What is the Botox procedure for hair and how to do it at home

Botox injections help get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and between the eyebrows. Experienced cosmetologists at EgoEsthetik have mastered their own methods of applying Botox while maintaining facial expressions, for a long time, without pain and swelling.

Botox is a powerful muscle relaxant based on highly purified botulinum toxin type A of protein origin. This substance blocks nerve impulses that are transmitted by muscles to the brain and prevents muscle contraction, and therefore the skin. This allows you to effectively fight even deep expression wrinkles.

The targeted administration of microdoses of botulinum toxin smoothes the skin and evens out its surface without interfering with the normal process of blood supply and nutrition to all layers of the epidermis. Moreover, the concentration of the active substance in the drug is so small that the risk of rejection and allergic reactions is completely eliminated.

Toxic and allergic reactions with Botox injections are completely excluded. Its use in various sectors of healthcare is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the US Food and Drug Administration.

Prices for services

Name of procedurePrice*
BOTOX injections (USA) (per administration of 1 unit of drug)320
Botulinum toxin Xeomin (Xeomin)320
DYSPORT injections (France) (per administration of 1 unit of drug)140

Number of Botox and Dysport units for working with different areas of the face

Zone Number of units
Eyebrow area12-1615-50
Forehead + eyes35-4550-150
Forehead + glabellar34-4035-150
Eyes + brow area32-3845-130
Forehead + eyes + eyebrow area44-5565-200
Rabbit wrinkles1-45-10
Elimination of purse-string lip wrinkles2-45-10
Gummy smile2-55-10

Botox and mesobotox - what is the difference?

Before we start talking about mesobotox, it is important for us to understand that all medical botulinum toxin preparations - Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin - are powder . In colloquial speech they have long been called one common word “Botox”.

Difference 1.

Before the procedure, the powder is carefully diluted with so-called saline solution at the rate of 1 bottle of 100 units per 2 - 2.5 ml of saline solution.

The dilution of the drug for the mesobotox procedure is made at the rate of 1 bottle per 10 ml of saline solution, and compared to the Botox solution it is 5 times less concentrated.

Difference 2.

Classic Botox is injected directly into the muscle - that is, quite deeply. To achieve the effect of the drug exclusively in the injection area and to avoid its migration, Botox is administered pointwise, in small doses.

Botox injection schedule

The toxin disrupts the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers. As a result, some muscles relax, others contract.

Mesobotox is a procedure for multiple injections of small doses of a toxin. The technique is reminiscent of mesotherapy - the drug is injected not into the muscle, but into the skin, or rather, into the dermis.

Mesobotox administration scheme

Benefits of Botox injections

Botox is one of the most common and studied drugs that is used throughout the world and has undergone more than 300 clinical trials. In Europe and the USA it is called a “lunchtime beauty injection”: this procedure is so effective, short-term and painless. The consequences of administering the drug are absolutely invisible to others: the cosmetologist performs injections only at certain points of the facial muscles, using the finest needle.

As a rule, together with preparatory measures, the procedure takes no more than 30 minutes. The visible effect of Botox injections for the face appears already on the 4th day.

  • facial wrinkles of varying depths are smoothed out;
  • skin in problem areas is noticeably smoothed;
  • motor activity of facial muscles decreases.

Photos before and after Botox injections

The maximum effect occurs within two weeks after the procedure and lasts up to 6 months, after which the procedure can be repeated. At this time, the muscles remain relaxed, the bad habit of frowning disappears, which in itself solves the problem of the appearance of new facial wrinkles. It is worth noting that to maintain the positive effect, cosmetologists recommend repeating injections regularly. You can get a “beauty injection” twice a year. Botox injections are used against:

  • mimic wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows
  • crow's feet in the corners of the eyes
  • wrinkles in the forehead area.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to smooth out absolutely all wrinkles on the face: the cheeks and chin are little affected by botulinum, which is due to the almost complete absence of facial muscles in these areas. To correct wrinkles in these areas, it is recommended to use another procedure - facial modeling using fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Botulinum toxin injections can become the final part of a complex of anti-aging procedures aimed at correcting age-related changes in facial skin: the drug helps to consolidate the results. Injections are also effectively combined with contour plastic surgery.


The purposes for which botulinum toxin is used include:

  • correction and formation of facial oval;
  • treatment of local increased sweating (hyperhidrosis);
  • correction of facial wrinkles in the periorbital area, bridge of the nose, frontal area;
  • correction of wrinkles in the perioral area and severe platysis.

The Botox procedure is indicated for patients aged 18 to 45 years. The question of the advisability of using the drug at a later age is decided individually, after an appointment with a dermatocosmetologist. The product has contraindications, so its use is possible only after consultation with a doctor.


  • individual intolerance to the ingredients included in the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammatory process in the area of ​​the proposed injection;
  • somatic diseases during the period of exacerbation or in the stage of decompensation;
  • conditions accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • myasthenic and myasthenic-like syndromes (including Lambert-Eaton syndrome);
  • pronounced gravitational ptosis of facial tissues;
  • pronounced “hernias” in the upper eyelids;
  • high degree of myopia (according to the opinion of an ophthalmologist);
  • taking certain pharmacological agents (antibiotics, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.).

Why does hair need Botox? The principle of action of the drug

The Botox procedure for hair acts instantly, restoring your hair’s health and attractive appearance. Its essence lies in the external use of special preparations, which include the following useful components:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • keratin;
  • proteins;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • natural oils and extracts.

All components have a strengthening effect. The technique is performed in two ways:

  • Cold. The nourishing composition is applied to the scalp and hair without thermal effects.
  • Hot. With the thermal method, the drug is distributed along the entire length, but the roots are not affected. To seal the useful composition inside the structure of the rod, an iron or hair dryer heated to the required temperature is used.

How does Botox affect hair?

The medicinal composition, penetrating inside, saturates every cell with useful components. Thanks to this effect, the molecular structure of the hair shaft is restored, dryness disappears, shine and saturation return. Curls become elastic, bouncy, smoothed, and pliable to style.

The benefits of Botox for hair are undeniable:

  • nourishes hair follicles with necessary components;
  • restores damaged structures;
  • compacts and eliminates porosity and fluffiness;
  • seals the ends, preventing their damage;
  • securely closes the cuticle;
  • Gives a beautiful, radiant shine.

Description of the procedure

Before starting the injection of botulinum toxin, the dermatocosmetologist, during a conversation with the patient, collects an anamnesis about his state of health, finds out the presence of chronic diseases and allergic reactions, and warns about contraindications to the use of Botox and possible consequences. Photo documentation is also carried out for the patient’s personal medical record. The client directly fills out and signs consent to the processing of personal data. After this, the doctor begins to examine the patient’s face. This manipulation is carried out in a vertical position. During the preparation, the dermatocosmetologist studies the individual features of the patient’s facial anatomy, calculates the amount of the drug for each point, and determines problem areas and injection sites.

The procedure itself takes from 20 to 30 minutes. Using hypoallergenic makeup removers, the patient's face is cleansed of makeup and treated with an antiseptic. An anesthetic cream is applied to the drug injection areas, then injections are made at the selected points.

How to do hair Botox: stages of the procedure, duration, means

In hairdressing salons, all manipulations must be performed by a specially trained master who has a license confirming his qualifications. The recovery procedure with a healing cocktail is done step by step as follows:

  1. The hair is thoroughly washed with professional shampoo, which cleanses the scalp, completely washes away any remaining styling products, and prepares the strands for further manipulation.
  2. Wet curls are blotted with a towel and lightly dried with a hairdryer.
  3. The master applies a restorative serum along the entire length of the strands. The drug delivers nutrients inside, filling the voids formed there. The mask is kept on the head for about 35 - 40 minutes.
  4. After this time, a special composition is applied that seals the scales. This is necessary so that the beneficial components and vitamins that penetrate deep into the hair shaft are retained there and are not washed out during daily care. The serum is left for 5 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the master applies a restorative mask to the strands, which does not wash off. The composition prolongs the therapeutic effect of the reconstructive mask.

The hot method is more difficult to perform, so it is recommended to trust the procedure to a trusted specialist. Stages of hot Botox:

  1. After hygiene and drying, the master applies a thermoactive restorative composition and leaves it for 30 - 40 minutes.
  2. The treated curls are dried with a hairdryer so that no wet strands remain.
  3. The iron is heated to the required temperature, after which each strand is straightened.
  4. The curls are left to cool for a while, then washed thoroughly without using shampoos or other detergents.

The cold procedure lasts on average 70 – 90 minutes. The duration of the hot method depends on the length and thickness of the hair. If the strands are of medium length, the procedure will take about 2 hours.

The most popular brands that produce Botox therapy kits, which are used by professionals in modern hairdressing studios:

  • Tahe Magic Efecto;
  • L'oreal, Fiberceutic series;
  • Honma Tokyo;
  • Callos;
  • Tahe Cosmeticos;
  • Kashmir Keratin Hair System.

The active components from most manufacturers are:

  • Intra-Cylane molecule. Creates a reliable frame inside the hair shaft, which ensures the retention of nutrients.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Retains moisture, restores the hydrobalance of scalp cells.
  • Keratin. The main building material that makes up the hair shaft.
  • Cysteine. Preservative of natural origin.
  • Vitamin and mineral complex. Provides hair with shine, radiance, thickness and volume.

Recommendations after the procedure

  • Stay in an upright position for 3-4 hours after the procedure.
  • Do not touch with your hands or massage the area where the drug was administered.
  • Make muscle movements in the area where the drug is administered for 30 minutes.
  • Do not abuse alcohol for the first two weeks after the procedure.
  • Avoid hot compresses on the injection area, baths and saunas for 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
  • After 2 weeks, you must come for an examination with a doctor to determine the effectiveness of the procedure and possible additional correction.

Botox effect - how long does it last?

The severity and duration of the results from the use of Botox therapy depends on how badly the hair structure is damaged, as well as on the type of restoration method used - hot or cold. If the master chose the cold method, the effect will last for an average of a maximum of 2 months, and if the hot method is used, it will last for about 3 months.

What does hair look like after Botox?

have chosen Botox for hair notice the following improvements after visiting the hairdresser:

  • smoothing curls and eliminating frizz;
  • improvement of appearance;
  • radiant shine, smoothness, silkiness;
  • getting rid of fragility and splitting;
  • strengthening the follicles and the shaft itself;
  • visual increase in volume;
  • hue saturation.


  • individual intolerance to the ingredients included in the drug
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • inflammatory process in the area of ​​the proposed injection
  • somatic diseases in the period of exacerbation or in the stage of decompensation
  • conditions accompanied by fever
  • myasthenic and myasthenic-like syndromes (including Lambert-Eaton syndrome)
  • pronounced gravitational ptosis of facial tissues
  • pronounced “hernias” in the upper eyelids
  • high degree of myopia (according to the opinion of an ophthalmologist)
  • taking certain pharmacological drugs (antibiotics, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.)

How does skin change after mesobotox?

Mesobotox leads to a noticeable disappearance of sagging: the skin is smoothed, tightened, and becomes elastic. The second very pleasant effect after the introduction of mesobotox is the effect of fullness, which enhances the result of the procedure.

Expert comment:

“Mesobotox is injected only into the dermis, where the muscle cells of the skin are located, and relaxes them. Since the skeletal muscles are not affected in any way, natural facial expressions are completely preserved .

This property of the procedure is especially appreciated by those whose appearance directly affects their professional success - actors, TV presenters, models, politicians and business coaches... People in public professions by occupation should have a fresh and expressive face without the effect of a frozen mask, which can often be obtained after classic Botox injection technique.

The effect of the procedure appears within 2–4 days and lasts from 6 to 8 months.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

Description of the procedure

Before starting the injection of botulinum toxin, the dermatocosmetologist, during a conversation with the patient, collects an anamnesis about his state of health, finds out the presence of chronic diseases and allergic reactions, and warns about contraindications to the use of Botox and possible consequences. Photo documentation is also carried out for the patient’s personal medical record. The client directly fills out and signs consent to the processing of personal data. After this, the doctor begins to examine the patient’s face. This manipulation is carried out in a vertical position. During the preparation, the dermatocosmetologist studies the individual features of the patient’s facial anatomy, calculates the amount of the drug for each point, and determines problem areas and injection points.

How does mesobotox for the face work if it is injected into the skin?

Initially, botulinum toxin was developed to affect muscles - to smooth out wrinkles from excess emotions and stress. After administration of the drug, the muscles relax and stop gathering the skin into folds. Wrinkles on the forehead, nose, between the eyebrows and crow's feet around the eyes are smoothed out.

But everyone knows that there is no muscle layer in the dermis - why do you need to inject Botox there?

The dermis is the second layer of skin, which is located between the epidermis and subcutaneous fat.

Absolutely right, there is no skeletal muscle in the dermis. But it turns out that the dermis is also rich in muscles - the so-called skin muscles.

The muscle fibers in the dermis are very small. But they also contract and relax - they cause the effect of goose bumps in the cold, are responsible for the liveliness of facial expressions and, alas, for the formation of a fine network of wrinkles.

Due to their small size, these fibers respond well to injections of low doses of botulinum toxin - mesobotox.

Tatyana Tereshina gives Botox injections using a special micro-injection technique for Andrey Iskornev’s drug.

Recommendations after the procedure

  • Stay in an upright position for 3-4 hours after the procedure.
  • Do not touch with your hands or massage the area where the drug was administered.
  • Make muscle movements in the area where the drug is administered for 30 minutes.
  • Do not abuse alcohol for the first two weeks after the procedure.
  • Avoid hot compresses on the injection area, baths and saunas for 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
  • After 2 weeks, you must come for an examination with a doctor to determine the effectiveness of the procedure and possible additional correction.

How to make hair botox at home?

If for any reason you cannot visit a beauty salon, you can do a restorative procedure at home yourself. It is important to carefully familiarize yourself with how Botox for hair is made at home, because violation of the execution technology increases the risk of the following negative consequences:

  • oily or dry scalp;
  • lack of shine and other positive effects.

How to choose Botox for hair?

Before deciding on the choice of a product, you need to familiarize yourself with the purposes for which it is intended:

  • Reconstruction. Restores the hair shaft and follicles after regular coloring or perm. The drug saturates the curls and scalp with moisture and beneficial substances, eliminating fragility, dryness, and dullness.
  • Straightening. The product is intended for wavy hair that needs special care. The drug will not straighten your curls completely, but will make it easier to care for, comb, and style.
  • Prevention of damage. The main component of the preventive product is keratin, which protects strands from the influence of destructive factors, preventing their damage, fragility, dryness, and loss.

Professional hair botox products at home

To carry out hairdressing procedures at home, it is advisable to use only high-quality, proven preparations that are easy to use and do not require professional application skills. The list of professional compositions intended for home Botox therapy is as follows:

  • Nourishing serum produced by the L'Oreal brand. After the first session, the curls become soft, silky, and have a beautiful glossy shine. The set consists of fifteen ampoules, and also includes a syringe and a protective mask.
  • H-BRUSH Botox Capilar. An innovative product from the famous Japanese manufacturer Honma Tokyo has not only a restorative, but also a rejuvenating effect. After using the composition, the hair becomes incredibly shiny, manageable, smooth, silky, flexible. The result after the procedure lasts for more than 1.5 months.
  • Kallos Hair Botox. A popular, highly effective product that is used for reconstruction not only at home, but also by professionals in hairdressing studios. The mixture is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids. Set contents: 6 ampoules with the drug, syringe, protective gloves.

Masks with Botox effect - folk recipes

There are many recipes for masks, the effect of which is comparable to Botox therapy drugs. For thinning hair that is prone to brittleness and dullness, it is recommended to use a recipe for a restorative mask based on honey. It is prepared like this:

  1. Dissolve two tablespoons of gelatin in 50 ml of water at a temperature of 37–40 °C.
  2. Add 20 g of honey and 2 large spoons of burdock oil to the mixture, mix well.
  3. Heat the honey-gelatin mass in a steam bath.
  4. Apply the prepared mask to the roots, distribute along the entire length.
  5. Wrap your head in a towel and leave for 25 - 30 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the composition using not hot water, dry with cool air from a hairdryer.
  7. The course of therapy is up to 3 months, the break between procedures is 7 days.

A mask made of gelatin and green tea has a powerful antioxidant and strengthening effect, the recipe for which is simple:

  1. Dissolve two tablespoons of gelatin in 100–150 ml of strongly brewed green tea.
  2. Add a spoonful of burdock oil to the mixture and stir until smooth.
  3. Distribute the product over the entire length of the curls and leave for half an hour.
  4. Wash your hair with warm water without using detergents.
  5. Repeat the procedure in a week.

An excellent mask based on avocado and chicken egg has proven itself to have a beneficial effect on the hair shaft and follicles, nourishing and strengthening them. The recipe for making an avocado-based product is as follows:

  1. Peel half an avocado, put it in a blender and chop.
  2. Add egg white and 8 drops of burdock oil to the resulting slurry and mix again.
  3. Distribute the finished composition over the entire length, and also rub into the skin with massage movements.
  4. Put a rubber cap on your head and leave for a maximum of 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the mask with warm water, dry the strands with a hairdryer in cold blowing mode.
  6. The course of treatment is 5 – 7 sessions, the intervals between which are 10 days.
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