Inna Mikhailova’s appearance – a gift of nature or the result of successful plastic surgery

How Inna Mikhailova's face changed

The charming chubby girl with a button nose and a perky smile in the photo below is the future wife of Stas Mikhailov.

Having matured, the girl, of course, changed: her nose became straight, her eyes were large, but the soft oval line of her face and cheeks remained the same. After 40 years, Inna’s age-related changes became clearly visible: the oval of her face “swimmed”, a double chin appeared, nasolabial folds deepened, “crow’s feet” appeared in the corners of the eyes and hernias of the lower eyelids. In modern photos, all these defects miraculously disappeared!

The young oval face of Inna Mikhailova: where did the cheeks and double chin go?

With age, the skin stretches, and the soft tissues of the face sink down. The consequence of this is the formation of a double chin and jowls, which can only be removed through surgery. Today, plastic surgeons use unique techniques that allow not only to tighten the skin, but also to return muscles and ligaments to the place occupied at a young age. This operation is called SMAS lifting, after which a person looks natural, his facial architecture is restored, without changing proportions. It is possible that it was smas-lifting that saved Inna Mikhailova from her double chin and restored her facial contour. To correct the cheeks, another operation is used - removal of Bisha's lumps (fatty tissue), after which contouring of the cheekbones is often done - an injection procedure, during which a hyaluronic filler is injected into the supra-zygomatic area to add volume. Perhaps the described methods contain the secret of the radical transformation of Stas Mikhailov’s wife.

Inna Mikhailova: no crow's feet or bags under the eyes

Inna’s periorbital area became ideal - wrinkles disappeared, her eyes “opened” thanks to the elimination of drooping upper eyelids and the correction of bags under the eyes. Perhaps Inna Mikhailova had blepharoplasty - it is simply impossible to get rid of age-related eyelid defects by any other means.

Did Inna Mikhailova really have rhinoplasty?

You notice obvious changes when comparing modern photos of Stas Mikhailov’s wife and her photographs taken in her youth. Previously, Inna had a straight, regular nose, but now its back looks much narrower, and the tip has become pointed. The lady denies rhinoplasty, but then the only convincing explanation for the changes is Photoshop.

Inna Mikhailova made sure that her neck did not show her age

And she did the right thing, because often women, having radically rejuvenated their faces, forget about the neck and décolleté, which treacherously remind others of the owner’s long life journey. Stas Mikhailov’s wife, judging by the photo, does not have a hint of the rings of Venus on her neck (as the transverse folds of the skin are called), although a few years ago her neck could not be called ideal. It is difficult to say what exactly was done - platysmaplasty or biorevitalization of the skin of the neck and décolleté - most likely, plastic surgery took place.

Inna Mikhailova denies any surgical correction of her face and claims that good home care, professional cosmetic procedures, as well as fitness and proper nutrition help her look young.


Before his current wife, the singer was married twice. Charismatic Stas was a favorite of women from a young age and was known as a “heartthrob.” With the beginning of his career, his already considerable popularity increased. Soon his first wife, Inna Gorb, appeared in Stas Mikhailov’s life. The acquaintance took place backstage after one of the concerts.

After some time, the couple got married. Gorb assumed the role of a real “fighting friend”, was Mikhailov’s assistant at all events, helped in organizing concerts and filming videos. In 2001, the couple had a son, Nikita, and soon the singer left Sochi for the capital, leaving his wife and son there.

Here Stas finds a new relationship with the singer’s cousin Valeria, and soon she gives birth to his daughter, for which the singer was not ready. The couple broke up, their joint daughter Daria is the only thing that now connects these people, who have become strangers to each other.

And finally, in 2006, the famous chansonnier meets his current wife Inna, with whom they are together to this day.

In the life of every man, sooner or later there is a meeting with someone whom he does not want to lose, and for whom he wants to move mountains. It was from the moment Inna Mikhailova appeared in his life that the singer’s biography was enriched by the rise of his career and the presence of complete family happiness.

Inna Mikhailova: age, height, weight, proposed plastic surgery

Date of birth/place of birthMay 9, 1973 / Ukraine, Kirovograd.
OccupationThe wife of singer Stas Mikhailov.
Height, weight, figure parameters 170 cm / 63 kg / 90 – 65 – 93 cm.
Confirmed plastic surgeriesNo, only cosmetic procedures.
Alleged plastic surgeriesSMAS lifting, platysmoplasty, rhinoplasty.


From time to time, Inna goes on a small diet. It is designed for only 2 days, but requires adherence to the menu.

Day #1

Breakfast: boiled egg + half a grapefruit.

Lunch: 100 g of baked fish + 150 g of vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.

Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.


The unique diet of Tatyana Ustinova: how the famous writer managed to lose 100 kg

Interesting facts from the life of Inna Mikhailova

In 1990, Inna Ponomareva (maiden name of Inna Mikhailova) won the regional beauty contest and became Miss Kirovograd.

In 1991, Inna married Andrei Kanchelskis, a football player for the Ukrainian team Shakhtar. With her husband, who signed a contract with Manchester United, she moved to England. In a marriage that lasted 15 years, two children were born.

The acquaintance with Stas Mikhailov took place in 2006, four years later the couple registered a relationship. The Mikhailovs are raising two children in common and four children from their first marriages.

The Mikhailovs are inseparable. Judging by the photo, plastic surgery is their common hobby.


The name of Inna Kanchelskis is not known to every modern person, but in our time everyone knows the spouse Inna of the famous chansonnier Stas Mikhailov.
And we are talking about the same woman. During her life, Inna Mikhailova changed her last name twice - from two husbands, respectively. Nee Ponomareva was born in the Ukrainian city of Kirovograd into a family of ordinary factory workers. His birthday fell on a great holiday - Victory Day - May 9, 1973. At that difficult time, the parents were no different from an ordinary Soviet family. And little Inna always studied diligently in order to achieve success in adulthood.

But already in childhood, the girl had to go through many trials, including her father’s addiction to drinking, which became the cause of real drama. The head of the family went to jail for attacking his own wife and ended his life untimely.

But the future star was not disappointed in life and even during her school years she had many fans. She even managed to win the local beauty contest “Miss Kirovograd 1990”, although she refused to participate in the all-Ukrainian round.


A marriage in which there was love, happiness, children's laughter, the pain of loss and betrayal lasted 15 years. It finally came to an end when Andrei was invited to the regional Russian football club. Inna, accustomed to a good life, conditions and prosperity, did not want to follow her husband.

For some time they lived in different cities, meeting in a Moscow apartment during Andrei’s arrival, until it turned out that Inna had become close to singer Stas Mikhailov. After revealing this fact, the spouses decided to formalize the divorce process on paper and divide the property.

The couple shared not only property, but also children: Eva and Andrei

On material issues, the spouses were unable to reach a common agreement, and lengthy trials began. At first, the disputes were over property and accumulated financial savings, then the question became about children.

The litigation in the biography of this family lasted more than 5 years; instead of spouses, lawyers communicated. At this time they themselves gave frank interviews, each telling their truth.

It is worth noting that Inna got a decent sum of money.

As of today, the disputes are over, one child has become an adult. Now his father has the opportunity to see him and communicate freely.

Stas Mikhailov: biography, personal life, wife, children

The singer is from Sochi. Year of birth: 1969. His father worked as a pilot, his mother as a nurse. The family also had an older brother, Valery. When Stas was 20 years old, his brother died in a plane crash.

Stas studied at the Institute of Culture, but dropped out. He worked in his hometown at a recording studio, video rental store, and as a singer in restaurants. It became quite popular in Sochi. In 1992 he moved to the capital. He survived for a long time and tried to achieve fame.

His first album, released in 1996, did not bring fame. Desperate, Mikhailov returned to Sochi. He returned to Moscow after 2000.

The second round of his career began in 2002. The singer released the album “Dedication”. In 2005, his songs were broadcast on Radio Chanson. He began giving concerts and releasing new CDs:

  • “Shores of Dreams” in 2006;
  • "Heaven" in 2007;
  • “Life is a River” in 2008;
  • "Alive" in 2010;
  • “Only You” in 2011;
  • "Joker" in 2013;
  • "1000 steps" in 2014

The singer's rapid popularity causes mixed opinions among other celebrities. His work was criticized by many: E. Grishkovets, I. Kobzon. But his talent and charisma are beyond doubt.

Today the 49-year-old singer is an Honored Artist of Russia, whose work is classified as chanson and pop genre. One of the brightest and most sought-after representatives of Russian show business.

New love story

According to friends of Stas Mikhailov and Inna, their first meeting took place at the singer’s concert. They say that during the performance he noticed a beautiful girl in the hall, and after the concert he approached her and asked her on a date. The date was very romantic with a candlelit dinner.

This was the beginning of a new love story. In his interviews, Stas has said more than once that Inna has become a muse for him, and that he devotes all his songs only to her.

In turn, Inna simply glows with happiness , supports her husband in everything and is the first to listen to all his songs. Their feelings were so vivid that Stas Mikhailov even confessed his love to Inna right from the stage during one of the concerts.

The result of the relationship was a magnificent wedding, on which a large sum of money was spent. Many guests were invited to share this joyful day in the life of Inna and Stas, among whom were colleagues from the shop. This wedding was held on a special scale and became one of the most discussed events.

Support and Support

The couple met back in 2006, when Stas Mikhailov was heard only in a narrow circle. But after meeting Inna, his popularity increased sharply. They say that the whole secret of Mikhailov’s success lies in his wife’s money , which she received during her divorce from the football player and invested in the promotion of her new chosen one.

Neither the singer nor his wife comment on whether this is true or not. Today, Inna manages all the singer’s financial affairs and is essentially his producer. And I must say, it does it quite successfully. Over the course of several years, Mikhailov became one of the most famous and richest singers on the Russian stage.

Inna is often asked how she lives with the favorite of many women. But she prefers not to comment on her personal life. It is only known that periodically the singer receives letters about his infidelities by email. But Inna, like a wise wife, does not react to them in any way.

The couple has been living in peace and harmony for several years. He is raising six children, two of whom are married, two from Inna’s first marriage and the same number from Stas’s first marriage. Their family hearth is full of love and mutual understanding, and this is the key to a long and happy relationship.

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