All methods of hair removal on the face and body: which one to choose?

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  • Depilation is a process of hair removal without destroying the hair follicle, that is, this procedure gives only temporary results. However, the smoothness of the skin remains for 2-3 weeks, which makes depilation a very, very popular method of getting rid of unwanted body hair.

    Every woman has at least once wondered whether she can cope with this procedure on her own? And what technique is best for this? Let's look at the 2 main methods of depilation and figure out what skills you need to master in order to forget about going to salons forever.

    Process Features

    The main purpose of depilation with tweezers is to remove hair from the follicles, which will stop their growth forever. The first few sessions give inconsistent results. However, over time, the hairs in the frequently treated area thin out, become thin and light, and then stop growing completely. For this reason, you should not abandon the procedure, giving preference to a less labor-intensive method. Using tweezers, you can remove those hairs that cannot be removed during other procedures, such as shaving or sugaring.

    When buying tweezers for work, you need to pay attention to its shape:

    • Rounded. Such a tool is considered the safest due to the absence of the risk of injury. However, not all hairs can be captured with rounded tweezers.
    • Beveled. This option is also safe and suitable for use both in the clinic and at home. A beveled tool is more effective than a rounded one.
    • Spicy. With its help you can capture even the shortest hairs. The disadvantage of the tool is the high risk of injury.
    • Straight. The least convenient tweezers for removing hair at home.

    The photo shows three types of tweezers: with straight, beveled and pointed edges


    Most types of hair removal are contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases, conditions or disorders:

    • the procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy;
    • diabetes mellitus due to a decrease in the rate of tissue healing after injury;
    • infectious and skin diseases in the area of ​​exposure;
    • in some cases epilepsy;
    • neoplasms of various types in the area of ​​hair growth, including moles;
    • the presence of allergic reactions to the components of hair removal products (sugar paste, cream, wax compositions);
    • phlebeurysm.

    It should be remembered that if abrasions, injuries, rashes, irritation and other damage to the depilated area occur, it is better to postpone the procedure until complete healing.

    Contraindications often depend on the type of depilation. In some cases, such as shaving, contraindications may be minimal or absent.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Advantages of using tweezers:

    Versatility. The method is suitable for removing soft and hard hair from 2 mm.

    Minimum number of contraindications.

    Low cost of the procedure. Having bought tweezers once, a girl can use them for many years.

    The ability to permanently get rid of unwanted hair. The effect of the first procedures lasts for two weeks. For some girls it lasts no more than a week. However, repeated depilation will damage the hair follicle and prevent hair from growing.

    The disadvantages of the procedure include:

    Traumaticity . Careless movement with tweezers can damage the skin. In some cases, minor bleeding may occur.

    Inability to remove hairs shorter than 2 mm and vellus hairs . Such hairs are difficult to grab with tweezers.

    Inflammatory processes in the treated area . Inflammations are possible if hygiene requirements are not followed. But even with proper treatment, slight swelling and red dots remain.

    Which depilation is better?

    When choosing the appropriate procedure, be guided by your capabilities - in terms of time and finances. Depilation needs to be done regularly, but all methods are relatively budget-friendly; salon procedures give long-lasting results, but can cost several tens of thousands of rubles.

    During depilation, hair is cut or removed from the root; during epilation, the follicle that nourishes the hair is destroyed.

    Skin preparation

    Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to clean the desired area of ​​skin from possible contaminants. If the intimate area is to undergo the procedure, it is advisable to take a warm shower, but not earlier than 1 hour before the procedure.

    We will remove the hair of our programmer, who voluntarily expressed a desire to help

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