Polina Gagarina's diet, this is the result - minus 40 kg. in 6 months

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Today I can’t even believe that ten years ago the famous singer Polina Gagarina, who today delights her fans not only with her strong voice, but also with her stylish appearance and petite figure, was an ordinary plump simpleton weighing about 90 kg. The secret of Polina Gagarina's weight loss is, first of all, enormous willpower, secondly, a special menu and thirdly, an active lifestyle.

Biography briefly


The singer's mother was a dancer and performed a lot in Greece, so little Polina spent most of her childhood on the shores of the Aegean Sea. The professional artist looked after her figure, and at the same time fed the whole family delicious and healthy Mediterranean dishes.

When the baby was 6 years old, her father died suddenly, and her mother was forced to send her daughter to be raised by relatives in Saratov, where they ate simply and heartily. From a young age, Polina amazed everyone with her singing abilities, so her grandmother took her to a music school, where the girl finally confirmed her desire to serve the world of art. After graduating from seven classes of music school, she entered the Moscow School of Pop and Jazz Art.

In her second year at school, Polina comes to the casting of “Star Factory 2” and immediately gains a lot of fans. Unfortunately, Gagarina’s appearance did not allow her to stand out from the rest of the participants and did not go well with her powerful vocals. The girl looked ordinary. She lacked her own style, which would emphasize the outstanding charisma of the aspiring singer. Although it cannot be said that at that time she suffered from excess weight - the scales showed 60 kg with a height of 164 cm.

Plastic surgery done by the singer

Experts claim that in the case of Gagarina, plastic surgery was not possible, especially on the face, and they list what, in their opinion, was done.

  • Removal of Bisha's lump. As you know, Polina had wide cheekbones and weighty cheeks, which disappeared. This was facilitated by a simple operation, which consists in removing excess fat from the cheeks through an incision in the mouth. After this, the cheeks become sunken, and the oval of the face becomes graceful.
  • Blepharoplasty. As a result of this procedure, the singer's congenital strabismus was corrected, and although it was not particularly noticeable, it created many problems for her.
  • Radiofrequency lifting. Polina no longer hides the fact that she does this skin cleansing procedure in a beauty salon. After it, the skin becomes smooth and radiant, and subsequent masks made from natural ingredients consolidate the effect.

Why did Polina Gagarina gain weight?

In 2007, Polina married actor Pyotr Kislov and they had a son. After the birth of the child, the young mother could not cope with her increased appetite; she ate everything all day long and gained 88 kg. The blurred figure did not contribute to confidence and the emergence of interesting proposals from producers. It seemed that Gagarina’s stage career was buried forever under the weight of extra pounds...

But in 2009, the singer triumphantly returned to the stage and the front pages of the media: the 40 kg she lost and her new image captivated the public and became a springboard to national fame. Polina Gagarina managed to pull herself together and sculpt an ideal body with the help of willpower and a special diet.

From a delicious “bun” to a slender beauty

It is clear that every girl wants to be graceful, but not everyone succeeds, especially those who are inclined to be overweight. This was the case with Polina, who had a genetic predisposition to excess weight, and after pregnancy and childbirth she gained even more weight. And since, as Gagarina herself now recalls, she ate haphazardly, mainly subsisting on fast food due to lack of time, the results of this were, as they say, “obvious.”

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When the singer realized that her luxurious forms could ruin her career, she made the only decision - to lose weight! And, as you know, she lost 40 kg in six months, and when she also changed her image, turning from a long-haired brunette into a sexy blonde with a stylish haircut, she simply killed all those who knew her.

But... It is clear that it is almost impossible to lose SUCH a lot of weight in SUCH a short time naturally and without causing significant harm to your health. And it was here that the singer’s weight loss story began to become surrounded by incredible rumors, since she herself did not comment on this situation at all.

The secret of Polina Gagarina's weight loss

So what was the impetus for losing weight for the famous singer? Firstly, admission to the Moscow Art Theater School, studying in which required great physical effort from the girl. Secondly, a divorce from her first husband, which prompted Polina to plunge headlong into professional growth, and thirdly, a profitable and interesting contract from producers, containing strict conditions regarding her appearance.

This is how Polina Gagarina’s effective diet was born, which later became popular thanks to the celebrity’s chiseled figure.

Polina Gagarina's diet principle

In order to get rid of the hated fat as soon as possible, the young mother chose a nine-day mono-diet from Margarita Koroleva, which was based on alternating protein and carbohydrate days, and based on it she developed her own weight loss method. Thanks to a special diet, Gagarina lost 40 kilograms in six months.

But this is what concerns Gagarina’s face, but what happened to her body?

Those who believed that she had fat removed from her abdomen, thighs and buttocks, and then sagging skin was tightened, are mistaken. Oddly enough, it’s really all about diet, physical activity and, most importantly, the girl’s enormous willpower, which led to such an amazing result.

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Rare shot: Viktoria Isakova showed her grown-up daughter from Yuri Moroz (new photo)

Polina ate as follows:

First day

  • rice only (250 g of golden rice is soaked overnight, before breakfast the water is drained, the grain is washed and boiled)

Second day

  • lean chicken breast without skin, boiled or steamed, daily norm: 1200g.

The third day

  • only vegetables (all except starchy ones), raw or steamed, or vegetable broth. You need to consume 500 g of vegetables per day.

At the end of the third day, the cycle begins again.

In addition, the singer strictly adhered to certain rules:

  • Exclude fried, fatty, fast food, alcohol, canned baked goods and sweets.
  • Either eliminate bread products completely or replace them with whole grain bread.
  • The diet should include lean meat, lean fish, legumes, various vegetables, cereals, berries, fruits and dried fruits in moderation. Directly pressed juices, kefir, and still water are allowed.
  • Eat seafood every few days.
  • Food is cooked only by steaming; the only fat allowed is olive oil in small quantities.
  • The daily diet should be divided into 4 meals.
  • The serving size should not exceed 250 g.
  • You should not have dinner later than a few hours before bedtime.
  • In addition to your diet, you should try to lead an active lifestyle: running, dancing, cycling, etc.
  • 30 minutes before your first meal, be sure to drink a glass of clean water with lemon to start active metabolic processes.
  • Drink about two liters of clean water per day, you need to drink little by little throughout the day.
  • To maintain intestinal function, low-fat fermented milk products are allowed; it is especially recommended to add a pinch of cinnamon to kefir to accelerate fat burning.

Thanks to these simple and well-known principles, you can maintain a slim figure for many years.

Pros of the diet

  1. The diet consists of simple and affordable foods;
  2. The menu is based on the principles of healthy eating;
  3. Excess weight goes away quickly and does not return for a long time;
  4. There are no side effects.

Cons of the diet

Not everyone enjoys the same type of food all day long.

Polina Gagarina's diet menu for the week

Polina Gagarina's diet menu implies that throughout the day you can only eat the foods listed on the menu.

1 day Breakfast - oatmeal porridge with water, herbal tea.

Lunch – rice soup, green tea.

Afternoon snack – any fruit except bananas and grapes.

Dinner – 200 g of boiled rice with boiled carrots, a glass of kefir.

Day 2 Breakfast – a glass of kefir with a pinch of cinnamon.

Lunch – 200 g chicken fillet (steamed or grilled), a glass of water with lemon.

Afternoon snack – dried fruits, about a handful, no more.

Dinner – 200 g of chicken fillet with vegetables, boiled or grilled, herbal tea.

Day 3 Breakfast – 200 g of fresh cucumber and celery salad, seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil, green tea.

Lunch – 150 g of vegetable soup without meat, water with lemon.

Afternoon snack – one fruit.

Dinner - low-starch vegetables (bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, all types of cabbage, eggplants, etc.) in the form of salad, stew, stewed, boiled, baked, a glass of kefir.

4 day Breakfast – a glass of kefir.

Lunch – 150 g of fruit salad from one grated apple, seasoned with low-fat yogurt without sugar or additives.

Afternoon snack – still water with lemon.

Dinner – a glass of kefir.

5 day Breakfast – 200 g of boiled rice with raisins, green tea.

Lunch – 250 g of rice soup with carrots, rosehip decoction.

Afternoon snack – one fruit, water with lemon.

Dinner - 250 g of fish with rice, baked or grilled, a glass of kefir.

Day 6 Breakfast – a slice of hard cheese – 2 pieces, herbal tea.

Lunch – 250 g skinless chicken breast, boiled, steamed or grilled, 1 tomato. Water with lemon.

Afternoon snack – 1 fruit, green tea.

Dinner – 200 g of chicken soup, a glass of kefir.

Day 7 Breakfast – 1 apple, a glass of kefir.

Lunch – 150 g of boiled vegetable salad, green tea.

Afternoon snack – 100 g dried apricots, water with lemon.

Dinner – 250 g of fresh cucumber and Chinese cabbage salad without dressing, herbal tea.

Recipes for some dishes

The BUTCH diet is unique in that it does not require special recipes or dishes. You can completely rely on your imagination. You can also use some of our recipes.

Crab soup

Ingredients : 250 grams of crab meat, 50 grams of Parmesan cheese, 20 grams of onions, four potatoes, one carrot.

First of all, you need to cook the crab meat until tender, then add potatoes, onions and carrots. Cook for 20-25 minutes over medium heat. Finally, add the grated cheese and cook for another five minutes.

Fruit salad

To prepare a fruit salad you will need: mangoes, peaches, bananas, pineapples and homemade yogurt.

Cut the fruit into small pieces, then season the salad with yogurt and put it in the refrigerator to cool for a quarter of an hour. Salad will replace sweets and will be an excellent snack during an afternoon snack.


To make muesli you will need: honey, milk, dried fruits and oatmeal.

Finely chop the dried fruits, mix 50 g of dried fruits with 100 g of oatmeal until smooth, add 50 g of warm milk, mix thoroughly. Instead of sugar, add honey. After preparation, you can eat immediately.

Quitting the diet

At the end of the mono-diet, you can start eating small portions, avoiding foods from the prohibited list and adhering to the general rules of healthy eating: eat 4-5 times a day in small portions, continue to drink a lot of clean water. Introduce new products gradually, starting with cereals, then add fruits, lean meats, and fish. It is also recommended to get involved in active sports and recreation, and move a lot in the fresh air.

Here is Polina’s approximate menu for 1 day:


  • oatmeal with water; vegetable salad (bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage) without oil and salt; freshly squeezed tomato or any other juice.


  • steamed, boiled or baked fish with a side dish of stewed vegetables and apple dessert.

Afternoon snack

  • fruits (pears, apples, oranges) in any quantity, rosehip infusion and herbal tea.


  • chicken breast cooked without oil or fat, with vegetable salad without dressing and kefir.

Diet price

Since Polina Gagarina’s diet consists of a minimum of simple, cheap and easily accessible products, almost anyone can afford it. On average, a weekly menu (rice, fish, vegetables, kefir) will cost 1,000 Russian rubles. This is quite inexpensive, especially if you compare how much some people spend on alcohol, sweets and sausages.

Physical activity for weight loss

Sport plays a very important role in Polina Gagarina’s weight loss method. Physical activity not only helps you get rid of extra pounds, but also gives your figure a beautiful shape, makes your skin toned, muscles elastic, fills your blood with oxygen and gives a powerful influx of energy and endorphins. While studying at the Moscow Art Theater, the girl devoted about three hours a day to training. This included choreography, stage movements, fencing... The effect was stunning, there was practically no time left to think about food. Now Gagarina regularly visits the gym, swimming pool, and runs around the park. She also likes to take a steam bath in the sauna.

Excess weight during pregnancy is normal

This is exactly what the singer claimed when she became pregnant and began to actively gain weight. She did not deny herself anything at all. At the restaurant I could order a double portion and then eat a sweet dessert and ice cream. She loved to eat so much that she simply did not pay attention to her reflection in the mirror. It was clear that the weight came to the expectant mother not only in the right places, but also in amounts that were not allowed during pregnancy.

Polina believed that after giving birth this weight would evaporate somewhere on its own, but, alas, a miracle did not happen.

During her pregnancy, Polina gained as much as thirty kilograms, which the young mother did not want to leave.

Table of permitted products

3.Fruits (except grapes and bananas)
5.Dried fruits (no more than 100 g per day)
6.Whole grain bread
7.Hard cheese
8.Chicken (skinless breast or fillet)
9.Chicken eggs (boiled, or in the form of an omelet, fried in a dry frying pan)
10.Rice and other low-calorie grains
11.Low-fat fermented milk products
12.Black (weak), green or herbal tea
13.Mineral water, still

Professional growth:

  • 2011 - Gagarina signed a contract with Konstantin Meladze.
  • 2015 - Polina won silver at the Eurovision Song Contest. The piercing voice and song captivated people all over the world.
  • 2015, 2016 - member of the jury, mentor of participants in the “Voice” project.

3 albums, film soundtracks, singles – Gagarina’s achievements. Polina received numerous awards for her songs and video clips.

Gagarina talks about her personal life, weight loss, and creativity.

Table of prohibited products

Polina Gagarina's diet involves the complete exclusion of the following foods from the diet:

1.Fast food
2.Canned food
3.Soups with concentrated meat broth
4.Sugar and sweets
6.Baked goods and products made from wheat flour
7.Products high in starch
8.Strongly brewed coffee and tea
9.Sweet carbonated drinks


You can eat everything except bananas.


Omit grapes.


Not included in the diet of Gagarina’s nutrition program

Nuts and dried fruits

Exclude nuts and candied fruits; dried fruits can be 100 g on certain days according to the menu.


Forget chips!

Cereals and porridges

You can, but only low-calorie ones, for example, rice and oatmeal, but cooked in water without milk or butter.

Flour and pasta

Those who want to lose weight should not eat dumplings and non-durum wheat pasta.

Bakery products

Everything except whole grains is prohibited.


Confectionery products (sweets, cookies, marshmallows, etc.) are strictly prohibited.

Ice cream

Ice cream is not allowed.


For those who want to quickly get rid of excess fat, cakes and pastries are strictly contraindicated.


Chocolate is a high-calorie food that you definitely shouldn’t eat when losing weight.

Sauces and seasonings

Most sauces contain sugar, salt, vinegar and a lot of fat. By adding mayonnaise, ketchup, etc. to food, we increase its calorie content at least twice.


Only low-fat fermented milk products such as kefir and yogurt without fillers and sugar are allowed.

Cheeses and cottage cheese

Occasionally you can allow yourself a piece of hard cheese or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Meat products

To make the weight you gain go away forever, you can eat lean beef, boiled or baked. It is better to exclude pork and other fatty meats from the diet.


Sausages contain a lot of salt, sugar, artificial seasonings and preservatives, so they are not included in the diet menu.


You can safely eat skinless chicken and turkey; the meat of other poultry is too fatty for those who are watching their figure.

Fish and seafood

Lean fish and seafood must be present in the diet several times a week.

Oils and fats

Small amounts of olive oil can be used to maintain good skin and hair condition.

Alcoholic drinks

Eliminate completely. Alcohol is very high in calories and also retains fluid in the body, which causes swelling.

Non-alcoholic drinks

All sugary carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar and do not help you lose weight. It is worth replacing them with regular drinking water.

Juices and compotes

Freshly squeezed juices and compotes without sugar are allowed, rosehip decoction is especially recommended.

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