Silicone lips: Photos before and after - Pros and possible complications + Video

This kind of trouble does not only affect older people; you often come across young people who don’t like their own downturned mouth corners. Here, of course, the problem is not with the years lived, but with an innate distinctive facial feature.

Today there is an effective method for lips - just lift the corners with hyaluronic acid, which fills the area under the skin, creating a special “cushion” that smoothes out wrinkles. In addition, there is a special technique for introducing the substance, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, due to this the face becomes more attractive, cheerful and friendly.

In order to increase the corners of the mouth and eliminate these wrinkles, contour gels based on hyaluronic acid are successfully used. More dense gels are good for this area, and in a very impressive amount, no less than 0.5 ml. This volume of the drug is exactly what is required to form the so-called “pillow” in order to create “fullness” of this zone and significantly raise the corner of the mouth.

How long does hyaluronic acid stay on lips? 24 or 3 months? Even 12 months are fairy tales!

Many articles indicate that, depending on the drug used, lip augmentation lasts from 6 to 24 months. The truth is that hyaluronic acid intended for lip plumping remains in the required volume for 3-4 months.

With subsequent repetition of the procedure, it can last longer, for about six months. If you use a slightly thicker preparation, it will last for 6-8 months.

Theoretically, you can introduce a very thick acid, which will last up to 12 months, but the question is whether the lips will then be aesthetic. And how will a woman feel with such a mouth, because the thick preparation has the consistency of plasticine.

Why is lip correction performed?

General indications for lip augmentation include:

  • age-related changes;
  • lip asymmetry;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • loss of skin tone;
  • wrinkles around the mouth;
  • insufficient natural lip volume;
  • loss of natural contour.

Wrinkles above the upper lip age the face of even young women. With age, the folds may lower and smooth out along with the central arch. The introduction of drugs allows you to restore the anatomical shape of the lips and restore the attractive contours of the face as a whole. In this article we will tell you what cosmetic products are used for lip augmentation, their features and administration techniques.

The myth about moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid. Don't expect the impossible!

Many sites say that hyaluronic acid is a very moisturizing substance, it binds and retains water, which makes lips healthier and fuller. Yes, lips look healthier and fuller, but more so because they are plump and lifted, not because of the moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid.

Humidification has nothing to do with it. If someone has a problem with dry lips, filling with hyaluronic acid will not help.

Where did the myth about moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid come from? Hyaluronic acid attracts water molecules. However, attracting water does not necessarily mean hydrating the skin. The half-life of hyaluronic acid is 2-3 days. After this time, the uncrosslinked acid disappears significantly, and only the uncrosslinked HA molecules have the ability to attract large quantities of water. So, even if it were possible to moisturize the oral cavity with such an acid, the effect would only last a few days.

If, in turn, we compare a cross-linked acid with a non-cross-linked acid, then we need to imagine powdered sugar and cubic sugar. The first will dissolve much faster than sugar in a cube, which has such a structure that not all particles dissolve at once. The effect will only last a few days.

Hyaluronic acid before and after cross-linking

To dispel this myth, you can make a rough mathematical calculation. It is quite easy to demonstrate the manipulations and describe the wonderful properties of moisturizing. Judge for yourself: 1 ml of the drug injected into the lips contains about 20 milligrams of hyaluronic acid. If it binds water a thousand times, we can assume that 20 mg of HA will attract approximately 20 ml of water. If it is a non-crosslinked acid, this should happen immediately, within 24 hours. 20 ml is the volume of a large syringe. But we don’t see anything like this with lip augmentation.

Another factor that speaks against moisturizing is that the acid is introduced under the mucous membrane (that is, deeper), so it cannot moisturize the mucous membrane. In a word, after the introduction of hyaluronic acid, the skin will become more elastic, but this is not a moisturizing effect.

Carrying out the procedure in

In our clinics, each of the listed lip augmentation methods is performed using modern techniques and materials. For many years, we have been helping patients emphasize their natural beauty, maintain youth and eliminate external defects.

Before performing lip augmentation, the doctor will conduct a consultation and initial examination, evaluate the structure of the skin and facial features, and recommend one or another technique in order to obtain the most natural, aesthetic effect. You can make an appointment on our website or by phone.

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Does hyaluronic acid stretch lips? And how!

Yes, definitely yes. HA has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the lips, but when the drug is absorbed, the skin always becomes weaker than before. If the stretch is not too great, this is a minor problem. And if we use HA to eliminate asymmetry, it is even useful.

Minor lip stretching after hyaluronic acid to eliminate asymmetry

It is worse when the lips increase to a significant size, and the doctor injects 3-4 ml of the drug. Then the skin changes significantly.

General information about lip augmentation with silicone

What is cosmetic silicone?

The chemical formula of the compound is [R2SiO]n, where the organic radical (R) can be a one-, two-carbon compound, or an aromatic substance. In other words, silicone includes organic matter, oxygen and silicium (silicon). Depending on the degree of polymerization of a given substance (number n), its structural properties change. Applications of cosmetic silicone are used in plastic surgery.

History of the use of silicone to increase lip volume

In the 20th century, the procedure for injecting silicone substances was not sufficiently worked out. Doctors injected the girls with the prescribed dose at a time immediately, which often provoked complications and gave the face an unaesthetic appearance - the lips after silicone looked asymmetrical due to the fact that the silicone spread unevenly in the lips.

The procedure itself for pumping lips with silicone is not very difficult, but those who have removed silicone from their lips know that silicone has a great affinity for tissues and adheres firmly to them. This presents great difficulties in removing complications that have arisen after this operation. An even greater degree of complexity is added by the nearby facial nerve, which is quite difficult not to touch when separating the silicone implant from the connective tissue.

Over the years, the procedure for pumping silicone into the lips has improved and is now carried out by observing the gradual introduction of the substance, as well as introducing it in small quantities, in order to avoid getting aesthetically unattractive huge silicone lips.

This makes it possible to reduce the risk of developing asymmetry in cases where a large amount of foreign substance does not take root and begins to move to one side of the lip.

Also, the elemental composition of silicone has undergone changes. Nowadays, it has a structure similar to natural lip tissue, which is why implant rejection becomes a rare occurrence.

To whom and under what circumstances is lip augmentation with silicone contraindicated?


To obtain lips inflated with silicone, there are a number of restrictions, namely:

  • The patient’s desire to have unnaturally large lips – since the desire to have large silicone lips may be a passing whim;
  • Lack of legal age;
  • Inflating only one lip with silicone without serious reasons;
  • Lips are very thin by nature;
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • The presence of diseases associated with blood clotting disorders;
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • Presence of mental disorders;


Preparatory activities before the procedure for lip augmentation with silicone

  • Consultation with a therapist and surgeon;
  • Taking tests (general and detailed blood tests, general urinalysis, electrocardiogram, blood tests for HIV infection, AIDS);
  • Going to a psychotherapist.

Benefits of lip augmentation with silicone

  1. Sufficient longevity of the result obtained - without deformation, lips inflated with silicone will retain their volume for up to five years;

  2. There is no need for correction of the surgeon’s work and constant updating of the material introduced into the lips;
  3. Rapid achievement of results - after 12-20 days, painful feelings and swelling are eliminated. The final form will be obtained after two to three months;
  4. The presence of effective smoothing of facial wrinkles in the area around the mouth.

Possible complications after lip pumping with silicone

In order to carefully weigh the pros and cons of lip augmentation surgery with silicone, you need to be informed about all the possible consequences:

  1. The occurrence of painful sensations during the application of decorative cosmetics to the lip area and around it;
  2. The appearance of unwanted compactions in the lip ridges;
  3. The presence of poor survival of the silicone substance in smokers;
  4. Development of swelling, redness, bleeding (the result of a plastic surgeon’s error);
  5. There is a need to remove the injected silicone after a few years, due to the fact that this material is not intended for age-related changes in the skin of the lips. With aging, at a minimum, there will be a movement of silicone to one place on the lip, and at a maximum, complete rejection of the material;
  6. There is no way to completely remove the material, so a woman who has had her lips pumped with silicone will always have at least a small proportion of this material in her lips.

Why do we often write about hyaluronic acid?

We often write about hyaluronic acid because patients with complications are increasingly coming to the clinic. Moreover, half of the complications occurred after lip augmentation in private beauty salons, where dropouts often work. The rest of the negative cases are associated with counterfeit drugs.

Don't be fooled. Don't expect miracles. Lip augmentation is a temporary process involving the injection of filler. Once the hyaluronic acid is absorbed, everything will return to where you started. Therefore, treat this procedure as an aesthetic one, not a therapeutic one.

Indications for the lip angle correction procedure and contraindications

Indications: drooping, downcast corners of the mouth.


  • malignant neoplasms;
  • presence of severe physical illness;
  • hemophilia;
  • taking anticoagulants, poor blood clotting;
  • period of breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes at the site of adjustment;
  • the presence of permanent implants near the area being corrected;
  • some autoimmune diseases.

The main part of the face is the lips

Thanks to lips, a person’s face becomes especially sensual and expressive. A beautiful smile can drive any man crazy, and also positively affect relationships with superiors at work. Therefore, girls and women pay special attention to their lips and want to make them attractive. But sometimes it happens that nature did not give a girl lush and spectacular lips. Then the fair sex decides to seek help from cosmetology.

For this purpose, special preparations are used, with which you can create lips with any contour and any size. But it is important to understand that all women should not adjust their lips to fit a single template. It is important that the lips look harmonious on the face. In any case, you should initially visit a cosmetologist.

What not to do after the procedure

In order for lip biorevitalization to have a truly stunning effect, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. After the procedure, you cannot massage the injected area, use cosmetics for two weeks, or apply care products to the lips (you must make sure that facial moisturizer does not come into contact with them). You should not expose your lips to sunlight and temperature changes; it is not recommended to go to the bathhouse or sauna. Physical activity is also limited. The rejuvenation effect will be nullified if after the procedure you return to bad habits, alcohol and smoking. The presence of serious diseases also helps to reduce the effect of the procedure.

Lip contouring and teeth whitening

When to perform lip contouring: before or after whitening

Expert opinion

: Svetlana Serova, hygienist at the German Implantology Center

In my opinion, teeth whitening is worth thinking about before lip contouring

, I'll explain why.

Before teeth whitening, therapeutic procedures are mandatory, all caries, all gum inflammation, if any, are treated.

and also professional teeth cleaning is carried out - plaque and tartar


All this is necessary so that the whitening composition does not cause pain when applied, and after the procedure we get the result we need:

A situation may arise that there will be carious lesions on several teeth; accordingly, the entire treatment process may take some time, and if lip contouring is done earlier, then there is a high probability that you will have to go without snow-white teeth for some time.

I want to say that lip plastic surgery, no matter what material it was used for, is still an intervention, albeit a small one, and time must pass before the slight swelling subsides and everything “lives up” - so to speak. Therefore, you will also have to wait a bit with Air Flow, since getting the composition on your lips can cause discomfort and additional irritation.

Mistakes during contouring

Contour plastic surgery is a modern technique of facial modeling using hyaluronic acid fillers. The procedure quickly became popular, because it is difficult to resist the temptation to change the shape of the lips, cheekbones or chin in a few minutes, without experiencing problems with a hospital stay and long-term rehabilitation. But if you read, for example, reviews after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you will notice that this apparent “ease of transformation” can be deceptive. A considerable number of cosmetologists are ready to carry out “correction” even at your home; at the same time, their education, experience, sense of taste, as well as the quality of the fillers used often leave much to be desired. As a result, instead of joy, the patient experiences enormous psychological and physical discomfort due to his spoiled appearance. The choice of a specialist must be approached responsibly, because correcting mistakes - redoing lips or completely removing hyaluronic acid - is later more difficult than preventing complications by contacting a trusted aesthetic medicine center from the very beginning.

If you have already encountered poor quality work by a cosmetologist somewhere, GMTClinic will help you correct the mistakes of others. Very often our doctors are asked to remove swelling after hyaluronic acid or eliminate asymmetry if lips have been made crooked. GMTClinic professionals always do an excellent job with their tasks.

Below we will look at a set of measures that our center offers to eliminate the unsuccessful consequences of contour plastic surgery.

Swelling and contouring – what to do?

If your lips become swollen after augmentation or swelling appears under your eyes, do not immediately panic. The fact is that hyaluronic acid has high hydrophilicity (the ability to attract water). Usually this reaction goes away 5-7 days after the procedure. If the density of the filler, its dosage or injection technique is incorrectly selected, the swelling can be quite extensive and last a very long time. The same mistakes can lead to another complication - gel contouring - then unevenness and bumps appear on the face.

How to remove hyaluronic acid in these cases? This may require a course of cosmetic and physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at regulating lymphatic drainage and resolving compactions. For example, plasma lifting and microcurrents stimulate blood and lymph circulation, and with the help of electroporation, therapeutic drugs that improve cellular permeability can be introduced. Massages and thermal treatments also contribute to the biodegradation of hyaluronic acid. If the problem is too large-scale or the patient wants to get rid of the filler quickly, injections of hyaluronidase (an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid) or electrophoresis using this enzyme will come to the rescue.

Lip asymmetry after augmentation - how to fix it?

Another trouble that can await a patient of an inexperienced cosmetologist is uneven distribution of the drug. If you have crooked lips after filler, our specialists can improve their shape using corrective injections. We can carry out the same manipulations in the area of ​​the chin and cheekbones. Lip asymmetry after augmentation can also be corrected with physiotherapy, but correction in this case requires more time. There is a third option - completely remove the filler, and after a while do a new modeling. How to completely remove hyaluronic acid from lips? As in the case of edema, the fastest and most effective way here is to inject hyaluronidase. But in order for the removal of the gel to be uniform and the patient to be satisfied, the procedure requires jeweler precision and knowledge of many nuances from the doctor. The fact that GMTClinic specialists work masterfully in this direction is evidenced by numerous reviews from grateful patients.

If you are suffering from the consequences of poor-quality contour plastic surgery, our experienced cosmetologists will help you get rid of them in the shortest possible time.

If errors are corrected after contouring, then go to GMTClinic!

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