Peeling GIGI: a wide range of products for consistently high-quality results

Exfoliation of the skin is considered one of the important stages of skin care, especially in the summer. Due to dead particles and large amounts of pollution, the cells do not receive enough air, which leads to dullness, dryness and imperfections. GiGi professional peelings come in a wide range, making it easy to purchase the right product. According to buyers and professional cosmetologists, these products will be an excellent option for home skin care.

About company

This brand appeared on the world market more than 60 years ago and has spread to many countries. A special feature of GI cosmetics is that it is used both in professional beauty salons and at home. A wide variety of care products allows you to solve problems of all skin types at any age.

Cosmetologists in reviews claim that the peelings of this company are among the best for deep cleansing and rejuvenation of the face. The main advantage of the brand is that the products contain natural active ingredients, which achieves the desired result. Below is a description of GiGi's most popular facial peels.

Pros and cons of the line

Most GiGi products, as with their Obagi counterparts, are intended for professional use. This is both a plus and a minus of the drugs. The positive side is the high quality of procedures performed by a cosmetologist. Negative point for consumers of services: increased cost of intervention. Analogues of yellow, salicylic, glycolic peeling can be performed with no less quality, but at a lower price.

GI products are recommended to be preferred by those who have tried a lot of options, but could not solve the existing problem. GIGI brand peelings in the skillful hands of a cosmetologist always give positive results.

Medic Peel

This product is presented in the form of a lotion for mid-level effects. The active components of the composition are retinoic, salicylic and lactic acids, hydroxy acids, as well as oils and antioxidants. To eliminate specific problems, the manufacturer has released several types: whitening, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating. GiGi peeling, according to cosmetologists, can be used at any time of the year, as it does not cause the appearance of age spots.

It is worth noting that the lotion does not contribute to intense redness of the skin, with the exception of overly sensitive types. At home, you can independently control the depth of exposure, depending on how much product is applied to the face and the duration of its effect. Buyers in reviews of the GiGi peeling note that after the procedure, the skin tone is noticeably evened out, there is no flaking or dryness, and the process of regeneration of inflammation is accelerated.

Features of Gigi multi-peeling

Multi-peeling from Gigi has multiple effects on the skin. It simultaneously cleanses it of fat and keratinized particles produced by the sebaceous glands, and helps to recover by stimulating cell synthesis. This feature allows the product to be used even by those whose skin is sensitive and prone to irritation.

The effect can be achieved with a single procedure. After it, the skin takes on a healthier appearance, its surface becomes smoother and denser due to an increase in moisture content. The result will be regardless of its type. Multipeeling has a beneficial effect on dryness, increased sebum secretion, and aging.

We recommend reading about salicylic acid peeling. You will learn about the indications for this type of peeling, the features of its implementation, contraindications, and side effects. And here is more information about performing superficial facial peeling.


The main active ingredient of this product from the line of the Israeli brand is croton oil. Its unique composition ensures deep cleansing, saturates cells with the necessary amount of moisture, and reliably protects against dryness and loss of natural elasticity. Additional ingredients that enhance the effectiveness of GiGi Croton Peel are glycolic acid, Dead Sea extracts and phenol.

The advantage of the product is that it can even be used in the eye and lip area. Cosmetologists claim that peeling is aimed at eliminating unwanted pigmentation, lightening post-acne spots, reducing the number of wrinkles, and also helps restore natural water balance. During the use of GiGi peeling, according to customer reviews, a slight burning sensation may appear, which indicates that the cosmetic product is working intensively.

Post-peeling care

Croton peeling is quite aggressive and requires rehabilitation after the procedure.
You should use soothing, moisturizing and restorative products, which the cosmetologist will select based on your skin type and the problems that need to be solved. Most often these are products from the GiGi Cosmetic line. After croton peeling, it is also advisable to use vitamins C, A, E and other antioxidants. The cosmetologist can prescribe antibiotics and painkillers if necessary.

Recommendations for skin care after croton peeling:

-It is not recommended to wet the skin during the first day.

-You cannot sunbathe during the entire course of croton peeling and a month after it; you should regularly use sunscreen with SPF 30.

-It is not recommended to apply makeup for 2-3 days.

-It is also not recommended to rip off flaky skin, much less crusts that could have formed during deeper exposure. Try to touch your skin with your hands as little as possible.


This line includes 6 products that the manufacturer recommends using in stages to get maximum effect. All products are aimed at deep cleansing pores, regulating sebaceous gland secretions, smoothing the surface, improving skin tone, exfoliating the stratum corneum and preventing inflammation. The basis of the composition is lactic and fruit acids, papaya extract and glycerin.

Reviews of GI cosmetics show that with proper use of products, the risk of age spots and irritation is reduced. Thanks to these exfoliating products, the face takes on a fresh look and the number of wrinkles is reduced. According to the manufacturer, the line is recommended for those who have problematic skin types (acne, dermatitis, seborrhea) or need to prevent the appearance of signs of aging. When using all steps, customers get the desired result without side effects. The main advantage of the line is the ability to use at any time of the year.

Precautionary measures

Side effects may occur if the procedure protocol is not followed or if there is a tendency to allergic reactions.

Increased dryness indicates that the acid has burned the protective barrier and the skin has become thinner. For restoration, moisturizing and regenerating preparations are used.

1st and 2nd degree burns require long-term competent treatment and constant medical supervision.


  • Exacerbation of herpes;
  • Demodectic mange;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Individual intolerance to components;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Fresh tan;
  • Damage to the skin (inflammation, wounds, abrasions);
  • Cuperosis;
  • Taking retinoids and hormones;
  • Pregnancy, lactation.


The manufacturer states that this option applies to autumn-winter and promotes mid-cleaning of the skin for buyers after 35 years. The active components of the composition are extract of the kava pepper plant, acids, urea and phenol. Peeling is aimed at stimulating cell regeneration, eliminating the stratum corneum, increasing elasticity, intensely moisturizing, smoothing the surface, preventing the appearance of signs of aging, healing wounds and lightening dark pigment spots.

Cosmetologists in reviews of GiGi peeling note that it must be evenly distributed with a brush and left for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed off with cool water. Thanks to this application, all ingredients penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and have maximum effect. It is worth noting that this remedy can be used to eliminate various dermatological diseases at home.

Application of peeling for all skin types according to a multi-stage program

The product will help make your skin younger and more beautiful if you use it correctly:

  • first you need to cleanse your face of cosmetics using micellar water or cleansing gel;
  • then apply a small amount of product to the skin and distribute evenly with light movements (do not apply it to your eyelids);
  • leave the peeling on the face for 10 minutes, this will be enough for complete penetration and cleansing of the pores;
  • then rinse off the product with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a clean napkin or towel.

After this, a tingling sensation may remain on the skin, but this is not scary. Now you should apply a mask, serum or cream to your face.

Peeling can be used safely at any time of the year. You don’t need to cleanse your skin with it every day; it’s enough to do it once or twice a week. You can use multi-peeling pointwise when an inflamed area appears that is ready to turn into a pimple. You just need to apply a drop of product on it and leave it overnight.

To learn how to use GIGI peeling at home, watch this video:


The Israeli cosmetics company's huge variety of exfoliating products makes it easier for customers to choose the right option. GiGi almond peeling is designed to meet the needs of all types, and will also become indispensable for those with sensitive and pigmented skin at any age. The main ingredients of the composition are vitamin C and almond extract, which are aimed at rapid lightening, cell regeneration and have an anti-aging effect.

After use, the natural skin tone is noticeably evened out, pigment spots are reduced, the surface is smoothed and becomes softer. According to buyers, peeling can prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging and reduce existing wrinkles. Professional cosmetologists recommend applying a soothing mask to eliminate irritation and redness after the cleansing procedure. Peeling is often used in beauty salons and at home, as it is highly effective in combating uneven skin tone and unwanted pigmentation.

What problems does it solve?

Medium peeling can permanently rid the skin of imperfections, so it is used to correct serious cosmetic defects, such as:

  • fuzzy oval face
  • uneven skin texture
  • dull color
  • wrinkles of varying depth and intensity
  • acne and post-acne
  • photoaging
  • dark spots
  • stretch marks, scars, scars
  • excessive sebum production

In addition, medium peeling improves the penetration of beneficial substances from creams and serums into the skin.


This product is considered one of the most gentle and gentle of the entire range of cosmetics companies. Its formula is designed in such a way that the components act on the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminating dead cells. GiGi rice peeling is an ideal option for sensitive, problematic and pigmented skin. The main properties are to lighten dark spots on the surface, stimulate regeneration, heal inflammation, prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and smooth the face. Buyers in the reviews note that it can be used after 25 years at any time of the year.

After applying the product there is no unpleasant sensation, there is no burning or redness of the skin. Gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum ensures active air circulation into the cells, improving natural tone, eliminating peeling and lightening unwanted pigmentation. Peeling should be used on damp skin, spreading with massage movements and rinsing with cool water.

How does medium peeling work?

Our skin is made up of three layers - the epidermis (outer layer), dermis and hypodermis (deepest layer). Medium peels stimulate and rejuvenate not only the surface layer, but also the dermis. It is the dermis that contains fibroblasts capable of synthesizing elastin and collagen fibers, allowing the skin to remain elastic and moisturized.

The principle of operation of medium peeling is based on deep exposure, which damages living cells. Damage to the deep layers of the epidermis causes irritation, redness, swelling, peeling, to which the body reacts by activating restoration processes. During the recovery period, “new” skin appears in place of damaged “old” skin, and the increased production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid for healing helps maintain the tone and moisture of the renewed skin.

After the recovery period, you can notice a quick and pronounced result from the procedure - a general lifting effect, smoothed relief, even tone, reduction of wrinkles and reduction of excessive sebum production.


According to cosmetologists and buyers from different countries, peelings from this cosmetic brand can satisfy absolutely any need. Unique formulas, natural ingredients, wide spectrum of action and high efficiency are the main advantages of GiGi peelings. Reviews show that if used correctly, results can be noticed immediately after the procedure.

Cosmetologists claim that it is necessary to carry out all the main stages - preparation (removing decorative cosmetics), applying and maintaining the recommended time for exposure, as well as removing the remnants of the care product only after complete drying. Thus, the cells receive all the useful components and the maximum effect from using the product is achieved.

Cost of multi-peeling for all skin types

The price of the product may vary. But on average, a 120 ml jar costs 2000 - 2500 rubles. Considering that 3-4 ml of viscous liquid is needed for one-time use, the cost is affordable for many. After all, this amount will be enough for a year or even more.

Multi-peeling will be useful for both young girls and women over 35 years old. It is especially necessary for those who actively use decorative cosmetics. Regular use of the product will not only provide high-quality cleansing of the skin and get rid of immediate problems. It will help delay aging and smooth out existing signs of age.

The essence of the procedure, principle of operation

This term refers to one of the types of chemical peeling. The main component is crotonic acid. It is obtained from the oil of the seeds of a special tree - croton. This crop grows in China and Sri Lanka.

According to numerous studies, the oil helps to cope with wrinkles and make the skin smoother. People living in these areas have been using the product for anti-aging purposes for many years.

Crotonic acid is a basic carboxylic acid. It has a pungent odor and a pronounced irritating effect. If the dosage is violated, the substance can cause dangerous consequences.

When used correctly, crotonic acid helps achieve the following results:

  • cleanse the skin of dead cells;
  • activate the synthesis of proteins and glycosaminoglycans;
  • provoke the destruction of melanocytes;
  • activate the functions of various substances;
  • stimulate collagen synthesis.


Side effects in the form of redness, peeling, and slight swelling occur in all patients and are considered a normal reaction to the chemicals used. Such symptoms disappear on their own within 2-3 days.

More serious complications include hyperpigmentation, the development of an allergic reaction, exacerbation of herpetic disease, rashes, and burns. The reason for such consequences may be non-compliance with the rules for exfoliation, incorrectly selected composition of the products used, as well as failure to follow recommendations for further skin care.

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