Why fir oil is used for the face: homemade recipes

Fir oil for the face against wrinkles has been used by many women since ancient times. After all, it not only had a pleasant healing aroma, but also additionally helped restore youth and elasticity to the skin. This product received such properties due to its unique biological composition. In our article we want to talk about the properties of fir oil, its benefits for the face, and provide recipes for cosmetic masks against wrinkles.

Composition of fir oil

Fir oil has a liquid structure and thin consistency.

The smell is pleasant, with notes of mint and lemon, the color is from yellow to green. The composition is enriched with camphor, cadinene, myrcene, phytoncides and other organic components. All of them, as a result of proper use, can provide one or another benefit to the human body. The product must be stored in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.

Did you know? Fir needles do not fall off even from dry tree branches. That is why this coniferous plant is so popular as an attribute of the New Year holidays.

Medicinal properties

The medicine has the following actions:

  • antimicrobial;
  • invigorating;
  • relaxing;
  • resistant to viruses;
  • relieving pain;
  • general health.

It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, as well as the nervous system. The product stimulates digestive function, lowers blood pressure, and restores body functions responsible for protection. It improves sleep quality and helps cope with stress, activates thyroid function and promotes the accumulation of strength.

During storage, sunlight should be avoided in order to preserve all beneficial properties. It is better to choose a dark, cool place out of reach of children.

The use of fir oil in cosmetology

The secret of the benefits of using the product for cosmetic purposes is based on its unique natural composition. The drug is used for faster healing of wounds, destruction of calluses and corns. A large number of masks for the face, body and hair contain fir oil; it is often added to cosmetic baths in combination with sea salt . It has a positive effect on the skin and prevents its aging. With the help of the drug you can get rid of unevenness and scars.

What is the miraculous power of fir?

The list of beneficial components of fir oil is quite lengthy, but the main ones that explain its miraculous power are three components:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has a general healing and rejuvenating effect at the cellular level, improves skin color, and prevents the appearance of age-related pigment formations.
  • Carotenoids - B vitamins protect our skin from the negative effects of the environment, creating a shield against free radicals, fighting external causes of skin aging.
  • Tocopherol, known by this name among chemists and pharmacists, is commonly referred to by ordinary people as vitamin E, and by cosmetologists as the “skin youth” vitamin. Its beneficial effect on the skin is to stimulate the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity and the absence of wrinkles.

If everything is so simple and the vitamins responsible for youthful skin are known, why use fir oil? Would it be easier to drink or apply the vitamins themselves to the skin?

In order for beneficial substances to have their effect on the skin, they must penetrate it, which does not happen when vitamins are applied to the dermis, since their molecules are large.

If you take vitamins internally, they will affect the entire body, which means that the skin will receive only a part of them, perhaps not enough for it.

Fir essential oil is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, acting as a conductor for all beneficial components - this is its first advantage.

It is also excreted from the body only after 48 hours, that is, its beneficial effects will be long-lasting and will give better results.

Beneficial properties for facial skin

The beneficial properties of the natural preparation are due to the high content of vitamins E and C, flavonoids and tannins.

The oil is used to reduce inflammatory processes on the skin . Masks using a fir product relieve dryness and tightness that appear with the onset of cold weather.

Did you know? Fir

long-lived plant.
Some species “live” up to 700 years. Fir oil is effective in the complex treatment of herpes on the lips . To do this, apply it to the affected areas with a cotton swab. It is best to do this at night so that the product remains on the affected areas as long as possible. The result will be visible in the morning - inflammation will significantly decrease.


Fir oil is good because with its help you can prepare a lot of nourishing masks and care products at home from natural ingredients that help with a wide range of problems. From pimples, acne and excess fat to wrinkles, dull complexion and low tone.

The beneficial properties of fir oil allow it to be used in the treatment of colds and nervous conditions, the effects of stress and insomnia. Fir oil can be safely recommended for any home first aid kit.

How do you use it? Share your experience in the comments.

In what cases is it used for the face?

Fir oil slows down the aging process. It is effective in the treatment of dermatitis, acne, psoriasis. The application is especially beneficial for skin on which the first wrinkles have just begun to appear. The composition of masks may vary.

We recommend reading about preparing and using a sea buckthorn face mask.

The most popular of them:

  1. One chicken yolk, 1 tsp. fresh aloe juice, a few drops of fir essential component - mix. Leave on the skin for up to 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  2. Mixture of 1 tbsp. l. honey and 5 drops of oil will help make rashes and redness on the face invisible.
  3. Grape seed and fir oils must be mixed in equal parts. Apply the composition to the face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Treatments for coughs and colds

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the oil is applied and thoroughly rubbed onto the upper chest, collar area and lines along the spine. A good effect is achieved by combining rubbing with inhalations. To do this, you need to drop 5-6 drops of fir oil into a pan of boiling water, bend over the container, cover yourself with a blanket so that the hot air does not evaporate, and inhale actively. The duration of inhalation is from 10 to 20 minutes.

If you have the flu, rub oil on your chest, back, arms, and legs several times a day. If you are worried about a runny nose, you can drop 1 drop into each nasal passage, or rub a drop of fir oil around the wings of your nose.

Symptoms of sore throat will be alleviated by lubricating the tonsils with a cotton swab soaked in fir oil. It is recommended to carry out manipulation every 3-4 hours for several days.

For sinusitis, nasal instillation, inhalation and rinsing of the nasal sinuses will also be effective. To prepare a solution for instillation, you need to add 2-3 drops of oil to a glass of boiled warm water. Stir and use a small syringe or a special teapot for the procedure.

Fir oil applied to the base of the tongue will help relieve a dry cough that interferes with sleep. Just a couple of drops will soften your throat and allow you to fall asleep.

Methods of application

There are many ways to use the drug. Each is effective in its own way. The most relevant option for using the drug for cosmetic purposes is its combination with a caring (basic) product . It can be cream, coconut or olive oil. Mixing is done in the following proportion: 10 ml of base and 10 drops of oil. For dry skin, it is allowed to add the drug to caring cosmetics, for example, cream or balm. This use will help quickly get rid of wounds and acne, regenerate and moisturize the skin.

Important! Before using preparations based on herbal raw materials, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

To carry out a massage, it is enough to take 7-10 drops of the drug and mix it with cream or massage oil . Rubbing should be carried out for 40 minutes. If you apply this procedure once every two days, then after 2 weeks you can see how the skin becomes smooth and tightened.

Natural raw materials can be used for inhalation for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. To do this, 5 drops of the product must be diluted in one liter of hot water. You need to breathe healing steam for 5-10 minutes

For wrinkles

An anti-wrinkle face mask is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 1 part liquid honey,
  • 1 part fatty base (olive, linseed, etc. oils),
  • 5 parts - fir.

Disinfectant recipe

To disinfect floors and surfaces and give them a pine smell, cleaning liquids are used. You can easily prepare this product yourself.

You will need liquid or solid soap, grated, water and fir oil.

200–300 grams of soap are dissolved in two liters of hot liquid and two bottles of oil are added. When the resulting composition has cooled, it is poured into a convenient container. When using, mix 1 part concentrate with 1 part water. The mixture is perfect for washing and disinfecting floors, walls, surfaces and the bathroom.

Restrictions and contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of fir oil is individual intolerance to the components, including allergic reactions . Signs of an allergy to external use of the product are redness, itching, and rashes on the skin. Reactions may be accompanied by rhinitis and lacrimation.

Important! If the use of fir essence causes skin irritation, rash or itching, it is necessary to rinse the affected area with warm water and stop using the drug in the future.

High-quality fir oil is a real natural wealth. It has a unique smell and many useful substances in its composition. With the help of rational, competent use of the product, you can achieve maximum cosmetic and medicinal effect.

Precautionary measures

  1. First of all, fir oil for the face is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to some of the substances included in its composition. Therefore, before you start using the product, you must do an allergy test.
  2. People with a sensitive type of epidermis should be especially careful.
  3. In addition, the product is very concentrated in its composition. Therefore, you must carefully ensure that it does not get on the mucous membranes, so as not to get burned.
  4. Fir extract can lead to severe irritation of the skin. Certain varieties of fir wood should not be used for skin care at all, as they can cause rashes.
  5. In some cases, even the smell of fir oil can trigger bronchial spasm.
  6. In general, fir oil cannot be applied to the skin undiluted, that is, in its pure form. It is used only in combination with other oils and natural products.
  7. This oil is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to use fir extract for inflamed skin, as well as in the presence of open wounds and scratches.
  9. It should also not be used by people suffering from chronic diseases, epilepsy or seizures (especially in the acute stage).
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