How to get rid of jowls? Plastic surgeon's opinion

Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Sharubina Karina Petrovna Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: August 21, 2022

Review date: November 10, 2022

The oval face shape is considered the most beautiful and harmonious. Expressive features, high cheekbones, a chiseled chin are the ideal that many people dream of. Now, if only those chubby cheeks could be removed!

Reasons for the appearance of rounded cheeks

Excess weight. Excess body fat usually affects your appearance. The shape of the face becomes more rounded.

A certain structure of the skull makes the cheeks round.

Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, health problems - in particular, with the endocrine system and kidneys - can cause swelling. Fluid may stagnate in the cheek area.

A face can also take on a puffy appearance due to excess salt, sodium and toxic substances in the body.

Poor posture is also the cause of chubby cheeks. In this case, subcutaneous fat is distributed unevenly, due to which the contours of the face are distorted - an unnecessary second chin appears, the face acquires rounded features;

Lack of protein in food consumed. This element is a building material for muscle tissue. Thanks to the latter, subcutaneous fat on the face is transformed into muscles, which allows it to acquire beautiful contours.

With age, those with chubby cheeks may encounter such an unpleasant problem as the appearance of jowls. They occur due to the loss of elastin and collagen in the skin. Often, at the same time, another problem arises - the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles. Together, all these changes make the appearance older and less attractive.

Another trouble that is often associated with chubby cheeks is the presence of redness on them. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, but the result is usually a vascular network, which gives the skin a reddish tint.

Prevention of sagging cheeks

The process of appearance of aesthetic defects cannot be prevented if the problem is related to natural aging or genetic aspects, but certain measures can be taken to slow down the development of degenerative changes. Due to the fact that the skin of the face is more vulnerable than the rest of the body, since this area is constantly exposed to external factors, it is necessary to regularly follow simple rules of care and protection. Let's see how to maintain the elasticity and healthy appearance of your skin for as long as possible.

Basic measures to prevent jowls:

  • Protecting the skin from the sun - reducing the time spent under UV rays, using special creams with SPF from 15;
  • Optimal hydration of the body - daily consumption of a sufficient amount of water at the rate of 40 ml per 1 kg of weight, if there are no medical contraindications;
  • Proper nutrition is a balanced diet that helps slow down the signs of aging by consuming skin-healthy foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and more.
  • Good habits are to remove makeup every day before going to bed, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, watch your posture;
  • Physical activity - walking, running, performing a set of effective exercises is recommended to devote a sufficient amount of time: at least 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes a day.
  • Full sleep - the processes of restoration and nutrition of skin tissue are most active during night rest.

How to make your cheeks slimmer?

So is it possible to get rid of chubby cheeks? Can. There are different ways.

Using ultrasound

The main remedy in the fight for a slim face is Ultherapy - a modern ultrasonic deep lifting procedure. Such lifting can remove gravitational ptosis - a natural process caused by weakening of the ligamentous apparatus with age. Altera is the best procedure to date for reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat, tightening soft tissues, and forming clear facial contours.

Ulthera Therapy is the only procedure in the world with high-intensity micro-focused ultrasound technology for powerful skin tightening. It includes both direct skin tightening and subcutaneous fat tissue, facial muscles, collagen and elastin fibers. This lift gives a pronounced and long-term rejuvenation effect. Tissue tightening occurs using focused ultrasound, which has the ability to penetrate to a depth of 4-4.5 mm. This is the level of SMAS - superficial muscular aponeurotic system. It is located under the skin and connected to it into a single frame. Ultrasound heats the subcutaneous layers. When the temperature rises there, the collagen fibers and connective tissue of the fatty layers thicken. The skin begins to tighten. And in order for the effect to be natural and long-lasting, an internal renewal process begins in the skin. Altera is a one-time procedure with no seasonal restrictions and no rehabilitation period. After the procedure, the skin renewal process continues for 2-3 months, after which the patient’s appearance is radically transformed! The effect of the procedure lasts up to 5 years!

Using fillers

Dense modern fillers with a sculpting effect help to visually reduce the volume of the cheeks. These include the German Radiesse and the French Sculptra.

Radiesse based on calcium hydroxyapatite can not only smooth the skin, but also activate the process of producing new collagen in it. Accordingly, a powerful internal rejuvenation process occurs in the tissues.

This gel is dense, so with its help you can completely harmonize your appearance - the drug is injected into certain areas, which is why the face begins to appear thinner. In this case, the smallest anatomical features of the face are taken into account. For example, with the help of the drug you can create beautiful cheekbones that will begin to attract the attention of others.

The first result is visible immediately after the procedure. Radiesse is evenly distributed in empty areas of the subcutaneous layer, returning the tissues an aesthetically attractive, but not excessive, volume. 2-3 months after the injection, macrophages (utilizer cells in the skin) absorb the gel carrier, calcium microspheres remain, they stimulate the production of new collagen. After administration of the drug, the face will look young and healthy for at least 2 years. Longer-lasting effects are also noted.

The new generation drug Sculptra works on a similar principle: by adding volume in one place, you can achieve the effect of reducing volume in another.

The main active ingredient of Sculptra is polylactic acid. This is a powerful biostimulator of collagen types 1 and 3. It is also called “young collagen”. After the introduction of polylactic acid, the skin is noticeably tightened, deep folds and wrinkles disappear. Polylactic acid is a safe component. Over time, it completely disintegrates and is eliminated from the body naturally.

The effect after injections lasts for 2 or more years. From time to time, the patient may need to administer 1-2 additional bottles to look perfect.

Estefil (AestheFill) also belongs to polylactic acid preparations. As soon as this hydrogel enters the skin, it begins to actively fill the voids that form as a result of skin aging and the loss of its own structural proteins. Once in the target area, the drug particles begin an immediate process of tissue renewal and collagen formation, due to which the volume is completely replenished and even deep wrinkles are smoothed out. This happens precisely because of the special properties of Estefil molecules, which, due to their porous structure, provide the most effective collagenogenesis. Fibroblasts (skin cells) begin to work both outside and inside the microspheres.

In addition, polylactic acid actively stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid by mature skin cells. The uniqueness of the filler is that after the disintegration and complete removal of its main active substance from the body (on average, this process takes 3–4 months), what remains at the location of the gel is not a void, but new collagen and elastin. Accordingly, the result will last a long time - until the moment when, under the influence of age factors, the breakdown of your own collagen and elastin begins.

Using thermolifting

This is a non-surgical method of skin tightening by intensely heating the soft tissues of the face with high-frequency radio energy. Warming up the deep layers of the skin causes compression and compaction of the collagen fibers that make up the dermal framework, which leads to a noticeable increase in skin turgor and modeling of the oval of the face. High temperature activates the process of fat breakdown, resulting in a decrease in the thickness of subcutaneous fat tissue.

To achieve optimal results, a course of 6-12 procedures is recommended, carried out once every two weeks. The result lasts up to 2 years.

Non-surgical liposuction is also performed in the cheek area and under the lower jaw using the Ultraliposonic device. The device combines ultrasound and radio wave energy (RF-radio wave thermolifting). The device acts precisely on the most problematic areas of the skin, where there are obvious fat deposits. In this case, neighboring areas of the body are not affected. High-intensity ultrasound energy is focused at a specific depth, breaking up fat cells, and radio wave energy heats the tissue, making the breakdown products more fluid. Radio wave energy, heating the skin tissue, stimulates fibroblasts to form new structural proteins - collagen and elastin. After the appearance of young collagen and elastin, a pronounced lifting effect is observed. This is very important when reducing body fat. After all, when fat disappears, the skin begins to sag, which looks extremely unaesthetic and immediately adds age. Therefore, it is good when it is possible to immediately start the skin tightening process.

With the help of lipolytics

These remedies help not only get rid of chubby cheeks and double chin, but also solve the problem of how to remove sagging cheeks. The preparations, which are injected into problem areas, contain components that promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fats with their subsequent transformation into energy. In addition to these components, the products contain elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and caffeine. Thanks to these components, blood flow and lymph flow are stimulated, metabolic processes are normalized, and the mechanism of synthesis of natural collagen and elastin is launched.

This effect of lipolytics allows you to get rid of the fat layer, tighten the skin, due to which the oval of the face is corrected.

Is it possible to quickly remove bulldog cheeks at home?

It is quite possible to remove bulldog cheeks at home. There are several methods: exercises, pinching, diet and cosmetics. If you are not lazy and combine several methods of dealing with a “floating” oval, the result will be visible very soon.

Exercises to remove bulldog cheeks

One of the most effective measures to eliminate bulldog cheeks is facial gymnastics. Exercises will help tighten your contours in a short time. The complex must be performed daily, and to speed up the onset of a positive effect, it is better to do it twice a day - in the morning and before bed. It consists of the following exercises:

  • Sit on a chair or stool with your head thrown back. Try to overlap your upper lip with your lower lip. This exercise will also remove the double chin.
  • Raise your head. Clench your teeth as hard as you can, sticking out your lower lip.

  • Tilt your head slightly forward. Making small turns, try to touch your chin first to one shoulder, then to the other.
  • Straighten your head. Try to lower the corners of your lips as much as possible so that you feel tension in your neck.
  • Place a pen or pencil in your mouth. Moving your facial muscles, try to depict the letters of the alphabet in the air. You can also draw some shapes. It is important that the head itself does not move, but only the facial muscles work. Then the bulldog cheeks will go away.

  • Stand on your feet, straighten your back. Hands should be folded on the chest, crossing them. Place your palms on your shoulders. Now you need to try to stretch your neck as much as possible. When the highest point is reached, freeze in this position for ten seconds. Then return to the original position.
  • Spread your fingers on your hand. Place the ring finger on the place where the nasolabial fold is formed, the middle one - on the cheek bone, the index finger - at the tragus of the ear. Open your mouth as much as possible. Fold your upper and lower lips inward, covering your teeth. Try to smile a couple of times.
  • Place your index fingers on your cheekbones, pressing firmly onto your facial skin. Try to smile again. The skin should remain in place, secured with your fingers.
  • Take air into your mouth, puffing out your cheeks. Hold it inside for 10 seconds, then quickly release it. After several repetitions, add air rolling in different directions.

Noticeable results do not appear instantly. The oval begins to acquire neat contours only after a month of regular exercise. It is important to perform a set of exercises daily.

Watch this video on how to remove bulldog cheeks with exercises:

How to remove bulldog cheeks with pinches

Another way to quickly get your face in order is massage. You should not hope that you will be able to remove bulldog cheeks with just pinching; you need to work on all areas using various movements. Facial massage against bulldog cheeks is done according to the following scheme:

  • First, the skin warms up. You need to make several stroking movements along the massage lines. Then move on to light claps and pinches. But you need to not overdo it so that bruises do not appear on the skin of the face.
  • Place the index fingers of both hands in the dimple located under the chin. In this case, one of them should be slightly ahead of the other. Start moving your fingers in opposite directions. The direction is from the chin along the jaw to the earlobe and back. Movements should be short and sharp.
  • Use the back of your hand to pat your cheeks and chin. You should move from bottom to top. The intensity should be medium, otherwise you won’t be able to get rid of bulldog cheeks.

  • Distribute special massage oil over your face. Using your fingertips, rub the skin on your cheeks intensively, starting from the chin to the ears. You can also perform a few pinches to help remove bulldog cheeks. The skin should not be grabbed too tightly, but slight pain should be present.
  • Lightly wet a soft towel with cooled green tea. Perform pats on the lower part of the face.

Diet for an even oval face

If the main reason for the appearance of bulldog cheeks is excess weight, a specially selected diet for losing weight on the face and body will help you forget about them. The diet suitable for this is not special, but weight always leaves all areas of the body. At the same time, the face loses weight faster.

The essence of a diet that helps remove bulldog cheeks comes down to restrictions on the consumption of certain types of foods:

  • all kinds of pickles;
  • fatty foods - meat, broths;
  • candies, pastries, cakes, anything that contains a lot of sugar;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • soda;
  • alcohol;
  • flour.

The main enemies of a slim figure are sugar and salt, so they should be limited first. They contribute to the retention of moisture in the body.

As for the “right” products that will help restore an even oval face, these include:

  • vegetables and fruits, fresh or cooked;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • seafood.

But nutritional adjustments alone are not enough. To remove bulldog cheeks from your face as quickly as possible, you need to do facial exercises and use additional facial care products along with your diet.

Masks for sagging cheeks

Along with home treatments for a beautiful oval face, it is recommended to make various masks. They are prepared from simple products:

  • Egg. Lightly beat the yolk and white, add one tablespoon of high-fat cottage cheese and olive oil.
  • Protein . This face mask does not use the whole egg. You need to separate the two whites and beat them a little. No other components required. Apply the mask in two layers.
  • Lemon . Squeeze two tablespoons of juice from the fruit. Add half the volume of liquid honey to them and mix well.
  • Dairy _ The basis is high-fat sour cream. The required volume is three tablespoons. Another milk is added to them.
  • Scrub mask . Pour hot water over a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal. When they swell a little, add one teaspoon of natural yoghurt, honey and grated almonds.

Scrub mask
All masks are designed to combat bulldog cheeks. They need to be applied in a fairly thick layer and wait until completely dry. Usually about 20-30 minutes is enough. Afterwards, the mask is removed with warm water. You can complete your home treatment by applying a moisturizer.

For those who don’t have enough time to prepare masks , you can make do with store-bought options. When buying products, you should choose those whose label says “for tightening the oval of the face.”

Masks that contain components such as seaweed, kelp, panthenolic acid, and allantoin crystals, which help increase the formation of new young cells, are well suited.

Watch this video about the recipe for a face slimming mask:

Other oval tightening products

Another effective home remedy for bulldog cheeks is ice washing. You need to freeze cubes of clean water and wipe your face with them morning and evening. Cold tones the skin. To increase the benefits of rubbing, some women add medicinal herbs. Among water procedures, contrast washing is also effective.

Compresses are an effective home remedy for tightening the oval face. The simplest one is made from regular iodized salt. You need to dilute it in a proportion of 3 tablespoons per 400 milliliters of water. Soak a napkin in a saline solution and apply it to your face for a few minutes. You should return to the compress three times a week.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

A short-term effect that will visually remove bulldog cheeks will ensure proper makeup. You need to concentrate your attention on something else, putting emphasis, for example, on your eyes. Bright eyeliner, lush dark eyelashes, and blush that matches your face tone will help with this.

Rubbing your face with ice cubes

Another secret to young and tightened facial skin will help answer your question: how to remove bulldog cheeks. Ice stimulates the body's protective properties, activates immune processes, which helps improve metabolism in epidermal cells.

As a result of cold rubbing, the production of hyaluronic acid in the skin increases, it becomes smooth and moisturized. This procedure allows you to get rid of enlarged pores, eliminate oily shine and improve your complexion.

Rubbing with ice is an excellent way to tone aging skin. Such simple manipulations help remove sagging and increase turgor.

Special diet

Excess weight always affects a woman's appearance, especially her face. A sagging oval face often bothers overweight people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, give preference to junk food, and get sick due to an obese physique.

It should be noted that you should not suddenly lose excess weight. The skin simply does not have time to tighten. It will sag and give your face a mournful appearance. Then how to remove bulldog cheeks? You need to approach this issue wisely and improve your diet step by step. It is necessary to exclude all harmful foods from your diet.

Not only sugar, salt, fried, salted, spicy, smoked and sour foods harm our appearance. Also, to maintain beauty, you need to refuse or minimize the consumption of sweets, baked goods and bread.


In addition, lifting is possible with regular performance of special gymnastic exercises. Facial exercises have become one of the most common modern techniques. The practice is called “face building”.

The main properties of facial gymnastics:

  • toning the facial muscles;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • strengthening facial muscles;
  • improvement of general condition.

Special exercises will help you get rid of bulldog cheeks on your face. The complexes are recommended to be performed daily in the morning or evening.

Cheek puffing

A basic exercise in which you need to alternately inflate and deflate your cheeks with your lips closed. The exercise should be repeated 10-15 times. If a strong tension is felt in the facial muscles, this means that the exercise is being performed correctly. As a result, a slight burning sensation may occur in the facial area. This occurs due to the release of lactic acid, which begins to be actively produced due to improved blood circulation and increased overall muscle tone.

Turns with a kiss

An interesting exercise that involves turning your head left and right up to 20 times in 1 session. When turning to the side, the lower jaw is pulled forward slightly with the lips closed. The lips are fixed in the kissing position.

Lifting up

The head is thrown back, the lower jaw is pushed forward and the position of the face is fixed for 10 seconds. Then return the head to its original position. The exercise is repeated up to 10-15 times. Face-building experts recommend performing exercises in front of a mirror in order to be able to fix various positions and ensure correct execution.

Popular lifting products

How to remove bulldog cheeks using cosmetics? Use the most effective one. Among the most popular lifting products, we highlight the following:

  • Anti-aging fluid Rénergie Multi Lift Ultra Fluid from Lancome. The product is indicated for use from the age of 35 years. The formula is based on flax extract. The cream fights unwanted pigmentation, eliminates wrinkles and folds, and increases skin elasticity.
  • Compensating complex “Day cream care for normal skin during menopause” from Vichy Neovadiol. The effect of the product is due to the content of hyaluronic acid and proxylane in the composition. The product moisturizes, restores the skin and stimulates the production of its own collagen. The manufacturer knows how to remove sagging cheeks. Removing bulldog cheeks will be much easier with this product.
  • Garnier face cream “Active lifting + 45”. The active ingredients are sea buckthorn oil and plant cells of youth. According to the manufacturer and judging by the positive customer reviews, the cream increases skin elasticity and strengthens facial contours.
  • L'Oreal Paris Revitalift Laser x3 day cream. The main components of the anti-aging formula are proxylane and lipohydroxy acid. This product corrects wrinkles, visually tightens the oval of the face and tones the skin. The cream also strengthens collagen fibers. Fighting jowls with this product is very simple.
  • Anti-wrinkle cream Vichy Liftactiv Supreme. The product with a powerful lifting effect has proven itself excellent among those with aging facial skin. The manufacturer enriched the cream with adenosine, rhamnose, neohesperidine, and caffeine. This formula tightens the skin, transforms it, makes it firmer and denser.

A set of exercises for cheek lift

How to quickly remove bulldog cheeks? To do exercises. This needs to be done daily. Repeat each of them 20 times:

  • Puff out your cheeks and release the air. On the last count, hold for 10 seconds.
  • Pout your upper lip and release air. Make a delay on the last count.
  • Repeat the previous exercise for the lower lip.
  • Take air into your mouth and move it around in a circle.
  • Opening your mouth wide, pronounce the sounds “O”, “A”, “Y” clearly and with little tension.
  • Stretch your lips with a tube and as you exhale say: “U”, “Yu”, pushing out the air. Make sure that no folds form above the upper lip.
  • This simple set of exercises will help remove bulldog cheeks and also get rid of sagging skin. As a result of this exercise, a plump face becomes thinner.

    Contrast wash and compresses

    You can tighten loose skin by alternately washing with cold and hot water. The same effect can be achieved by applying compresses to sagging areas.

    The last procedure can be done using a solution of iodized salt. You should apply the compress to sagging areas in the morning and evening, the results will not be long in coming.

    Cosmetical tools

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    A noticeable result in the fight for a toned face can be achieved if you act comprehensively. The next important stage is proper and complete skin care. Without the use of special cosmetic products, it is unlikely that you will be able to get the best possible result.

    The modern market offers powerful products that act delicately but effectively. With their help, you can make your skin denser, firmer and tighter. It is important not to forget to change your care from time to time so that addiction does not occur and the results decrease.

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