a person for 10 days. These include:

  • plastic surgeon;
  • stylist;
  • dentist;
  • hairdresser;
  • visagiste.

They all do things that make the heroine of the show look at least 10 years younger. You can find out how to become a participant in this project by phone or on the website.

How much does it cost to participate in the program “10 Years Younger”

Program “10 years younger”

appeared on Russian television relatively recently. During this time, the program received mixed reviews. Some have a positive attitude towards the result and the transformation of the participants, while many condemn and believe that this television project promotes plastic surgery.

Despite this, the show remains popular among Channel One viewers. After all, it’s always interesting to watch how people transform. This interest leads many to search for information on the Internet; how much does it cost to participate in the program? Today we will talk about this and other most interesting issues. Go!

While collecting information for our article, we re-read many reviews from participants in this program. In general, we can conclude that women are satisfied with the final result and the attitude towards themselves during the shooting.


For those who have not watched “10 Years Younger,” it’s worth starting with the fact that the essence of this program is to help participants change their appearance and future life, as well as regain lost self-confidence.


In this they are helped by a team of specialists, consisting of a plastic surgeon, dentist, makeup artist, hairdresser and stylist.


In order to become a participant in this program, you need to fill out a form on the website, which can be found on the Internet. After your candidacy has been reviewed and accepted (and we must not forget about the huge number of people who want to take part), be prepared to tell us in detail about yourself.

You must attach full-length photographs of yourself in a swimsuit. Photos for the dentist are also required; you need to show a close-up of your smile, teeth and gums. In general, if you want to participate, be prepared to “tell and show everything.”

Also, the main criterion is a complete medical examination, since plastic comes first in the transfer. The transfer has its own trade secrets, the non-disclosure of which you sign an agreement.


Also be prepared for the fact that filming takes two weeks. Plus, we must not forget about the recovery period after the procedures. On average this reaches one month.


Here we are approaching the most important question that interests many. How much will it cost to participate in the program “10 Years Younger”? As it turned out, all procedures performed during participation in the project are paid for by Channel One.

But despite all this, it is quite difficult to get on the program, because there are a lot of applications from those interested. Most applications come from women, but we also saw men as participants.

Filming takes place in the capital. It is worth saying that even if a participant comes from another city, he is paid for travel in both directions and further accommodation.

Tell us about your opinion on this project in the comments!

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Svetlana Abramova about the program

The presenter of the project is Svetlana Abramova. In her interview, she not only told how to become a participant in “10 Years Younger,” but also shared the history of the show’s creation in Russia and how it helps heroines gain self-confidence, sometimes lost over the years.

The woman said that this project is the first in our country of this format. The TV program “10 Years Younger” (“Channel 1”) started relatively recently.

As part of the show, participants undergo major plastic surgery, and its producers had an extremely difficult time finding professionals who could perform this for the general public.

Skin care

Moisturizers are a must-have for those who want to look young for a long time. Dehydrated skin quickly becomes loose and wrinkled. At the same time, you need to remember that oily skin also needs hydration; it can also be dehydrated, because fat and water are completely different things.

In sunny weather, do not forget to apply cream with SPF factor, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation the skin ages quickly.

All this applies not only to the face, but also to the neck, arms, elbows and knees - all areas that are more prone to dehydration than others.

Is the public ready for shows like this?

If you pay attention to the reviews, users are not only looking for information on how to become a member. “10 Years Younger” is a program that everyone wants to share their impressions of. And the opinions are very mixed. Some share the opinion of the show’s host that such projects help people gain confidence in themselves and get rid of depression. Others say that watching this on TV is disgusting, and such shows are designed to confirm the stereotype that for women the most important thing is appearance.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Abramova was born in St. Petersburg on June 2, 1987. Nothing is known about the girl’s family. Even in early childhood, while watching TV, the girl dreamed of becoming a world-famous actress when she grew up.

Svetlana Abramova

Svetlana grew up as an independent child: she made decisions herself and was responsible for them. The girl studied well, so after school with an excellent certificate, she carefully chose where to enroll. Svetlana made a choice between theater, law and journalism. Despite childhood dreams of an acting career, the girl chose law, based on the fact that the profession should be serious.

So Abramova entered the law faculty of the State University in St. Petersburg. Svetlana's attractive appearance gave her the opportunity to participate in student beauty contests during her studies. At the age of 20, the girl won and became the main beauty of the university.

Svetlana Abramova in childhood and now

Winning the beauty contest was not easy for Svetlana. Many girls at this age carefully look for flaws in their appearance. Among them was Abramova - the girl was tormented by the obsession that she absolutely needed to lose weight. And Svetlana lost weight. Now, with age, the future TV presenter has found the optimal ratio between height and body weight.

Discovering that law did not become Abramova’s dream, Svetlana went to Moscow. In the capital, the girl found a repeater who taught the girl the basics of competent speech and oratory. At the same time, Abramova entered a school where they trained TV presenters. Having received her diploma, Svetlana has already finally decided on what she wants to achieve in life.

Who works with the participants?

As already mentioned, there are a number of specialists who work with the heroes of the “10 Years Younger” program. We'll tell you how to become a participant in the show a little later, but now let's find out more about the people who are directly involved in the transformation.

Plastic surgeon Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin is a professor, one of the most sought-after specialists in this field in our country. He is also the head of the specialized private hospital Frau Klinik. He is known for being the first in Russia to perform operations such as mastopexy and breast replacement. To date, Sergei Nikolaevich has performed more than 20 thousand plastic and reconstructive operations in our country and abroad. The queue to see him numbers in the thousands. And only thanks to the show “10 Years Younger” you can become a client of this specialist much easier.

Who else is helping with the transformation?

The “10 Years Younger” program, in which almost everyone has the opportunity to become a participant by sending their application form to the organizers, also collaborates on an ongoing basis with the following specialists:

  • Shinberg O.E. – Candidate of Medical Sciences and Chief Physician, Dentist. He believes that future technologies, among other things, should include the ability to treat teeth without using a drill, which many children and even adults dislike.
  • Ekaterina Gershuni – image maker and designer. She is a regular participant in fashion shoots for the most famous glossy publications in Russia. Gershuni was involved in creating images for popular television programs and major advertising campaigns. Provides private body image consultations throughout the world.
  • Evgeniy Zhuk – hairdresser-stylist. He is engaged in creating an image for the stars of domestic show business and transforming it. In addition, he is not only a stylist, but also a makeup artist, designer and even a psychologist. It is he who is engaged in individual image selection for each participant in the show “10 Years Younger” (“Channel 1”). How to become a participant in the program can be found on the project website.

A television

A year after graduating from TV presenter school, the girl got a job as a presenter on the popular Ren TV channel. Abramova's first job was reviewing sports news and the Russian and international press. Svetlana worked in this position for two years, after which she became a TV presenter of a program on the same channel, “Coming Out,” which is dedicated to the cultural life of Moscow.

TV presenter Svetlana Abramova

Then the girl initiated the creation of the television show “10 Years Younger.” Analogues of this show had been broadcast on European television channels for many years, so Svetlana assumed the success of the program. At first, the program was aired on the Ren TV channel, and in March 2009 the show debuted on Channel One.

Invited consultants from a television show try to transform the chosen heroine of the show. Having chosen a participant in the issue, the organizers interview passers-by, finding out the average visual age of a woman.

Presenter Svetlana Abramova and stylist Evgeniy Zhuk

After this, the team of “10 Years Younger” employees, represented by a stylist, hairdresser, plastic surgeon, dentist and makeup artist, establish a unified strategy for the heroine’s transformation.

Beauty consultants draw up a schedule of necessary procedures, which include minor local plastic surgeries, cosmetic procedures (including laser vision correction, Botox injections, laser and chemical peeling, etc.).

Svetlana Abramova in the show “10 Years Younger”

Svetlana Abramova encourages the heroine not to be afraid of change and to decide on all the proposed manipulations. The presenter always emphasizes that a woman’s appearance depends solely on motivation and desire. At the same time, the biographies of the women participants can be radically different from each other, the women belong to different social strata, have different ages and life circumstances, but everyone is united by the desire to achieve perfection - to become beautiful.

New life

How exactly does the life of those who decide to become the hero of the show “10 Years Younger” change? Anyone can take part in the program (“Channel One”) if they are lucky.

One of the first heroines of the program is 50-year-old Irina Kuznetsova. Her story is very sad. Irina had an extremely difficult time going through the divorce, after which she was left alone with three children. The youngest daughter is 12 years old, and Irina also has a 9-year-old grandson.

Quite often on the street she is mistaken for a grandmother, and not for the girl’s mother, naturally, this cannot but sadden her. The daughter also dreams of her mother looking young and beautiful. It was for her and her new life that Irina came to the program.

The result did not disappoint her. After the project, she saw the world in a completely new way and realized that after a divorce it does not collapse.

How to get involved?

“10 years younger” is a program, in principle, for everyone. First you need to fill out a form and wait for an invitation to the casting from the organizers.

If you are selected to participate, your next steps will be:

  • Don't plan anything for the next month. One episode of the program will be filmed for about 2 weeks. Also allow time for recovery after plastic surgery and dental procedures.
  • Tell us everything about your health. Do not hide information about the presence of chronic diseases and possible contraindications to certain manipulations. This is especially true for the consequences of surgical intervention.
  • Get the necessary tests done.
  • Do not interfere with the work of specialists and trust them.
  • Provide your accommodation for the TV channel's film crew.

Is participation paid?

Many people are also wondering whether they need to pay for their participation in this program. But there is no need to worry. If you pass the casting and become the hero of the show, all procedures will be paid for by the TV channel.

This includes the following:

  • cost of plastic surgery;
  • cosmetology services;
  • dental services;
  • creating an image - makeup, wardrobe selection and hairstyles.

If a person comes from another region of the country, then he is also paid for travel to the capital in both directions and accommodation in Moscow during the filming of the program.

TV reviews

The program “10 Years Younger,” as already mentioned, receives mixed reviews from viewers. Most of them agree that the most interesting and positive thing is the final result of the specialists’ work. It is always pleasant to contemplate how middle-aged, tired, unkempt women are turned into young and fit, with a sincere smile on their faces.

But many viewers are disapproving of the transformation process and the attitude of specialists towards the project participants. In their opinion, they do not deserve such reproaches and censures for the fact that they did not take good care of themselves. Everyone had different situations in life, and not every woman had the opportunity to pay attention to her appearance.

Nutritious food

The body must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients - the condition of the skin, hair, and nails depends on this. Without proper nutrition, even expensive procedures from a cosmetologist will not bring the desired effect.

The diet should be balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and contain enough vitamins and minerals. Nutritionists recommend the following ratio of products: a third of the diet - vegetables and fruits; a third - bread, potatoes, pasta, rice; another third - meat, fish, eggs, legumes, dairy products and very few sweets and fatty foods.

What else is worth talking about?

What do viewers think is missing most from this show? Let's find out:

  • Information about what medical examinations and procedures you need to undergo before going under the knife of a plastic surgeon.
  • What consequences can the operation entail (even if the person had no contraindications), in which cases is it better to refuse it.
  • How exactly does recovery take place? Experienced people know that this period is very long and painful, you have to deal with scars and bruises, and not go out in public for months. The program doesn't say anything about this.
  • Naturally, the operation is free for participants. However, those watching TV will probably be wondering how much it might cost in a clinic. Also, many may be interested in the cost of other procedures that are provided to the heroines of the program.

Promotion of plastic surgery?

There are also viewers who consider the program “10 Years Younger” to be an indirect advertisement for the clinic whose specialist works with the participants, and the show itself to be a direct promotion of plastic surgery.

So, in their opinion, if you take any of the heroines, give them modern makeup, hairstyle, and choose a beautiful outfit, then they will not need any surgical intervention.

Also, do not forget that they mostly come in their everyday clothes and leave in their formal clothes. Agree that no one will wear heels and dresses every day. A much greater effect will be achieved if a woman accustoms herself to perform small self-care procedures every day: apply creams, scrubs, and periodically take medicinal baths. It is also important to take care of your hair on an ongoing basis and be able to choose the right clothes, even for every day.

Despite the fact that opinions are different and there are a lot of them, this show is very popular among viewers of Channel One. It is always interesting to watch the transformations of people, especially knowing what stages such a transformation consists of and what each of them includes. Perhaps after watching you will also want to take part in the program.

“I dreamed of a person with a technical profession”

- How did you meet?

Svetlana: — It was more than two years ago. At the beginning of summer. My friend and I were walking around St. Petersburg, after which we stopped by the “Happiness” cafe. I didn’t want to eat, but some unknown force pulled me there. Beautiful terrace, gorgeous views, St. Isaac's Square. And suddenly a young man appears on the horizon. I really liked him right away. Anton did not look like a St. Petersburger: businesslike, fast, characterful, dynamic. In a suit and white shirt. Our imposing Peter was not used to seeing such people... Anton quickly ran into the cafe, bought a glass of espresso and was about to leave the establishment. But he slowed down and looked at me. I have seen. He looked. I have seen. He hesitated a little. And, as they say, some spark flashed between us.

Anton: - I came up first and started a “St. Petersburg conversation” - on some absolutely abstract topic... I came to St. Petersburg for work. Noticing Sveta, I thought: I don’t need to rush right away, I need to pause. This, I thought, is St. Petersburg, not Moscow. Here the girl won’t be taken away while I’m getting coffee.

Svetlana: - Anton sat down at our table. And I... was confused. She behaved like a fifth grader. She was silent and sighed more and more. The conversation was led by my talkative friend. Anton talked about what he does: about nanotechnology, microelectronics and the hadron collider, but in a language we understood. We stayed until closing time, after which we decided to take a walk around St. Petersburg at night. We wandered around the city, discussed a million other things and somehow unexpectedly said goodbye without even exchanging phone numbers.

Anton: “I’ve never gone to bed so late in my life.” By that time I was probably like a zombie.

Svetlana: - Already in the taxi I realized that we would never see each other again. I thought I was lost forever. In general, it was sad, I was very worried. I was sad for a day, sad for two, sad for three, four... At this very time, Anton, a man with a technical education, as it turned out, did not waste any time.

Anton: - I compared the facts, details, went on the Internet, restored a long-deleted page on one of the social networks. And I found Sveta’s account.

Svetlana: — I go to VKontakte and see a message: “Hello!” I was incredibly happy. Although she didn’t show it, so that Anton wouldn’t delude himself too much. Two workaholics met... We made the most of our rare dates. We crossed paths in St. Petersburg and saw each other in Moscow. Something led me and something attracted me.

It was thanks to Sveta that Anton understood and fell in love with St. Petersburg. “I enjoy St. Petersburg’s impressiveness!” - he says.

- But now you are inseparable?

Anton: — I have significantly reduced the number of flights. We are trying to combine all our movements around the country.

Svetlana: — Now we really spend almost all our free time together. And not free either. They completely immersed themselves in each other.

Anton: - Sometimes I come to Sveta for filming and wait until two o’clock in the morning. Sometimes she flies with me to conferences. If earlier I liked to hang out in noisy men's companies, Sveta preferred the company of her friends, such microcosms, but now we are together all the time. At presentations, social events, filming...

Svetlana: — I, a person with a legal education and a humanitarian, am increasingly attracted by the professional terms of physicists. I always dreamed that a person from a different, non-creative field, a technical profession, would be with me.

Anton: - I used to have a terrible attitude towards St. Petersburg. It seemed to me that people there, let’s say, live slower, talk slower. Sveta taught me not to compare the northern capital with Moscow. And as soon as I stopped doing this, I learned to relax in St. Petersburg. I enjoy St. Petersburg's impressiveness. In Moscow they call it idleness, but I call it relaxation, culture, courtliness and spirituality. They say that you learn foreign languages ​​better if you live with a foreign girl. If you live with a real St. Petersburg girl, then you will get to know the culture of this city better.

— How do you feel about each other’s shortcomings? Everyone has them!

Svetlana: - Anton has no flaws. Not a single one at all, I think it’s perfect. Is it true!

Anton : - I also don’t see any shortcomings in the Light. I call her a goddess—jokingly and not jokingly.

— Have you changed a lot in the 2.5 years you’ve known each other?

Svetlana: - I have really changed a lot. On the one hand, Anton and I are incredibly similar, in some ways even like brother and sister. But at the same time, incredibly different. Anton is a person who has a clear division into black and white, plus and minus, bad and good. I always succeeded in something in between; I was always flying somewhere. Thanks to Anton, I became punctual, tough, and began to take off my rose-colored glasses more often. We learned to be each other's friends, mothers, fathers, educators and little children.

Anton: — Conceptual role-playing games! (Laughs.)

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