Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

Medical staff Location map Phone numbers

The Department of Maxillofacial Surgery was created in 2003 due to the extremely high need for highly qualified care for children with craniomaxillofacial pathology in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Most diseases, deformations and malformations of the craniomaxillofacial region in children (previously classified as unpromising) can be cured permanently or significantly corrected cosmetically.

The patients of the department are children with various forms of facial clefts, nasal deformities, malformations of the auricle, jaw deformations and malocclusions, benign and malignant neoplasms of the craniomaxillofacial area, children with cicatricial deformities of the facial skin and scalp.

One of the priority areas of the department’s work is the surgical correction of cranial and facial deformities due to craniosynostosis (trigonocephaly, scaphocephaly, brachycephaly, plagiocephaly, etc.), elimination of extensive defects in the bones of the skull and facial skeleton in patients after injuries or removal of large tumors (fibrous dysplasia, osteomas, etc.).

Surgeries are performed on the bones of the upper and middle areas of the face in children with congenital dystopias and orbital deformities (orbital hypertellorism, microphthalmia, oblique facial clefts). Another rapidly developing area of ​​work is orthognathic surgery - correction of violations of the position and size of the jaws, complex malocclusions (open, cross, deep). Treatment of such deformities is carried out using special distraction devices and allows for correction of the position of the jaws in children, starting from the first year of life.

Cleft lip before and after treatment

Bilateral cleft lip before and after treatment

Median facial cleft before and after treatment

Oblique facial cleft before and after treatment

Underdevelopment of the lower jaw before and after treatment

Metopic synostosis (trigonocephaly) before and 6 years after treatment

Bicoronal synostosis before and after treatment

Apert syndrome before and after treatment

Orbital hypertelorism before and after treatment

Tumor of the temporal region before and 3 years after treatment

Malformation of the auricle before and after treatment

The department is the scientific and educational base of the Department of Plastic Surgery of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov (head of the department - Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences N.E. Manturova) and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics of the Medical Faculty of RUDN (Head of the Department - Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences T.F. Kosyreva). The staff of the department carries out a great deal of scientific and methodological work, which is confirmed by participation in scientific forums in Russia and abroad. There is close cooperation with doctors from the world's leading centers of craniomaxillofacial surgery.

The results of the work of our department of maxillofacial surgery are highly valued both among many leading specialists in our country and among the most famous foreign craniomaxillofacial surgeons.

Medical staff

Lopatin Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Head department - maxillofacial surgeon

  • Education: higher medical education, graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after. Sechenov in 1985
  • Diploma specialty: “General Medicine”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery (Surgery)”, valid until 2022.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Healthcare Organization and Public Health”, valid until 2024.
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Surgeon of the Highest Qualification Category

Balchenko Alexey Vyacheslavovich

Maxillofacial surgeon

  • Education: higher medical education, graduated from the Kuban State Medical Academy in 2005.
  • Diploma specialty: “Pediatrics”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Pediatric Surgery”, valid until 2020.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Maxillofacial surgery”, valid until 2022.

Batyunin Vladimir Alexandrovich

Maxillofacial surgeon

  • Education: higher medical, graduated from Russian State Medical University in 2001.
  • Diploma specialty: “Pediatrics”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery (Surgery)”, valid until 2022.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Pediatric Surgery”, valid until 2020.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Healthcare Organization and Public Health”, valid until 2022.
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences

Bologova Tamila Vyacheslavovna

Medical psychologist, clinical psychologist

  • Education: higher, graduated from the Moscow Humanitarian Institute in 2009.
  • Graduated from the Russian National Medical Research University named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2014.
  • Diploma specialty: “Psychology”, qualification: “Psychologist, Psychology Teacher”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Psychological preparation of future parents for raising children. Perinatal psychology. Practical psychology"
  • Certificate in the specialty "Children's neuropsychology: methods of diagnosis and correction"

Vodyanitsky Vladimir Borisovich

Maxillofacial surgeon

  • Education: higher medical, graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov in 1980
  • Diploma specialty: “Pediatrics”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery (Surgery)”, valid until 2024.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Surgery (children)”, valid until 2021.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”, valid until 2023.
  • Surgeon of the highest qualification category

Grachev Nikolay Sergeevich

Maxillofacial surgeon

  • Education: higher medical education, graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov FA for ZSR in 2006
  • Diploma specialty: “General Medicine”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery”, valid until 2023.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Oncology (children)”, valid until 2021.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”, valid until 2020.
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences

Kugushev Alexander Yurievich


  • Education: higher medical education, graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian State Medical University in 2006.
  • Diploma specialty: “Pediatrics”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Surgery (children)”, valid until 2022.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Oncology (children)”, valid until 2021.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”, valid until 2022.
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences

Mkrtchyan Karine Egievna


  • Education: higher medical education, graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of RUDN University in 2007.
  • Diploma specialty: “Dentistry”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Orthodontics”, valid until 2022.

Sinitsyn Danko Sergeevich


  • Education: higher medical education, graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. I.P. Pavlova in 2011
  • Diploma specialty: “Dentistry”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Orthodontics”, valid until 2022.

Yasonov Sergey Alexandrovich

Maxillofacial surgeon

  • Education: higher medical, graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov in 1995
  • Diploma specialty: “Pediatrics”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery”, valid until 2022.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Surgery (children)”, valid until 2021.
  • Certificate in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”, valid until 2021.
  • Surgeon of the highest qualification category
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences

The ruble suffered geopolitical damage

“Zelensky gave Poroshenko the opportunity to rise from the ashes, after which he humiliated him throughout the country,” politician and media expert Anatoly Shariy told the newspaper VZGLYAD, commenting on the return of ex-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to his homeland despite criminal cases.

“Poroshenko, just leaving the airport, figuratively speaking, urinated on Zelensky’s face. The fact is that Poroshenko is a complete nonentity and a thief. But when a nonentity can do something like this, then who is Zelensky? He simply lost this campaign,” noted politician and media expert Anatoly Shariy.

“Zelensky had time to prepare, but he is surrounded by “brilliant” PR people. They advised him on a plan that failed. Initially, Poroshenko was supposed to be detained at passport control and taken to court. But nothing came of it. As a result, the security forces ran after Poroshenko like clowns, after which they fled. First they took his passport and then returned it. Everything reached such a disgrace that even the state lawyer, whom they tried to foist on Poroshenko, called this trial a provocation of the investigation,” the expert explained.

“How can one talk about Zelensky’s loss or gain in such a situation? He was simply humiliated. Moreover, it is one thing to be humiliated by a strong person, and quite another when you are humiliated by a nonentity throughout the country,” Shariy said. “Zelensky simply pulled the useless Poroshenko out of mothballs and gave him the opportunity to rise from the ashes. After this, he urgently needs to leave the territory of the state, but I don’t know where he can hide.”

“Apparently, some minimum punishment will be imposed on Porosheno. In the worst case, it will be house arrest, but I think that the judges can generally make a knight’s move and say that there is no corpus delicti in the case,” the interlocutor suggested. “It’s clear that no one wants to take ultimate responsibility for all this action.” Someone should have taken Poroshenko’s passport, but he knows that Zelensky won’t last long, he’ll puff a little more and that’s it, and they’ll start asking the performers.”

Let us remind you that the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv announced a break in the hearing at which it was deciding the issue of choosing a preventive measure for the ex-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in the case of treason. According to the Direct TV channel, the meeting will continue at 14.00 (15.00 Moscow time).

Earlier on Monday, Poroshenko returned to Ukraine; he must be given a preventive measure in the case of high treason when organizing coal supplies from uncontrolled areas of Donbass. Border guards tried to prevent Poroshenko from entering the country and took away his passport under the guise of conducting an inspection; Later, Poroshenko passed through passport control and left the customs zone. Several thousand supporters of the ex-head of the Ukrainian state meet him at the airport.

Let us remind you that Poroshenko said that on Monday he would return to Kyiv and visit the Pechersky District Court, where he was summoned to select a preventive measure in the case of high treason. Kyiv judges allowed Poroshenko to be detained and brought to court to select a preventive measure immediately after the former head of state returned from abroad.

The former president has been absent from Ukraine for about a month. He left for a “diplomatic,” according to the official version of his party, trip to Turkey and Poland on December 17, 2022. Three days after leaving abroad, Poroshenko was officially declared a suspect of treason and promoting terrorism. The case concerns coal supplies to Ukraine from the DPR and LPR.

In addition, it was reported that Poroshenko became involved in cases regarding the appointment of judges, the movement of paintings across the state border, the incident with Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait and the transfer of a certain plot of land. Poroshenko previously stated that a total of 130 criminal cases had been opened against him, but about 40 of them had already been closed.

Watch even more videos on the VZGLYAD YouTube channel

Nikolay Grachev, Vice President of the Skolkovo Foundation

How do you assess the state of affairs in “green” energy in Russia in the past year?

In 2015, many important events took place in the domestic market of “green” technologies. The outgoing year will primarily be remembered for a number of significant projects. It was this year that the first full-cycle plant in Russia for the production of solar modules in Novocheboksarsk was put into commercial operation, and the mechanism of power supply contracts began to work. Engineering and construction competencies are developing, and examples of successful financing of projects in the field of renewable energy sources are emerging. Overall, I think the first important steps have been taken. But, of course, when compared with European countries, the dynamics of renewable energy sources in Russia can hardly be called impressive. In terms of total volumes, compared to foreign markets, our values ​​remain modest.

Which renewable energy sector, in your opinion, has more potential and opportunities for implementation in Russia?

We see prospects primarily in solar and wind energy. I would like to especially note the potential in the implementation of commercial projects of hybrid installations that use a renewable energy source (solar panel or wind turbine), a diesel generator and an energy storage device to generate energy. Such installations are very relevant for remote regions where there is no connection to the central power supply. Interesting solutions to issues of integrated energy supply.

How have the economic crisis, record low oil prices and EU sanctions affected renewable energy in our country?

If we are talking about the global situation in alternative energy, we do not observe any negative trends. According to the latest statistics, in 2014 the level of investment in alternative energy in the world increased. And this trend appears to have continued in 2015. A number of countries, despite low oil prices, prefer to invest in renewable energy and non-hydrocarbon projects. This is due to a number of environmental and political reasons; in many countries, alternative energy is one of the priority areas of high-tech development of the country. Thus, in 2014, investments in renewable energy sources amounted to $270 billion, which is 17% more than a year earlier. If we talk about the difficult economic situation in Russia, this primarily affected the attraction of investments; this process has become noticeably more difficult. For future projects, the devaluation of the ruble creates additional incentives for localization of production.

What energy areas are priority for the Skolkovo Foundation's energy efficient technologies cluster?

We are engaged in searching for and supporting the development and commercialization of promising technologies, in fact, throughout the entire energy chain - from exploration and production of hydrocarbons to energy efficiency projects in housing and communal services, in industry, and in the electric power industry. We have about a hundred participating companies that are engaged in technologies in the field of electricity, including traditional generation, renewable energy solutions in the field of smart grids, energy storage and electrochemistry. In all these areas, we have new interesting projects, the first startups are already entering commercial orders. There are examples of companies that are already actively selling their products and even entering international markets. Our cluster is trying to provide comprehensive support from the allocation of grants to assistance in finding partners, investors, customers, as well as in developing competence, drawing up a development plan and commercialization of the project.

What developments were presented at Skolkovo in 2015?

A number of participants received grant support, for example, VDM-Tekhnika LLC with wind turbines for low-force winds. The activities of a fund resident testing a protective wave power plant, which they plan to install in Crimea, deserve attention.

Which innovative project implemented in 2015 is most interesting to you personally?

I would like to mention the Russian one. They are developing fuel cells for drones. In addition to funds from the Skolkovo Foundation, the company has attracted private funding from several Russian venture funds. This is a very promising segment that is of interest to many players in the market. Next year they will begin pilot production.

Please share your plans and goals for 2016.

The key task of the cluster in 2016 remains the same - to develop participants and promote the commercialization of projects, and attract investors. I want to clarify that we in the cluster also deal with traditional energy sources. Working at the foundation forces and allows you to constantly learn and not stop there.

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