Milk peeling for the face. Best glycolic chemical: Arabia, Compliment, Martinex, Gigi, Holy Land. Reviews

Often, the concept of “peeling” causes unpleasant associations for many, which are associated with burning and tingling sensations of the facial skin, as well as its further peeling. With the development of cosmetology, delicate but no less effective skin cleansing procedures have appeared. These include milk peeling, reviews of which are mostly positive.

But in order to decide on this kind of salon procedure, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances, indications and contraindications.

This article offers information about milk peeling (reviews, photos before and after use), after reading which it will be easier for readers to decide on the advisability of doing it for themselves.

The essence of the procedure

The process of removing dead skin cells from the top layer of skin using special chemicals and subsequent renewal and rejuvenation through an accelerated rate of natural exfoliation is called chemical peeling. The procedure refreshes and moisturizes the skin, increases its tone, evens out the texture, and reduces acne.

Chemical peeling is performed on the face, and there is also the possibility of treating the hands, neck, and décolleté.

Milk peeling for the face (reviews talk about procedures at home) can be done at home. The effectiveness of the procedure is observed after a few weeks. Independent use of professional peeling products can lead to chemical burns. Safety is ensured when the procedure is performed by a cosmetologist.

The acid used in a chemical peel helps remove dead skin cells and allows the active ingredients to begin to work:

  • reduce lines;
  • stimulate cells that produce collagen.

It should be remembered that the procedure does not completely remove scars, wrinkles and excessive pigmentation. They will become less noticeable.

Peeling, the main component of which is lactic acid, is useful when the following changes occur on the facial skin:

  • acne;
  • facial skin is flabby and dry;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • minor stretch marks;
  • loss of elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis.

The most worthy alternative for allergy patients is milk peeling. The acid has a gentle effect on the skin. The procedure is more effective for women under 30 years of age. For the older category, peeling acts as an addition to the main treatment methods.

About the manufacturer

The history of the Russian company began in 2009. The starting products of ARAVIA Professional were sugaring pastes and products before and after depilation. The first training center opened almost immediately.

In 2011, EAST Beauty sugaring lines were presented, as well as innovative low-melting sugar mixtures.

A year later, the company entered the international market and began supplying cosmetics to Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus and Moldova. At the same time, paraffin therapy was developed. Next came the democratic Start Epil series.

The release of the ARAVIA Professional sugar paste cartridge and the EXPERT series for professionals with extensive experience allowed the brand to become recognizable. In 2014, new professional preparations for figure correction ARAVIA Organic and SPA manicure were released. And 2016 was marked by the addition of facial skin care products to the product range.

Today ARAVIA occupies a leading position in the cosmetology market. The distribution network covers all of Russia and six countries around the world. Training centers have been created in Samara, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Volgograd. Seminars on products with the participation of Moscow technologists are held not only in the country, but also abroad, in the CIS.

Types of chemical peels

There are acid and alkaline peels. The first ones are more popular; their peculiarity lies in individual selection for each client.

Based on the depth of penetration, they are distinguished:

  1. Surface. Simple and safe look. It is made on the basis of lactic and fruit acids. During the procedure, the upper layer of the epidermis is processed. Skin restoration occurs within 5 days. This type is recommended to rejuvenate the surface layer of the epidermis. As a result, complexion improves, pronounced defects are reduced, and wrinkles do not disappear completely.

  2. Median. The middle layer of the skin is treated. The procedure provides an opportunity to reduce, make age spots paler, remove scars left after acne, and keratosis of the skin. During medium peeling, the skin is intensively injured. This process promotes active cell restoration and synthesis of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin in tissues. Complete regeneration lasts a week. Clients with dark complexions need to be careful not to increase the risk of pigmentation disorders.
  3. Deep – the deep layers of the epidermis are affected. This method removes excessive changes that have occurred on the face. The procedure is performed in beauty salons. The rehabilitation period is several months, and complete regeneration is noticeable within 7-10 days. The skin of the face becomes fresh, pronounced wrinkles are reduced, pigmentation disappears.

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What is milk peeling?

This type of skin cleansing is carried out with lactic acid, which is extremely gentle. This procedure is a chemical one, which, according to experts, can improve complexion, make the skin smoother and softer, help remove dead skin cells, stimulate collagen production, moisturize and improve metabolic processes in skin cells.

An important fact is that this product is not a synthetic compound, so the body will not experience severe stress during the procedure.

The mechanism of action of acid peeling on the skin

Based on practice and customer reviews, milk peeling for the face acts on the skin in the following way:

  • the connections of the horny plates are destroyed by acid;
  • the process of their peeling from the skin increases;

  • the mouths of the hair follicles are cleansed, the functioning of the secretion of the sebaceous glands is improved;
  • the process of restoration of living cells is activated;
  • the epidermis is susceptible to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • the skin is rejuvenated, its tone is evened out;
  • pigmentation is destroyed.

Basic properties of peeling

The cosmetic product easily copes with the first wrinkles, removes crow's feet and other unwanted formations: acne, pimples, blackheads and even freckles. May have different effects on the surface of the epidermis. In this regard, the following main properties of peeling are distinguished:

  1. Moisturizing function. Lactic acid consists of molecules that can not only absorb moisture from the environment, but also retain it for a long period. Thanks to this, even the driest skin is nourished by milk peeling: the feedback from any salon client is usually positive.
  2. Lifting property. Promotes active collagen production, resulting in firmer skin. Its surface relief is smoothed and leveled.
  3. Keratolytic action. It consists of eliminating dying particles of the epidermis, restoring cells, renewing them and improving their functioning.

It should be remembered that peeling cannot remove deep wrinkles. Therefore, after 50 years it is useless to use it.


Chemical peeling is recommended when changes of this type appear on the face:

  • dryness of the epidermis, accompanied by small wrinkles and peeling;
  • oily skin areas where pores expand;
  • the appearance of acne, pigmentation;

  • formation of small stretch marks;
  • the elasticity and firmness of the skin is lost;
  • color change;
  • aging of the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The procedure does not completely eliminate imperfections, but the face becomes smooth, elastic, tone improves, and pigmentation is eliminated.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Budget price and economical use. Arabia peelings can be purchased in pharmacies and specialty stores. The products have practical packaging designed for long-term use.
  • Safety and comfort of the procedure if the protocol is followed.
  • Minimal percentage of complications and allergic reactions.
  • Low effectiveness of the product or complete lack of results.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

It is preferable to carry out Arabia peeling in a beauty salon according to the author’s method using a special massage. After the procedure, no redness or peeling appears. The master achieves a positive effect in 10 minutes.


Milk peeling for the face (reviews from clients who have shown carelessness indicate problems that have arisen) is contraindicated for patients who have a number of diseases.

These include:

  • individual intolerance to the constituent components of the peeling mixture;
  • viral herpes;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • cold-type diseases;
  • damage to skin areas;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • acute inflammations of various origins;
  • abnormal pigmentation, dark skin;
  • vascular diseases;
  • irritation after hair removal;
  • when using the drug “Isotretinoin” for a year.

Milk peeling with TIANDE cosmetics

This world-famous brand offers cosmetics that combine the recipes of ancient Eastern medicine and the latest developments of scientists. TIANDE products have won the trust of cosmetologists thanks to a wide and high-quality assortment; they have peelings, among which you can find milk peelings, which are so beloved by clients.

Milk peeling “Tiande”, which has positive reviews from cosmetologists, contains protein, whole milk, a number of vitamins and alpha hydroxy acids.

Experts assure: these products are universal and suitable for any skin type and age.

Possible complications

The peeling stage may be accompanied by complications, which are divided into two categories: predictable and unexpected.


  1. Erythema. The areas of skin where peeling was performed begin to turn red. The degree of redness depends on the strength and duration of the exfoliant and skin type.

  2. Edema. They are caused through increased permeability of small blood vessels located in the area of ​​the procedure. The formation of edema is promoted by fluid that is released from the vessels. They appear within the first 3 days.
  3. Peeling is the first indicator of skin renewal. Depends on the intensity of regeneration and the area of ​​distribution. With chemical peeling, this is a mandatory post-peeling phenomenon. During peeling, itching occurs. You cannot scratch or tear off the film. The process of tissue restoration is accelerated by using wound-healing and moisturizing cosmetics.
  4. Darkening of the skin. Appears as a result of the renewal of old skin cells into which the exfoliant was injected. Once completely exfoliated, they will become invisible.
  5. Hypersensitivity is an individual personality trait. Therefore, the process lasts up to 2 weeks, and sometimes up to 12 months. The skin becomes sensitive to ultraviolet rays. To avoid sun exposure to the treated area, you must use sunscreen. Favorable times for peeling are autumn and winter. The sun is then not active, the risk of injury to weak integuments is much less.

Unexpected complications:

  1. Allergy. There are spotty rashes on the face accompanied by itching. Sometimes Quincke's edema appears and breathing becomes impaired.
  2. Exacerbation of herpes. To avoid scars formed after the procedure on the sites of herpes, you need to use ointments that eliminate herpes.
  3. Prolonged erythema. A complication occurs in patients with the beginnings of rosacea.
  4. Marble shade. A side effect is typical after deep peeling, when melanocytes die. For those with dark skin, it is difficult to hide the defect. Superficial cleaning will help correct the irregularities.
  5. Formation of keloid and hypertrophic scars. They appear when the peeling technique is violated. Correction of the defect is performed using laser resurfacing, invasive techniques, and cryotherapy.
  6. Demarcation line. Formed due to deep effects in the epidermal tissue. The problem occurs in dark-skinned clients and people with porous skin structure.
  7. Severe acne, acne. Appears when healthy areas of the skin are affected by infection. The defect is eliminated by drug treatment.

Are there any contraindications?

Arabia milk peeling is designed for gentle at-home cleansing of the face and décolleté. Despite the safety of the product, there are a number of contraindications to the use of the gel:

  • exacerbation of acne;
  • wounds, scratches, burns on the face;
  • herpes on the lip or nose;
  • skin cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • rosacea;
  • intolerance to gel components;
  • elevated temperature.

If you want to use home peeling before or after a cosmetic procedure in a salon, you must consult a cosmetologist. A side effect can occur if the drug is used too much. It is used 1-2 times a week in combination with another cleanser and moisturizer.

Fruit acids

The following types of acids are distinguished:

  1. Lemon. Contained in grapefruits, lemons, bergamot, lime. It has antioxidant properties and whitens the skin.

  2. Wine (grapes, old infused wine). Performs the function of exfoliating the stratum corneum of the epidermis, serving to moisturize and whiten it.
  3. Dairy. Contained in fermented milk products and in vegetables and fruits.
  4. Apple (apples, tomatoes). Produces the process of exfoliation and restoration of the skin at the cellular level.
  5. Glycolic. It is preserved in cereals, vegetables, and fruits. It is characterized by low molecular weight, which eliminates pigmentation from the skin.

Rules of application

Cleaning with ARAVIA Professional peelings can be done in the salon or at home after first studying the procedure protocol. The low acid content in their composition guarantees safe and inexpensive care.

The products are suitable for regular use, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body: oily skin needs weekly treatment; for dry, thin and sensitive skin – one manipulation every 10-14 days is enough.


  • Removing decorative cosmetics, dust, and impurities from the skin surface.
  • Apply the mixture in a thin, even layer using a special brush. It is carried out with light circular movements along massage lines.
  • Exposure time is from 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and then wash with cold water. The temperature contrast promotes rapid constriction of blood vessels.
  • Treatment with moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Acids used for medium peeling

There are several types of acids used in medium peeling:

  1. Trichloroacetic (TCA). Helps exfoliate dead skin particles. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.
  2. Salicylic. Suitable for patients with dark or dark skin. The procedure is performed with a 30% solution of salicylic acid.
  3. Retinoic. Intended for peeling for women with mature skin types after 35 years. No more than 2 courses are conducted per year.

The advantages of this peeling

Milk peeling can boast of a large number of positive qualities - the general review states that the procedure is, first of all, very economical. Peeling “works” gently, so the client does not need to buy expensive skin care products after the therapy session. It is also very versatile. Depending on the concentration, milk peeling can be used for any area of ​​the body: from the face to the feet. In addition, the product does not dry out the skin and actually instantly pleases women with high-quality and quickly achieved results.

The procedure is absolutely painless. That is, during its implementation you will not feel discomfort or unpleasant sensations. Do not forget that lactic acid is a natural product, so most often it does not cause allergic reactions. It also does not require any preliminary preparation. Moreover, it itself provides a solid platform for other types of beauty therapy in the salon. Peeling can be used all year round. But during the summer, its use should be limited, since direct sunlight negatively affects the epidermis after appropriate sessions.

Phenol peeling

Milk peeling for the face (customer reviews indicate the result obtained), which contains phenol, can be done once throughout your life.

Scheme of the procedure:

  1. Taking antiherpetic drugs 7 days before the start of the procedure to prevent the occurrence of herpes rashes after the session.
  2. Conducting local anesthesia.

  3. Cleansing and drying the skin of makeup.
  4. Degreasing the skin with an alcohol solution.
  5. Step-by-step application of the peeling mixture, starting from the forehead, left and right cheeks, then the perioral and periorbital zones, the final stage is the nasal and chin areas. The break between applying the mask between zones is 5 minutes.
  6. Application of low-melting wax Geleleo, which helps control and promote uniform absorption of phenol onto the epidermis.
  7. Using a moisturizing and protective face cream against ultraviolet rays.

Step by step cleaning process

  1. The face is washed with liquid soap, then blotted with a soft quality towel and dried for another 15 minutes.
  2. A small amount of milky substance is applied to a cotton swab or cosmetic pad from the kit. Then it is distributed over the facial skin in an even layer. If desired, this procedure is repeated again, without affecting the skin of the lips, nostrils and around the eyes.
  3. The substance is kept on the face for one minute. Gradually, this time can be extended to five minutes, and in the case of low concentration, not exceeding 10 percent, to 10 minutes. But more, even with any saturation, is impossible.
  4. Next, the face is treated with a weak alkaline solution (mineral water, tonic or other cosmetic product with a high pH). Then it is rinsed with water at a pleasant temperature, performing milk peeling for at least 30 seconds.
  5. Exfoliated and washed skin is covered with moisturizing cream (in summer - sunscreen). This procedure is indicated even in inappropriate weather, when it is cool and cloudy. After all, skin treated with lactic acid will become susceptible to ultraviolet rays, and therefore you can get sunburn.

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Known peeling preparations

Modern cosmetics suggests using products from modern brands.


Gel containing lactic acid. Used for deep cleansing of the skin, suitable for all skin types. The process of restoration of epidermal cells is stimulated, microcirculation increases, and promotes the production of collagen and glycosaminoglycans. The skin receives rich moisture from the inside due to lactic acid. Used for professional use.

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The product contains 10% glycolic acid.
Helps solve age-related manifestations, hyperpigmentation, changes in skin texture, removal of scars and acne, and general loss of tone.

Glycolic acid, through its active molecule, has the most pronounced exfoliation and antioxidant effect.

The drug evens out the tone and tightens the skin of the face, smoothes wrinkles, and deeply cleanses the skin of comedones.


The drug is based on lactic acid. The lotion-gel is characterized by high penetrating ability and is used for women who have severe hyperkeratosis.


Famous Israeli brand in cosmetics. Peels are designed for different age groups and are suitable for all skin types.

Perform several functions:

  • cleanse the epidermis of fat produced by the sebaceous glands and keratinized particles;
  • restore the skin as a result of the process of stimulating cell synthesis.

The moisturizing effect that the skin receives tightens and evens out its surface. The peeling product is recommended for people with sensitive skin types prone to irritation.

Holy land

The product helps eliminate dead cells, renew and restore, and rejuvenate the skin. The complexion is evened out and pigmentation is lightened. Not suitable for those with sensitive skin.

Indications for peeling

Peelings from the Arabia brand help solve the following skin problems:

  • initial and pronounced age-related changes (loss of elasticity, superficial wrinkles, thinning, excessive dryness);
  • excessive pigmentation, freckles;
  • uneven terrain;
  • dull, unhealthy complexion;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • the presence of comedones, blackheads, acne, “blackheads”;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum (hyperkeratosis);
  • skin texture changes;
  • stretch marks, scars, scars, acne marks.
  • sagging, excessive dryness or excess oily skin;
  • peeling, non-infectious inflammation.

Stages of chemical peeling and cost

Milk peeling for the face (reviews make it possible to choose an individual system) is carried out using several methods, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics.

Milk peeling for the face, reviews of which are positive, is best done in a salon by specialists.

Peeling stages:

No.Stage namePerforming Actions
1.CleansingThe face must first be cleansed with milk that does not contain soap and alkaline products to restore the pH level. Wipe with a toner containing hyaluronic acid. Apply cleansing gel with 5% glycolic acid.
2.Applying the mixtureOne procedure requires 1-2 ml of peeling solution. The mixture must be poured into a dry, clean container. Then apply to the face, starting from the frontal part, moving to the area of ​​the nose, temples, side surfaces of the cheeks, neck, chin, central part of the face and to a fixed area of ​​the face. The area around the eyes is usually not peeled. When performing the procedure, a deviation of 1 cm is made from the top of the eyelashes, and 0.5 cm from the bottom, the client feels a tingling and slight burning sensation when applying the mixture. When reapplying the solution, you need to pay attention to the skin’s reaction to the milk peeling components. If redness, severe burning occurs, or the time runs out, the procedure must be interrupted. The instructions must be followed.
3.NeutralizationThe effect of the peeling liquid is neutralized with a special solution. The skin receives a moisturizing, toning effect at the end of the exfoliation session. Neutralization lasts up to 3 minutes. After this, the remaining product should be rinsed off with lukewarm water. If preliminary neutralization is not carried out, burns may occur.
4.TimingThe cosmetologist marks the time of the procedure. With increasing time, the skin adapts to acidic solutions.
5.Washing off the acid solutionRinse off excess solution with water.

The cost of chemical peeling depends on the concentration and brand of acid and post-peel care. The professional level of the specialist and service in the salon are also taken into account. One session costs 2–5 thousand rubles, a full course costs 14–35 thousand rubles.

ARAVIA brand product

Another brand that is popular is Aravia. It is intended for use by professionals, and also has a line for do-it-yourself use. Boasts a wide target range and high-quality ingredients.

Aravia is a peeling with lactic acid, reviews of which suggest that experts have divided opinions about this product. Some claim that this product is only suitable for oily skin, and irritates dry and sensitive skin, while others insist that it is universal, you just need to observe the proportions and the length of time it is applied to the skin.

You can try the products of this brand yourself, since the line is divided into professional cosmetics and those that can be used according to the instructions at home.

Self-performing skin cleansing and peeling procedures using products that are created specifically for this purpose is gaining popularity. For example, the above-mentioned brand has a peeling product with lactic acid Lactica Exfoliate. Reviews from women who have experienced the effects of this product say that the results directly depend on correct use. Instructions are included in the kit. In general, consumers were satisfied: the skin is cleansed, noticeably fresher, and has a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

How to do a chemical peel at home

First you need to prepare the equipment: a dry and clean towel of good absorption, an acid solution, cosmetics - cleansing, restoring the pH balance of the skin, moisturizing.

Chemical peeling is performed according to the following scheme:

  • conduct a test in advance for an allergic reaction to the drug used;
  • study the instructions for the peeling composition;
  • clean the top layer of skin with milk or gel;
  • dry your face with a towel;
  • apply the product in a small amount to the dry layer of the epidermis, without touching the area around the eyes;

  • keep the mask on for up to 5 minutes, taking into account the skin type and the concentration of the acid solution;
  • rinse off the product with warm water;
  • apply a restorative agent;
  • moisturize the upper layer of the epidermis.

You can buy the peeling composition or prepare it yourself. If during the procedure you feel a strong tingling or burning sensation, you should quickly rinse off the product with warm water.

Precautionary measures

Arabia cleansing products are suitable for any skin and are hypoallergenic products. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, during the first week you should not:

  • use aggressive detergents and decorative cosmetics;
  • touch and scratch your face with your hands;
  • expose the skin to active sun;
  • do massage, hair removal, cleaning or hardware procedures;
  • during peeling, peel off lagging particles of the epidermis.


  • herpetic skin lesions;
  • integrity damage (wounds, abrasions, ulcers, burns);
  • demodicosis;
  • fresh tanning, hair removal;
  • hypertension, asthma, oncology;
  • psoriasis;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • keloid sutures and large birthmarks;
  • menstruation;
  • intolerance to certain components of the composition.

Post-peeling care

The skin gets an acid burn after peeling, so it needs special care. Post-peeling measures consist of several rules.

1.Hydration.It is necessary to use creams that have a moisturizing and restorative effect.
2.Sun protection.You need to use sunscreen and don’t sunbathe or go to a solarium for a month.
3.The use of low-percentage acid products.These include serum, tonics, cleansers, masks.
4.Refusal of cosmetics with dangerous effects on the skin.Mechanical scrubs and alcohol-containing products should be avoided. Cleanse with micellar water, hydrophilic oil, and milk.


Most often, the procedure does not cause complications or unpleasant symptoms. A normal physiological reaction is slight redness, a feeling of tightness, and peeling.

To quickly restore the epidermis, intensive hydration should be provided - moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid, natural oils, vitamins and panthenol are suitable.

Do not forget about protection from ultraviolet radiation - you need to apply products with SPF 30 or higher;

In order to maintain the effect, use cosmetics with a low acid content; you should also avoid products with alcohol, retinoids and any mechanical procedures.


The effectiveness of a chemical peel is immediate. The skin becomes young, firm, elastic and smooth. Cells are renewed due to exfoliation of the keratinized layers of the epidermis, elastin and collagen are produced. Skin rejuvenation occurs.

Milk facial peeling is a cosmetic procedure that uses highly concentrated lactic acid. Customer reviews indicate that it is better to prepare a solution for the procedure with the help of a cosmetologist in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

Peeling is recommended to be carried out once a year, the number of sessions ranges from 3 to 6. A break of 2 weeks is required between them. The procedures depend on the condition of the skin and its problems.

Author: Sivak Natalia

Article design: Oksana Grivina

Miracle Lactic Acid

Even in ancient times, representatives of the fair sex discovered the beneficial properties of milk and began to use it to care for their appearance. It became known that it contains many useful substances, vitamins, macro- and microelements, which have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, including the skin.

Lactic acid perfectly whitens, moisturizes, nourishes and restores.

It is known that Cleopatra herself took milk baths, sometimes with honey, and thanks to this she looked delightful.

Lactic acid is a special natural component that has the ability to restore the protective functions of the skin and normalize the water balance.

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