Alexander Domogarov gave rise to rumors about a new illness or plastic surgery

Alexander Domogarov is an Honored Artist of Russia, a favorite actor of a huge number of women, as well as a performer of original songs, Russian rock and chanson. The artist has a bright, memorable appearance and charisma, and his image is complemented by impeccable talent. The star of the series “Gangster Petersburg” and “Turkish March” recently surprised his fans with sudden changes in appearance. After plastic surgery, Alexander Domogarov clearly began to look better and happier. Let's try to figure out whether there is a place for surgical interventions or whether improvement in appearance is achieved in another way?


Alexander was born in the Russian capital in July 1963. The actor got his surname from his father’s grandmother, and his mother decided to give him the name. Father Yuri was also associated with cinema; he played the role of a general in the film “Suvorov”. Mother Natalya was not a creative person, but she was always Alexander’s support and support.

Neighbors characterized Sasha as an ill-mannered hooligan, but after receiving roles in the theater, the future actor changed dramatically, and from a boy he turned into a well-mannered young man.

The actor also has a half-brother who is 10 years older than him, but apart from their common father, nothing else connects them in life. At the moment, the media is full of reports that the brothers cannot divide their inheritance - their father’s dacha, located in the Moscow region.

What caused rumors about Alexander Domogarov’s illness or plastic surgery

The reason for gossip about the health of Alexander Domogarov was a photo taken at a social event where the artist was present. He sits on it, hugging Katya Lel’s shoulders. Subscribers of the singer, who posted the photo on Instagram, were struck by how much the handsome Domogarov had changed. His face became swollen, his cheekbones and chin lost their clear contours, and his lips were strangely pursed.

Commentators immediately began to speculate about the actor’s alcohol addiction, the possibility of a serious illness, or the consequences of recent plastic surgery. The owner of the blog, Katya Len, reminded the public that Domogarov is already 55 years old and demanded respectful treatment of all her friends.


The future artist, while studying at a regular school, simultaneously received a musical education. However, for further studies he entered the theater department, after which he successfully worked in the theater of the Soviet army.

At first, Domogarov received episodic roles, but soon in 1997, he was noticed and invited to the series “Countess de Monsoreau”, to play the role of the main character - Comte de Bussy.

The next series, which brought Sasha even more popularity, was “Turkish March”, which lasted for 7 years, as well as “Gangster Petersburg”. The actor also starred in films in Poland and Sweden.

In 2022, another film with his participation, “Union of Salvation,” was released, where he got the role of a general.

Personal life

The actor has a rather stormy personal life, numerous novels and affairs. Once the artist even had to prove erroneous paternity in court. Alexander’s first wife was Natalya Sagoyan, who gave birth to his son Dmitry, but the actor did not experience paternal feelings for him and limited himself to alimony. Currently, Dmitry has been dead for more than 10 years; the artist’s son was hit by a car back in 2008.

Alexander's second wife was theater worker Irina Gunenkova; it was because of his new love that the actor abandoned his first love and his one-year-old son. Irina gave him another heir, Alexander the Younger.

After 10 years of marriage, the artist decides to leave yet another family because of his new young passion, Natalya Gromushkina, whose marriage lasted only 4 years. The actor’s new lover was his colleague on the series, Marina Alexandrova, but even here the marriage broke up after a couple of years. Now the actor is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship, and has the status of a bachelor.


The image of a “sad knight” or a “hero-lover” - all this is perfectly combined by the temperamental theater and film artist Alexander Domogarov. He has about 130 roles to his credit. It is not surprising that the artist’s fans follow his life, numerous novels and appearance. Domogarov after plastic surgery, after a stroke, after a divorce - fans are ready to discuss it again and again. And this is not surprising - a star of this magnitude will always be under close attention.

Biography of Domogarov

Alexander Domogarov was born on July 12, 1963. The roots of the Domogarov family originate from the ancient Georgian princes, apparently from here Alexander has an explosive character, indescribable charisma and love of love.

The artist's father was an actor and prominent figure in the cultural sphere. Mom had nothing to do with art, she was busy raising her sons, giving all her love and tenderness to the boys. Following in the footsteps of his father, Alexander after school enters the VTU named after Shchepkin. This is how his acting career begins.

Maly Moscow Theater, Theater of the Russian Army TsATRA, Mossovet Theater, filming in films and TV series (“March of the Turetsky”, “Gangster Petersburg”), presenter of television programs (“The Last Hero”, “Wait for Me”), vocalist and performer of Russian chanson .

Alexander fondly remembers the filming of the series, despite the fact that they were filmed in harsh conditions when there were not enough people. Along with his acting career, the artist manages to lead an active personal life.

Personal life

The actor was married several times. Natalya Sagoyan, Irina Gunenkova, Natalya Gromushkina - list of Domogarov’s chosen ones.

He had a whirlwind romance with actress Marina Alexandrova. In his first marriage to Natalya Sagoyan, the artist had a son, but at the age of 23 he died in a car accident.

In his second marriage with Gunenkova, a son, Alexander, also grew up, who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a film actor, with about a dozen films to his credit. Each divorce of Alexander was accompanied by the meeting of the new love of his life.


Intensive work, problems with alcohol, nervous tension, numerous love affairs - all this affected the artist’s appearance and did not go unnoticed. The artist has always been distinguished by his wild and cheerful lifestyle.

Already in 2012, fans began to discuss Domogarov’s “tired” appearance - swollen and drooping eyelids, deep wrinkles, blurry facial contours, nasolabial folds. A little later, Alexander appears before fans in a photo in a refreshed form and again becomes the subject of discussion - fillers, blepharoplasty and Botox have done their job. But it didn't last long.

The year is 2016 and rumors about the actor’s appearance and well-being continue to spread. Domogarov is credited with various serious illnesses, stroke and alcoholism.

A new wave of comments was raised by the fact that the artist was hospitalized with a presumable diagnosis of ischemic stroke. The doctors did not give clear answers about the artist’s condition and did not announce the diagnosis.

According to Alexander himself, the loss of his beloved woman, Larisa Chernikova, who died in 2015 from an incurable cancer, was a strong blow for him. The artist had been in conflict for a long time with the relatives of his deceased wife, claiming that the sister took the money collected for treatment for herself. Whereas Larisa’s treatment cost $1,000 per day.

Domogarov did not keep his plans a secret, that he was going to undergo another plastic surgery. Apparently he himself was not happy with the changes in appearance that all the events that had happened and his age imposed on him. The artist admitted that castings have become more difficult lately; directors need fresh and beautiful faces. Plastic surgery in our time is no longer an innovation, but quite a common thing, especially for popular personalities.

After surgery and Botox, the artist was delighted, his face looked younger and it was difficult to say how old Alexander looked. However, fans never tire of wondering what was the real reason for such metamorphoses of Domogarov? The desire to be remembered by the audience as young and beautiful in new roles, or perhaps a new lover, whom Domogarov hides from the public eye.

One can speculate endlessly, but the artist himself comments that he feels strong enough for different roles and can afford to choose, and thanks to his new appearance he hopes to receive more creative proposals.


Was there plastic surgery?

Undoubtedly, the years take their toll, and age-related changes are inevitable. The star of our article was not spared from this misfortune; the actor began to look worse and worse, and roles were offered less and less often.

Then Alexander decided on plastic surgery, namely a lift of the upper third and lower third of the face. As we can see from the photographs, the artist began to look much fresher and fitter. Expression wrinkles on the forehead smoothed out, the chin acquired clear outlines. The changes clearly benefited Alexander, and there is nothing shameful that a man, just like women, also wants to look young and attractive.

We hope to see Alexander in many more films, and also that the actor will finally find his true mutual love.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko


– You said that they threatened from above. What did you warn against?

- Well, I think this is the last test that had to be passed. We all live as best we can, and we are given what we can bear. You go, breaking through walls, and each time the walls become stronger. Even stronger, still. Then - bam: I couldn’t, I stopped. That is, this is a test: can you overcome it, won’t you break?

– But everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger?

- Certainly. I say that this is another test. And if you can stand it, you go through it relatively honestly... It’s clear that it’s painful and scary. But you get through it and move on with your life.

– You didn’t have a risk of breaking down then?

- Was. But that day I was performing a play. This is not a feat, no - this is a profession, this is taught at drama school. They say: here is the street, do what you want there, but here you don’t belong to yourself. On the one hand, these are lofty words, on the other hand, they are true. You leave all your experiences there, but here you belong to those who bought the ticket.

– Have you had any breakdowns on stage?

- Were. Of course, situations are different, and depending on them I am also different. I have had many such cases when something happened in my life: I went on stage, onto the stage, and no one, no one understood anything. At the same time, it is unknown what will happen to you during intermission, what will happen to you behind the scenes.

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