How to reduce your butt: all methods – from visual to drastic!

Large buttocks in a woman do not always mean she is overweight. For most men, it is this part of the fairer sex that is most attractive. Therefore, girls with a “dominant bottom” are in no hurry to get rid of such deposits. By the way, just 100 years ago, the pear-shaped body shape of women was considered the standard of beauty and symbolized femininity, health, and the ability to reproduce large offspring (a woman’s purpose). The same cannot be said about a man who has large buttocks. First of all, it is unattractive and is a sign of female obesity.

Possible complications

Complications of lifting the inner thigh are rare, because at this stage of development of plastic surgery, doctors are doing everything to prevent any negative consequences. They usually develop due to individual rare characteristics of the body, or improper postoperative care. In the hospital, careful prevention of complications is mandatory. These include:

  • the formation of keloid scars due to genetically determined factors;
  • suppuration of the wound due to improper treatment;
  • necrosis (death) of the skin along the edges of the wound;
  • seromas and hematomas are accumulations of fluid and blood, which in most cases resolve on their own;
  • asymmetry of the genital organs or limbs in volume (extremely rare);
  • violation of venous outflow;
  • persistent swelling due to inhibition of lymphatic drainage;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Why does fat accumulate on thighs?

Extra centimeters of thigh volume appear as a result of several reasons:

  • Hereditary predisposition. If a girl has narrow shoulders, a thin waist, but wide hips, it’s most likely a matter of genetics. Especially if your mother, sister, grandmother, etc. suffer from the same problem.
  • Features of physiology. The female body has one distinctive feature - representatives of the fair sex are able to bear and give birth to a baby. And nature does everything to make this process as comfortable and safe as possible.
  • Lifestyle, habits: sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, excess calories due to the abundance of fast food and fast carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Fluid retention. It is recommended to reduce the amount of salt, smoked foods, and semi-finished products in the diet that retain moisture in the body.

Genetics, lifestyle, habits - all this is not a death sentence. Experts successfully work with all this, helping patients achieve their dream figure.

It is worth considering that it will not be possible to reduce only the volume of the hips. The body cannot lose weight locally, so weight loss will occur comprehensively, affecting all parts of the body.

Preparing for surgery

In order for the plastic surgery to be successful and at the planned time, you should prepare for it in advance. When you first contact the clinic, the surgeon will tell you in detail what examinations and preparatory measures need to be completed before the operation. These are the standard tests that are required for any surgical procedure in the leg area:

  1. clinical blood test;
  2. general urine analysis;
  3. coagulogram - blood test for clotting;
  4. tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  5. pregnancy test;
  6. Ultrasound of leg vessels;
  7. consultation with a cardiologist with an ECG;
  8. consultations with a neurologist and dermatologist.

In addition to diagnostic procedures, the preparatory stage includes a number of simple rules that you will need to follow. They will not require any effort and will not significantly affect your usual lifestyle. You should:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol a week before the intervention;
  • temporarily stop taking a number of medications, primarily anticoagulants, and be sure to inform the surgeon and the doctor who prescribed them about this;
  • two to three days before surgical correction, do not play sports and avoid active physical activity;
  • 12 hours before you can take your last meal, then you will have to not eat.

It is important to remember that immediately after significant weight loss you cannot go to the surgeon! Your weight must remain stable for at least 6 months before a lift can be considered.

Lesson program

In order to quickly lose weight and significantly reduce your fat butt in just a week, exercises must be performed regularly. The load should be distributed in such a way that between training the gluteal muscles there is a rest interval of about 3 days.

An effective home workout plan might look like this:

  • Monday: lunges with dumbbells, leg kicks, leg rotations.
  • Tuesday: crunches.
  • Wednesday: closed.
  • Thursday: squats at different levels, swings on all fours, deadlifts.
  • Friday: crunches.
  • Saturday and Sunday: rest days.

For the harmonious development of the whole body during the week, it is recommended to set aside 1 day to work the shoulder girdle, latissimus and pectoral muscles. To do this, you can use push-ups, pull-ups, military dumbbell presses and other exercises at home.

Types of femoroplasty

Thighplasty involves any change in their shape and size in accordance with your preferences, so it includes several types of correction. Some of them are not even surgical. They are used in situations where the defects are not too pronounced, and it is only necessary to make fat deposits more uniform. Other methods, on the other hand, involve extensive surgery and help even severely obese people. All intervention techniques are divided according to the method of influencing tissue and the type of incision.

Types of femoroplasty according to the method of influence:

  1. Classic liposuction.
  2. Non-surgical liposuction (laser, ultrasound, water jet).
  3. Surgical method (skin tightening, hip augmentation with implants).

Types of femoroplasty according to the type of incision:

  • Internal (median) - the skin is cut in the inguinal folds
  • Vertical - incision from the inguinal fold to the popliteal fossa
  • Combined - a combination of the first two methods

The main goal of all plastic surgery is to make a person’s appearance fully consistent with his personal ideas of beauty. Therefore, the main indication for any thigh lift surgery is the desire to change your life, become more confident and happier with the figure of your dreams.

Fadin Alexander Sergeevich plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Power training

The buttocks, along with the thighs, make up the largest muscle groups in the body. For this reason, in order to thoroughly work them, you should perform basic, multi-joint lower body exercises. Strength training on the butt will be more effective if the training is carried out in a high-repetition, high-intensity mode, using a large number of different movements. This technique will create a high level of muscle stress necessary for rapid weight loss in the buttocks.

A prerequisite for safe training is warming up. It includes cardio exercises (running in place with your knees high, pedaling an exercise bike, jumping rope), stretching muscles and warming up joints (sitting into splits, rotating your legs, arms and pelvis, bending over). The duration of the warm-up complex should be from 10 to 15 minutes.

Squats at different levels

The exercise is one of the most popular and effective; during its implementation, all areas of the buttocks, adductors and quadriceps muscles of the thighs are carefully worked out, which leads to a significant consumption of calories in the body.

You can increase the effectiveness of squats if you perform them using a two-level technique. It consists in the fact that during the first half of the approach the body is lowered only to the middle, after which a similar number of squats are immediately performed from a half-squat position deep into the floor.

Correct execution algorithm:

  1. Take a standing position and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Extend your hands in front of you at chest level.
  3. While inhaling, smoothly lower your body into a half-squat position (the angle between the spine and hips is 90 degrees).
  4. As you exhale, quickly rise to a standing position.
  5. Repeat the movement 10 times, then immediately return to a half-squat and perform another 10 squats from this position deep into the floor until the body is completely lowered.
  6. Pause for rest for one and a half minutes and perform the exercise 4 more times.

Leg rotation

The exercise allows you to specifically work out the lateral and middle parts of the buttocks, making your butt more toned and rounded.


  1. Take a lying position on a yoga mat.
  2. Attach special weights to your shins (if you don’t have sports equipment, you can make them yourself: pour sand into a sock and connect its ends with a thick rubber band or elastic bandage).
  3. Turn to your right side and lift your upper body, placing your forearm on the floor.
  4. Place your left hand in front of you to fix the position of your torso.
  5. Raise your left leg high up and make 15-20 turns of the foot in and back.
  6. Turn over to the other side and perform a similar rotation with your right leg.

The number of approaches is 4-5.

Swing on all fours

An isolated exercise involves only the hip joint, creating an accentuated load on the buttock. This allows you to work the deep muscles of the butt that are difficult to reach during other movements.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Lower yourself to a horizontal position and get on all fours.
  2. Straighten your back and tighten your abdominal muscles.
  3. Raise your right knee and pull it slightly towards your chest, then with a quick, swinging movement, move your leg back and up.
  4. Return to the starting position on all fours and perform another 12-14 swings.
  5. Do the same number of repetitions with your left leg.

The amount of work in this exercise is 4 series. The rest interval between sets is 60 seconds.


In order for the deadlift to have a powerful, fat-burning effect on the buttocks and other problematic parts of the body, it is necessary to use large weights. So, a man should perform deadlifts with a weight of about 85% of the one-repetition maximum, a woman should take dumbbells with which she can perform no more than 12 repetitions.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Take 2 heavy dumbbells in your hands and fix them on the outside of the thigh muscles.
  2. Place your shins at shoulder level.
  3. Tighten your abdominals and straighten your back.
  4. As you inhale, slowly tilt your upper body down until an angle of 90 degrees appears between your hips and spine.
  5. As you exhale, quickly straighten your body to a vertical position.
  6. Do 8-10 repetitions.
  7. After a two-minute rest interval, perform the exercise 4 more times.

Lunges with dumbbells

During the exercise, in addition to effectively working the gluteal muscles, they are slightly stretched, which allows you to reduce your butt even faster.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Straighten your back and pull in your stomach.
  3. As you inhale, slowly bending and lowering your right knee, take a long step with your right leg, transferring the entire weight of your torso onto it.
  4. Fix the body position at the lowest point for 2 seconds.
  5. As you exhale, raise your body to a standing position.
  6. Perform a similar lunge with your left leg.
  7. Alternately perform 12 repetitions.
  8. Take a two-minute break to recuperate and perform the exercise 4 more times.

Taking the leg back

An isolated exercise is designed to give the butt a rounded shape and reduce its size.

Implementation technique:

  1. Take a standing position.
  2. Place your feet next to each other.
  3. Wrap your arms around your waist.
  4. Tilt your body slightly forward.
  5. Using short, swinging movements, quickly perform 15 abductions of the left leg back.
  6. Repeat the exercise with your right leg.
  7. Rest for 1 minute and perform 4 more series.


Effective training of the gluteal muscles is impossible without pumping the abdominal muscles. For this reason, a complex for reducing butt must include at least one exercise to strengthen the muscle corset in the waist area. The most versatile and effective load can be obtained by performing twisting exercises.

Correct implementation technique:

  1. Take a horizontal position lying on the mat on your back.
  2. Fix your hands behind your head, spreading your elbows to the sides.
  3. Close your legs together, straighten them and lift them slightly above the surface (starting position).
  4. As you exhale, lift your left shoulder blade off the floor and lift it towards your right knee (the right thigh should move towards you).
  5. As you inhale, straighten up to the starting position.
  6. Do a similar twist of the right shoulder blade to the left.
  7. Alternately perform 20 repetitions in each direction.
  8. After a one-minute rest interval, perform the exercise in 4 more series.

Classic liposuction

This type of femoroplasty is aimed exclusively at removing excess subcutaneous fat. It is suitable for obese patients, both women and men, as well as anyone who has disproportionately wide hips due to fat.

The method involves making incisions about 1-2 cm in size at several points on the upper thigh. A metal tube, called a cannula, is then inserted into the tissue through these incisions. It is used to separate fat from the skin and then pump it out with a special device. Through the tube, fat is removed from the body and the vacated space is filled with saline solution in the same amount. Finally, the holes are sutured with invisible sutures.

Hardware treatment of cellulite

Anti-cellulite massage - salvation from the “orange peel”. The most effective is a hardware method with the ability to work on the deepest fat deposits and large areas of the body.

Vacuum roller massage is a cosmetic procedure, a type of hardware massage. During the session, fat deposits are simultaneously removed by vacuum and the mechanical action of massage rollers. A double blow to cellulite helps remove the “orange peel” at any stage, rejuvenate the body and lose weight by reducing the size of fat cells and removing puffiness.

Operating principle of vacuum roller massage

A fold of skin with signs of cellulite is placed under a special attachment. A vacuum appears underneath. Back pressure expands venous and lymphatic vessels, activates the outflow of interstitial fluid, removes swelling, and activates tissue trophism. Moving the rollers of the nozzle over the skin additionally breaks down fatty deposits, increases skin firmness and elasticity, heats the surface, and gives a lifting effect.

If you have any questions or don’t know how to get rid of cellulite on your legs or which method to choose, we will be happy to advise you at the ANACOSMA clinic.

Non-surgical liposuction

In recent years, this technique has won the trust of hundreds of patients due to the fact that it is the least traumatic and difficult for the body of all existing ones. It does not require general anesthesia and leaves no marks on the skin. However, it also has disadvantages.

For a noticeable effect, you need to undergo at least 6-8 procedures with an interval of a week to two. As a result, you will have to wait a long time for the desired result.

During non-surgical liposuction, under the influence of a device that the doctor passes over the surface of the skin, fat cells are broken down and turned into shapeless fat. It enters the intercellular space and from there into the blood and lymph. Then this emulsion is naturally eliminated from the body on its own. Most of it initially ends up in the lymph, so non-surgical liposuction is often combined with lymphatic drainage procedures that help eliminate stagnation of lymph flow.

Devices for such liposuction use ultrasound or laser. Also considered non-surgical is the water jet method, in which fat cells are broken down and washed out with a special solution.

How to get rid of cellulite on the stomach

They promise to effectively remove tubercles of belly fat:

  • Anti-cellulite diet. If you don’t know how to remove cellulite in the navel area, then first change your diet. Eliminate sugar and carbonated drinks from your diet, reduce your consumption of salt and marinades. But don't starve, eat small portions every 4 hours. The basis of the diet: vegetables in any form, light proteins and unsaturated fats (nuts, red fish).
  • Exercises from the “orange peel”. Abdominal pumping (classic, with torso rotation), hula hoop twisting (ideally a massage one, with balls or spikes), and any cardio exercise (running, cycling, swimming) will help remove fat deposits. For results, you need to exercise every other day for 30 minutes. The first centimeters will begin to melt after 14 days.

At stages 3-4 you need heavy artillery. For such cases, cosmetologists recommend:

  • enzyme therapy. Preparations based on enzymes (lipases, collagenases, hyaurolideses) are injected into areas with cellulite. The substances activate blood circulation, trigger a powerful drainage effect, eliminate swelling and rejuvenate the skin;
  • cryolipolysis Under the influence of low temperatures, adipose tissue cells are destroyed once and for all. They are eliminated naturally within a few weeks and are no longer restored. Volumes decrease, skin becomes smoother, cellulite disappears;
  • lymphatic drainage and vacuum roller massage. These are various types of effects on the skin and subcutaneous tissue. All procedures improve blood circulation and accelerate fat metabolism. These devices include LPG and the EXIMIA device - a newer technology that combines lymphatic drainage, RF lifting and vacuum roller massage.

Surgical skin tightening

This is the most popular technique for lifting the inner thigh to create new, more aesthetically pleasing leg shapes. It is chosen by most patients, since in one operation not only the fat layer is eliminated, but also excess skin that creates unsightly folds. This method is very effective for people with cellulite and sagging skin.

After general anesthesia, the surgeon marks the lines of future incisions on the skin. Then it cuts the skin at several points, as with classic liposuction. Through them, using a cannula, the doctor separates the fatty acids from the integument and pumps out the fat cells. Then the skin is dissected along the marked lines in accordance with one of the schemes: internal, vertical or combined. Excess skin is removed using a scalpel and then internal sutures are carefully placed. As a result, after the recovery period, no scars remain on the surface of the legs.

What is cellulite

Cellulite is a local increase and accumulation of fat cells, with impaired microcirculation and blood circulation, overgrown connective tissue.

Due to a number of reasons, fat deposits begin to retain moisture. Swelling appears. It puts pressure on the connective tissue. In order to protect yourself from the constant effects of swelling, increased collagen production begins. The protein penetrates the fat in dense threads, trying to separate it, reducing the pressure. This is how characteristic tubercles, dimples and other irregularities appear on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and inner surface of the arms.

Hip augmentation with implants

This method differs from others, first of all, in its main goal. It is used to increase hip girth in thin people and fill unsightly space between the thighs. Like other major interventions, it is performed under anesthesia.

Access to the corrected area is through the subgluteal fold. The doctor marks points there in advance to work with a scalpel. The skin is dissected pointwise, as in classical liposuction, so that the hole size does not exceed 4 cm. Then the edge of the silicone implant is grasped with a clamp and inserted through the hole under the skin in the direction from top to bottom. Implants are made from high-tech materials with high compatibility with human tissue. The plastic surgeon and the client choose the size and shape in advance.

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation for femoroplasty lasts from two to six months. The duration depends on the type of plastic surgery, the age of the person, the general condition and regenerative abilities of the body.

During the first one and a half to two weeks, swelling and bruising will persist in the correction areas. This is completely safe, they will soon disappear on their own. Pain at the beginning of the recovery period can be easily relieved with painkillers prescribed by your doctor.

Be sure to wear compression garments for a month. It is a shorts made of breathable, stretchy material. They are removed only during hygiene procedures. During rehabilitation you should not:

  • exercise;
  • visit solariums and sunbathe;
  • take a steam bath and sauna;
  • swim in pools and open water;
  • apply creams to unhealed wounds.
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