The result of contouring in “before and after” photographs

  • Why facial contouring?
  • Video about contour plastic surgery.
  • Contour plastic surgery - effectiveness
  • Are there many side effects or unwanted reactions?
  • Is it possible to perform contouring during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
  • Is it recommended to use anesthesia for contouring?
  • Can the procedure be performed on patients who have undergone laser therapy or chemical peeling?
  • Photos before and after

Why is injection facial contouring performed?

Contour plastic surgery is primarily a medical preparation used to fill and smooth out wrinkles.
They fill the skin and increase volume. As a rule, these are drugs of synthetic origin, so such drugs do not cause allergic reactions. They can be either biodegradable, i.e. completely resolve within a few months. Or they can be non-biodegradable, i.e. stays in the skin for many years.

The procedures do not require much time, and the recovery period after them is minimal. The results are visible immediately after the procedure. The safety of drugs is one of the important criteria today.

The preparations are based on hyaluronic acid, a natural component of the human body, and do not contain any substances of animal origin. The natural result of the procedure using such drugs does not distort the patient’s appearance.

Wrinkle correction is a special service performed by our professional specialists at the Moscow cosmetology clinic “Absolut Med”. Folds on the face and numerous wrinkles are the enemies of not only women, but also men. Modern correction techniques allow you to regain the youth of your face and décolleté.

Sharon Stone has joined an initiative aimed at increasing confidence in aesthetic procedures.

March 28, 2015 In Monaco, Sharon Stone joined a global initiative aimed at increasing confidence in aesthetic procedures among consumers. For the first time, a global celebrity is involved in promoting aesthetic procedures.

Changing your face shape

Operations Aesthetic operations Changing the shape of the face

The desire to be attractive is perhaps the most important desire of people. It is known that sweet face helps to establish interpersonal contacts, facilitates solving social problems and, most importantly, gives self confidence. The results of numerous sociological surveys and studies have confirmed that a person’s attractiveness plays a very important role in his destiny. It is well known that beautiful people They are more likely to get high-paying jobs, are happier in their marriages, and have a wider social circle. And these are not empty words! It’s not for nothing that millions of people around the world agree to changing your appearance by performing various surgical interventions. And the most interesting thing is that they actually get what they want! (otherwise plastic surgery would have ceased to exist long ago) The surgeon’s scalpel really allows change life for the better. It is only important that he has a correct and holistic idea of ​​beauty, can accurately identify the “problem” and eliminate it in the most appropriate way.

I think you will agree with me that beauty is a relative concept and largely depends on ideas imposed on us by a variety of, not always “authoritative” sources. Therefore, in relation to the face, I prefer to use the term “harmony” , which means the proportionality of parts, the merging of the various components of an object into a single organic whole. Accordingly, I do not divide my patients into “beautiful” and “not beautiful”. In every person who is dissatisfied with his appearance, I try to find the cause of disharmony. Sometimes it happens that our opinions do not coincide. For example, the patient insists on reducing the nose (considering it to be the cause of all troubles), and I insist on enlarging the chin (considering the nose to be absolutely not to blame). Of course, I usually win in an argument. If not, we disagree peacefully, each remaining with his own opinion. At least I am consoled by the fact that I did not make the person’s face even more disharmonious.

In this section, I will share with you information about how we “measure” the beauty and attractiveness of a face, what deviations can occur in people of different ages and genders. And, most importantly, about how, with the help of surgical techniques, we can achieve harmony or at least get closer to it.

Sincerely, Professor of the Department of Surgical Dentistry;

Department of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of South Ural State Medical University;

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Vasiliev Yuri Sergeevich

more details on my personal website: yusvasiliev.rf.

What is an ideal face? This is probably the main question, the answer to which every surgeon should know before performing facial surgery. Any operations.

What do I want to change about my appearance? And this is the main question that the patient must understand before going on the operating table. It is not always the case that a person correctly understands the essence of the problem. Therefore, the task of a plastic surgeon is to competently and clearly explain the situation and offer solutions (after all, he knows the answer to the first question).

What will happen as a result of the operation? The answer to this question is born after long joint conversations between the doctor and the patient.:-) The main thing is that both participants in the dialogue understand this before the operation

So, theory (aka philosophy)… In aesthetic medicine, there are dozens of characteristics that describe individual elements of the face and more than a hundred ways to correct a wide variety of aesthetic defects. Basically, these are already familiar “injections” and “lifts”, changing the shape of the nose ( rhinoplasty ), lips, ears ( otoplasty ). However, as you already understand, we are talking only about individual parts of the face. I believe that this approach does not reflect the full depth of the problem. Of course, the face can be divided into aesthetic subunits (forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, nose, lips, etc.) and modified individually. But only understanding the correct relationships between these elements gives us the key to successfully changing our appearance and the ability to truly work miracles. And, believe me, the results of operations performed in accordance with this understanding amaze the imagination much more than attempts to make “a nose like Sergei Lazarev”, “ears like Dima Bilan”, and “lips like Angelina Jolie”.

For clarity, I give an example. This is the same young man before and after the operation. Do you feel the difference?

Yes, the operation was long and complicated. After the operation, the patient went through a difficult recovery period. But if a person is determined, we are ready to take on this difficult task. The most important thing is to know exactly what needs to be changed and how it can be done.

Agree that facial balance and its attractiveness do not depend on linear dimensions . For example, if the face of the same person is printed on sheets of different formats, our assessment of his attractiveness will always be the same. But if any elements of the face turn out to be disproportionate, our gaze will inevitably draw attention to this. Therefore, when starting to analyze a face, it is necessary to realize that, first of all, we evaluate not absolute numbers, but relative ones. That is, not millimeters, but ratios. From this perspective, multiple interesting patterns can be seen in a balanced face.

When performing analysis vertically One of the important components of facial harmony is symmetry. Despite the fact that absolute symmetry does not occur in nature, our perception is very sensitive to even minor deviations. That's why, the more symmetrical the right and left halves of the face are, the more harmonious it seems to us.

In the vertical direction, the face can be divided into five equal parts, each of which is equal to the width of the palpebral fissure . The wings of the nose should be located at the level of the inner corners of the eyes, and the corners of the mouth should fit into the distance between the inner edges of the pupils.

When analyzing horizontally An important indicator is the equal ratio of the upper, middle and lower zones of the face. Nose height equal to the height of the auricle. Wherein apex of the auricle is located at the level of the eyebrow, and the lobe is located at the level of the tip of the nose. Upper and lower lip height are related as 1/3.

This list goes on and on. But I'll stop for now as I plan to write a more detailed article on analyzing facial proportions.

The main thing I wanted to say in this section is that the harmony of a face depends on the relative position of its individual elements.

Now let's try to figure out how these relationships affect our appearance.

Face shape, and therefore its harmony, first of all depend on the structural features of the facial skeleton, which consists of fifteen bones, interconnected. The paired bones include the upper jaw, inferior turbinate, palatine, zygomatic, nasal, lacrimal bones; unpaired - vomer, lower jaw, ethmoid bone.

The shape of the midface depends on the size and location of the nasal and cheek bones, the upper jaw, and the position of the teeth.

The appearance of the lower area of ​​the face is determined by the size, shape and location of the lower jaw and the position of the teeth.

Any deviations from the normal structure of bones are certainly reflected in the appearance of the face. In medical terminology, these deviations are called “dental anomalies” .

There is such a mutual arrangement of jaws and teeth in which the face has the correct shape. When looking at such a face, we perceive it as harmonious. At the same time, you need to understand that there is no need to reproduce the same position of the jaws in each patient. On the contrary, when planning such operations, we are based on the individual characteristics of the structure of the bones and the position of the teeth.

more details on my personal website: yusvasiliev.rf

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid allows you to:

  • Get rid of wrinkles
  • Restore youth to lips
  • Restore facial contour
  • Restore elasticity and skin turgor
  • Improve the condition of the skin on the back of the hands and décolleté

“We want to shed light on how delicate and natural the results of aesthetic procedures can be. We know people have a hard time trusting photos, so we'll show you results you can trust - in real time. We hope to debunk outdated stereotypes and help people make informed decisions."

In 2013, over 23 million people in the world received experience using aesthetic procedures. Even more people are showing interest in them.

Recent studies have shown that 9 out of 10 patients (87.1% of respondents) choose aesthetic procedures to feel more confident as they enter middle age. At the same time, people want natural-looking results. What patients fear most is unnatural results.

Restylane is the undisputed leader among fillers used to eliminate wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and correct the shape of the lips and facial contours. An important advantage of Restylane is its long-term effect - the effect of the procedure lasts for at least 6 months.

Restylane is a biogel of hyaluronic acid. When introduced into the skin tissue, the gel particles accumulate water molecules, creating volume and thereby smoothing the skin. Restylane gives the best effect when treating the forehead, bridge of the lips and outer edges of the eyes, as well as nasolabial folds.

Correction of facial contours: hardware technologies

  • For gravitational ptosis, procedure No. 1 is the Ultraformer SMAS lift. It allows you to restore the structure that holds the fat packet. The modern HIFU device is unparalleled: with the help of focused ultrasound, it literally “reflashes” the tissue. They instantly tighten up, as if after a surgeon’s intervention. 6 months after the procedure, intensive production of your own collagen occurs, due to which the rejuvenation effect increases. SMAS-lifting Ultraformer is done once, the result of the tightening will last up to 2 years.
  • If changes have not yet affected the muscular aponeurotic layer of tissue (SMAS), a course of Face Anti-Gravity procedures on the ACCENT device will help restore clarity to the oval of the face and eliminate jowls. The procedure works against all signs of aging, you can evaluate the effect on the same day! Ultra-powerful RF of the new generation remodels the skin layer by layer at the superficial, medium and deep levels, returning elasticity and firmness to the tissues. The skin becomes smooth and tightened.
  • If you have a pronounced double chin, the Just Perfect program is relevant (performed on the legendary ACCENT device). Being an absolute analogue of plastic surgery, the procedure allows you to achieve results quickly, without pain and rehabilitation.

    Just Perfect is carried out in 2 stages:

    Using ultrasound, the doctor eliminates fat deposits in the area of ​​the double chin, targeting the membranes of fat cells (adipocytes). The double chin is going away.

  • After this, turbolifting of the skin of the lower third of the face is carried out - this allows you to instantly tighten the skin.

Lip contouring

This procedure is often called lip augmentation. However, contour plastic surgery allows not only to increase volume, but also to correct the shape of the lips, eliminate existing asymmetry, and achieve rejuvenation of the perioral area. During the procedure, the doctor uses an ultra-thin needle to inject hyaluronic acid along the contour of the lips, evenly distributing it with massaging movements. A local anesthetic cream under the film is first applied to the surface of the treated area. This reduces discomfort during drug administration. Modern drugs also contain an anesthetic substance, which reduces pain. To ensure an ideal result, it is important for the patient to discuss the desired lip shape and size with the doctor in advance. Much depends on the doctor’s aesthetic sense. It is important that the proportions are harmonious, natural and satisfy the girl’s own sense of beauty. Since a large number of injections are made into the lips to form a contour and shape, the client can clearly see the changes and correct them along the way.

Benefits of the procedure

The introduction of injectable implants is a safe procedure with multiple advantages:

· the procedure is performed in the clinic on an outpatient basis, there is no need to go to the inpatient department;

· the first result becomes noticeable immediately after the end of the session;

· there is no need for specific preparation, as with surgical intervention;

· short rehabilitation period;

· manipulation lasts from 20 to 40 minutes;

· the procedure is performed at any age;

· the procedure can be combined with other rejuvenation methods (for example, hardware);

· fillers saturate the skin with oxygen and nutrients;

· there is no negative effect on tissue trophism;

· has the smallest list of restrictions.

Contour plastic surgery is performed to prevent side effects and risks of surgical treatment.

The effectiveness of contouring

The aesthetic effectiveness of preparations based on hyaluronic acid is explained by the unique properties of the gel:

  • increases skin volume due to its ability to retain water,
  • improves skin morphology, increasing its elasticity,
  • When carrying out a maintenance course of procedures, it provides long-lasting results.


Botulinum toxin also has a number of contraindications. Absolute contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, age less than 18 years, myasthenia gravis, movement disorders of various origins, individual intolerance to the drug, inflammatory changes in the planned injection site. Relative contraindications are acute somatic diseases in the acute stage, taking certain medications, and operations performed at the planned injection site for less than three months.

Important information

The effectiveness of subcutaneous injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin lasts no more than a year, then the procedure should be repeated. However, it is not worth doing it more often; there is a high probability that the body will develop tolerance to the drug, which can lead to a lack of the desired effect.

The choice of drug depends on the individual characteristics of the client, age, depth of wrinkles and area of ​​application.


Like other injection procedures, contour plastic surgery is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • For bleeding disorders of any etiology (including within 2 weeks after taking anticoagulants);
  • With a tendency to form hypertrophic/keloid scars;
  • For any acute inflammatory diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • In case of an allergic reaction to the components of the drugs;
  • Oncological diseases, without remission;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Excessive demands from the procedure, when expectations exceed the possibilities of correction;
  • Persons under 18 years of age;
  • Diabetes mellitus without compensation.

How long do the results from contouring procedures last?

When correcting wrinkles and folds, planned procedures may be needed after 6-12 months, and for lip contouring - after 6 months. The duration of the effect depends on many factors, such as: the structure of the patient’s skin, his lifestyle, age, and injection technique. Clinical experience shows that with maintenance and repeated procedures, a longer lasting effect can be achieved. Thus, when correcting nasolabial folds, a repeat injection performed after 4.5 months provides results or even improvement in the condition of this area for 18 months.

Gel lifting

Allows you to strengthen the oval of your face without surgery. With the help of modern gels, you can perform a similar bioreinforcement procedure - create a frame under the skin that will keep it from sagging.

Properly performed reinforcement provides natural lifting. The face simply “flies” up: the jowls are tightened, the nasolabial folds are smoothed out, and the contours of a youthful face are restored. The procedure is perfectly combined with thermolifting and fractional thermolysis.

Rosa Syabitova. Cheekbone augmentation in combination with gel lifting with Radiesse. Photos before the procedure and 7 days after. Done by Andrey Iskornev.

The result is high, youthful and plump cheekbones. Elimination of nasolabial folds. Smoothing the lower jaw line. General pronounced lifting. The skin got rid of the “spider web effect” - a network of small wrinkles.

The effect of contouring will increase over several weeks. The result will delight Rose for up to 1.5 years.

Photos before and after

In what cases are fillers used?

The procedure involves the introduction of special gel-like agents into certain areas of the body. Filler preparations create subcutaneous volume, thereby smoothing out existing wrinkles, skin unevenness, and folds.

Indications for the procedure:

· facial and deep wrinkles localized under the lower eyelids and around the mouth;

· fuzzy, blurry oval face;

· aging processes (decreased firmness and elasticity, sagging skin);

cicatricial formations, scars;

· defects of the earlobes, contours of the chin and nose;

· facial asymmetry;

· defects of the female external genitalia.

Fillers are applied to the lips to increase size and create a perfect contour.

What does a vessel embolism look like?

Vessel embolism is one of the most serious complications that occur in injected areas. As a rule, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and lips.

Vessel embolism results from:

  • The filler has entered the lumen of the vessel (As a rule, a total blockage of the vessel occurs and the blood flow stops completely);
  • The gel is injected in large quantities directly close to the vessel, this compresses it and makes it difficult for blood to pass through.

All this leads to the fact that the vessels are compressed, blood circulation is disrupted, and swelling of neighboring tissues increases.

It is difficult not to notice them: the injured area will be very painful, the area of ​​​​the skin deprived of blood supply will turn white, and a clearly visible “mesh” of burgundy or blue color may appear around it - due to the overflow of blood in the surrounding vessels.

Visually, a vessel embolism looks like this:

  • The blockage area turns white;
  • Around the area, on the contrary, spots of a purple or bluish tint appear;
  • Severe pain in the injured area.

All of the problems described above require urgent contact with your cosmetologist. If you try to treat it yourself, you may end up with tissue necrosis.

Granulomas after correction

Granulomas can appear on the skin as a result of the body’s protective reaction to an injected drug of poor quality. The body isolates the foreign substance and encloses it in capsules.

As you can see in the picture, red plaques and nodules appear on the skin at the injection site.

Laser exposure is used as a modern method of treating granulomas. There are also drug treatment regimens for granulomas. In any case, the treatment tactics are determined by the doctor during the consultation.

Features of the procedure

Before the injection rejuvenation session, a consultation with a cosmetologist is carried out. The doctor examines the patient and selects the most effective drug individually for each, the desired and final results are discussed, and contraindications are excluded.

Before the injection of fillers, local anesthesia is performed. During the session, the gel-like preparation is injected using several injections (the required amount is determined by the cosmetologist) into problem areas of the skin.

The effect is visible after the end of the session, and its duration is determined by the chosen drug. If it is necessary to eliminate the resulting effect or correct it in the future, additional injection of filler or a means to accelerate its removal is carried out.

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