Enlarge, reduce, tighten. How much does breast surgery cost in Barnaul?

With the help of plastic surgery today it is possible to correct physiological and aesthetic defects of the female breast. So, it is possible to change the size, eliminate asymmetry, restore elasticity, and model the shape and volume. The DOCTORPLASTIC clinic performs all types of breast surgery in Moscow. We offer unique patented surgical techniques that are characterized by maximum safety and minimal recovery period.

The founder of the clinic, Professor I.V. Sergeev, is one of the most respected aesthetic surgeons in Russia with more than 20 years of practical experience. His developments, monographs and proprietary techniques for performing plastic surgery are known and recognized throughout the world, which allowed him to become an international expert in the European company Allergan. Ilya Vyacheslavovich specializes in breast surgery.

The DOCTORPLASTIK clinic successfully uses the latest aesthetic surgery techniques. The latest European-made equipment allows you to effectively carry out the most complex reconstructive operations. At the same time, the cost of surgical intervention corresponds to the high standards of modern plastic surgery. Thanks to innovations in this direction, correction of congenital and acquired defects has become available, and every woman can improve her appearance safely and effectively in a short time. Correction of congenital or acquired defects has become available. Innovative medical technologies enable every woman to improve her appearance quickly, safely and effectively.


OperationCost of the operation, rub.
Replacement of implants - 1 category. complexity (without cost of implants) 275 000
Replacement of implants - 2 cat. complexity (without cost of implants) 295 000
Replacement of implants - 3 categories of complexity (without the cost of implants)315 000
Replacement of one implant (without implant cost)217 500
Breast lift with enlargement 2 cat. complexity (with a vertical scar) (without the cost of implants) 340 000
Breast lift with 3rd grade enlargement. complexity (with a T-shaped scar) (without the cost of implants) 360 000
Breast lift with increase 1 category. complexity (periareolar) (without cost of implants) 310 000
Breast augmentation - access through the submammary fold (without the cost of implants)237 000
Breast augmentation - periareolar access (without the cost of implants)237 000
Breast augmentation - axillary access (without the cost of implants)237 000
Breast augmentation with asymmetry correction (one breast lift and one breast reduction) (without implant cost)360 000
One breast augmentation (without implant cost)150 000
Breast lift 1 category. complexity (periareolar) 165 000
Breast lift category 2 difficulty (with vertical scar) 195 000
Breast lift category 3 complexity (with a T-shaped scar) 217 000
Breast lift and correction of breast asymmetry Cat. 1.228 000
Breast lift and breast asymmetry correction category 2.257 000
Single breast lift 1 category. complexity (periareolar) 123 000
Single breast lift, category 2. difficulty (with vertical scar) 148 000
Single breast lift, category 3. complexity (with a T-shaped scar) 165 000
Replacement of implants - 1 category. complexity (without cost of implants) 275 000
Replacement of implants - 2 cat. complexity (without cost of implants) 295 000
Replacement of implants - 3 categories of complexity (without the cost of implants)315 000
Replacement of one implant (without implant cost)217 500
Removal of implants140 000
Correction for inverted nipples123 000
Correction of implant location116 000
Areola correction50 000-120 000
Correction of submammary fold45 000-75 000
Double bubble breast correction155 000
Areola reduction120 000
Breast reduction 1 category. difficulty (with vertical scar) 260 000
Breast reduction 2 cat. complexity (with a T-shaped scar) 305 000
Reduction of one breast 1 category. difficulty (with vertical scar) 162 000
Reduction of one breast, category 2. complexity (with a T-shaped scar) 184 000
Gynecomastia217 000
Lipofilling – 1 zone30 000
Lipofilling - breast150 000

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How much do breasts cost: the five most expensive mammoplasty operations

How much does a breast cost, or more precisely, surgery to enlarge or reduce it or correct its shape?
Whatever this cost in numbers, it is still less than the price of attractiveness, personal and career success, the feeling that you are beautiful and desirable! That’s why even recognized beauties - Hollywood stars, having won world fame and millions of fans, come to see a plastic surgeon. For them, the question of whether a breast costs a thousand dollars or tens of dollars does not matter: with the average price for mammoplasty in the United States being $3,500, star patients are willing to pay tens of times more. Carmen Electra, an American model, actress and singer, who immediately, unlike many, admitted to undergoing breast augmentation surgery, said: “You can give everything for breasts in order to get hundreds of times more later!”

How much did the first beauties of the “Dream Factory” pay for their seductive forms? We present to you the five most expensive breast augmentation surgeries in the world.

Photo after breast augmentation

The photo gallery of the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic contains many photos after breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation, rehabilitation

There may be soreness and discomfort for 3-4 days after surgery, so I recommend a quiet regimen and regular pain medications. However, many patients already feel quite normal in the first days after surgery and stop taking analgesics quite early. 7 days after the operation you are allowed to take off your underwear and take a shower.

Complete rehabilitation takes 4 weeks. During this entire period, you must wear compression garments and sleep only on your back. Physical activity should be reasonably limited. Otherwise, rehabilitation is easy and does not cause any problems. In about a month you will be able to go to the sea, wear open dresses without a bra and forever forget what push-up is.

How much does breast cost: fifth place

Denise Richards, an American actress who became famous after her role in the film “Starship Troopers,” had really tiny breasts, and also drooping ones, the so-called. “Spaniel ears” (apparently a consequence of diets). The first time she turned to a surgeon at the age of 19, then she had two more operations to enlarge and correct the shape of the mammary glands. The last operation cost $25,000. Denise's breasts are gorgeous today!

Breast augmentation reviews

“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone, the entire team of the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic.” I have not seen such an attentive, sincere and warm attitude for a long time. A rare combination of the highest level of professionalism and kind, adequate attitude towards patients.” Ekaterina, 41 years old and other reviews about breast augmentation.

Principle of the technique

Augmentation mammoplasty is one of the most popular among surgical breast plastic surgery in Barnaul.
It is carried out through the installation of endoprostheses. The size and shape of the future breast directly depends on the selected implants and the condition of the “skin cover” of the mammary glands.

There are 3 most popular approaches for installing implants:

  • Periareolar.
    An incision is made along the lower edge of the areola. This access allows you to install any type of breast implants, and also allows you to additionally perform areola plastic surgery and eliminate asymmetry (if necessary).
  • Submammary.
    A slit under the bust in a natural fold. The implant can be placed under the pectoral muscle or under the mammary gland. This access does not affect the breast tissue and eliminates their injury.
  • Axillary.
    An incision is made in the armpit area (along the posterior edge of the border of the pectoralis major muscle). This approach does not injure the mammary gland and makes it easy to hide the signs of surgical intervention.

The choice of implants is made together with the doctor. Only a qualified plastic surgeon can individually select the necessary implants.

In case of reduced capacity of the skin sheath of the mammary glands, it is possible to perform an operation in two stages:

at the first stage, expanders will be installed, which will stretch the breast skin to the required size;

the second stage will be the removal of expanders and installation of endoprostheses of the desired volume.


  • congenital micromastia (underdevelopment of the mammary glands);
  • congenital or acquired asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • post-lactation hypotrophy (reduction and “sagging” of the breasts after pregnancy and lactation);
  • loss of breast volume and shape with sudden weight loss;
  • mastoptosis of the first degree with normal or reduced volume of the mammary glands;
  • pseudoptosis of the mammary glands;
  • acquired breast deformation;
  • dissatisfaction with the shape and size of the mammary glands;
  • absence of a mammary gland after a mastectomy.

Consult your doctor about contraindications.

  • Beautiful, natural and toned breasts.
  • Breast size and shape that matches the patient’s dreams.

Breast surgery in Siberia

Advantages of breast replacement in our Center:

  • Absolute safety and guarantee - we use only high-quality certified implants of the latest generation.
  • Individual approach - optimal selection of implants in accordance with the clinical case and taking into account the patient’s wishes, as well as individual ordering of implants with subsequent delivery to the Center from the manufacturer.
  • Professionalism and quality - operations are performed by plastic surgeons with many years of experience in aesthetic mammoplasty.
  • High standards and precision - the use of modern high-tech equipment allows you to take care of tissues, carry out “jewelry” work, and make the operation itself low-traumatic and practically bloodless.
  • Additional options - the possibility of supplementing breast endoprosthetics with correction of the nipple-areolar complex, breast lift and/or lipofilling.
  • Aesthetics and cosmetics - the application of cosmetic sutures using absorbable monofilament suture threads, which significantly reduces the risk of developing a hypertrophied and colloidal scar.
  • Prevention and prospects - plastic surgeons of the Center use proprietary surgical techniques for the prevention of ptosis of the prosthetic breast, which allows preserving aesthetic forms for the long term.
  • Balanced anesthesia - the Center uses modern types of anesthesia, which reduce side effects and promote comfortable awakening.
  • An integrated approach is the use of adapted programs for postoperative management of patients after endoprosthetics with the involvement of specialists in postoperative care, rehabilitation and physiotherapy.
  • Comfort and attention - stay in comfortable luxury rooms equipped with automated functional beds and an alert system for medical personnel.
  • Beauty and positivity - only beautiful breasts, self-confidence and a high level of your self-esteem will remind you of your mammoplasty.

How much is breast worth: third place

To make a career as a fashion model, Anna-Nicole Smith significantly enlarged her breasts. As a result, at the age of 24 she appeared on the page of Playboy magazine, and in 1993 she became Playboy Girl of the Year. We can say that in this case the breast costs $33,000 and is a fantastic success.

How much does breast augmentation cost: second place

The breasts of Pamela Anderson, an American actress and fashion model who became a sex symbol in the United States after the series “Baywatch,” need no introduction - many men all over the world will not remember her face, but they will remember her breasts. The girl was naturally endowed with sexy forms, but she still decided to have breast surgery. And - she won! She received many of the most enviable offers. Pamela had her breasts enlarged twice, the last time in 2004, when she paid such a significant sum of $35,000.

How to apply for a quota

Breast reconstruction under compulsory medical insurance is performed for medical reasons. Therefore, to obtain a quota, you need to consult with your doctor. If the doctor confirms the need for reconstructive treatment for the patient, he fills out a special referral form for hospitalization for the provision of VMP, which is certified by the medical commission.

The following documents are attached to the referral:

  • an extract from the medical record in which the doctor describes the indications for reconstructive surgery;
  • copies of the patient’s documents (passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, certificate of compulsory pension insurance);
  • originals (copies) of all necessary examinations (preoperative tests, statements of treatment, etc.);
  • signed consent to the processing of personal information. [2], (paragraphs 13 and 14)

This package of documents is provided to the authorized healthcare organization. A voucher for the provision of VMP is issued for the patient. Next, a special commission decides whether to refer the woman for breast reconstruction or not. If the answer is positive, the patient receives a special notification indicating where and when she can receive the necessary help. [2], (point 18)

How much does breast cost: first place

Angelina Jolie, actress, fashion model, screenwriter and director, decided to have a mastectomy (surgery to remove the breast) to eliminate a disease that is stubbornly transmitted through the female line in their family.

The breast reconstruction surgery, as well as rehabilitation costs, cost Angelina $40,000, but now her breasts are much more attractive than they were, which is especially important for the actress, because the years are merciless even to such beauties as she.

This five facts is interesting not only as an answer to the question - how much does breast cost in its most expensive version, but also as a valuable life lesson. In all the above stories, breast enlargement gave an extremely positive result - both in career and in personal life.

About the disadvantages

Despite some advantages, mammoplasty does have disadvantages. Firstly, any operation involves the use of anesthesia, which in itself is harmful. Secondly, after surgery, scars inevitably remain, albeit small ones. In the early recovery period you will have to deal with pain.

Implants will impair the quality of mammograms and make it difficult to detect tumors in the breast. Sometimes after operations, women encounter tissue sensitivity disorders and difficulties feeding the child. Although now the risk of such complications is minimized if the patient turns to a highly qualified specialist.

What the law says

A person in Russia cannot be bought or sold. The same rule applies to its interior. Criminal punishment is provided for this act (Article 120 of the Criminal Code). According to it, forced sale, violence and threats against a person from whom they plan to remove organs are punishable by 4 years in prison. Five years will be given to the one who did all of the above in relation to a helpless or dependent person.

Meanwhile, organs in the modern world are a highly liquid commodity. People in need of a transplant often cannot wait their turn and seek donors privately, guaranteeing them decent payments.

The rise in prices for such a specific product is fueling a huge shortage of official supply. According to 2022 data, only 5-10 percent of patients in the world can obtain a transplant legally.

Now let's figure out how much each individual organ and the whole person costs.


It is considered the main filter of the body. It is the liver that ensures the removal of toxic breakdown products of alcohol, fats and medications. Therefore, this organ suffers especially severely in people who abuse alcohol, fast food, etc.

Liver transplantation is a procedure that is becoming increasingly popular. The price is:

  • a whole liver is $120,000;
  • fragment - $60,000.

In rubles it will be 7,645,000 and 3,823,000, respectively.

What is the price of a person

Having figured out how much organs cost, all that remains is to add the amounts together. So:

  • a pair of kidneys – 8,920,000;
  • pancreas – 4,500,000;
  • liver – 7,645,000;
  • lungs – 2,540,000;
  • 2 corneas – 640,000;
  • bone marrow – 3,810,000,000 (1,465,331 × 2,600 ml);
  • heart – 16,000,000;
  • small intestine – 160,000;
  • hair – 20,000 (on average there is about 200 g);
  • leather – 19,500;
  • blood - 45,500.

The total is 3,850,490,000 rubles.

Types of reconstructive breast surgery

Breast reconstruction can be performed immediately after a mastectomy or after a certain period of time. There are many types of plastic surgery to restore female breasts. Fundamentally, all methods are divided into three large groups:

  1. Own tissue is used (moving muscle flaps from the back and abdomen, microvascular anastomoses).
  2. Artificial implants (prostheses) are used.
  3. Combined option.

In order for breast reconstruction to proceed without complications and give a good result, the surgeon takes into account a number of factors (anatomical features of the structure of the female body, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant pathology, etc.). The optimal plastic surgery option is selected for each woman. [3], (paragraphs: 3-8)

Bone marrow

The human body is very complex, and many of its processes do not occur without the participation of the above-mentioned organ. Bone marrow, in particular, produces hemoglobin, an essential component of blood. The deficiency of the latter manifests itself especially strongly in diseases such as leukemia. In this case, a bone marrow transplant can help in recovery.

How much do they pay for it? Just 1 ml is sold for $23,000 (1,465,331 rubles).

The bone marrow removal procedure does not cause damage to the donor - its volume is restored quite quickly.

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