Biorevolumetry - facial modeling with hyaluronic acid injections

04/27/2017 / Salon procedures

Youth and beauty are fleeting phenomena. Unfortunately, aging cannot be prevented, but the process can be slowed down. The cosmetology industry offers a large number of procedures that help ladies look decades younger. Facial biorevolumetry is popular among girls aged 25 to 40 years. The procedure combines elements of contouring and skin rejuvenation. Its advantages are undeniable: instant effect, short recovery period (1-2 days), painlessness, low risk of side effects and allergic reactions. What the procedure is and exactly how it goes, we will find out in the article. We will also consider a number of contraindications, because concomitant diseases can cause the opposite effect and harm the overall health.

What's happened

After 35 years, due to the loss of tissue elasticity and firmness, some areas of the skin become sunken. For example, instead of rosy cheeks, you get overly pronounced cheekbones and a nasolabial fold, large longitudinal stripes appear on your forehead, and large depressions in the eye area.

Biorevolumetry can restore your face to its former attractiveness. It involves combining biorevitalization with injections from the contouring series. Thanks to the distribution of the special composition in the deep layers of the epidermis, your skin acquires normal volume, which visually makes your face 5-10 years younger.

Aesthetic procedures in beauty salons in our country appeared relatively recently. It forms the desired facial contour and helps normalize metabolism at the cellular level. The skin becomes hydrated, wrinkles and other age-related problems disappear.

Interesting to know: In Europe, aesthetic medicine clinics began to perform the biorevolumetry procedure only 4 years ago. In Russia, such injections came even later - only a few years ago.

Unlike biorevitalization, this technique does not require a recovery period. In addition, when the drug is introduced under the skin, it begins to act locally, while with biorevitalization it spreads over the entire surface of the face. Fillers injected under the skin often provide swelling. The innovative technology of biorevolumetrics allows the product to spread correctly under the skin without causing the formation of papules.

Biorevolumetry - what is it?

Facial biorevolumetry is an injection procedure. The main task is volumetric facial correction. With age, a woman's skin becomes less elastic, ptosis and wrinkles appear. The production of hyaluronic acid and collagen is reduced, all this leads to sagging and loss of volume. The relief of the face becomes unclear, the appearance changes for the worse.

Biorevolumetry of the face is carried out using drugs based on hyaluronic acid. Injections are performed using cannulas. These are special medical tubes. They minimally injure the skin and distribute the drug correctly.

It is worth noting that the preparations for biorevolumetry include two types of hyaluronic acid:

1. Stabilized. It creates and fixes volume well and has a high density. Very often it is used in contour plastic surgery;

2. Unstabilized. Helps restore skin elasticity and firmness by normalizing water balance, saturating cells with oxygen and nutrients.

Thus, by performing the procedure, you can not only correct visible problems, but also start the process of cell regeneration, which will lead to a complete renewal of the epidermis.

Indications for use

The range of indications in biorevolumetry suggests the presence of:

  • irregular oval face;
  • wrinkles, in particular in the orbital area;
  • excessively pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • sagging skin on any part of the face;
  • tear troughs and hernias under the eyes;
  • ptosis (drooping eyelid);
  • pale skin;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • antisymmetry after unsuccessful surgical operations.

As a rule, the procedure is performed at the age of 35 years and above. But if a girl is concerned about the poor condition of her skin, she can start doing biorevolumetry at the age of 25.

Who is suitable for facial biorevolumetry?

Before choosing this method, you need to know the indications for the procedure:
1. Severe sagging of the oval and facial skin (ptosis). Injections will help correct the shape of the cheekbones, cheeks, and chin. These areas are the most problematic for women;

2. Deep wrinkles. The cosmetologist injects the drug into the existing cavities, the result is noticeable after 2-3 weeks;

3. Increase in lip volume. The main difference from fillers is the natural result, the effect lasts up to 8 months, minimal risk of side effects, the drug completely dissolves;

4. Elimination of the tear trough. In this case, facial biorevolumetry is the optimal method. The thing is that it is in this area that the first wrinkles begin to appear in women. It will not be possible to remove them using mesothreads (the mucous membrane of the eye is very close). But using a cannula is safe. The drug is administered through it;

5. Getting rid of hernias under the eyes. This method is often recommended by ophthalmologists, considering it the best and safest.

If you have indications for the procedure, you can safely choose this method of injection therapy.

Efficiency of use

Cosmetologists note that after the procedure a lifting effect is achieved:

  • the oval of the face is tightened;
  • the skin becomes toned;
  • facial wrinkles are eliminated;
  • skin color is evened out;
  • sagging is eliminated;
  • nasolabial folds become less pronounced.

After injection of the drug into the hypodermis, a lightning-fast effect was noticed. Hyaluronic acid activates the movement of the fat layer, filling the voids and creating additional volume. After such rejuvenation, the accumulation phase immediately begins, that is, within a month, collagen is produced and water balance is established. After this period, you will notice not only correctly formed facial features, but also an improvement in the condition of the epidermis.

Attention! Biorevolumetry is designed to restore fatty tissue and improve skin condition. It cannot relieve you of severe wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, swelling of the lower eyelid or double chin.

Biorevolumetry: before and after photos

Photos were taken before the procedure, 2 weeks after the first biorevolumetry session and 3 months after:

Tags: injections

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Drugs used

For injections, special formulations are used, which are based on hyaluronic acid. They fill the voids that have formed in soft tissues, improve the water balance of the skin, as they attract water molecules and promote the synthesis of fibroblasts.

70% of success in acupuncture depends on the choice of a quality drug. The product must have the following characteristics:

  • diffuseness - uniform distribution in soft tissues without the formation of lumps and papules;
  • elasticity, that is, the ability to completely follow the contours of the face, so that when facial expressions are triggered there is no feeling of artificiality and strong tension;
  • biointegration - correct filling of voids;
  • thixotropy, which boils down to easy passage of hollow pipes, without delay on the walls.

Before conducting a session, a professional cosmetologist will always conduct a survey of the patient to determine if he has any contraindications. He will also visually identify those areas that need correction.

Do not hesitate to ask a specialist for a medical education diploma. It is recommended to check the expiration date of the drug yourself by looking at the ampoule. Remember: the biorevolumetric must be opened in front of you!

The drugs used for the procedure are named after the name of the therapy - biorevolumetrics. Most often used in salons:

  • Regenial Idea Bio. It is prepared on the basis of two hyaluronic acids - stabilized and native. The drug provides general rejuvenation by replenishing the skin with moisture and filling voids. Folds and wrinkles are eliminated, the skin becomes tightened. Biorevolumetric is injected into the area of ​​nasolabial folds, cheekbones, chin, lips and even intimate areas.

  • Ial-system DUO. It is a combination of hyaluronic acid and its ester (ACP). Provides excellent hydration and filling of voids. The effect of rejuvenation on the face after a few days.

Both of these products have proven themselves positively among cosmetologists. They spread perfectly after insertion without disturbing the natural facial expressions.

Important point! The injection serum contains a stabilized volume-forming acid. Unstabilized hyaluronic acid makes the skin elastic, helps saturate it with oxygen and retain moisture. Thus, by ordering a biorevolumetry course, you kill two birds with one stone - you form the correct facial contour and improve the condition of your skin.

Main properties of preparations for green injections

  • ability to be evenly distributed in tissues;
  • plasticity - after a course of injections, natural lively facial expressions are completely preserved;
  • full compatibility with fabrics;
  • the ability to completely fill the intercellular space, stimulating the process of skin renewal;
  • thixotropy - a substance becomes less viscous under mechanical action, and at rest it thickens. This characteristic is important for products that are delivered to the problem area by injection.

Features of the procedure

Injections can be given once. Sometimes, for better results, cosmetologists recommend taking a whole course, which consists of 2–6 sessions. The number of procedures will be prescribed in the cosmetologist’s office, after examining the problem areas of the face.

Before the session, an anesthetic (gel or cream) can be used to make the procedure painless. Many patients who are undergoing filler injections for the first time refuse pain medication in order to save money and cause less trauma to the skin. You will only feel a slight tingling sensation that will not cause you much discomfort.

Stages of implementation:

  1. Examination of the face by a cosmetologist and identification of problem areas. Using a special marker, lines are drawn along which the drug will be administered.
  2. Applying a cream that soothes the skin.
  3. The use of antiseptic drugs that eliminate microbes on the dermis of the face.
  4. Serum injection. The needle should not go deeper than 1 mm during the injection.
  5. Carrying out a light skin massage, which will promote uniform distribution of the composition in the tissues.

Very often, cosmetologists, in order to minimize the rehabilitation period and get the drug to the desired depth, inject it using a cannula. In addition, its use prevents the vessels from being damaged, which means that the risk of bruising is reduced to nothing. Only 4 punctures are required to insert the cannula.

What medications are used during the procedure?

You can get excellent results if you use certain types of drugs that have the following characteristics:

  • Accurately repeat various facial movements while being elastic.
  • The composition must be evenly distributed throughout the tissues, without forming lumps or other unnatural bulges, that is, have diffuse characteristics.
  • The administered composition of the drug must pass freely through the cannula.
  • After administering the drug, it should evenly fill all the voids required to be eliminated, while gently interacting with the surrounding tissues of the subcutaneous layers.

To avoid mistakes, there are instructions for biorevolumetry. This will help you accurately select the right composition and assess the risks.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, due to a violation of the integrity of the skin, some complications are possible, for example, swelling or redness. But after 2-3 days, as soon as the dermis is rehabilitated, they should go away.

Sometimes the patient feels itching, burning and some discomfort at the injection sites. In this case, there is absolutely no need to panic, because this is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign substance.

If after 72 hours the above symptoms do not go away, you need to contact the salon.

Within a few days, your face should return to normal, and you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of biorevolumetry. To keep side effects to a minimum, follow these guidelines:

  • avoid going to the sauna or bathhouse, as well as the solarium;
  • for the first week, do not apply decorative cosmetics to the injection sites;
  • do not take hot baths, but simply wash your face with slightly warm water;
  • use antiseptics prescribed by a cosmetologist;
  • do not stay in the sun for a long time;
  • do not cleanse your face in the near future, and also refuse lymphatic drainage massage.

The face should be wiped with special lotions that do not contain alcohol. It is not necessary to purchase expensive cosmetics in stores or pharmacies. You can use a filtered decoction of string and chamomile or treat the skin with diluted furatsilin.

What are the advantages of biorevolumetry?

Biorevolumetry has many advantages, which is why it is in such demand among women.

  • Biorevolumetrics preparations have a comprehensive effect on subcutaneous tissues, launching rejuvenation processes. Thus, these injections are a good substitute for fillers.
  • After biorevolumetry, the effect is as if you had undergone facial plastic surgery. The face is noticeably tightened, fine wrinkles disappear and deep wrinkles are significantly reduced, depending on the patient’s age.
  • The naturalness of the procedure minimizes the recovery period. In most cases it is not necessary.
  • The effect of the drug on the deep layers of the skin in adipose tissue promotes the movement of fat cells, thereby correcting existing deficiencies.
  • Anesthesia is not required during the procedure; biorevolumetry is slightly painful. But if you have a low pain threshold, you can ask for local anesthesia.
  • Cases of complications are extremely rare due to the absence of side effects. Rare cases include: poor skin care after the procedure or inappropriate drug for injection.

You will be able to see the initial result after the procedure; the administered composition of the drug will begin to actively perform its function. And after a month, you can admire the new face, younger and more elastic, to the maximum. Due to this, your age will visually decrease by 5-10 years. Only the procedure should be repeated a year later to consolidate the effect of the injections.

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If you believe the reviews of those who performed the procedure, biorevolumetry is effective on certain areas of the skin. For example, it is necessary to restore the lost volume of the zygomatic part of the face.

Cost of the procedure in Moscow

The cost of the biorevolumetry procedure directly depends on:

  • number of procedures and ampoules used;
  • drug for injection;
  • cosmetologist's competence;
  • prestige of a beauty salon.

The service is provided in a cosmetologist’s office, medical clinics and health centers. On average, you will have to pay 9–12 thousand rubles for one syringe.

Important point: Your health and beauty come first! That is why we recommend choosing a specialist carefully. Before agreeing to biorevolumetry, inquire whether the center has certificates and whether the cosmetologist has a medical education diploma.


Biorevolumetry is limited to the standard list of contraindications for injection aesthetic procedures. These include:

  • Pregnancy and subsequent lactation period.
  • Acute stage of chronic diseases.
  • Infectious and viral diseases, high temperature, febrile state.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Individual intolerance or allergy to components in the composition of the drugs used.
  • Cardiac pathologies.
  • Liver failure.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Skin diseases, open wounds, inflammation at the intended injection site.

Precautionary measures

This procedure is contraindicated:

  • under the age of 25 years (hyaluronic acid is produced in girls themselves in the right amount) and after 75 years;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • during illness, even with a common cold;
  • if you have cancer;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases, in particular, renal failure and circulatory system;
  • in case of individual intolerance to drugs injected under the skin;
  • for problems in the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • when you have serious dermatological diseases or skin injuries.

Many patients have acne, pimples, and open wounds on their facial skin. To prevent the infection from further spreading through the skin, it is recommended to delay the introduction of serums. If the area of ​​the body that you are going to correct is clean, you can safely begin the procedure.

Side effects include:

  • swelling;
  • peeling;
  • itching at acupuncture sites;
  • formation of bluish skin;
  • excessive redness;
  • aggravation of the situation associated with existing dermatological problems.

If all precautions are observed during the procedure and contraindications are taken into account, side effects should not occur.

Recovery period

To consolidate positive results and eliminate the risk of side effects, it is recommended to adhere to the cosmetologist’s prescriptions. As a rule, they are as follows:

  • Refusal to visit saunas and baths, and other establishments with high temperatures.
  • Prohibition on the use of decorative cosmetics.
  • Replacing hot baths with washing with cool water.
  • The use of antiseptic compounds to prevent infections and inflammation.
  • Prohibition of prolonged exposure to natural or artificial sunlight.
  • Limiting mechanical impact on treated areas.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of introducing hyaluronic acid-based formulations under the skin are:

  • low probability of complications - it all depends on whether you go to a professional beauty salon or entrust your face to amateurs;
  • rapid recovery - from 2 hours to several days;
  • the procedure is practically painless and there is no need for anesthesia;
  • unlike fillers, which fill voids in tissues and create a short-term visual effect, serum works from the inside;
  • At the same time, the condition of the skin improves and contour plastic surgery is provided, which is an excellent alternative to surgical intervention.

As disadvantages, users cite high cost, different skin reactions to injections, as well as the presence of a whole list of contraindications.

Contraindications for biorevolumetry

The procedure has a number of contraindications. It cannot be carried out in the following cases:

• Acute skin diseases;

• Age under 25 and over 75 years. Experts do not advise young girls to use preparations based on hyaluronic acid. At an early age, it is produced in sufficient quantities in the body;

• Open wounds, purulent inflammations;

• Pregnancy;

• Increased body temperature;

• Oncology;

• Kidney and liver failure.

Remember, a qualified esthetician should ask a number of questions regarding your chronic health conditions. They may be a reason to refuse the procedure. Facial biorevolumetry has proven itself exclusively on the positive side. The article described the benefits of the procedure. The main feature is the elimination of several problems at once. As a result, the patient receives a complete face lift and natural hydration. Choose a high-quality drug, a qualified specialist, and then the effect of the procedure will be amazing.

Patient reviews

In most cases, reviews of biorevolumetry online are positive. Here are some of them.

Katerina, Moscow, 35 years old

“I was previously skeptical about various acupunctures, believing that the effect of such procedures was short-term, and they themselves spoiled the skin. But I decided to try, especially since I had to celebrate my anniversary in one of the restaurants in Moscow. To my surprise, the skin actually smoothed out and the fine lines and wrinkles disappeared. Just imagine how many flattering words about youth and beauty I heard addressed to me. The effect is long-lasting - I still look like I’m on the cover of a magazine.”

Angela, 42 years old, Ekaterinburg

“The years have taken their toll, and my face began to fade before my eyes. An unpleasant nasolabial fold and many facial wrinkles formed, which I carefully hid under a thick layer of foundation and powder. A friend advised me to go to a cosmetologist’s office for help. The biorevolumetry procedure turned out to be quite simple and practically painless. After several days of rehabilitation, the face became vibrant and toned. Thanks to the cosmetologists!”

Veronika Andreevna, 38 years old, Perm

“My face began to undergo age-related changes after 30 years. Constant stress at work and poor nutrition have left their mark not only on the figure, but also on the appearance. After reading information about modern methods of hyaluronic acid injections, I decided to try it, and let me tell you, I was right. The skin of the face became toned, the color became uniform and longitudinal frontal wrinkles were removed. I had to pay about 12 thousand rubles for one session, but it’s worth it, girls!”

Alona, ​​36 years old, St. Petersburg

“Biorevluometry is another trick of cunning cosmetologists. Having read paid positive reviews and expert opinions, I thought that I could restore my face (I was really tired of wrinkles and ugly nasal beards). Alas and ah, to my deepest regret, nothing supernatural happened. I waited a month for the skin to begin to spring back and acquire a natural glow - even this did not happen. I’m disappointed, but I spent a whole month’s salary!”

Thus, biorevolumetry is a fairly effective procedure that is offered in every self-respecting beauty salon. After the introduction of a special composition based on hyaluronic acid, metabolism at the cellular level is improved, sagging and expression lines are eliminated. In addition, not only age-related problems are eliminated, but also skin regeneration improves. The main thing is to get into the hands of professionals and take into account contraindications.

Indications and contraindications of the technique

Biorevolumetry is recommended for use in the following situations:

  • improvement of complexion;
  • contour change;
  • tissue ptosis;
  • folds and wrinkles;
  • wrinkles around the eyes;
  • decrease in elasticity and turgor;
  • elimination of defects from other cosmetic procedures.


  • exacerbation of general pathological processes;
  • infections;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • high sensitivity to individual components;
  • inflammation at the injection site;
  • blood diseases.

As with any injection cosmetic procedure, complications are possible in the form of redness, swelling, infection, etc.

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