Innovation in skin rejuvenation methods - RF needle lifting

Indications Results Reviews Prices

We recommend fractional radio wave lifting with microneedles using the INFINI device for people with problems of photoaging, age-related changes in facial skin, scarring after surgery, burns, frostbite and for the treatment of post-acne. The procedure is also available for patients with dark or tanned skin, since INFINI allows for lifting without the risk of hyperpigmentation.

The RF needle lifting course includes 2-3 procedures with an interval of at least 2 weeks. After just 1 procedure, patients visually evaluate themselves as 5-7 years younger! Subsequent sessions enhance the results: deep wrinkles are smoothed out, sagging and porosity of the skin disappears.

The effect of the course is maximally manifested 3-5 months after the last procedure and lasts up to 2 years.

Features of the INFINI device

INFINI is the most modern device for fractional radio wave lifting with microneedles, which effectively rejuvenates and tightens the skin of the face and body.

  • The procedure is easier to tolerate, recovery takes an average of 2 days. Thanks to the insulation of microneedles with silicone (the needle diameter is only 200 microns!), there is no thermal damage to the epidermis, no burns or pain.
  • To achieve the result, a minimum number of passes is required - from 1 to 3. The efficiency of each action has been increased due to the technology of sequential needle insertion, control of their penetration depth (from 0.1 to 3.5 mm) and independent adjustment of radiation power and time.
  • The INFINI device ensures maximum safety of the procedure. Disposable gold-plated needles are used; the RF energy distribution zone is limited by the size of the needle tip and does not affect other layers of the skin. There is no risk of scarring.
  • Suitable for tightening any area of ​​the face and body. The most popular areas for treatment: face, neck, décolleté, hands. Proven effectiveness for all skin phototypes (I–V according to Fitzpatrick).
  • The procedure can be carried out even in the summer season. You only need to limit your time in the sun, as after any cosmetic procedure.

Benefits of fractional RF lifting.

  • The most powerful stimulation of the production of your own collagen in the areas affected by the device. The content of this protein in the skin increases by approximately 400%.
  • As a result of RF lifting, medicinal and therapeutic drugs penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin and act more actively. That is why the procedure is ideally combined with plasma lifting (PRP Endoret).
  • The minimally invasive nature of the procedure ensures that there is no pain, and the possibility of complications and side effects is also minimized;
  • Rehabilitation takes place in record time, and the result can be assessed within 2-3 days after the procedure.

Thanks to the use of treatment methods with microscopic gold-plated needles, RF lifting using the Scarlet device is rightfully considered the most effective and painless method of rejuvenation. The effect of the procedure is many times greater than the results of procedures such as laser resurfacing, peeling and dermabrasion.

Unlike other devices, Scarlet provides RF energy along the entire length of the needle, while analogues supply energy only to the tip of the needle. That is why, when performing RF lifting on Scarlet, a smaller number of passes with microscopic needles is sufficient, therefore, trauma and procedure time are reduced, and the effect exceeds all expectations.

How does the RF needle lifting procedure work?

  • Your cosmetologist will discuss existing problems with you, tell you about the features of the procedure, and suggest the optimal course of treatment based on your individual characteristics and wishes.
  • Local anesthetic cream is applied to the treatment area.
  • The specialist determines the depth of penetration of the needles and the power of thermal radiation. Depending on your sensations and the area of ​​processing, it will change these values.
  • You will feel a slight burning sensation and pressure, and there may be minor pain in the nasolabial fold and lips. The intensity of the sensation depends on your individual sensitivity.
  • After the session, slight swelling and redness of the skin often appears. With proper care, they do not cause any inconvenience and become invisible on the 2nd day.
  • Your doctor will explain how to care for your skin to speed up the recovery process and set a date for your examination and next procedure.

We do not recommend planning a fractional radio wave lifting procedure with microneedles before important events, as you will need to give up decorative cosmetics for 7 days.

The result after therapy appears after 2-4 weeks, reaches its maximum value at 3-5 months and lasts up to 2 years.

RF lifting: what is it, indications and contraindications

Table of contents

  • What is radio wave lifting?
  • Kinds
  • RF and thermolifting – what is the difference?
  • Advantages
  • Who is it suitable for?
  • Contraindications
  • How to do it
  • Side effects and recommendations after the session
  • How often should the procedure be performed?
  • Advantages of carrying out the procedure at MEDSI

Lifting is a general name for a number of cosmetic procedures aimed at tightening the skin.
This includes plastic surgery and numerous non-invasive methods, ranging from medicinal (injection) to hardware therapy. According to reviews from cosmetologists and people who use hardware lifting for rejuvenation, this is one of the few non-surgical effective lifting methods that has a long-lasting effect and significantly improves skin health (including an anti-inflammatory effect) without causing significant side effects.

As a maintenance therapy for ptosis (drooping) of skin areas with the onset of age-related changes, hardware lifting is indicated for patients over 25 years of age (gender does not matter) in the form of regular short courses.

For men, the procedure will help cope with fat deposits in the chin and neck area, and restore the silhouette in case of shingles obesity.

What is radio wave lifting?

RFlifting (or RFlifting) of the face and body is a therapy for age-related changes based on the radio wave method of heating the deep layers of the skin (dermis and hypodermis) under the epidermis (surface layer).

The essence of the method is the targeted effect of radio waves on the most vulnerable areas, where cellulite and bags most often form, that is, which are characterized by age-related flabbiness. These are the areas of the face - forehead, temples, cheeks, nasolabial triangle, chin and neck to the thyroid cartilage; and torso - stomach, inner thighs, sides (above the iliac pelvic bones). Radiofrequency lifting of the whole body is also used.

As a result of deep heating to different temperatures (depending on the area and sensitivity of the skin), the fat sublayer becomes thinner, the vessels reflexively dilate, and with the acceleration of blood flow, the metabolism in the skin accelerates. But the main thing is the transformations that occur with collagen: it changes its structure - the long stretched fibers connecting the dermis and epidermis contract, and the skin regains firmness and elasticity. After 21 days, new collagen begins to be intensively produced, providing a long-lasting effect.

As a result, “jowls” are noticeably tightened, eyebrows are raised, nasolabial folds become less pronounced, acne scars and stretch marks are smoothed out and reduced. The orange peel effect disappears. The skin becomes more elastic to the touch, the complexion is evened out: the shadows under the eyes lighten, the yellow tint is replaced by pink.


The RF face and body lifting procedure can be carried out in different modes depending on the type of device and settings. The difference lies in the power (and the temperature created in the skin) and the polarity of the device.

  • Monopolar.
    Evenly treats the selected layer of skin at the same depth. It has the most powerful effects and, accordingly, the highest temperatures (50–60°C). This device should not be used on thin areas of skin, including the area around the eyes (crow's feet only). Well suited for the treatment of cellulite as part of body contouring
  • Bipolar.
    The polarity is switchable, which allows you to reduce power and temperature (up to 45°C), so the device is suitable for delicate areas. Does not create a magnetic field
  • Tripolar (tripolar).
    The latest generation of lifting devices with constant polarity reversal. The most gentle mode with the lowest temperatures and the highest processing speed. Suitable for all skin types (even for RF eye lifting), can be used on the whole body. Absolutely painless

RF and thermolifting – what is the difference?

Thermolifting (thermage) is most often called high-power RF body lifting (that is, performed by a monopolar apparatus). Temperature effects reach 60°C. With thermolifting, controlled damage to the skin causes a more powerful immune system response, making swelling more likely after the procedure.

Features of thermolifting:

  • Good results in the treatment of deep fatty deposits (the penetrating power of radio waves with this method reaches 40 mm), but limited scope (cannot be used to treat the eyes due to the risk of damage to the tissue of the eyeball)
  • A short course of procedures, but a high probability of discomfort
  • Long list of contraindications

Features of RF lifting:

  • Versatility
  • Low power
  • No sensations or side effects
  • Longer therapy
  • The need for repeated courses occurs 1–2 times a year


  • Non-invasive. The procedure does not leave scars and does not create potentially hazardous conditions for health (preconditions for allergic reactions, infection, blood loss)
  • Does not require special training, rehabilitation or adherence to lifelong diets or other restrictive rules
  • All-season. There are no restrictions for carrying out the procedure in summer, since the epidermis is not involved in the process
  • Performance in different age groups, regardless of gender. Equally well tolerated by men and women from 25 years of age to menopause
  • Fast action. The result is not only visible after a single procedure, but is cumulative over the course and intensifies over time (long-term effect)
  • The precision of the impact allows you to treat strictly defined areas
  • Suitable for the whole body
  • Can be used in complex rejuvenation schemes

Who is it suitable for?

The RF lifting procedure has its own indications and limitations. It is recommended:

  • To maintain skin tone before the first signs of fatigue and aging appear (but not earlier than 25 years)
  • At the first signs of tissue ptosis (drooping eyelids, appearance of “jowls”, “bags” under the eyes)
  • To correct the figure, oval face
  • As an anti-cellulite therapy (including as a means of combating neck obesity, double chin)
  • As part of a rejuvenation complex
  • For skin tightening after rapid weight loss
  • To improve skin turgor with general sagging, reduce acne marks
  • Striae (stretch marks of various etiologies)
  • Expression wrinkles and folds
  • Cuperosis of the face, legs


  • Connective tissue diseases
  • Acute period of viral or bacterial infection, exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Pregnancy, lactation or menstruation
  • Availability of prostheses, implants (including gold reinforcement), pacemakers
  • The patient simultaneously receiving Botox injections
  • Current high blood pressure or severe hypertension
  • Wounds, eczema, active inflammatory process on the skin
  • Oncological diseases
  • Diabetes of any type
  • Age under 25

How to do it

  • Before the procedure, the patient should not apply cosmetics - the skin should be dry and clean. Men need to shave closely. When working on the eyelids and area around the eyes, it is not recommended to wear contact lenses.
  • In a beauty salon or clinic, the client is placed in a comfortable reclining position on a couch and covered with a disposable sheet. Hair gathered under a cap
  • First, the facial skin is peeled for deep cleansing.
  • Then a hypoallergenic (neutral) conductive gel is applied
  • The cosmetologist begins to move the device (handle) along strictly defined lines in the area being treated, while simultaneously massaging the skin
  • At the end of the procedure, the skin is washed and a nourishing mask is applied to the face.

The treatment mode is selected individually depending on the properties of the skin, the treatment area and the desired effect. Painful sensations rarely occur - during the manipulation the client may experience a tingling sensation of greater or lesser intensity, a surge of heat to the surface of the body in the area where the device is operating.

Before visiting a beauty salon, you should consult a dermatologist regarding the presence of contraindications.

Side effects and recommendations after the session

Immediately after an RF lifting session, the blood vessels dilate and fill with blood. As a result, redness of the treated area, a feeling of heat and a local increase in temperature are possible. These symptoms go away on their own within one to two days.

By the evening, slight swelling may appear, which does not require intervention. When treating large areas of the body to eliminate cellulite, it would be appropriate to combine RF lifting with lymphatic drainage.

A rare long-term complication of the procedure is skin fibrosis (pathological growth of connective tissue as a result of excessive stimulation). Occurs when the procedure is abused or the cosmetologist regularly fails to comply with the temperature regime and duration of exposure.

Therefore, when choosing this method of rejuvenation, you should strictly observe the recommended intervals between sessions, carefully select a clinic, and pay attention to the qualifications and rating of the doctor.

On the first day after the session, the client will need to refrain from:

  • Bathhouse visits
  • Sports hall
  • Solarium

How often should the procedure be performed?

Radiofrequency lifting has a long-lasting effect, so it is enough to repeat the course 1-2 times a year. Each course will include about 4 sessions of 15–20 minutes (depending on the mode and body area, the session can be extended up to 2 hours) for clients under 50 years of age and about 6–8 procedures for menopausal clients, since changes in hormonal levels lead to more stable changes in the skin.

At least 10 days must pass between procedures of one course (this interval can be increased to two weeks, but cannot be shortened).

Advantages of carrying out the procedure at MEDSI:

  • Innovative technologies - tripolar RF lifting in Moscow: soft complex effect without pain
  • Average price for face and body lifting for the capital
  • Experienced cosmetologists and physiotherapists
  • Consultation with a dermatologist before the procedure
  • Wide range of cosmetology services
  • Individual selection of comprehensive anti-aging programs

It’s easy to sign up for a consultation – just call 8 (495) 7-800-500 (calls are accepted 24 hours a day).

Results of skin tightening and treatment using the INFINI device

Lifting wrinkles in the area of ​​nasolabial folds

Woman, 43 years old. Treatment for 4 months, a course of 3 procedures using the INFINI device.

Facial rejuvenation, wrinkle smoothing

Woman, 52 years old. Treatment for 2 months, a course of 2 procedures using the INFINI device.

Tightening and smoothing of wrinkles in the neck area

Woman, 57 years old. Treatment for 3 months, a course of 2 procedures using the INFINI device.

Post-acne treatment (smoothing skin after acne)

Male, 27 years old. Treatment for 2 months, course of 1 procedure on the INFINI device.

Price of micro-needle RF lifting in Moscow

The cost of needle lifting depends on the area and area of ​​impact. In our clinic, radiofrequency needle lifting is performed for the face, neck and décolleté. You can find current prices here.

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.

Reviews from doctors about the INFINI* device

“The more I use the INFINI device, the more impressed I am by its ability to provide good, long-lasting results when treating patients with dark skin types. Undoubtedly, the ability of the device to accurately deliver energy to the dermis layer, to varying depths, is its undeniable advantage. However, I think that the effectiveness of the device also depends on its ability to penetrate the epidermis without damaging it with heat." Dr. Sawant (India, 155 patients)

“I am completely satisfied with the INFINI device, as are my patients. I like the simplicity with which I use the device. I call it my “elixir of youth.” In particular, I would like to note the results of treating the neck area, which are superior to the results of all other similar devices that I have used.” Dr. Lauro (Italy, 220 patients)

“The sequential needle insertion technology combined with an isolated microneedle base makes the INFINI procedure less painful for patients compared to similar RF therapy devices, including needleless ones. The ability to adjust the depth of penetration of the needles is also a serious advantage. I was impressed by the results of our research, especially the real-world results obtained using automated measurement tools.” Dr. Wronski (Poland, 16 patients, based on the results of an official in-house study)

*Based on the results of an international study published in 2013: “Investigation of the clinical effectiveness and safety of radiofrequency fractional microneedle therapy in smoothing facial wrinkles. Multicenter study of therapy with the INFINI device involving 499 patients." (link to study)

Effect of fractional RF lifting.

During the procedure, under the influence of micro-needling lifting, the production of your own collagen is stimulated and the number of elastic fibers increases, due to which the skin in the affected areas is smoothed and healthier.

The basic principle of operation of the Scarlet device, on which the RF lifting procedure is carried out, is to carry out one-time microscopic punctures. Microneedles coated with the finest gold plating are inserted to the required depth of the skin and exert a heating effect through radio frequency electrical energy. As a result, an active contraction of one’s own collagen and elastic fibers occurs. Dormant processes of self-healing and self-rejuvenation are activated.

What awaits you during the Scarlet-S RF rejuvenation procedure?

The procedure takes place in a pleasant atmosphere of mutual understanding with an experienced cosmetologist.

  • 1. Free consultation and diagnostics A dermatologist or cosmetologist conducts a professional examination, collecting anamnesis, diagnosing and clarifying the patient’s wishes. The presence of contraindications is clarified.
  • 2. Preparation for the Makeup Remover procedure with double antiseptic treatment
  • 3. Anesthesia if necessary Topical anesthesia is performed depending on the sensitivity and allergic history of the patient. If carried out, topical anesthesia is applied for 15-20 minutes, or injection anesthesia is applied.
  • 4. Preparation of the device The disposable nozzle is opened from the sealed packaging in front of the patient. The doctor sets the impact settings, choosing the optimal anti-aging therapy regimen based on individual data, medical history and wishes of the patient.
  • 5. Completing the procedure Impact on selected correction zones. The optimal temperature regime is 55-60 C to stimulate neocollagenesis processes, eliminating the possibility of fibrosis formation.
  • 6. After the procedure , the cosmetologist applies cream to the affected areas for speedy healing.

Number of sessions

The result of fractional thermolifting is noticeable after the first session. The general course consists of 2–4 procedures, which are carried out once a month. The process of starting skin self-rejuvenation begins with the first procedure; over the next 6 months, the positive effect increases progressively and lasts for at least 18 months. The final result of the cosmetic procedure can be assessed in 6–8 weeks. On the recommendation of a doctor, the course can be repeated.

How to care for your skin after the procedure?

On the day of the procedure, the skin is treated with a special antiseptic solution, then a moisturizer and an ointment that accelerates healing are applied.

During the rehabilitation period, you can use moisturizing and nourishing masks, creams and serums recommended by your cosmetologist.

At MedicCity, any dermatological and aesthetic problems are solved at a highly professional level. Our cosmetologists are proficient in all modern injection methods and hardware techniques for skin rejuvenation and figure correction.

INFINI Advantages

  • Reduction of wrinkles due to volumetric thermal effects
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Stable clinical result
  • Proven clinical effectiveness
  • Ease of use, high speed of procedures
  • Creates coagulation zones at precisely defined depths
  • Deeper impact compared to other radio frequency and laser devices
  • ComfortflowTM technology ensures comfortable insertion of needles even to great depths
  • Fast recovery, short rehabilitation period
  • Two types of maniples - for superficial and deep effects

Preparation for the procedure

Before radio wave therapy, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnesis, assess the severity of the problem, select the most effective method of RF lifting, and, if necessary, give a referral for additional diagnostic examination, which will help confirm or refute contraindications.

1.5 - 2 weeks before the expected date, it is advisable to avoid tanning in direct sunlight, as well as in a solarium. On the eve of anti-aging therapy, cosmetologists advise not to subject the skin to aggressive cosmetic procedures and to avoid creams and gels containing harmful chemicals. The skin must be clean before manipulation.

Materials and methods

In South Korea, three research and training centers were selected to conduct scientific research. Two hundred and four patients were analyzed in this study (80 men and 124 women, mean age 47.3, range 26 to 68 years, Fitzpatrick skin type III-IV, all underwent treatment of facial wrinkles using a fractional microneedling RF system (Scarlet, Viol, Seongnam, South Korea) (Table 1)

. Patients who had recently received systemic retinoids were not included in the study.

The exposure was carried out using a fractional microneedle device SCARLET RF.

Patients with a high likelihood of becoming pregnant or prone to keloid formation or immunosuppression were excluded from the study. All patients provided written consent to participate in the study, undergo the treatment course, and also gave permission for the use of their clinical photographs.

Table 1.

Patient characteristics.

Center Floor Age (years)
Husband Women Interval Meaning
Maylin 25 46 31–68 51
Miaero 37 52 29–65 47
Dr. Oh S. 18 26 26–59 42
Total 80 124 26–68 47,3

Patients underwent one to three sessions of the SCARLET RF fractional microneedling procedure, averaging every 4 weeks. Before applying local anesthesia, the face was cleaned with mild soap and a 70% alcohol solution. Over the entire face under occlusion for 20–45 minutes. Before the procedure, local anesthesia was applied in the form of a mixed solution of 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine (AstraZeneca AB, Sodertalje, Sweden).

The procedure parameters for skin rejuvenation were the same in each center and are shown in Table 2


Table 2.

Generalized indicators of the fractional microneedle radiofrequency system procedure in three educational and methodological centers.

Center Approaches Depth (mm) Treatment options

Intensity (level) Duty cycle (ms)

Number of sessions Treatment interval (weeks)
1 1–3 0,8–3,0 6–8 100–200 2–3 3–4
2 1–3 0,8–3,0 6–8 100–200 2–3 3–4
3 1–3 0,8–3,0 6–8 100–200 1–3 4–5

The procedure was performed over the entire face with one to two passes and an additional one to two passes in areas with moderate to severe wrinkles. Patients with herpes virus infection were treated prophylactically with oral valacyclovir hydrochloride (Valtrex, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC) for 3 days. All patients were advised to use non-comedogenic moisturizer several times a day for several days after each session to promote wound healing and prevent dryness. Patients were strongly advised to avoid excessive sun exposure and use high sun protection factor sunscreen after the procedure, and to avoid the use of systemic or topical retinoids and antibiotics during treatment.

Photographs were taken with the same camera settings, lighting and patient position before and three months after the last session. An objective, blinded clinical assessment was performed by two independent physicians by comparing before and after photographs using a global improvement scale (grade 0 worsened, grade 1, 0–25% minimally improved or unchanged, grade 2, 26–25%). 50% is moderate improvement, grade 3, 51–75% is marked improvement; and grade 4, >75% is almost absolute improvement). At each treatment (1 to 2 weeks apart), the researchers assessed and recorded possible side effects such as blood dew, weeping patches, post-therapy dyschromia, desquamation, crusting, edema and erythema. Three months after the final procedure, all patient-reported side effects were assessed and analyzed.

Rice. 1.

Clinical evaluations of 204 patients treated with fractional microneedling radiofrequency for the reduction of facial wrinkles.

Indications for micro-needle RF lifting

  • decreased skin elasticity with the development of a “fading” effect;
  • ptosis (drooping) of facial skin; (“jowls”), which lead to changes in the oval and symmetry of the face;
  • wrinkles with a predominant localization around the eyes (“crow’s feet”), sagging and sagging of the upper eyelid;
  • enlarged pores
  • small cicatricial changes in the skin of the face, in particular after acne;
  • the development of skin stretch marks, especially in women after pregnancy or after a fairly rapid loss of body weight on the skin of the abdomen and thighs;
  • sagging skin in “problem areas” of the body in men and women
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis)

Contraindications for INFINI RF lifting

INFINI microneedling RF lifting has certain absolute and relative contraindications. Absolute contraindications include body conditions in which the procedure cannot be performed at all. These include:

  • malignant neoplasms of any location in the body;
  • a woman’s pregnancy at any stage;
  • stage 3 hypertension with a significant increase in systemic blood pressure above normal;
  • systemic autoimmune connective tissue diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma;
  • the presence of a silicone implant, fresh connective tissue scars in the area of ​​the intended procedure;
  • presence of cardiac pacemakers;
  • intolerance to current procedures.

In case of relative contraindications, the doctor makes the decision to perform INFINI microneedle RF lifting on an individual basis, depending on the risk of developing possible complications and the severity of the pathological process in the skin. Such contraindications include:

  • exacerbation of acne (acne);
  • chronic inflammatory or allergic skin pathology in the treated area;
  • rosacea in the acute stage.
  • hypersensitive skin.

Indications for the needle RF infini procedure

Indications for the infini fractional rf lifting procedure are very different, since the method copes with many cosmetological problems.

As an anti-age therapy, lifting is useful in the following cases:

  • when skin tone and elasticity have decreased;
  • deep wrinkles or fine wrinkled type of aging appeared;
  • concerned about the photo and chronoaging of the face;
  • gravitational tissue ptosis.

After the infinity course, the contours of the face become tightened, the double chin disappears, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and the severity of deep ones decreases. The look appears younger by lifting the lower and upper eyelids.

Micro-needling RF lifting has also shown itself to be effective in removing scarring skin changes such as

  • acne marks;
  • stretch marks/stretch marks;
  • scars at the site of surgical interventions;
  • scars, consequences of burns and frostbite.

After just one session, the severity of unaesthetic defects will visually decrease.

In addition, needle RF on an infini device has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating.

Prices for the INFINI procedure

Appointment with a cosmetologist

*On the day of the procedure, consultation with a cosmetologist is free! The promotion does not apply to cosmetologists Ph.D.

Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist. On the day of the procedure, the consultation is free! 1 500₽
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist, repeated1 000₽
Appointment (examination, consultation) with cosmetologist K.M.N. primary. On the day of the procedure, the consultation is free! 3 500₽


Application/infiltration anesthesia1 000₽

View full price list

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