Laser removal of biopolymer gel from lips

Any woman who has resorted to lip correction with fillers, tried to correct the shape with tattoos, or tried lip augmentation with pepper is well aware that all of these are temporary or not entirely acceptable from an aesthetic point of view. In this regard, lip plastic surgery (cheiloplasty) has become a popular and actively developing area of ​​aesthetic surgery. Using different surgical techniques you can:

  • make lip augmentation;
  • get a 3D effect;
  • get rid of asymmetry;
  • correct deficiencies caused by aging (ptosis of the tissues of the lower third of the face);
  • remove traces of surgical interventions or injuries;
  • correct congenital anomalies.
  • smooth out facial wrinkles near the mouth;

Professional recommendations for lip augmentation, making them plump and rejuvenating the area around the mouth can be obtained in a specialized clinic where there is a plastic surgery department and experienced surgeons. Some centers operate with a laser, but the possibility of using a laser scalpel has a very significant impact on the final cost of cheiloplasty.

Indications for removing hyaluronic acid from lips

First of all, the main indication for removing hyaluronic acid from the lips is the desire of the patients. It lies in the fact that it is necessary to return the lips to their original appearance, which was lost during the hyper-effect, asymmetry, and the presence of an uneven, ugly contour. The following types of complications are also indicated:

  • Intense redness;
  • Tissue swelling;
  • The presence of long-lasting lumps and seals in the injection area;
  • Hematomas;
  • Necrotic changes in the tissues of the lips;
  • Aggravated herpes virus;
  • Inflammation;
  • Allergy;
  • Uneven distribution of hyaluronic acid components;
  • Deformation of lips and mouth.

It is important for patients to distinguish between a natural reaction to the drug and clinical complications after filler injection. A normal physiological reaction is considered to be a slight swelling of the tissues and inflammation that appears after the injection. They go away in about a week. Therefore, immediately after the injection, you need to wait a certain period in order to further evaluate the results of the cosmetologist’s work.

Correcting mistakes from Dr. Amjad: removing biopolymer from lips and correcting their shape

It's easy to enlarge your lips.
You only need one session of hyaluronic acid filler injections from a good cosmetologist, fast and safe. But just a few years ago, much less harmless biopolymers were used for the same purpose. Outwardly, everything looked great, but after a while the girls began to complain about numerous complications: asymmetry, the appearance of seals, deformations, articulation disorders. Plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences Amjad Al-Yousef sees such patients almost every day. Today, especially for, he will tell and show how problems that arise after such injections are corrected:

Amjad, what are these drugs of the previous generation that cause so much trouble?

– Biopolymers (sometimes called biogels) are fillers based on synthetic silicones. More recently, they were actively used for volumetric plastic surgery of the face and body. And such procedures were very popular: patients were attracted by the affordable price, the absence of complex manipulations and the lasting “forever” effect.

Photos before and after removal of biopolymer filler from the lips (hereinafter the surgeon is Amjad Al-Yousef):

Now, presumably, they are no longer so in demand?

- Undoubtedly. In Russia they are prohibited due to numerous complications. But in Europe, it happens that they are used mainly for lip correction.

What exactly are the complications associated with?

– There is an opinion that the main problem is the migration of the biopolymer, when, under the influence of the work of the masticatory and facial muscles, over time it moves from the injection zone to neighboring areas of the face, as a result of which various deformations occur. This is wrong. In fact, the gel does not move, but literally turns into fibrous tissue at the injection site. And it is this phenomenon that leads to the appearance of compactions and painful sensations. Such problems can only be eliminated surgically.

This is what the result of a cosmetic suture looks like immediately after the operation:

How difficult is this operation?

– You definitely can’t call it simple. The fact is that after some time, biopolymers break down into individual elements in the form of dense particles, and they already lead to the formation of fibrous tissue and deformations. To achieve the desired aesthetic and medical result, 2 stages are required:

  • first, all gel microparticles are removed from the tissues;
  • then work is carried out to eliminate deformations, asymmetries and correct the shape of the mouth.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The incisions are made along the inside of one or both lips. Upon completion, I apply cosmetic stitches - initially they are quite noticeable, but the mucous membrane regenerates very well, so after a while no visible marks remain. The only thing is that during this period it is extremely important to properly care for the sutures - treat them, prevent the appearance of crusts, suppuration, etc.

Removal of biopolymer from the upper lip. Photos before surgery, immediately after suturing and 1 week after:

I have already performed quite a few operations to remove biopolymers, and the results of the correction are always satisfactory to patients: in most cases, it is possible not only to completely eliminate all complications, but also to maintain the original shape of the lips.

And how much does such work cost?

– From 45 to 80 thousand rubles – it all depends on the complexity of each specific case. Sometimes it is enough just to remove particles of gel, sometimes it is also necessary to restore the contours and overall symmetry of the mouth.

What advice could you give to those who are just planning to enlarge their lips?

– It’s simple: you need to use hyaluronic acid-based fillers from trusted manufacturers. With their help, you can get the desired volume, everything will look very natural and, most importantly, this procedure is absolutely safe. If desired, you can always make additional correction, and if you don’t like the result, the filler can be easily removed using hyaluronidase. Yes, such a procedure is more expensive, the effect will not last for years, but beauty and health are more important than time frames. And, of course, there is no place for dubious savings in aesthetic medicine!

You can make an appointment with plastic surgeon Amjad Al-Yousef: • by phone. • or through the online form • clinic address: Moscow, st. Narodnaya, 20, building 1

Methods for removing lip filler

In modern cosmetology there are a number of effective methods that help get rid of hyaluronic acid components. In particular, these are the following methods:

  • Introduction of enzymes. The doctor injects special enzymes directly into the area where the filler is located. This allows you to eliminate compactions along with the resorption of the correction material;
  • The use of microcurrent therapy, electroporation, darsonval, vaporization. All these methods are aimed at activating the metabolic and immune processes of the body, during which the absorption of the drug is accelerated by accelerating lymph exchange and blood flow;
  • Massage. A procedure that is used quite rarely due to the presence of many clinical complications;
  • Facial gymnastics. Based on microcirculation, it is the least effective method.

We use in our work the method of introducing enzymes, which is recognized as the most effective in cosmetology. When injected, the enzyme starts the process of natural biodegradation of hyaluronic acid components. It decomposes into low-molecular fragments, which are removed from the body without a trace through the lymphatic system and blood flow.

Operational types of correction of deficiencies

There are two main directions in lip surgery: surgical plastic surgery and contouring.

  • Cheiloplasty (circular)Plastic surgery on the lips is indicated for patients with serious problems. With the help of cheiloplasty, you can make dramatic changes, for example, reduce the upper lip, lift drooping corners, remove scars and tumors, correct the unsightly consequences of lip augmentation with a biopolymer composition, and so on.
  • Lip contouring. (anchor breast lift)

Correction using fat transplantation provides a long-term effect, and lip plastic surgery with biogels provides results for several months. For example, lips after augmentation with hyaluronic acid need to be adjusted every six months to a year. As for surgical plastic surgery, the visual effect lasts for many years.

Which lip correction to choose - temporary or permanent?

Despite the need for preoperative preparation, invasiveness and rehabilitation, methods of surgical correction and lip augmentation are gaining more and more adherents. There are a number of objective reasons for this, including a long-term or lifelong effect and a natural result. But what type of intervention to choose - surgical lip surgery or contour correction with fillers - is decided by the patient himself.

In some cases, only surgery is indicated. Thus, in case of congenital defects, reconstructive surgery must be performed (plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip in a child or adult patient, correction of cheiloschisis in infants, and so on). In aesthetic terms, surgical methods eliminate the undesirable effect often associated with injections. For example, when a small area of ​​tissue under the base of the nose is excised, the distance between it and the upper vermilion border is reduced. At the same time, the lips acquire the desired volume and natural shape without vulgar excesses.


The doctor tells the patient what to do after lip augmentation and other types of cheiloplasty at the first consultation, and upon discharge home he explains the information in more detail. Depending on the complexity of the operation, the recovery period can last up to 2 weeks. At this time you should not:

  • visit the bathhouse, beach and solarium;
  • swim in open water;
  • allow physical activity.

If cheiloplasty is performed professionally, there are no serious complications. Bruises and swelling after lip augmentation go away after a few days. It is impossible to completely exclude the formation of scars, but the visibility of the sutures depends on the ability of the tissue to regenerate and the attitude towards the postoperative period. Subsequently, the doctor may recommend laser resurfacing. Surgical correction of complex defects (post-traumatic, congenital pathologies) can be performed in several stages.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after laser removal of biopolymer gel of the lips is quite loyal, and the first day is expressed in the form of swelling of the lip tissue and slight discomfort in the form of tightness of the treated areas. On the 3-4th day, the treatment zones are covered with crusts, which must not be damaged mechanically, but strictly follow the written instructions for treating laser impact zones.

Examinations of the patient are scheduled on days 2 and 4 after the procedure. After 3-4 weeks, the rehabilitation period can be considered completely completed. In some cases, a second correction procedure may be required, but in approximately 95% of cases, one procedure is sufficient.

Lip augmentation

This is a technique for filling purse-string wrinkles with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Special gel preparations compact the deep layers of the skin and form a “cushion” under areas of constant folding of the skin. Thanks to the gel, the “bottom” of the fold rises, and it becomes less noticeable and deep.

Dense fillers are not used because they can cause hypercorrection, that is, bulges at the injection sites. Soft gels are used, so with very active facial expressions, it is better to combine the technology with the injection of botulinum toxin.

Lipofilling can also be performed - filling purse-string wrinkles with the patient’s own fat. This technique is characterized by increased safety, because the biomaterial is completely compatible with the body, it is not rejected, and does not cause an allergic reaction. The injection technique is similar to the use of other fillers.

How to prepare for surgery

To start preparing for cheiloplasty, you need to consult with several specialists and choose “your” surgeon. The first consultation is usually free; during a conversation with the doctor, you can ask any questions about the course of the intervention, safety measures and the postoperative period. After listening to the wishes, the doctor examines the tissue and offers correction options, listing all the pros and cons. It’s a good idea to consult with an otolaryngologist and an orthodontist in parallel - the knowledge of specialists who are well versed in the physiology of the nose and jaws will allow you to achieve an ideal result.

When the decision on the method of lip augmentation has been made, you need to undergo a preoperative examination. It includes standard tests to detect infections, allergies and other contraindications. The recommendation of plastic surgeons is to refuse cheiloplasty in case of a tendency to form keloid scars, with reduced immunity and blood disorders. Women carrying a child should wait until the end of the lactation period. If the examination reveals no contraindications, a date for surgery is set.

How is surgery performed?

On average, lip surgery lasts about an hour, the duration depends on the tasks. Sometimes patients choose a combination option, for example, rhinoplasty with one-stage correction of the upper lip.

  • Anesthesia is administered.
  • Markings are applied.
  • The surgeon makes incisions in the places provided by the chosen technique. The most popular varieties are Bulhorn for lifting the upper lip, Corner lift for age-related ptosis and wrinkles, Kesselring surgery for lip augmentation for age-related loss of volume, and VY plastic for asymmetry and loss of plumpness. Experienced and highly qualified surgeons use proprietary techniques, which are improved versions of well-known techniques.
  • Tissue redistribution is performed and excess is excised.
  • Stitches are applied.
  • Ice is applied to the surgical area to minimize swelling.

As for lipofilling, this type of lip surgery should not be considered an outpatient procedure. Correction with autologous fat (your own fat from the abdomen or other areas) is carried out in the operating room, using adequate anesthesia, and requires mandatory preparation.

After the operation, the patient can leave the clinic on the same day, immediately after the anesthesia wears off.

Lip surgery in Rostov

You won’t be able to get beautiful sexy lips using the compulsory medical insurance policy. The scope of compulsory insurance does not include aesthetic surgery, the main purpose of which is rejuvenation. Some pathologies are indications for free reconstructive surgery, but there is a waiting list. Counting on the maximum possible aesthetic effect, it is better to contact a private clinic.

Are you not satisfied with the shape and volume, are you interested in corrective procedures, want to correct an unsuccessful correction with biopolymer gel, or would you like to consult on pediatric cheiloplasty? Sign up for a free consultation with our specialists. We perform surgical rejuvenation of the perioral area using modern methods, add volume, correct the consequences of unsuccessful operations, and perform labial frenuloplasty for children and adults.

When you meet with the surgeon, you will have the opportunity to find out all the details about the clinic and the operations performed, look at a portfolio with photos before and after lip augmentation and facial rejuvenation, find out how much lip surgery will cost in your case, and also undergo the necessary examination. According to patient reviews, Medical Park is the best aesthetic medicine and cosmetology clinic in Rostov-on-Don. At the same time, we do not inflate prices for services and try to help everyone without going beyond the budget.

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