How to use lip primer, what is it for, rating of the best

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Women are huge fans of lip makeup. And it is right! After all, lips are the most attractive features of a woman’s face. Let's take the art of lip beautification to another level by exploring the 10 best lip primers. Lip primer is generally a color fixing solution that prevents lips from chapping, dryness, flaking and peeling. In short, it protects your lips from damage and also makes them toned, soft and attractive.

  • What is lip primer for?
  • How to use lip primer
  • Benefits of Using Lip Primer
  • The best lip primers

The right kind and type of primer is important

Starting to figure out what a face primer is, it’s worth looking at photos where you can see what the skin looks like before using it, as well as after it. It will be quite difficult not to notice the difference, but this is only if you choose a product that best suits your requirements and needs. If you buy such cosmetics at random, then you will hardly be able to achieve the desired effect, so you should devote enough time and attention to the process, otherwise it will simply be money thrown away.

It is important to understand not only that this is a face primer and look at the proposed photos, but also to find out that there are various types and types of products, among which you need to choose the one that will be ideal for your purposes. All products in this plan are qualified and divided according to their original composition and special purpose.

This is exactly what is worth understanding in more detail. According to their intended purpose, they can be for the face, eyelids, lips, eyelashes, tinting, mattifying and moisturizing.

Reflective primer for the face: why is it needed and what is the difference?

These cosmetics are also called luminescent, as they usually contain tiny reflective particles that really give your dermis an inner glow. Applying such a primer will make the use of highlighter and bronzer unnecessary in the future if the composition contains pigment, but to consolidate the result, it won’t hurt to also use setting powder or foundation.

Most often, this primer is used for evening makeup, for example, for a social occasion, going to a club or restaurant. During the day, such sparkling makeup can look unnatural and even provocative, so it is advisable to refrain from this. For those who have naturally dark or olive skin, you should choose warm, golden and beige shades of primer, while white-skinned people should give preference to whitish and silver colors.

Mineral and silicone face primers

Understanding what a cream-primer for the face is, you can find out that mineral-based products are the most popular on the market today. But such compositions can be not only creamy, but also in the form of baked or loose finely ground powder. This type of primer reliably hides all the imperfections of the dermis, as it is most often available in several shades, and above all, it also saturates the skin with useful microelements and minerals.

  • Using a green primer, you can hide the reddish tint of the dermis, as well as disguise minor troubles in the form of pimples, cuts, scratches, acne, as well as scars after it, and similar flaws.
  • For mature women, as well as those who naturally have a yellowish-earthy tint to their dermis, a slightly pink or peach-colored primer is suitable. It can not only give the skin a healthy and fresh glow, but also make it visually much younger.
  • For a somewhat bluish complexion, for example, to disguise dark circles under the eyes, a yellow primer is just right. It will perfectly hide the blue and even hematomas will be completely invisible if done correctly.

Silicone primers are made on the basis of artificial ingredients, but despite this they are completely safe, both for human skin in particular and for the entire body as a whole. They are made from environmentally friendly hypoallergenic materials. Their unique structure allows you to hide all unevenness, wrinkles, pores, qualitatively even out the texture, hide peeling, which is very important for girls with problematic combination dermis, and also moisturize the skin of the face. Silicone primers can be applied both to the entire surface of the face and to individual areas.

Silk and mattifying primers

The name of this cosmetic product speaks for itself, so it won’t be at all difficult to figure out why you might need a primer for this type of face. The answer is simple, it is needed just to make the dermis of your face smoother and silkier, to give it quality nutrition and hydration. It is precisely these products that contain a colossal amount of amino acids, which can have a rejuvenating and smoothing effect, which attracts most mature women.

Primers with a mattifying effect will help cope with excessive oiliness of the dermis and increased sebum production

This is especially important for those who suffer from the fact that all decorative cosmetics “float” after just a few hours, especially in the warm season. This effect is achieved because the product contains a large amount of absorbent substances, which absorb excess fat in the T-zone and beyond.

What is lipstick base?

Lipstick base is a primer that is used to prepare lips for lipstick application and also to prolong its wear. Thanks to the use of a lipstick base, it retains its durability for a longer time, prevents smearing, does not spread and does not go beyond the contour.

The primer can be different, before giving preference to one or another option, you need to look at its texture, evaluate the quality, and also look at the cost. There is no need to choose overly cheap bases for lipstick, because they will not be able to fully give the desired result, but will only spoil the quality and appearance of the lipstick.

The lipstick base is available in the form of a balm stick, or maybe in the form of a pencil. Its use always makes lips soft, smooth and shiny, protects from certain damages. The base is used every time before applying lipstick.

Why else do you need a lipstick base?

Lipstick base is used not only to extend the longevity of the makeup applied to the lips. Its purpose is much broader, and you also need to know about it. After the primer, lips quickly become even, moisturized, beautiful and juicy. Let's look at why else you need a base for lipstick, and what it gives.


Due to sudden changes in weather conditions, lips can become overdried, cracks may appear on them, which not only worsen the appearance, but also create a lot of other discomfort. Also, incorrectly chosen lipsticks and matte lipsticks can quickly dry out the lips, so you must use a moisturizing base underneath them, avoiding certain effects of cosmetics.

Clear outline

Thanks to the use of a lipstick base, you can create a smooth and clean contour that will visually give your lips a voluminous appearance, making them beautiful and lush. Thanks to the increased durability, the contour will remain for a long time, the lipstick will not extend beyond the lips, smearing when in contact with food.


Due to the fact that the primer evens out the surface of the lips and also fills all the cracks, the lips become smooth and visually enlarged. Primer should always be used by those girls who naturally have thin lips and strive to enlarge them with the help of cosmetics.

Lipstick base is always popular among girls because it allows you to achieve a perfectly even and beautiful tone, gives a special shine, and maintains the quality of the lipstick for a long time.

Before choosing a base, you should pay attention to the cost and composition of the product, and also check the acceptable shelf life, which is 1 year on average.

Composition of lipstick bases

Lip primer is an indispensable thing that many people prefer. The product is used for a reason; it actually contains many useful components that allow your lips to always remain smooth and beautiful. Each component copes with its functions at the highest level, which is why all girls can observe how healthy and juicy their lips have become, how their natural color has changed.

Among the components that are present in the lipstick base and are also necessary for healthy lips, we note:

  • Moisturizing complexes - specialists develop special complexes for moisturizing lips, which you should pay attention to when choosing a product;
  • Vitamins - only high-quality and effective primers consist of vitamins that protect the skin, make lips beautiful, juicy, healthy, and nourish with useful components;
  • Sunscreen filters that allow lips to be protected from direct sunlight in the summer, or during sudden climate changes;
  • Silicone base - allows you to quickly align your lips and distribute lipstick evenly. Only a silicone base makes lips smooth, soft and silky.

It is these components that should be present in the primer; they will allow you to achieve the desired result, make your lips healthy, beautiful, and protect them from certain damages. If the composition contains artificial additives, preservatives and other harmful agents, it is best to avoid this primer.

Benefits of a makeup base

There are many advantages of using a lipstick base, we will look at them in detail below:

  • It plays the role of a regular balm that perfectly moisturizes lips, makes them smooth, even, and removes roughness. But in order to use the primer as a lip balm, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition in detail; it must contain only natural ingredients.
  • Increasing the durability of lipstick. Due to the active life of many women, as well as the need to hold meetings in restaurants where they come into contact with food, many need to use long-lasting lipstick that can stay on their lips for 24 hours. The primer allows you to extend the period of its use as much as possible, while maintaining a beautiful and bright image.
  • Rejuvenating effect. To have fresh and beautiful lips at any age, you need to regularly moisturize them using various products. Primer is an excellent anti-aging product that allows women to always look their best without having to deal with roughness and roughness of the lips.
  • Ease of use. The primer can be of different consistency and type, which is why it is convenient to take it with you and use it on the road. It is easily applied to the lips, quickly moisturizes, and does not have a specific smell or taste.
  • Affordable price. The product is available for use by everyone without exception, which is why women of any financial situation will be able to purchase it and regularly use it for one purpose or another.

The benefits of a makeup base can be listed for a long time; they are individual for each woman. Once you try to use a makeup base, it will be simply impossible to refuse it.

Learn more about the benefits and properties of the primer in the following video:

How to apply primer correctly

Applying the primer is quite easy, however, there are several nuances here that help achieve maximum effect from the product:

  • The base is always applied to a clean, moisturized face before makeup and not after!
  • To use, you need a pea-sized amount of product – no less and no more. If you use more, there is a possibility that the foundation and all subsequent products may roll off or become stained.
  • The base can (and in some specific cases must) be applied pointwise to specific problems. If you are using a primer to tighten pores, then apply it to problem areas (usually the chin, forehead, nose and area around the nose).
  • The primer is applied exclusively by driving, patting or rubbing movements. Be careful not to stretch the skin during this process, as this can lead to premature wrinkles (especially around the mouth, eyes and nose).
  • After you have blended in this beauty product, wait a couple of minutes until it is absorbed, and then you can safely proceed to the next steps of your makeup.
  • Synthetic brushes, sponges and fingers are suitable for applying base. The main thing is that before applying primer to your face, squeeze out the required amount first onto the back of your hand. This will warm the product up a little and make it easier to spread over the skin.

Using a primer does not replace foundation, concealer and powder. You cannot replace one remedy with another.

Primer, concealer, foundation and corrector - what's the difference?

Makeup experts advised journalists to answer the question about what is the difference between similar types of decorative cosmetics:

  1. Primer is used at the very beginning of the makeup application process, being a necessary base or “foundation” for the subsequent application of various cosmetics.
  2. Corrector – can be applied pointwise to problem areas, enhancing the effectiveness of the primer.
  3. Foundation - applied to the entire face, finally evening out its tone. Can be supplemented by applying powder.
  4. Concealer - applied to foundation if it is necessary to disguise significant defects that could not be hidden with the first three preparations.

Some girls are concerned about the question - if so much decorative cosmetics is applied to the face, will it look like a layer of plaster? Experts answer - no, if you use cosmetics in the correct dosages. Each layer is not even a millimeter, but a much smaller value. Only a corrector, which is used mainly point-by-point, creates a denser coating on the epidermis. But careful shading ensures that the skin looks natural and imperfections are not visually noticeable.

How to use face primer?

To achieve the maximum effect, you need not only to choose the texture and color correctly, but also not to make mistakes when applying the product. It should be noted that there are separate primers for eyelashes, eyelids and lips that take into account the characteristics of these areas of the skin. Let's look at the instructions for applying this product:

  1. It is applied exclusively to damp skin. Take a light cream. Wait after application until it is completely absorbed.
  2. Take a slightly damp sponge. Apply the primer to the face, moving towards the cheeks from the eyes, then the chin and forehead. The movements should be light, but rubbing. In this case, the green tint is applied strictly to the points of redness.
  3. Look at the result, re-work the T-zone if necessary.
  4. Let the primer soak in. Next, start applying foundation.


Types: there are creamy bronzers (this is what professionals usually use to sculpt the face), in the form of sticks (very oily, suitable only for dry skin) and powder. The last group is designed specifically for easy correction of the oval of the face, suitable for beginners and all those who do not like to spend a lot of time on makeup. The main rule: the bronzer should be two or three shades darker than your natural one, because we create a natural shadow.

How and where to apply: to visually narrow your face, use bronzer to outline the depression under the cheekbones (it will appear if you pull in your cheeks). You should start from the temple and end at a distance of about two centimeters to the lips.

If the forehead is very high, then you need to darken the hairline; if it is too wide, you need to darken the side parts. When it is necessary to narrow the nose, bronzer is applied in parallel lines to the sides of the nose. The nose can be visually shortened by connecting these lines at the tip and darkening the partition between the nostrils.

If you want to make your neck thin, your chin narrow, and your jaw less massive, you need to darken the contour of the lower part of the face with bronzer and blend it towards the neck.

Smashbox Step-By-Step bronzer in RIVE GAUCHE, price: from 2,932 rubles, order: +7 (800) 333-20-20

Note: There are schemes for applying bronzer and highlighter for each face type, but it is important to understand which features you would like to highlight and which to smooth out. And on any part of the face, even bronzer powder needs to be carefully shaded.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Thanks to the presence of vitamins, oils, waxes, the necessary care is provided. The following components are required when using matte lipsticks;
  • many bases contain a sun filter, protecting against harmful ultraviolet radiation;
  • when using colored bases, you can experiment with shades;
  • in an active rhythm of life, the product will relieve you of worries about the state of your makeup;
  • bases are produced in small volumes (sticks of 3-5 grams). Cosmetics are economical in consumption.

The disadvantages are the high cost and the likelihood of individual intolerance to the makeup product. If an allergy occurs, stop using the foundation and rinse the skin with plenty of water.

The primer does not replace lip care products; its function is to complement the care.

Application rules

  1. Cleanse the skin of any remaining cosmetics. Apply a scrub to remove dead cells. If you don’t have it, then use sugar diluted with honey and a drop of olive oil. Rub the scrub in with light movements, apply slightly beyond the contour. Rinse off the product with warm water.
  2. Moisten with balm. Wait 2-5 minutes for absorption.
  3. Apply the base evenly, paying attention to the contour.
  4. Blot your lips with a napkin and wait 1-2 minutes.
  5. Use lipstick or gloss.

Foundations are produced in white, clear or nude colors. A colorless base is used if gloss is to be applied; other colors are suitable for lipsticks.

The best lip primers

Lip primer Make up Factory

Its super rich and creamy texture protects lips from dryness, pigmentation and chapping. This American brand eye and lip primer seals in your lipstick color and tones it to your best shade. It can also be used as an eye primer. It has a beige shade that looks seamless with or without lipstick.

Nouba Perfecta Lip Primer

This nude lip primer offers a blend of oils that prevent lip darkening. This sheer primer can be worn with or without lipsticks. By sealing in moisture, it nourishes lips. It restores lip darkening and pigmentation and restores the natural shade of your lips with regular use.

Yves Rocher lip primer

This lip primer has a natural formula that protects lips against dryness. It glides smoothly over the lips and prevents chapping. Its lysine and silica-rich formula locks in lip color and restores pigmentation to seal in natural lip shade.

Urban Decay ULTIMATE OZONE lip primer

This is an ageless lip primer that restores lip lines and freckles. Aging can make lips dry, chapped and dull. This lip primer restores aging lip lines and seals in moisture. It also offers more volume for lipstick. Your lips will look youthful and full with consistent use of this wonderful lip primer.

NYX Lip Primer

Nyx Lip Primer offers the dual benefits of color correcting and tone adjustment. His color correction technique restores the natural shade of the lips. The tone adjustment technique focuses on improving dryness, chapping, freckles, fine lines and pigmentation. This natural primer offers explosive color sealing technology that makes lipsticks last longer without smudging.

Pupa lip primer

This amazing clear lip primer protects your lips from drying out. The matte base formula of this primer helps restore and tone damage. It preserves the color of lipsticks, lip glosses and balms for a long time.

Essence My Beauty Lip Ritual lip primer

The super silky lip primer works as a sun protector with its SPF 15. It restores lost lip color with its unique moisture-locking technology that protects against dryness and flaking. It also prevents darkening of lips due to sun damage.

MINA The Lip Primer

This lip primer serves as the perfect base for chapped lips that need nourishment. It protects lips from chapping, dryness, age lines and pigmentation.

CATRICE Prime and Fine Multitalent Lip Primer

It is an all-purpose foundation and balm that offers the properties of a lip primer and filler. You can use this primer as a base for lipstick and increase shine and improve longevity. This lip primer offers protection against aging and darkening of lips.

Bourjois Fabuleux Lip Primer

This lip primer is a deeply hydrating formula that protects lips from premature aging. Its silica particles heal visible signs of aging lips such as fine lines, freckles and dryness.

These are some of the best lip primers you will ever come across. Lip primers should be part of your daily routine if you truly love your lips!


Types: the product comes in creamy and powder form. The first option is suitable for photo shoots and video shooting, the second - for everyday life. The main task of a highlighter is to create a natural glow on the skin.

How and where to apply: as a rule, the dorsum of the nose, the middle of the forehead and chin, the hollow above the upper lip and cheekbones (the most protruding parts, that is, the bones themselves) are isolated. To emphasize the eyes, highlight the inner corners of the eyes and areas under the eyebrows with a highlighter.

Tone highlighter in the store of selective natural organic cosmetics and perfumes BIOZKA, price: from 2,500 rubles, order: +7 (800) 775-79-56

Note: you should not choose white highlighters. Let them have a pearlescent, pink or peach tint. For a more natural look, opt for products with a small amount of reflective particles, that is, small sparkles. The final stage of correcting the oval of the face is applying blush to the apples of the cheeks.

Review of popular manufacturers

NameManufacturer, countryProperties
Lip Insurance Lip PrimerToo Faced (USA)Thanks to its creamy consistency, it rubs in without leaving any shine. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The shade of the subsequent coating does not change, the lips become more sensual and expressive.
Collistar Primer FixerCollistar (Italy)The base fixes decorative cosmetics, smooths out wrinkles, and masks skin imperfections. The presence of wax in the composition provides care. Hyaluronic acid adds volume. Can be used as an independent product.
Nouba Perfecta Lip PrimerNouba (Italy)The texture of the base is like a balm. Reliably fixes lipstick, suitable for age-related lip care. Smoothes wrinkles and hides imperfections.
NYX Cosmetics Lip PrimeNyx (USA)When applying lipstick, the color becomes deeper and more saturated. Suitable for dry and flaky skin. Care is provided thanks to the presence of carnauba and microcrystalline waxes, jojoba oil, and vitamin E.
Universal Lip DefinerYves Saint Laurent (France)Evens out the edges and fills in the lipstick contour. Prevents the spreading of decorative cosmetics. Nourishes the dermis, prevents peeling.
Baby Lips Dr.RescueMaybelline (USA)The base is a colorless balm. In addition to its main functions, it actively moisturizes and protects the skin from the negative effects of cosmetics. Eucalyptus, aloe, and shea butter provide care and hydration.
Ultimate Ozone Multi Purpose Primer PencilUrban Decay (USA)The primer can be used before and after applying lipstick due to its colorless shade.
Yves RocherYves Rocher (France)Gives a matte finish to makeup. Contains shea butter and beeswax as caring ingredients. The silicone base evens out the tone and promotes even distribution of lipstick.
Mac Prep+Prime LipMac (Canada)Provides high-quality makeup that is resistant to smudging. The lipstick color lasts 10-15 hours. Smoothes, softens, nourishes the skin, because it contains vitamin E. Presented in the form of a colorless stick. For effective makeup, the manufacturer recommends using Mac lipsticks with a primer.

Choose a base depending on the tasks it will perform. A primer stick is more convenient to apply than a balm. Please read the ingredients carefully before purchasing. To avoid buying a fake, purchase cosmetics on the official websites of manufacturers or their representatives.

The primer is a new product on the market and is not yet known to many. It can be replaced by powder, foundation for the face, contour pencil, or regular balm. Use the products if you don’t have a base on hand as a temporary replacement. Do not overuse the listed products - prolonged use of foundation or powder will lead to dry skin.

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A product with an unobtrusive scent, vitamins and oils in its composition will help saturate the skin of the lips with nutrients, soften it and prepare it for further steps. The balm can be used both for regular care and as an alternative to nude lipsticks.

What to buy

  • Revitalizing lip balm from Pure Paw Paw, 380 rubles →
  • Lip balm with macadamia oil and honey from Organic Shop, 148 rubles →
  • Regenerating balm from La Roche‑Posay, 459 rubles →
  • Lip balm with lanolin from Rebirth, 395 rubles →

How to use

There are several types of primers, each company has at least 3 of them (for the face, lips, eyes, adding shine, etc.).

Depending on the area of ​​use and type, application methods vary:

  • Corrective and soothing. This is a green primer that is applied pointwise to problem areas. It ensures uniform skin color while relieving inflammation. Outwardly it looks more like a concealer than a base. This is Essence All about matt, MAC Prep + Prime Skin Base Visage (MAC);
  • Mattifying. Often it is mineral, because to guarantee a soft glow, the products are supplemented with tiny particles of various mineral compounds. This cosmetics is considered the most popular, because it guarantees the longevity of the makeup, its resistance to external influences and the evenness of the skin. Isadora Protect SPF 30, Max Factor Facefinity All Day Primer (Max Factor), Jafra Makeup Primer, ELF Studio Mineral Infused Face Primer;
  • Illuminator or highlighter. Few people know that, in essence, a highlighter is a regular base, simply supplemented with reflective particles. This is a universal product; it can be applied both at the beginning of makeup to ensure the inner radiance of the epidermis, and after, if you need to reflect light from a certain area. Revlon Photoready, Shiseido Refining Makeup Primer (Shiseido) and others

After this analysis, it becomes clear that the tinted product is applied only to problem areas, so its use does not exclude the use of another base, say, a mineral one. Highlighter is more of a way to complement your makeup than a necessary tool. And only a classic foundation is really needed for a beautiful look.

Instructions on how to apply primer to your face:

  1. The skin is carefully prepared. All impurities need to be removed from the pores. To do this, it is recommended to wash your face with foam first. Afterwards, either scrub or wash your face with micellar water;
  2. No creams, fluids or other foundations are applied under the primer. First, a small amount is distributed over dry skin: the cheekbones, apples of the cheeks and wings of the nose are traditionally lubricated first, followed by the forehead and chin. Cosmetics are carefully shaded. Professionals recommend using special pads or sponges for this, but your own fingers can also replace them;
  3. The base seems to be driven into the pores with gentle movements. This guarantees an even base and beautiful shading. Do not rub the product over your face with your fingers - otherwise, streaks may remain, which will be more than noticeable after applying the foundation; Applying primer to the face
  4. Once the process is complete, contouring and makeup can begin. Sometimes primer completely replaces foundation. This is also a good option, but only for dry, clean skin with tight pores. In any other case, he will not be able to hide his shortcomings.

Video: choosing a primer


The key to long-lasting and beautiful makeup is smooth and well-groomed lip skin. Therefore, before applying lipstick, use a scrub. For this purpose, it is worth purchasing a separate product without large and hard abrasive particles. With its help, you can exfoliate dead cells without harming your delicate skin.

What to buy

  • Lip scrub in the form of lipstick with beeswax and oils from Max Factor, 419 rubles →
  • Chocolate lip scrub from Spivak, 115 rubles →
  • Sugar lip scrub from Laura Geller, 1,013 rubles →
  • Lip scrub in the form of lipstick from Lipscuff, 990 rubles →

What is a face primer?

A face primer is a makeup base that is applied before foundation or powder. Unfortunately, few people can boast of a beautiful, healthy and even complexion without imperfections. Everyone has acne, acne scars, enlarged pores, pimples, and wrinkles. But it is not always possible to hide them under a thick layer of foundation. To help it “work”, a primer is used.

Facial primer allows the next layer of cosmetics to “sit down”, so all makeup looks even, smooth, neat and even perfect, and better masks imperfections. And blush, bronzer and other products applied to the face with a primer will have more saturated bright shades and last longer.

What types of face primers are there?

We figured out what a face primer is, now we’ll find out what primers exist!

Typically, face primers are silicone-based and mineral-based. Primers for eyelids, eyelashes and lips are also sold, with a moisturizing or mattifying effect for the face.

There are primers of different shades, as well as correctors: yellow, slightly greenish or lilac. These primers help give your face a fresh look and hide bruises, red spots or freckles.

Don't be afraid that your face will take on the color that you use! If the product is selected and applied correctly, you will only get rid of skin imperfections, giving it the missing freshness, matteness or radiance.

Eyelash makeup base - what a primer is for and how often it can be used

If you were looking for an eyelash primer, then most likely you were convinced that separate mascara bases are very rarely found on sale. The range of such products is not large, since they are used mainly by professional makeup artists. Most often on the shelves of cosmetics stores you can find so-called double mascaras. At one end of the product there is a tube with a primer and a brush for applying it. And at the other end is a tube of mascara, usually black. However, some manufacturers also produce separate bases for eyelash makeup. They can be used before applying any mascara. This is, for example, the “Subversion” product from the manufacturer Urban Decay, which specializes in makeup bases.

Why use a mascara base:

  1. Protects eyelashes from aggressive components of mascara and adverse environmental factors, for example, from ultraviolet rays.
  2. Special components of primers (panthenol, vitamins A and E) promote healthy eyelashes. They strengthen hairs, prevent their early loss, stimulate growth, making eyelashes longer and thicker.
  3. Applying a base under mascara creates a more voluminous effect.

Using an eyelash primer is simple - if you are doing daytime, simple and modest makeup, you need to apply one layer of primer, and then a light layer of mascara. If you need to do makeup for a photo shoot, party, or stage look, you must first curl your eyelashes with special tweezers, then apply a layer of primer and 1-2 layers of mascara. Since eyelash primer is useful, you can use it before each application of mascara, that is, almost daily.

How to choose a base?

It is selected depending on ease of use and available properties. For example, the base in a stick is much easier to apply than the one sold in a jar. The same applies to products in tubes equipped with an applicator. Therefore, most often women choose a pencil; it looks like a balm.

Lip primers can be white, nude or clear. If you plan to use matte lipstick, then it is better to choose an option with a denser consistency that will reliably hide all the unevenness and imperfections. If a woman is going to apply glitter, then a light, colorless base will do.

Still, it is best to base your choice on the properties of the cosmetics and the problems that need to be solved:

  • Lighter ones - for young skin without serious defects.
  • Solid foundation can be used by those who have blemishes or scars on their skin.
  • A shimmery primer is suitable for those who don't have any particular problems. It will give your lips a well-groomed appearance, thanks to the presence of pigments with mother-of-pearl that scatter light.

Today, every woman can choose the makeup base that best suits her needs.

Famous brands

1. Lip Insurance Lip Primer from Too Faced comes in tubes. It has a delicate creamy consistency. After application, within a minute it becomes invisible on the lips, softens well, makes the skin smooth, and the lipstick glides on smoother. Since the base has no color, the cosmetics look brighter and their shade does not change. The product perfectly fixes lipstick or gloss.

2. Collistar Primer Fixer is available in sticks and is colorless and odorless. The manufacturer claims that it fixes lipstick well and prevents it from slipping. The foundation makes lips matte and moisturizes them at the same time. Apply it carefully, applying it once. If you do this several times, you can achieve the exact opposite effect.

3. Nyx is a colorless wax pencil. It nourishes the skin and creates the perfect base for lipstick. It can be applied even under colorless gloss. It will help fix your makeup and prevent your lipstick from rolling off, getting on the contour and disappearing ahead of time. The primer can be used by older women. It perfectly smoothes and fills wrinkles, preventing cosmetics from getting stuck in them. Thanks to this property, it can be applied even under matte lipstick.

4. Nouba Perfecta Lip Primer is designed to preserve makeup for a long time. The base looks white in the tube, but on the lips it is completely colorless.

The manufacturer claims that it:

  • will prevent lipstick from creasing;
  • will provide reliable hydration;
  • will smooth out wrinkles.

The volume of the product in the tube is 4 ml, and its consumption is extremely economical. Do not apply over balm, otherwise the lipstick will quickly disappear.


It’s hard to say which manufacturer is better. Reviews will help you figure this out:

“I loved the Too Faced Lip Insurance Lip Primer. It is suitable even for the most capricious lipsticks, fixes them perfectly, and does not dry out the skin. It does not flow into folds, but, on the contrary, smoothes them out. So I can even apply matte lipstick on top of the primer.”

Ioannina, St. Petersburg.

“Ever since primers went on sale, I have been actively using them. Recently, based on online reviews, I purchased a base from Collistar. It's not cheap, but I didn't see any effect. The stated fixation and volume were absent. I use it exclusively as a lip balm, it slightly nourishes and moisturizes.”

Kristina Akhmetova, Moscow.

“Before, I didn’t even know what a lip base was. But recently I noticed that my favorite lipstick began to crease and unevenness appeared. After reading reviews about NYX Lip Primer online, I decided to buy it. Now this is an indispensable product, the base is used sparingly, smells pleasant and perfectly fixes the lipstick. The thick consistency helps hide imperfections.”

Ekaterina, Nizhny Novgorod.

“I recently accidentally bought the Perfecta Lip Parimer from Nouba. Before that, I had a product from another company, but it didn’t suit me. In winter, the lips become very dry and flaky. It is extremely difficult to apply lipstick on them; it does not want to lie flat. This base is much better: it is pleasant on the lips, perfectly moisturizes and smoothes the surface. The lipstick applies well and lasts a long time.”

Natalya, Perm.

It’s better to choose a primer based on your own feelings, without trusting other people’s reviews. A product that suits one woman may seem useless to another. However, there are brands of cosmetics that are invariably popular and liked by almost everyone.


Lipstick stick, liquid, with a glossy, metallic or matte finish - the choice is huge. In order not to get confused, it is worth taking into account the situation for which the makeup is being created and the condition of the skin of the lips.

For example, a matte finish will visually reduce lips and highlight existing imperfections. Therefore, such products are best used on perfectly smooth skin. Liquid lipstick is applied using a soft applicator, which can cause some inconvenience for beginners. And the product in stick form with a glossy finish is a classic that will look good in any environment.

What to buy

  • Liquid lipsticks with a matte finish from NYX, 650 rubles →
  • Liquid lipsticks with a metallic effect from J. Cat Beauty, 314 rubles →
  • Lipstick sticks with a glossy finish from NYX, 680 rubles →
  • Lipstick sticks with a matte finish from NYX, 740 rubles →
  • Lipstick palette with matte and shiny finish from Max Factor, 990 rubles →

How to choose a primer by consistency

Just like foundations, primers come in different consistencies.

Liquid bases

Contains a small amount of fat and is easy to apply. They look transparent on the skin. They even out the skin texture quite well. Ideal for normal skin of even color. Bases with a mattifying effect are suitable for oily and even problem skin. In this case, it is desirable that the primer contains anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Cream bases

They are more dense and covering power than liquid primers. Depending on the formulation, cream primers can have additional moisturizing, protective, nourishing, and anti-inflammatory effects. There are special lines for mature skin. Their composition is similar to skincare cosmetics - thanks to a complex of antioxidants, vitamins, and proteins, such products protect the skin from the formation of wrinkles and have a slight tightening effect. Cream bases are so varied in composition that choosing the ideal product is not difficult. Those with dry skin will benefit from thicker and richer ones, enriched with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients. Oily and combination skin will be improved by products that are light in texture, matte, and enriched with healing medicinal extracts. For aging skin, primers with medium coverage are good, not too thin and not too dense, with reflective particles - they give the face radiance and visually smooth out wrinkles.

Release form

Lip primer is available in bottles with a brush (like lip gloss), as a stick (like regular lipstick) or as a pencil. The most common form is the hard stick. The concealer is very similar to hygienic lipstick; it applies smoothly to the lips and practically does not change their natural color. Some products make lips lighter and more matte. A liquid base is usually completely transparent and remains the same on the lips; solid products often change the color of the natural pigment. The primer has less fat content than hygienic lipsticks and balms that nourish lips. The base contains no wax, so after application there is no need to remove excess with a napkin; you can immediately paint your lips with colored gloss or lipstick.

The primer is indispensable for lovers of matte lipsticks. It will protect the skin from drying out and ensure even application.

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