Everything about laser hair removal for bikini, types, description, tips

Bikini hair removal is one of the most popular and sometimes painful procedures. Few people believe that from such a procedure you can not only avoid pain, but also enjoy it! You can continue to not believe it, but you can use a new and effective method for removing unwanted hair in the bikini area - laser hair removal.

A neat “bikini line” is psychological comfort for every woman. It's rare that a woman doesn't take care of her bikini area, but not all hair removal and depilation methods are the same. Why is bikini waxing unpleasant and painful?

The skin in the bikini area is very delicate, sensitive, and the hair follicles have the greatest depth - up to 5 mm!

Number of procedures : from 5 to 8. Average interval between procedures : 6-8 weeks (as new hair grows) Cost : bikini area 5,500 rubles (women). Learn more about laser hair removal prices.

Traditional methods of hair removal from these areas are often accompanied by trauma to the skin, which leads to a number of problems: irritation, ingrown hairs, inflammation.

In the summer, especially during moments of relaxation at sea and constant contact of the bikini area with wet swimsuits, these problems appear in all their glory!

Our laser hair removal equipment and techniques are effective and here's why:

  1. minimum number of procedures with Candela alexandrite laser,
  2. absence of unpleasant and painful sensations thanks to the cooling nozzle with cryogen,
  3. comfort of the procedure: no gels or ointments,
  4. doctors, not nurses performing the procedure, not a network hair removal clinic!
  5. affordable prices and special promotions.

Laser hair removal of intimate areas

As a rule, men do not fully understand the nature and extent of women's experiences associated with an abundance of hair in the bikini area, but women are aware of the difficulties of caring for this area. In these places the skin is especially delicate, so just shaving will be too rough. Since the skin will be irritated and the hair will grow quickly

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