Fruit peeling: effectiveness of the procedure, review of drugs for skin rejuvenation

Description of peeling acids

Fruit acids are classified as AHA acids that have a beneficial effect on tissue. Naturally occurring chemicals have been known for a long time. Even in ancient times, they were used to care for the skin by applying fruit pulp and sour milk to the skin. As a result, the face cleansed, became smooth, and the appearance became healthy and attractive.

Modern cosmetology uses fruit acids to enrich regular care products and perform intensive cleansing procedures. For home use, consumers are offered surface-acting products (3–20% acids). In salons, concentrated substances are more often used for medium, deep effects (20–70%).

AHA acids can improve the condition of the integument due to the high-quality exfoliation of keratinized scales, normalizing the functioning of cells and glands, and launching renewal processes. Natural chemical compounds have a mild, controlled effect and are familiar to the skin, which allows procedures to be carried out without complications.

Common fruit acid options are:

  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • wine;
  • dairy;
  • lemon

Attention! In the preparation of compositions, a single substance is used or components are combined to obtain a multi-fruit peeling. To enhance the beneficial qualities of the finished product, plant extracts, oils, peptides, and vitamins are added.

The benefits and effectiveness of multifruit peeling from Markell

At its core, multifruit peeling is a type of chemical procedure that is successfully used along with glycolic and salicylic peels.

However, its peculiarity and undoubted advantage is its composition. The product includes a complex of AHA acids, that is, fruit acids, which have been used by the fair sex since the time of the great Cleopatra. Their effectiveness has been repeatedly proven by cosmetologists around the world.

Belarusian manufacturers have created a unique product - multi-fruit peeling “Skin Renewal from Markell” with an anti age program. The kit includes 10 hermetically sealed ampoules. The contents of one are enough to carry out one procedure.

Manufacturers recommend taking a course of 10 sessions at weekly intervals. That is, one package is enough for 2.5 months.

Now let's take a closer look at the composition of the product and the effect of the components on our skin in order to understand how it works?

  1. Glycolic acid 10% concentration is the main component of the product. The substance has the lowest molecular weight among all its “fruit counterparts”. In this regard, it penetrates very well through the epidermal barrier and has an active effect inside the epidermal tissues. Works great against hyperpigmentation.
  2. Lactic acid is one of the representatives of the anti-age “community”. It effectively moisturizes and retains moisture in tissues, fights wrinkles, acne, pimples, and eliminates flaking.
  3. Citric acid is known for its unique whitening properties. It is present in citrus fruits, kiwi and pine needles. Stimulates the production of collagen by cells of the epidermis and dermis, which helps increase tissue elasticity and improve turgor.
  4. Malic acid is found in apples, raspberries and rowan. It actively removes keratinized particles of the epidermis and stimulates cell regeneration processes.
  5. Vitamin E is a well-known antioxidant. It prevents the formation of free radicals and slows down the aging process of the skin. Helps strengthen cell membranes, improves skin respiration.
  6. Allantoin has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects. Acts as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from the harmful effects of external factors. In addition, it has an exfoliating effect, relieves irritation, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  7. Hyaluronic acid is one of the components of the intracellular fluid of connective tissue, which is our skin. This substance is not only responsible for effectively moisturizing the skin, but also retains precious moisture inside. Without it, the processes of synthesis of collagen and elastin by epidermal cells are impossible.

Multi-fruit peeling “Skin Renewal from Markell” with anti age program is a balanced product that contains all the necessary components that help fight age-related problems of the epidermis. This product is known for its safety, ease of use and effectiveness.

However, you need to remember that you should not expect an immediate effect after the first use. After all, to achieve results (namely, ideal skin without signs of aging) requires time and effort.

The essence of exfoliation

When using a ready-made composition with a low acid content (surface exfoliation), you can safely perform the procedure yourself. There are many similar drugs adapted for home use.

To perform the intervention, you simply need to apply the active composition to the cleaned surface, wait the amount of time indicated in the instructions for the product, rinse the substance with water, and apply a moisturizer. Even weak peelings are not neutralized.

The option indicated above is suitable if you want to thoroughly cleanse the skin and maintain the quality of tissues in good condition (prevention of various problems). If you want to eliminate a certain deficiency, you will have to perform a deeper impact. It is not recommended to do this option yourself.

What acids are used

Multifruit facial peeling is performed using one or another set of acids. They can be used both in combination and separately.

  • Lemon is famous for its whitening and antiseptic effect. In addition, it promotes the speedy healing of inflammation.
  • Grape seed is especially often used for oily problem skin, as it normalizes sebum production and gives a matte appearance.
  • Malic acid has a pronounced moisturizing effect, and also accelerates the processes of metabolism and rejuvenation.
  • Glycolic - fights aging, strengthens tissue structure and reduces pigmentation.
  • Milk - perfectly moisturizes and rejuvenates the face.

Indications for use

Fruit peeling is a universal procedure. The intervention is ideal for the prevention and treatment of problems in patients of different ages (from adolescence) regardless of skin type. The procedure for exposure to ANA acids is carried out without orientation to the season. The exfoliation method is suitable for everyone, except for those who are allergic to the components of the product used and are temporarily not ready for the procedure.

Common indications for fruit peeling are:

  • oiliness, porosity of the skin;
  • tendency to develop pimples and blackheads;
  • dull, unhealthy color of the integument;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • uneven terrain (scars, scars, bumps);
  • roughness of the skin caused by hyperkeratosis;
  • signs of withering (decreased tone of the integument, appearance of sagging);
  • age-related changes (wrinkles, loss of oval clarity).

Note! The procedure is considered most significant during the period when the first signs of aging appear. The intervention allows you to erase negative changes and push back external age-related changes. Whitening and anti-aging properties are always very popular.

Contraindications for use

Despite the regulated exceptional safety of the drug, it still has some contraindications. To ensure that the use of this product does not cause negative consequences, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

You cannot carry out multi-fruit exfoliation (both in the salon and at home):

  • if there is damage to the integrity of the skin in the work area. We need to wait for complete recovery;
  • dermatological problems - eczema, various types of dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • rashes of unknown origin;
  • after a fresh tan (at least 3 weeks must pass);
  • allergy to any of the components of the drug.

Note! Couperose on the face can become an obstacle to multi-fruit peeling. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist to avoid negative consequences.

Efficiency of the procedure

Carrying out fruit peeling will solve skin problems of varying severity: from dull color and increased oiliness to acne, comedones, age wrinkles.

If it is not possible to achieve a complete solution to the problem, then relief from the situation will definitely come. At a minimum, positive changes will delay the worsening of the problem.

Performing a single exfoliation with fruit acids will not give a bright effect. Carrying out fruit peeling once a quarter is suitable for the prevention of early aging (up to 25–30 years).

Until a stable improvement in the situation, perform 1-2 procedures per month for the treatment of acne and pimples. The universal intensive course consists of 6–12 sessions, performed once every 7–14 days.


The multifruit facial cleansing procedure will be very useful against the following skin problems:

  • dull shade of the epidermis;
  • uneven complexion;
  • unpleasant dryness and fatigue of the skin;
  • first wrinkles (facial and age-related);
  • “goose bumps”, enlarged pores;
  • problematic pimples, acne;
  • comedones;
  • freckles and pigmentation on the face;
  • shallow stretch marks, scars and cicatrices;
  • residual marks from acne.

Popular drugs

A variety of fruit peels allows you to choose the appropriate option, taking into account the solution to specific problems. The list of drugs popular among cosmetologists and ordinary consumers is wide. Here are some products that buyers are interested in more often than others:

  • Holy Land. The Israeli brand's assortment includes many options based on fruit acids. Reveal Peel with extracts of natural plants (blueberry, cane, maple, kiwi, citrus, centella) will have a gentle effect. The product cleanses the surface of dead cells and refreshes the skin. A 75 ml tube of the drug is sold for 2.2 thousand rubles.

  • Alpha Complex Multifruit System from Holy Land contains an 8% mixture of fruit acids (lactic, glycolic, citric, malic, tartaric). This option removes oily shine, reduces pores, evens out surface texture, and promotes tissue renewal. A 100 ml bottle sells for 3 thousand rubles.

  • Janssen Cosmetics. Concentrated gel for exfoliation with fruit acids BIO-FRUIT GEL EXFOLIATOR (content 20% or 32%). The Jansen option is suitable for the professional removal of comedones, age spots, and wrinkles for those with oily skin. A 30 ml bottle sells for 3.5 thousand rubles.

  • Gemene. Light fruit peeling from a Russian manufacturer is based on a mixture of fruit acids (lactic, glycolic, malic, tartaric) with the addition of enzymes and sodium hyaluronate. This option is intended for cleansing and activating regenerative processes during home procedures. Bottles of 20 and 30 ml are sold at prices starting from 200 rubles.

  • Elizavecca. Korean tonic-exfolint Hell-Pore Clean Up Aha Fruit Toner is based on AHA and BHA acids with the addition of oils, niacin, and vegetable extracts. The product helps gently exfoliate dead skin cells, softens and refreshes the skin. 200 ml bottles of tonic are sold for 850 rubles.

  • Skinlite. A Korean gel exfoliant, acting on the rolling principle, easily exfoliates, softens, and moisturizes the skin. Skinlight is sold in 100 ml tubes for 250 rubles.

  • Mizon. The Korean manufacturer's popular serum is Aha 8% Peeling Serum with pantheon, allantoin, plant extracts (40 ml sells for 1.5 thousand rubles), Mizon apple peeling based on the acid of the same name (120 ml for 900 rubles).

  • PREMIUM. Peeling ANA 8% of Russian production contains glycolic, lactic, citric, malic acids. The Premium gel option is easy to use. A 125 ml tube costs 700 rubles.

  • ARAVIA Professional. Russian-made Fruit Peel is suitable for cleansing the face and body. The version from Arabia contains a 10% concentration of AHA acids. The serum promotes tissue renewal, evens out skin texture and tone. A bottle with a 150 ml dispenser costs 1.1 thousand rubles.

  • KORA. The Russian brand offers a light superficial peeling mask with a creamy texture based on fruit acids. Exfoliant from Cora is designed to cleanse, renew, and moisturize tissues. Tubes of the product of 100 ml are sold at a price of 400 rubles.

  • Plazan. Peeling gel with a foaming base is offered by a Russian manufacturer. The content of active acids (lactic, citric, salicylic) is 10%. Plazan is suitable for all skin types, except hypersensitive. A 150 ml container with a dispenser sells for 600 rubles.

  • Markell. The Belarusian brand offers an exfoliant for cleansing, renewal, and rejuvenation of the skin. The substance contains AHA acids, allantoin, vitamin E, sodium hyaluronate. The product from Markell is sold in disposable ampoules of 20 ml for 300 rubles.

  • Planeta Organica. The composition of the gel for easy home exfoliation is rich in useful components: in addition to AHA acids, there are pineapple, papaya enzymes, oils, vitamins, and plant extracts. The option from Planet Organica is ideal for intensive regular care. Bottles of 50 ml are sold for 170 rubles.

  • Cosmetolog. Russian-made peeling is ideal for regular care: cleansing, tissue renewal. The creamy texture option comes in a 50 ml tube and sells for RUB 160.

It is recommended to take a balanced approach to the choice of skin care products. For a professional procedure in a salon, the drug will be selected by a cosmetologist. It is recommended to purchase the option for home use on the advice of a doctor.

Peeling in the salon and at home

Today, multifruit peeling has gained wide popularity and is included in the list of procedures in almost every beauty salon. However, some may find the price too high. But you can save a lot if you exfoliate at home.

How the procedure is carried out in the salon

For the procedure you need: the product itself, a neutralizer and a cream that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Exfoliation is carried out in four stages:

  1. The cosmetologist uses milk to remove remnants of sebum and cosmetics from the face.
  2. The composition is applied in an even layer to the dermis, without affecting the area around the eyes and lips.
  3. The product remains on the skin for as long as indicated in the instructions. After this, it is removed using a neutralizer.
  4. To protect the skin from damage and prevent inflammation, cream is applied to it.

Home peeling

If you don’t have the time or desire to contact professional cosmetologists, you can perform multi-fruit exfoliation at home. The procedure itself is similar to that carried out in the salon. You can buy a ready-made peeling composition at a pharmacy or an official distributor, or prepare it yourself.

When preparing the product yourself, it is recommended to take several fruits containing different acids. For example, you can make a mixture of papaya and pineapple with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of honey. The finished composition is applied to the face, kept for three minutes and washed off with cold water. In subsequent sessions, the time can be increased.

The composition for the procedure must be prepared immediately before it, since its components quickly lose their beneficial properties.

Preparatory stage

The use of light products based on fruit acids, intended for home use, does not require preliminary preparation of the skin. In any case, compositions with aggressive components should not be used on irritated, inflamed, damaged skin. The procedures are not performed on skin with a fresh tan.

Before performing professional exfoliation, the cosmetologist will suggest preparing the skin to obtain a more effective, predictable result. For 7–10 days, cosmetics containing a low percentage of acids are included in your regular care. This will help soften the rough surface.

Indications and contraindications

Multifruit exfoliation is useful for the following problems:

  • acne, pimples and comedones;
  • dull or uneven complexion;
  • dry skin;
  • freckles or age spots;
  • shallow facial or age wrinkles;
  • clogged pores;
  • shallow scars or scars.

The list of contraindications is the same as for most other peelings:

  • abrasions, scratches and other injuries to the skin;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • recent tanning;
  • allergic reaction to any component of the product.

Cuperosis is not a strict contraindication to multifruit exfoliation, but those suffering from this disease should consult a cosmetologist before the procedure.

Progress of the procedure

A professional exfoliation procedure is carried out in a cosmetologist’s office. The doctor will perform the treatment in compliance with all rules, monitoring the process. The universal procedure algorithm is as follows:

  1. Makeup remover The cosmetologist removes make-up and surface contamination. For cleansing, gentle agents are used to prevent microdamage to tissue.
  2. Toning, degreasing. The cleaned surface is wiped with tonic, alcohol-free lotion to soften the skin and remove residual sebaceous secretions. This will help to distribute the active composition more evenly to obtain a high-quality result.
  3. Exfoliation. The acid composition is applied in an even layer using a special brush. The exposure time is individual, depending on the composition used and the characteristics of the patient’s skin. During the period of exposure, redness and burning may occur. If symptoms intensify, wash off the composition.
  4. Neutralization. Exfoliation using products with a concentrated acid composition requires neutralization. The covers are treated with a special mixture, the remains of which are immediately washed off with water.
  5. Hydration. Completely cleansed skin needs moisturizing. Apply a suitable cream. You can first apply a mask with a calming effect. If you need to go outside, it is recommended to additionally treat the surface with SPF.

The full cycle of fruit exfoliation usually takes no more than 30 minutes. The procedure ends with a story from the cosmetologist about the rules of skin care during the recovery period.

How does the procedure work?

The peeling procedure with fruit acids takes place in several stages. But before this, you need to prepare not only the composition itself, but also means for pre-cleansing the skin (lotion, foam or gel intended to clean the skin before chemical peels), a face cream with an anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizing according to your skin type.

Multifruit facial peeling is carried out according to the following generally accepted protocol:

  • cleansing with special products that guarantee high-quality removal of fat deposits, dust, dirt, makeup residues;
  • Applying the acid composition to the surface of the face, avoiding the delicate areas around the eyes and mouth. The layer of acidic product should be uniform, not too thick, but not minimal. It is better to apply using a cosmetic brush with wide and soft bristles;
  • after 15-20 minutes, the composition is washed off with cool water or a neutralizing agent is applied (if one is included in the kit). You can prepare it yourself by dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water at room temperature. Apply the soda solution to your face with a cotton pad and then rinse with cool water;
  • lightly blot the surface and let it dry naturally. Then you can apply a soothing nourishing or moisturizing mask or just a moisturizer according to your skin type.

Multifruit exfoliation is carried out the same way both in the salon and at home. So if you don’t have time to visit a cosmetologist, you can easily do this yourself.

Recovery period

The rehabilitation process after fruit peelings is usually easy. When performing procedures using substances with a low concentration of acids (up to 15–20%), even redness and peeling may not occur. If you try to use professional products (concentration of aggressive components from 20%) on your own, or perform the procedure on hypersensitive skin, burns, persistent erythema, and swelling may occur.

Noticeable rehabilitation after fruit peelings takes up to 3–5 days. During this period, there may be a feeling of tightness and slight discomfort. There is often no noticeable peeling. To facilitate the recovery process and prevent complications, you will have to exclude:

  • insolation;
  • use of aggressive care products (containing alcohol, abrasive particles);
  • performing intensive traumatic procedures (massage, injections, hardware).

On the first day, it is recommended to stop using decorative cosmetics. It is not advisable to visit the gym or swimming pool. When peeling occurs, tearing off pieces of tissue that separate from the surface is prohibited.

For skin care, you can use standard cosmetics with a soft base and intense beneficial effects.

Important! Maximum attention is paid to calming, moisturizing, and tissue regeneration. Be sure to use products with SPF in any weather.

Answers on questions

How to care for your skin after such cleansing?

Care is the same as for other similar procedures. During the first few days, protect your face from exposure to sunlight and severe frost, avoid visiting solariums, swimming pools and saunas, and do not use cosmetics.

How often should I perform multi-fruit exfoliation?

Such procedures are carried out in a course, the duration of which is determined by the cosmetologist. Usually in one course there are from five to ten procedures with an interval of 10-14 days.

Is it possible to do a similar procedure in the summer?

Not recommended. Ultraviolet radiation can cause the formation of age spots.

Session cost

For home use, it is recommended to purchase products intended for independent use.

It is better to give priority to ready-made options rather than preparing recipes. It's safer and the cost difference is small. Use the product strictly according to the instructions.

The cost of a salon procedure depends on the price of the products used in the work. The cosmetologist will give the exact figure after a preliminary meeting with the patient. You can find out the estimated cost on the clinic’s website when talking with the salon staff.

Precautionary measures

Fruit peeling cannot be performed if the cosmetologist identifies contraindications:

  • allergies to substances in the cosmetics used;
  • irritation, damage, inflammation on the integument;
  • exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  • fungus, other diseases requiring preliminary treatment;
  • fresh tan;
  • active course of chronic or general diseases.

In some cases (pregnancy, lactation, the presence of diabetes, problems with the heart, blood vessels, oncology), the cosmetologist makes an individual decision on the advisability of intervention. Most often, the doctor will offer a light peeling (low acid content) and select options for home treatments.

Side effects from interventions with fruit acid products are rare. Erythema, swelling, peeling, and moderate itching may occur. Burns and allergic reactions occur rarely. After the procedure, there is a high probability of herpes rashes, a short-term aggravation of the presence of acne.

Fruit acids and skin

The secret of the beneficial effects of fruit acids on the condition of the epidermis was revealed in ancient times. Ancient Egyptian queens, beauty priestesses and Russian beauties retained their natural beauty and charm through regular treatments with natural fruit juices.

With the development of science, the benefits of AHA acids were fully justified; this knowledge began to be successfully used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin and maintain youth on the face.

The following fruit acids have earned particular popularity in cleansing and rejuvenating the epidermis:

  • apple – accelerates metabolic processes in cells, stimulates active renewal of the skin, and has a moisturizing effect;
  • lemon – perfectly whitens the epidermis, counteracts harmful bacteria, dries out problematic acne and promotes their rapid removal;
  • glycolic – a fighter against pigment spots, rejuvenates and strengthens soft tissues, helps to weaken the bonds between dead cells. Therefore, their removal is not difficult;
  • milk – known for its rejuvenating and moisturizing effect;
  • tartaric acid is an ideal assistant for oily epidermis. It normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates oily shine and activates the regeneration of the epidermis.

All AHA acids have a gentle effect on the skin, actively exfoliate keratinized layers and dead cells, and normalize respiration and cell metabolism.

Cosmetic products for multifruit peeling combine these acids in one composition, taking only the best for your face.

Multifruit peeling is widely used in beauty salons due to its pronounced effect. After it you get:

  • delicate and soft skin, devoid of dead cells and keratinized layers;
  • clean and narrowed pores;
  • getting rid of dryness and unpleasant peeling of the skin;
  • there is a tendency for inflammatory acne to fade, and the incidence of acne is decreasing;
  • the relief of the epidermis is leveled, wrinkles and facial folds partially disappear;
  • dullness and grayness of the face gives way to a healthy radiance and shine;
  • light whitening effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cosmetologists unanimously recognize fruit peeling as the safest method of exfoliation. The effect is superficial, does not cause discomfort, and eliminates complex rehabilitation. The exfoliation option is not subject to seasonal restrictions.

An obvious disadvantage of mono- or multi-fruit peeling is the weak effectiveness of the technique. Cosmetologists perform the procedure only to prepare for more serious interventions and recommend medications for regular home use.

There are many preparations for gentle cleansing. A prominent representative of the group, which is often preferred by consumers, is Lactopiling. For a more vivid effect, it is recommended to have the procedure performed by a cosmetologist using TCA peeling, for example, PRX t 33.

What happens to the skin after cleansing

After multifruit peeling, the patient will undergo short-term rehabilitation. During this time, the skin is actively renewed and “sheds” dead cells; outwardly this is expressed by peeling and slight redness, like after a sunburn.

You will observe such symptoms for the first 1–2 days after exfoliation. No action needs to be taken. This is a normal, physiological process.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors use fruit peelings in their work, but as a light influence, in preparation for truly professional complex interventions. Peeling preparations are often recommended for home care.

The cosmetologist considers the option as a preventive measure.

The cosmetologist offers an option as the initial stage of treatment.


Fruit facial peeling has an impressive set of advantages over other cleansing procedures, which also explains its popularity:

  1. Excellent effect at an affordable price.
  2. The service can be used by owners of any skin type.
  3. No special preparation required.
  4. There are no unpleasant sensations during peeling (only those with sensitive skin can feel a slight tingling sensation).
  5. The rehabilitation period takes only a few days.
  6. There are no complications noted.
  7. A short list of contraindications.

Patient reviews

Consumers are satisfied with preparations containing “simple” acids. Many people notice slight positive changes, which are what manufacturers promise. Among cosmetologist's treatments, light peelings are not very popular.

I liked the slight positive changes.

I liked the option for home use.

Praises the results of home treatment.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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