How to replace facial primer at home?

Every woman wants to create long-lasting and attractive makeup .

Because of this, the cosmetics industry constantly offers us a variety of products with which this can be achieved.

One of these products is a makeup base, which significantly improves the quality of our makeup.

Concept and purpose of the product

Do you need a makeup base?

Before applying decorative cosmetics, you need to prepare the skin , smooth it out and hide certain imperfections.

This is exactly what a makeup base does. Regardless of the type of product, it will include silicone and pigment .

The latter serves to hide imperfections, and the former helps ensure the durability of makeup and evens out the epidermis.

A classic makeup base solves the following problems:

  • preparing the skin for foundation, its preliminary smoothing . This quality of the foundation is important if you have problem skin, acne, various cavities and bumps. The base will help give the skin a perfect look;
  • softening and moisturizing the skin, smoothing out wrinkles. This is especially important if the skin is dry. With a base, it will be much easier to apply makeup on it; it will lie evenly and will not settle into wrinkles. This quality is relevant for age-related makeup;
  • elimination of certain defects . The base can hide not only unevenness, but also other troubles. These are noticeable pores, reddened areas, yellow or gray skin tone, the result of excessive tanning;
  • fight against oily shine . If the skin is combination or oily, a mattifying base is required, especially in the summer;
  • Thanks to the foundation, the skin looks healthy and glows from the inside. If you are constantly tired or do not get enough sleep, choose a product with reflective particles. This will add a healthy glow ;
  • protection from sun rays . In the summer, a base with filters that prevent ultraviolet radiation from negatively affecting the skin will be useful.

You can learn how to choose a concealer for your face from our article.

Facial primer: what is it and why is it needed?

A primer is a base that is applied under makeup. After this, decorative cosmetics are already applied to the dermis. His main task is to create an ideal tone, leveling it, masking possible defects, and veiling any imperfections.

This product is sold in liquid or cream form. The primer should hide those problems that ordinary foundation cannot deal with. We are talking about acne, pimples, blackheads, reddish spots, ugly skin tone, wrinkles.

The primer has such a structure that it evens out the surface of the dermis, filling in the smallest folds. All defects become invisible.

In addition, the product has a moisturizing and nutritional effect. It also protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight. The primer performs another important task: it makes makeup as long as possible.

For what purposes is the primer used?

If we analyze all of the above, the primer should be used to solve the following problems:

  • It serves as a link between skin and makeup. It binds cosmetic components, and because of this, makeup becomes durable. This means that a girl (or woman) will not need to apply a lot of foundation. And makeup can be created more natural.
  • Make the skin texture even. Using a primer, you can make sure that neither wrinkles nor unevenness of the dermis are visible externally. Pores will visually appear smaller, as well as scars, post-acne and acne.
  • To make the skin matte. Due to the presence of active absorbent components in the base, they absorb excess sebum. This fat begins to interact with cosmetics, as a result, its shade changes. And the primer, in contact with sebum, prevents this phenomenon. The cosmetics remain the same color as they were.
  • Protect the skin of the face. When a makeup base is applied, a film forms on the skin. As a result, cosmetics cannot penetrate very deeply into the layers of the dermis.
  • Smooth the skin. Due to the presence of silicone particles in the base, the light is scattered, and a gentle focus effect is obtained. Externally, the skin appears smoother.

Women value primer because it has an important quality - making wrinkles less noticeable. Possessing a unique composition and special consistency, it evens out the skin texture, filling all the smallest folds. Once the product is applied, no defects will be visible.

How to use it correctly?

Foundation is the first thing in our makeup bag that we use.

But first it is important to cleanse the skin, remove any remaining fat, dirt, and cosmetics .

Then you should moisturize the dermis with a special cream and let it absorb. After this, you can proceed directly to using our database.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Application errors

It would seem that everything is simple, but, nevertheless, not everyone can use the database correctly. Please pay attention to these mistakes and do not repeat them:

    the base foundation is not a day cream , and it is not applied like that;

To emphasize the contours of certain areas, apply bronzer;

  • Do not apply foundation to the area under your eyelids . To hide circles, take concealer;
  • Monitor the expiration date of cosmetics. Under no circumstances should an expired product be used.
  • How to use face corrector? Find out the answer right now.

Advice and recommendations from experts

Makeup artists and cosmetologists give us the following advice regarding such a product as a makeup base:

  1. Be sure to maintain hygiene . To avoid infecting your skin, do not use other people's cosmetics and do not give yours to anyone. It is recommended to regularly clean cotton pads and sponges, sponges and brushes with soapy water.
  2. When choosing a primer, consider your skin type . If it is oily, do not choose an oil-based product.
  3. If you are prone to allergies , use a base that does not contain fragrances.
  4. Before applying foundation, test it for allergies . Apply a small amount to the inside of your wrist. After three minutes, evaluate the results. If there are no negative reactions, you can apply the primer to the skin.

  5. Choose a base that has a sun protection factor .

  6. To prevent any pathogenic microorganisms from getting on your skin, use a special brush . You can apply the base with your fingers, but in this case, be sure to treat your hands with a disinfectant.
  7. If your skin is dry , then use a moisturizer before foundation.
  8. The base needs to be chosen correctly, for this it is worth testing it . This is why you should choose a product in a regular cosmetic store, and not on the Internet. There are “testers” available in stores that you can try. As part of hygiene standards, they should not be applied to the face, but the outer surface of the hand is a suitable place.

Makeup base is a useful and effective product for those who want to create the perfect tone and apply decorative cosmetics correctly. If you choose the right foundation, it will become an indispensable addition to your makeup bag .

You can learn why you need a makeup base from this video experiment:

How to choose a primer based on your skin type

Oily skin

This type of skin requires mattification and narrowing of pores, so you need to choose those bases that act as sebum correctors and contain silicones or minerals. If you have a problem with oiliness, it is not advisable to use oil-based products (preferably a water-based one), as they provoke increased production of sebum.

Combination skin

The combined type requires either two different products (for the T-zone and for the cheeks) or a universal base.

Choosing a primer based on your skin type

In order not to worsen the condition of oily areas, the base should have a light texture, for example, like a lotion.

Dry skin

The foundation, high in oils and vitamins, is ideal for dry skin that needs nourishment and hydration. Typically, gel, oil and cream primers have this composition.

Normal skin

Normal skin will do well with a light moisturizing or universal base. You can choose the one that will give your face a delicate glow.

Mature skin

This type needs nutrition, hydration and lifting. In addition, the primer should mask wrinkles, even out tone and preserve makeup, so it is better to get an anti-aging product specially designed for mature skin.


In creating the perfect makeup, all the details are important, especially the basic ones. And in order for the make-up to last as long as possible and look flawless, it is important to use a properly selected base, or primer. How to choose it and what types exist? Let's take a closer look.

Some people believe that a makeup base can completely replace a regular daytime nourishing cream, which should be applied before makeup is applied. This is actually a mistake. Only a primer will help you create the perfect make-up. And it should be applied just after the cream is well absorbed.

What is a primer for? First of all, the product tidies up the skin, making it smoother and more even. After this, the foundation applies better and the makeup lasts longer. In addition, the base can remove excess oil from the skin, preventing unwanted shine. And some products tend to fill in wrinkles and pores, masking the signs of skin aging almost like foundation.

Surely every woman looks at models and show business stars with envy. After all, they look so young, even despite their age, and their skin seems perfect. But in reality, perfect skin does not exist. It is the facial primer that helps makeup artists hide all imperfections.

Primer is an irreplaceable thing that every woman should have. It has different consistency: liquid and creamy. It glides easily onto the face and evens out its texture. Thanks to this miracle product, you can hide many cosmetic imperfections that a regular foundation cannot disguise. These are pimples, blackheads, various redness, and even scars that remain after acne treatment.

But the most important thing is that with its help you can hide most of the wrinkles. Indeed, thanks to its unique consistency, it fills all the unevenness on the face, which after applying foundation becomes completely invisible to the human eye.

You need to choose a primer based on your skin type and the presence of imperfections that you want to hide

Types of face primers

All professional primers are divided into several types, which are most often found in cosmetics stores. They are classified as follows:

- protect from the sun

The primer can be used for oily skin, dry skin (some people mistakenly believe that primer dries out the skin), and even acne-prone skin. You can apply the primer with a brush, sponge or your hands.

Choosing the right primer is almost as difficult as choosing your foundation shade. An incorrectly chosen product clogs pores, which has a negative effect on the skin, leading to acne and irritation.

Modern primers for skin and lips contain SPF sun filters (from 15 to 34), and this allows the product to be used as a protective agent.

Eyeshadow Base, Artdeco. Leveling base for makeup, Make Up Factory. Universal base for complexion correction One Step, Stila Cosmetic. Eyeshadow Primer Potion, Urban Decay. Protective makeup base for redness-prone skin Redness Solutions, Clinique.

Facial primer rating of the best

Most ladies are interested in: what brand of primer should I buy so that it makes the skin matte, the effect of use is long-lasting, and it does not clog the pores? Such a product will be classified as luxury category. Both medium and mass market cosmetics do not provide the opportunity to use components in their products so that they have the desired effect and, at the same time, provide skin care.

Primers for frequent use are not suitable for young girls. Usually, their skin is still young, without deep wrinkles or enlarged pores. But girls starting from 30 years old can already use this remedy. In general, this product is recommended for mature ladies.

Quite strange, but the primer, which serves as the basis for makeup, also needs a base. Paradox, isn't it? It is worth remembering to apply a moisturizer or protective cream.

You should not buy the product in large quantities. Since the primer is used sparingly and is not used so often, it will last for a long time. Once the product is opened, it will need to be used within 6-12 months. It is necessary to calculate so that you do not have to throw away the remaining product for which money was paid, since the expiration date has expired.

In the end, it must be emphasized that the debate about the advisability of using a primer continues to this day. This is due to the fact that there are many similar tools with similar functions.

Despite this, there will be a category of female representatives who will give preference to this beauty product.

It is important that the product is suitable for the woman and copes with its tasks, helping her facial skin look flawless.

In the photo: the best mineral budget primers for the face (with powder)

The best budget face primers with powder (mineral)

Mineral primers fall into this category. It is on them that we will concentrate our attention further. This type has a light and weightless texture that does not clog pores, allows the skin to breathe and effectively hides redness and other imperfections (acne, rosacea, irritation). This coating is completely invisible on the face.

We have prepared for you ten of the best budget primers with powder today. When selecting the rating, consumer reviews and opinions of experts from the beauty industry were taken into account.

Experts recommend carefully studying what type of skin this or that product is suitable for, what functions it performs and what composition it has.

  • Heavenly (AF) Mineral Makeup ENHANCE

This primer contains green tea, vitamins A, C, kojic acid, which fights pigmentation, pearl powder and many other caring components.

Suitable for all skin types and shades: from light to dark. Can be used not only as a primer for makeup, but also after moisturizing and cleansing the skin before bed, as it saturates the skin with beneficial components.

  • Dream Minerals Perfection Powder Foundation

It contains mica, rice powder, silk and other components. The product is easy to apply, ideally preparing the skin for applying mineral makeup. Suitable for all skin types.

  • Mineral primers Etheria

Primers of this brand are divided into 2 types:

  1. for dry and normal skin types;
  2. for oily and problem skin.

The product has a pleasant, light texture, perfectly tightens pores and evens out the surface.

  • Corrective yellow primer Yellow SkinPrep

Thanks to its color, the primer helps to neutralize and correct redness, dark circles, bruises, and blue skin tints. Pleasant texture makes it easy to apply. Suitable for all skin types. Can be used all over the face, T-zone, spot-on, or on the eyelids as a primer under mineral shadows.

Photo: the best luxury face primers

Rating of the best luxury face primers

Reviews for the same database are very different. However, we were able to find several products for you in this price range, each of which can be said to be the best primer.

  • Clinique Superprimer Face Primer mattifying

The base is in the “luxury” category, sold in a mini version of 15 ml, a full volume – 30 ml. Available in a soft tube with a tightly screwed cap. The primer is non-greasy and prepares the skin well for applying foundation, smoothing the surface of the skin and evening out its color.

Available in 6 color options, including universal transparent, pink, yellow, brown, peach and lavender shades. The consistency is medium thick, similar to a mixture of cream and gel. The base makes the makeup last for a very long time, and oily areas do not show up. The composition also includes components that have soothing and moisturizing properties.

  • MAC Prep Prime Skin Base Visage

The product is presented in the form of a light, thin lotion, available in a bottle with a dispenser for convenient and economical consumption. Suitable for all skin types. The texture is almost weightless and does not create any unpleasant sensations on the skin, including heaviness.

The composition contains a few particles of shimmer, which gives the product reflective properties. The product does not clog pores and prevents the appearance of oily shine.

And, the most important property is that it copes well with the function of a foundation; cosmetics adhere well and stay on the skin for a long time, and do not “leak” during the day. In terms of cost, it is considered an expensive primer, given the volume of 30 milliliters.

Photo: inexpensive primers for oily skin

The best primers for oily skin

  • Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser by Maybelline New York

Perfect for a beginner who wants to get familiar with the basics but doesn't want to spend a lot of money. It has a gel texture, tightens pores and mattifies.

  • Bio Helix by Markell Cosmetics

A representative of Belarusian cosmetics was created to mattify and also prolong the durability of your makeup.

  • Librederm

The product "Limbriderm" from a domestic manufacturer with hyaluronic acid masks uneven skin and acne, eliminates oily shine, and fits well on the skin.

It costs about 900 rubles in brand stores, but is used quite economically, a tube lasts for several months. It has a calming effect, makes wrinkles less noticeable, neatly hiding them.

  • Magix Face Perfector Primer SPF 20 from Avon

An excellent budget product, mattifies and tightens pores.

  • Very Me Prep Me Perfect by Oriflame

Like its predecessor, it copes well with the characteristics of oily skin.

  • Facefinity All Day by Max Factor

An inexpensive product for those with skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands. It provides matte finish for up to 12 hours. The texture of Max Factor is thin, soft, and suitable for daily use. Additionally, it provides UV protection (SPF 20).

Created for those who do not have time to frequently touch up their makeup. Suitable for any type of facial skin, it has a light texture, due to which it does not pill, maintaining the effect throughout the day. The price of the base is about 600 rubles.

  • Angel Veil Skin Perfecting Primer by NYX

A wonderful budget primer for oily skin. Mattifies, fills pores, makes makeup more durable, and also helps get rid of existing pimples and prevents new ones from appearing.

Photo: the best primers for dry skin

Eye makeup bases

Fear of applying too much base can lead to the opposite result – not applying enough base. With a small amount of product, it is difficult to blend it on the face. Again, you risk getting spotting instead of an even tone.

№ 4

When trying to correct her complexion, a woman applies several layers of foundation to her skin. To give your skin a tan, you can use special products, since excessive application of makeup base will only lead to sloppiness.

№ 5

There is no need to apply foundation to the eye area. The skin in this area is very thin and delicate; to correct dark circles under the eyes, it is better to use a special concealer pencil.

Do not use expired products if you do not want to get an allergic skin reaction. Remember that almost any makeup base can be stored for no more than a year after opening the package, and then in a cool place.

Women often make mistakes when using makeup foundation.

Women often make mistakes when using makeup foundation.

The most popular makeup bases

Makeup base from Max Factor

The base of the Max Factor brand is often used by professional makeup artists, since it is this product that can give the skin an ideal look. The Max Factor foundation is created using a special technology that instantly blends with the skin tone and lies smoothly on the face.

Hair care

BeYu Eye Base

Lumene Beauty Base Eyeshadow Primer for eyelids and lips: reviews

Video: how to properly apply primer to your face

This video is a great tutorial on how to create light and fresh makeup using foundation. The video demonstrates the steps of applying primer for the face from Maybelline and for eyelashes from Evelyn. The effect of using these products will help you decide whether to purchase them for your cosmetic bag or not.

7.Josie Maran Argan Moonstone Drops Makeup Priming and Highlighting Oil 50 ml, 3,000 rubles

Everyone wants glowing skin that feels like it was touched by an angel, right? This is exactly what your skin will look like when you use this primer and highlighting oil from glow queen Josie Maran. The primer is formulated with 100% natural argan oil and real pearls to leave skin so smooth you'll find it hard to believe. After this product, you can immediately apply makeup.

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How to replace primer at home

You can’t create a full-fledged primer with your own hands from scrap materials, but if you simply need to use such a product and you don’t have it, you can replace it with foundation. Of course, there will not be a clear caring and moisturizing effect, and it will be quite difficult to hide skin unevenness, so this measure is used as a temporary measure. As a substitute for lipstick base, you can use a transparent contour pencil.

Review of the best primers for the face, eyelids and eyelashes in the following articles. Subscribe to site updates so you don't miss anything.

BB cream

This product already initially contains a pigment that can be used to cover the skin with an even tone.

However, it can and should also be used as a base. To do this, it is important that it be a shade lighter than the foundation applied over it. Another important nuance is that the explosive and the tone must be based on the same substance.

Like most foundations, this cream's main component is water. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find a “mate” for him.

Life hack: it’s better to take products from the same company and brand: in this case, the components will coexist more comfortably with each other.

Can primers replace foundation?

Why are primers needed, how do they differ and how do they combine with foundation?

In recent years, the cosmetic market has been flooded with new makeup primers. Now they not only prepare the skin for applying foundation, but also even out the texture, mask pores, fine wrinkles, and neutralize redness and pigmentation. Now, makeup without a primer is no longer really makeup, and every year these products become more and more “smarter” and more technologically advanced, confidently displacing other products from cosmetic bags.

What is a primer

Professional makeup artists call a primer a base for makeup. Once upon a time, it was completely replaced by a day care product, such as a moisturizer. “Primers occupy an intermediate level between caring and decorative cosmetics. This is a logical continuation of care and preparation of the skin for applying foundation,” explains Olga Brovtsyna, national makeup artist at Nars.

The main task of the primer is to create a thin layer between moisturizer and foundation. This ensures better adhesion of decorative cosmetics to the skin and reduces the risk of poor-quality foundation coverage due to possible incompatibility with the care product. Additionally, primers can care for the skin, enhancing the effect of the face cream. Active ingredients are now even added to blush, and such a bonus is also not uncommon in bases. “It is important to remember the golden rule when working with primers: do not overdo it with the amount of product used. Carefully blend the product onto the skin and wait a little for it to be absorbed,” advises Olga.

All bases increase the durability of the foundation, but can also provide additional effects. The most popular of them are mattifying the face, smoothing the skin texture, adding radiance and correcting redness or age spots. All these functions can be combined with UV protection - usually low, but there are exceptions. “Whether this protection will be enough for you depends on many factors: sun activity, time of year, area of ​​residence, skin phototype,” says Maria Perova, Sensai trainer. If the SPF factor in the primer is low, you should not rely only on it, but this protection will not be superfluous either.

All primers can be combined with each other. For example, apply a mattifying and pore-hiding primer to the T-zone, and a highlighting effect to the cheekbones. There are also separate bases for makeup of different parts of the face: eyelids, eyelashes and lips. “The primer for eyelash makeup makes them thick, and the mascara with it does not fall off. This is a kind of hair conditioner - it moisturizes and improves the condition of eyelashes,” says Katerina Ponomareva, leading makeup artist at M.A.S in Russia and the CIS countries. — Lip primer is needed to improve the appearance of lipstick and increase its durability. These products contain paraffin. It hardens after application and fills in unevenness on the lips, visually making their surface smoother. Eye primer increases the durability of eye makeup. It’s as if she glues the next layer of shadows to herself and fixes them on the eyelid.”

The need for foundation

With such a variety of makeup primers and their properties, the logical question arises: is foundation needed at all? “If your complexion is even tone, without visible imperfections and there is no need to disguise them, you can get by with one makeup base, as it will highlight the natural beauty and provide additional protection,” says Maria Perova.

If with the help of one or several primers it was possible to solve all visual problems (redness, dull color, uneven texture, enlarged pores, excessive oiliness), then there is really no need for an extra layer of cosmetics, and spot correction can be done with concealer. When you have something to hide, you really can’t do without foundation, but in this case you don’t need to neglect primer either. It will prolong the durability of makeup and solve some problems.


Primers can be water-based, mineral-based, oil-based or silicone-based. The products are available in the form of gels, creams, balms, powders, lotions, fluids or oils.


Most skin smoothing products typically have this texture. They can moisturize and add matteness. Bases containing silicones perfectly even out the surface, with their help you get the most long-lasting makeup and are very economical to use.

Gel primer

But such products require very careful makeup removal, and can lead to “clogged” pores, so it is better not to use them daily or pay due attention to cleansing. The gel product is available in tubes, sticks, and bottles with a dispenser.


The creamy texture is suitable for skin in need of nourishment and hydration: the product is easily absorbed, does not stick and reduces flaking. The product formulas contain plant extracts, valuable oils, and vitamins.

Liquid primer

Fluids, lotions, serums have a delicate consistency and create a light coating. They prolong the life of makeup, moisturize and mattify. Transparent lotions are a universal remedy, and colored ones, due to the content of various pigments, will help hide tone imperfections. For example, pink pigment will revive a dull color and add freshness, purple will neutralize yellowness, and green will “hide” redness.

Types of primer

If the fluid has reflective particles, then makeup applied on top of such a base appears to be illuminated from within. Due to this, wrinkles become invisible and the face looks younger. Liquid bases can be mixed with foundations of identical texture to achieve new and unusual effects.

Some brands produce a liquid primer in the form of a spray - so it can be applied under makeup and used as a finishing coat for fixation.


The product in the form of an oil nourishes the skin and gives it a slight glow. Some formulas contain sunscreen filters, soothing and softening components. Available in bottles with a pipette or dispenser, which allows you to control consumption.

How can you replace a makeup base: 5 alternatives to primer

Do you want your makeup to last all day? There are so many cosmetic products on the market now. How to choose the products you really need? Whatever you put on your face may disappear by the end of the day. How to keep your makeup on and not turn into the Joker? The secret is simple! Use a makeup base - primer! This product guarantees that your makeup lasts all day. Don't have a primer on hand? Don't worry! These 5 products are what you can use to replace your makeup base!

Contents of the material

5 primers that will keep your makeup in place all day long!

After shave balm

You can go further and look into the small arsenal of men's cosmetics. There you have a ninety percent chance of finding aftershave balm.

So, its beneficial properties are moisturizing and restoring the skin. This means that it will help relieve irritation, partially relieve pain from rashes and remove oily shine from the skin, as well as simply moisturize it properly.

What can you use as a substitute for makeup base?

There's an important event ahead and you need to keep your makeup on? Try one of these 5 remedies. Apply it before foundation and eye shadow. You will see how much the quality of your make-up will change. You will get rid of the unpleasant shine. The shadows and pencil will not roll off. Try it!

Moisturizing cream

Moisturizer can be found on every woman's beauty table. Use it as a base for makeup. If there is a corresponding mark on it, you can safely try it. But if in doubt, give him a test. The cream should be absorbed quickly. Check the cream for its ability to even out skin texture. Try the hypoallergenic 0% moisturizer from Dr. Sante. Has your moisturizer been tested?

BB cream

BB cream is a universal remedy. It will even out the tone of the face, add freshness, and moisturize. Is your BB cream not toning enough? Use a couple of drops of BB cream as a primer and top with foundation. Apply just a few drops to prevent the foundation from streaking. Maybelline brand DREAM SATIN BB has an excellent BB cream.

Anti-irritation cream

This pharmaceutical product has a completely different purpose. Usually, it saves from chafing, calluses and irritation. They are mainly used for children. It can also be used as a preventative. The texture of this cream is very delicate and absorbs quickly. Pleased with the absence of allergens and fragrances. And this is what you need for a primer! The baby cream from Bubchen Baby Creme has a good composition.


Suddenly? But it's effective! Roll-on deodorant absorbs and neutralizes sweat. In emergency situations, use deodorant as a base for makeup. This product is especially suitable for oily skin. It works great on oily shine. Put Garnier Spring Fresh roll-on deodorant in your purse.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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