Alexander Shpak before and after numerous plastic surgeries

Very little is known about Alexander’s biography. Basically, this is information that he gives out about himself. According to Shpak, he was born in St. Petersburg in 1979 on April 1. The family was ordinary: my mother worked as a foreign language teacher, and my father was an engineer or military man.

It is believed that his father began to teach his son to play sports. Around his teenage years, he joined a gym. He has two higher educations - he graduated from the University of Economics in St. Petersburg with a degree in Financial Manager and Securities Specialist. In the early 2000s, Alexander devoted himself to bodybuilding.

In seven years he married 7 times . He never talked about the reasons for the separations, and nothing is known about his chosen ones. The last wife actively supports her husband. Together they develop their accounts on social networks and are engaged in “pumping” their bodies.

Alexander Shpak with his wife

Alexander Shpak not only has channels on YouTube and Instsgram , he also has his own sporting goods and food store . Recently, Shpak received a three-year suspended sentence for distributing anabolic drugs that are banned in Russia. Whether he himself took anabolic steroids is unknown, but the result of his lifestyle was that at the end of 2016, doctors diagnosed Alexander with infertility.

According to rough estimates, Shpak performed about 15 operations to change her body. Experts highlight the following:

  • Frontoplasty. The athlete decided to change the shape of his forehead. To do this, his bone partitions were removed and special plates were inserted. Now his forehead is smooth and streamlined.

Shpak after frontoplasty

  • Blepharoplasty . The result of the previous operation was insufficient, so he decided to increase the size of the eyes and raise the corners, like a cat’s. Additionally, he got a tattoo around the eyelids. Smokey eyes became his calling card, but over time the results of the operation faded away.
  • Rhinoplasty . His nose became hooked, although it used to be a normal shape. Also, the nostrils lost their symmetry and became flattened. Why this happened is not known, perhaps these are side effects.

Before and after rhinoplasty

  • Liposuction . Over time, he began to gain weight, but was unable to lose weight on his own and get into shape. Therefore, I decided to pump out excess fat on my sides and stomach so that my figure would acquire a sporty shape.
  • Breast implants . Breast augmentation surgery is especially strange. Alexander had a bust of almost the third size. It looked foreign on the athlete’s body. But the athlete himself claimed that he simply did not calculate the size of the implants, and the operation was unsuccessful. Although some believed that this was a side effect of the steroids that the athlete was taking. Some time ago he removed everything from the pectoral muscles, but now there are a couple of unsightly scars left.

In the photo Alexander with breast implants

  • Gluteoplasty . Shpak's protruding, elastic fifth point is the result of operations.
  • Lip fillers . The athlete decided to enlarge his lips. But either Shpak does not know the limits, or something went wrong, but his mouth was swollen to the point of disgrace. Lips look foreign and strange, especially on a man’s face. Side effects soon appeared; Alexander’s facial expressions were impaired. Now she is unnatural, he cannot smile normally.
  • Plastic surgery of cheekbones. He decided to complete the transformation by increasing his cheekbones. Fillers made them taller and more expressive, but their expression became strange and effeminate. The oval of the athlete’s face began to blur, and the outlines of his cheekbones also became swollen.

In addition to plastic surgery , Alexander Shpak also carried out a number of transformations with his body :

  • he made a tattoo that covers almost his entire body, his legs and back are completely sketched, depicting a human skeleton;
  • grew fangs and became like a vampire;
  • regularly carries out Botox therapy, but because of this his face completely loses its facial expressions and becomes plastic;
  • permanent makeup in the form of highlighted eyebrows and bright berry lipstick, as well as a luscious manicure.

Shpak before and after tattoo
Almost 1.5 million subscribers follow the athlete’s life. Thanks to his extraordinary appearance, Alexander Shpak is regularly invited to take part in television shows. The man is satisfied with himself, his appearance and is not going to change anything yet. According to him, he is generally happy and married to his wife Irina. The couple does not think about children, because they do not want to share each other with anyone else.

Read more in our article about Alexander Shpak’s plastic surgery.

Shpak's biography before surgery

Alexander Shpak became famous thanks to his plastic transformations. Although initially he positioned himself as a bodybuilder and trainer. However, Shpak before and after plastic surgery are two different people.

Very little is known about Alexander’s biography. Basically, this is information that he gives out about himself. According to Shpak, he was born in St. Petersburg in 1979 on April 1. The family in which the boy was raised was nothing special. His mother worked as a foreign language teacher, and his father, according to various sources, was an engineer or military man. But one way or another, he did little to raise the boy. Most often, young Alexander spent time with his mother and grandmother.

Alexander in childhood and now

Shpak says about his school years that he studied well. He especially liked subjects such as literature, biology and chemistry. It is believed that his father began to teach his son to play sports. Around his teenage years, he joined a gym.

In the late 90s, Alexander Shpak went to study at the St. Petersburg University of Economics with a degree in Financial Manager. After graduation, he decided to get another higher education, this time as a “Securities Specialist.” But this time he studied in absentia.

In the early 2000s, Alexander began not just to play sports, but devoted himself to bodybuilding.

As for his personal life, in seven years he married 7 times. He never talked about the reasons for the separations, and nothing is known about his chosen ones. The last wife actively supports her husband. Together they develop their accounts on social networks and are engaged in “pumping” their bodies.

Alexander Shpak not only has channels on YouTube and Instsgram, he also has his own sporting goods and food store. Recently a scandal broke out; it turned out that he was distributing anabolic drugs that are banned in Russia. For this, Shpak received a three-year suspended sentence.

It is not known for certain when he himself began using steroids. However, he clearly would not have been able to achieve such body sizes and volumes. By the way, nothing is known about bodybuilding competitions in which he won.

Alexander Shpak with his wife

The result of his lifestyle was that at the end of 2016, doctors diagnosed Alexander with infertility. But Shpak himself does not lose heart and says that he never sought to have children. His wife supports him so far, but no one can say how long this union will last.

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Outrageousness as the meaning of existence

Shpak's first appearance to the Internet people occurred when a photo of a tattooed man of an unusual appearance about to swim appeared on social networks. It was Sasha. Then in 2010, the phenomenon was repeated with photographs and videos from the wedding (the sixth in a row) of Shpak and Irina Meshchanskaya, a nude fashion model.

Irina, the wife, completely agrees with her husband’s worldview, his perception of reality and shares his lifestyle.

Shpak is on steroids, eats them in batches and does not even hide this from the public. And it would be ridiculous not to notice this from the outside. Its appearance leaves no doubt. At one time he was even involved in the sale of anabolic steroids, for which he became scandalously famous, receiving three years, albeit suspended.

And the scandal was notable. In connection with the opened criminal case, 1,500 various tablets were seized from him during a search. Shpak's customers included fitness visitors to his training sessions and even famous athletes. For some time, the outrageous Internet character disappeared from the air. But then he perked up and returned. Now a video blogger.

Since 2015, the couple has been actively present on VKontakte and YouTube, where they have created an account. They host a cooking show and publish their photos on Instagram. Explicit photos, shocking poses, unambiguous sentences - this is the content of the life of the universe of people like Alexander Shpak.

At the same time, he has quite interesting video fitness lessons. He teaches fitness for girls and conducts programs in a high-quality and professional manner. He has many fans who speak well of him and his lessons.

Alexander does not publish exact anthropometric data. However, in 2016, Shpak appeared on the “Thai Vacation” with Spasokukotsky, where representatives of Thai boxing and bodybuilders trained together.

There, it felt like he could weigh 90 kilograms with a height of 174-176 centimeters. However, no one remembers him participating in international competitions.

How many and what kind of operations did Alexander perform?

The biography of Alexander Shpak before plastic surgery does not reveal the reasons why the athlete with a pleasant masculine appearance decided to change himself beyond recognition. Transformations often frighten people. The number of plastic surgeries performed by Shpak is amazing .

  • Frontoplasty . The athlete decided to change the shape of his forehead. To do this, his bone partitions were removed and special plates were inserted. Now his forehead is smooth and streamlined. The operation is very difficult and painful. It is usually done for skull injuries. But Alexander decided to change the shape of his face just like that.
  • Blepharoplasty . The result from the previous operation was insufficient, so he decided to increase the size of the eyes and raise the corners like a cat’s.

Additionally, Alexander got a tattoo around his eyelids. Now smokey eyes have become his calling card. However, over time, the result of the operation faded .

  • Rhinoplasty . For some reason, Shpak decided to change the shape of his nose. But now it has become hooked, although before it was difficult to make any special claims. Also, the nostrils lost their symmetry after the operation and became flattened. Why this happened is not known, perhaps it was side effects. But Shpak’s nose before and after plastic surgery did not change for the better.

Alexander before and after rhinoplasty

  • Liposuction . Over time, he began to gain weight, and despite the fact that he himself is an athlete and trainer, he cannot lose weight on his own and get into shape. Therefore, he decided to pump out excess fat on his sides and stomach. And after some time, the figure acquired a sporty shape.
  • Breast implants . Breast augmentation surgery is especially strange. Alexander had a bust of almost the third size. It looked strange and alien on the athlete’s body. But the athlete himself claimed that he simply did not calculate the size of the implants and the operation was unsuccessful. Although some believed that this was a side effect of the steroids that the athlete was taking. Some time ago he removed everything from the pectoral muscles, now there are a couple of unsightly scars left.

Shpak before and after breast implants

  • Gluteoplasty . Not the most common operation in Russia. But Shpak’s protruding, elastic heel is not the result of working on himself in the gym, but the skill of surgeons.
  • Lip fillers . The athlete keeps up with fashion and decided to pump up his lips. But either Shpak does not know the limits, or something went wrong, but his mouth was swollen to the point of disgrace. Lips look foreign and strange, especially on a man’s face. But side effects soon appeared; Alexander’s facial expressions were impaired. Now she is unnatural. He can't smile properly.
  • Cheek plastic surgery . He decided to complete the transformation of his face and body by enlarging his cheekbones. Fillers made them taller and more expressive, but their expression became strange and effeminate. In addition, the oval of the athlete’s face began to blur and the outlines of his cheekbones also became swollen.

Shpak after installing implants in the cheekbones
The number of operations that Shpak performed exceeds all imaginable standards. According to some estimates, there are about 15 of them. But none of them improved it.

Personal life

Shpak was married six times and has no children from previous marriages. This bodybuilder doesn’t even think about adding to his family in the future.

Today Sasha is happily married to his wife, Irina Meshchanskaya, and is “on the same wavelength.” The woman also does not want to waste time on children; she devotes it to herself and promoting her husband.

Shpak's wife - Irina Meshchanskaya

This couple has been together for several years. Alexander does not regret that he got divorced 5 times, because in the end he met his soulmate. As he himself admits, the girl took him not with his spectacular appearance, but with his character.

Irina understands and supports her husband in everything. In order to please him more, she performed several plastic surgeries herself and does not regret it. I am sure that the desire to change something about yourself is quite normal.

38-year-old wife Alexandra, originally from St. Petersburg, works as a blogger and fashion model, better known as Masya Shpak. She promotes groups on social networks, does PR and advertises for her own husband. She has a difficult character, calls herself an ataman, but the bodybuilder himself considers her an ideal wife.

They got married in 2015, then got married and went on their honeymoon. Upon returning, they renovated the apartment and never quarreled. Now they have a family nest, where they not only spend their free time, but also work via the Internet.

Life and appearance of a bodybuilder after plastic surgery

In addition to plastic surgery, Alexander Shpak also carried out a number of transformations with his body. First of all, he got a tattoo. It covers almost his entire body, his legs and back are fully sketched. The tattoo depicts a human skeleton.

The athlete also grew fangs and became like a vampire. Where such fantasies come from and why all this is not clear. He probably just likes to shock the public. In addition, Shpak regularly performs Botox therapy. But because of this, his face finally loses its facial expressions and becomes plastic. Although unevenness, swelling and staleness still appear.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

The finishing touches included permanent makeup in the form of highlighted eyebrows and bright berry lipstick, as well as a luscious manicure. Probably because of this, information appeared on the Internet that Alexander was either bisexual or gay. Otherwise, why would a full-fledged man need such “embellishments.” But Shpak himself justifies that this is just part of the shocking image. And in general, he likes not to be like everyone else.

Almost 1.5 million subscribers follow the athlete’s life. Some follow his training advice, others condemn his behavior. But he leaves almost no one indifferent. Thanks to his extraordinary appearance, Alexander Shpak is regularly invited to take part in television shows. He performed in “Let Them Talk,” “Male-Female” and a number of other projects.

And, despite the criticism and condemnation of others, the man is satisfied with himself, his appearance and is not going to change anything yet. According to him, he is generally happy and married to his wife Irina. The couple does not dream of children, because they do not want to share each other with anyone else.

We recommend reading the article about plastic surgery by Boris April. From it you will learn about the life of Boris April before the operation, gender change and the appearance of the new person, as well as life after the radical changes. And here is more information about the living Ken Rodrigo.

Plastic surgery has made it possible to change your appearance the way you want. But everyone does not always realize that transformations can lead to unpleasant consequences. Everyone's idea of ​​beauty is different. Some people go beyond reasonable boundaries in their pursuit of perfection.

Alexander Shpak now

Now Shpak lives in St. Petersburg, but often visits Moscow and Kyiv. He continues to train people and appears on the Internet and television. The bodybuilder’s height is 176 cm, and Alexander considers his ideal weight to be 105 kg. But it is not always possible to stay within the desired figure. To burn extra pounds, Shpak regularly trains for 1-2 hours, walks at least 8 km, and also lies down on the table with a massage therapist.

Alexander Shpak in the gym

Alexander participates in the opening of fitness centers in Russian cities. So, in February 2022, the couple visited Belgorod to attend the launch of the “Dream and Reality” project. The plane carrying the Shpakov family was late, but this did not stop fans of the Instagram blogger from waiting for their idols to arrive. Fans greeted the bodybuilder with the slogan: “We love Sasha and Masya.”

Shpak and Masi's move to Turkey

Just recently, the Shpakov family’s Instagram was filled with videos of them renovating their luxurious private home in the Moscow region. And when the renovation was almost completed, Irina and Alexander announced their decision to completely change their lives and move to Turkey for permanent residence. The couple did not talk about their plans in a foreign country, but subscribers believe that Alexander plans to purchase several villas - in one of them he will live with his wife and a large dog family, and the rest will be rented out. The couple put their mansion in the Moscow region up for sale. If you believe the information on the Internet, it was estimated at 50 million rubles.

Sasha and Masya Shpak bought a house

They have been married for 4 years and recently moved to a new property. Shpak has already conducted a video tour of the two-story mansion, where a terrible tragedy previously occurred.

It turns out that the family of an official previously lived here and was attacked by bandits. The attackers broke into the house, tied up, robbed, and then shot the owners. Afterwards, no one lived in this mansion, even the furniture remained. Singer Sarah Ochs spoke about this in an interview.

Masya said that she was completely satisfied with the previous interior design, and the blogger does not plan to radically change anything. Most of the mansion is already furnished.

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