Silicone lips. Photos before and after. Examples and details

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  1. What is silicone?
  2. Can everyone use silicone?
  3. How is preparation for the operation carried out?
  4. What should you know about the intervention?
  5. Is the risk worth it?
  6. Should we expect complications?
  7. What do reviews say about the procedure?
  8. What are we risking?

It is rare to meet a girl or woman who is completely satisfied with the appearance and shape of her lips. For such young ladies, the simplest and most convenient option is silicone lips. Let's see who can undergo such an operation, what the introduction of silicone is, and what dangerous consequences should be expected after the procedure.

Silicone and Botox are not pumped into the lips

To be more precise, they don’t inject Botox. This substance has other purposes: it serves to freeze muscle fibers. And silicone in the lips is possible, but it is practically not used, because the effect of silicone or fat fillers and implants is difficult to predict. Deformations may occur, for example.

Nowadays, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used to enlarge lips.

Since hyaluronic acid is found in the human body, it is a fairly safe material: allergic reactions to such fillers rarely occur, it is easy to dose and quite simple to remove.

There are several brands that are considered safe: Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero. A complete list of FDA-approved fillers can be found here. Be sure to see if the remedy that is offered to you at the clinic is on this list.

Each of these fillers has its own application characteristics. It is better to discuss the choice of remedy with your doctor.

Photos "before" and "after"

Lip reduction, biopolymer removal. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

The patient was injected with silicone gel under the guise of hyaluronic acid gel in a cosmetology office. On the face: deformation of the lips, their asymmetry, “duck” mouth. The silicone gel was removed and the lip shape was corrected. Surgeon - Iskornev A.A.

Removing biogel from lips and removing excess skin. Lip reshaping through internal access. The operation was performed by Andrey Iskornev.

Getting carried away is dangerous

It’s a pity that no one keeps statistics on girls who are addicted to lip augmentation.

However, those who have Instagram do not need statistics. Either because fillers need to be constantly updated, or because the best is the enemy of the good, it’s very possible to overdo your lips.

Just in case: if you are going to see a cosmetologist, start with the minimum. If you want more, go again. But it’s better to think for a couple of extra weeks whether you really need it.

And even more so, do not try to enlarge your lips several times from the first procedure, do not stretch the tissue.

What should you know about the intervention?

Silicone is introduced little by little, and each filling is accompanied by smoothing the material over the lips. At this stage, the specialist evenly distributes the product. You should behave carefully, because if the pressure on the skin is strong, the substance will go beyond the contour. If the patient likes the result, she has received the desired volume of lips, the procedure is completed. However, if it seems that the lips are not large enough, after a few days additional material can be injected under the skin. It all depends on individual wishes.

During the procedure, local anesthesia is used, but the work is quite painful and can cause discomfort in the patient. The main reason for this is a large accumulation of nerve endings near the lips.

We recommend reading: Ulcer on the lip, methods of treating ulcers

What are we risking?

Before surgery, you need to understand what risks arise:

  1. Inability to apply lipstick for some time after lip augmentation.
  2. Redness, sudden reaction to cold or irritants.
  3. Rejection of material as a foreign body.
  4. It is impossible to completely remove the material if desired, because it grows strongly into the skin.
  5. Incorrect, uneven location of the material under the skin, impossibility of correction.
  6. There is minimal likelihood of silicone being pumped out after inserting it under the skin.

Usually, before performing an operation, the doctor warns his patient about what negative consequences can be expected. If she agrees to the introduction of silicone, then she can only hope that the doctor is highly qualified, and also that no negative manifestations will make themselves felt.

Read: RF face and body lifting. Reviews about this procedure

How does injectable hyaluronic acid work?

With age, the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases, this is one of the factors of aging. Injections are one of many options for preserving youth.

Beauty salons offer their clients injections with hyaluronic acid to correct changes. This acid can be of two types:

  1. Unstabilized. Its goal is to launch the body’s own cells. Used for mesotherapy and biorevitalization. This acid resolves within 2 weeks under the influence of hyaluronidase.
  2. Stabilized. This type of acid is used to fill wrinkles and correct skin defects.

The acid’s effect smoothes the skin, eliminates dryness, elasticity returns, and the face takes on a fresh look. Thus, moisture is retained by binding water molecules, which turn into a jelly-like mass. Hyaluron is located between collagen and elastin, creating a framework, thereby preventing sagging of the epidermis and the appearance of new wrinkles.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley's lips were voted the most beautiful in the world in a survey conducted by a large company - a manufacturer of lip glosses. “I don’t pout my lips to look sexy,” Kira commented. - I do this when I concentrate. I think I look like I'm constipated at this time." No matter what the beauty herself thinks, her lips are truly wonderful, moderately plump. After injections they look beautiful and natural.

Carrying out the operation

Lip augmentation with implants does not take too long. Experienced specialists will give the patient plump lips within half an hour. The material is soft and easy to work with. In some cases, natural fabrics provided by the patient herself or a donor may be used.

Typically, the doctor uses local anesthesia. 4 sections are made in the corners of the lips. After this, using a special tool, the place for the implant itself is prepared. After inserting the silicone, the corners are sewn together using a cosmetic seam.

In the first year after the operation, the effect will persist, then the lips will decrease slightly in size. But this is not critical, the shape will still be attractive.

If the girl is not satisfied with the result, she can easily get rid of the implants. They can be replaced with new ones or completely discarded and returned to their previous form.

To reduce swelling after surgery, the doctor will apply a cold compress. This will help alleviate the condition. Implants are inserted if non-surgical or surgical lip augmentation methods are contraindicated for a person.


Silicone lips are strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • if the tissue has a tendency to scar;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • rejection of a foreign object in the body;
  • allergic reaction to the material;
  • acute stage of a chronic disease;
  • presence of wounds in the lip area;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Girls who wear silicone implants have achieved one hundred percent results. This is evidenced by photos before and after the procedure and the end of the rehabilitation period. Of course, silicone inserts are placed after examining the patient and studying the medical history. The doctor does an examination and asks a number of important questions.

The implants are made of solid material, which is tolerated by patients without allergic reactions. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur.

In such cases, the girl herself is often to blame. Every fifth girl does not follow the doctor’s recommendations before use, which negatively affects the body.

All girls dream of having plump lips that will drive men crazy. If nature has not bestowed forms, this is not a problem: modern medicine is capable of much. As a result of the operation, the girl will receive a good result, which will please not only her, but also the man.

Which drug is better? What volume?

When choosing a filler, the characteristics of density, viscosity, and cohesiveness are important. They also have different goals - changing shape, increasing volume. For example, Belotero preparations from Merz can be called universal - they are used for volume and shape adjustment. This category also includes: Restylane Lipp, Juvederm, Glytone. Approximately 1-1.5 ml is administered per procedure, no more.

Soft fillers are used to add volume to the sponges, and dense and highly cohesive fillers are used to increase the shape.

Side effects

Common side effects:

  • the appearance of bruises and swelling;
  • pain;
  • herpes;
  • Lumps.

These inconveniences go away quite quickly. For example, redness goes away after a few hours, and pain on the second day. The resulting balls and lumps dissolve quite quickly with a light massage. To prevent exacerbation of herpes, a course of antiviral drugs is prescribed.

Quite often, patients worry about the appearance of white spots. These are the so-called Fordyce granules that have protruded outward. But this is not at all dangerous, so it does not require special attention.

Moisturizers will help combat dryness and flaking. You should be concerned if the following changes occur:

  • asymmetry;
  • fibrosis;
  • large seals;
  • the appearance of a clear outline.

In such a situation, you cannot do without a cosmetologist; he will help correct the problems.

About the golden age of cosmetology

Stasya: If you look at the history of the development of this niche of cosmetology, can we say that we are now in the golden age of all these drugs or solvents for them?

Natalya: According to older colleagues, more injections were made into the lips from 2000 to 2010. Now other correction options are in fashion: lower jaw, cheekbones, temples, infraorbital area, Jolie angles. That is, more complex. Therefore, lips give way to other rejuvenation techniques. If in 2003 there were lips, nasolabials and Botox in huge quantities, now there are much more techniques. For all this there are different drugs, different methods.

Stasya: It happens that I pinned my lips and the whole face also demanded: in contrast, the nasolabium became visible, or, on the contrary, does an increase in volume in the lips correct the proportions?

Natalya: If the skin is in good condition, namely its quality, then a small moderate increase in the volume of the lips rejuvenates the face and does not emphasize anything. If the skin already shows significant signs of aging, and suddenly straightened, dense, bright pink lips appear on this face, then it looks strange. It’s better to start working with the rest of the face and, for example, for the finely wrinkled type of aging, I choose products that are very soft and thin. Not even those recommended for lips, but those designed to correct fine wrinkles so that everything looks as natural as possible.

Victoria Beckham

When foreign magazines compile ratings of the best lips, Victoria manages to get into both lists: she either really likes her lips or seems completely ugly. What she cannot be denied is her delicate taste. No matter who, she would never “puff up” her mouth too much. And yet, lately her naturally rather narrow lips look a little fuller. Looks great.

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