How I made my butt and what came of it: the real story of the heroine

Gluteoplasty (buttock surgery)

is an operation to improve the aesthetic proportions of the buttocks (enlargement, reduction, lifting, correction of shape and asymmetry). Round and toned buttocks have always been part of the standard ideas of beauty. Who doesn't want to wear stylish lingerie and tight clothing that exudes sexiness and attractiveness? You can achieve appetizing shapes after long and grueling workouts in the gym, a sports diet and daily work on yourself. But often even all the efforts made are not enough to achieve the desired result. In this case, there is reason to think about a surgical solution to the problem.

Surgery on the buttocks is often performed by patients who are dissatisfied with the proportions and shape of this part of the body due to:

  • age-related changes (drooping gluteal fold, soft tissue ptosis);
  • hereditary characteristics (too thin or lush buttocks);
  • sudden weight loss;
  • asymmetry of the buttocks;
  • other congenital or acquired deformities.


*according to the ratings of the portals “Doctor Peter” and “” in 2021. Read more.

Endoprosthetics (buttock augmentation with implants)

Buttock augmentation with implants allows not only to compensate for the deficiency of one’s own soft tissues, but also to recreate the desired, aesthetically attractive shape. Silicone implants for buttock augmentation vary in volume. Compared to breast augmentation prostheses, their shell is denser. The implants hold their shape perfectly and are biocompatible. At a consultation with a plastic surgeon, based on the anatomical features and wishes of the patient, the optimal model is selected and an operation plan is outlined. The implants are installed through an incision in the natural fold of skin between the buttocks under the sacrum. Within a few months they take root and the scar becomes invisible.

Important rules for rehabilitation after gluteoplasty

Discomfort, restrictions in movement, pain - consequences that need to be “waited out”, “endured”. They are almost inevitable, but each person’s pain threshold may differ, as can the body’s reaction to intervention and changes in general.

Basic rules of rehabilitation after gluteoplasty:

  • for the first three days you cannot shower;
  • for three months you cannot visit the pool, sauna, solarium, or take a bath, especially with hot water;
  • shorts or breeches will be needed in the first two months - they are worn constantly, every day (this is necessary to fix the buttocks);
  • sports will be available at least a month and a half after correction of the buttocks (the main indicator is the presence or absence of swelling, which should not be present to start training);
  • It is highly not recommended to drink alcohol; it is better to quit smoking for the entire period of rehabilitation after gluteoplasty;
  • Proper nutrition helps to avoid sudden weight gain, which is especially important during the rehabilitation period.

An important rule of gluteoplasty rehabilitation is proper sleep. For the first time after the procedure, your buttocks will hurt. Sleep can be especially difficult – you won’t be able to (and shouldn’t) lie on your back for a week. Rollers and comfortable pillows will help to cope with this limitation.

After buttock surgery without implants, you need to take painkillers for some time. They are prescribed by a surgeon. Problem areas that are subject to swelling should be lubricated with a product that is also prescribed by the doctor. Injections are only given in the shoulders or buttocks, not in the thighs.

Lipofilling of the buttocks

A method of buttock augmentation and shape correction using a transplant of one’s own fat tissue transplanted from other areas (abdomen, thighs). Thus, an additional advantage of the technique is the ability to correct other figure flaws. if they are. Lipofilling of the buttocks allows not only to give the figure the desired fullness and roundness, but also to eliminate the asymmetry of the buttocks and improve the quality of the skin at the cellular level. When transplanted, your own fat cells take root safely and do not cause allergies. Buttock augmentation with lipofilling does not leave noticeable surgical scars on the body. The collection and injection of fat cells is carried out using a special cannula (diameter - 4-5 mm).

Non-surgical techniques

Fortunately, buttock augmentation surgery is not the only effective way to quickly achieve the desired result. There are others, much less radical. But each of them has its own disadvantages, sometimes quite serious.

  1. "Magic pills" Lately, the Internet has been literally flooded with their advertisements. Moreover, most manufacturers convince that their preparations are exclusively plant-based and do not cause any harm to the body. Alas, in fact, at best, they are harmless. And more often they are stuffed with things that can cause serious side effects: dizziness, diarrhea, increased blood pressure, etc.
  2. Hormonal drugs. They are often used for breast enlargement and some actually give good results. But it doesn't work that way on the buttocks. When hormonal levels change, metabolism can slow down sharply. This will be followed by “rounding” not only of the hips and buttocks, but also of the rest of the body. And if at first this pleases, it soon begins to worry. And for good reason - stopping such a process is not at all easy. And it’s no exception that you will now have to struggle with excess weight for the rest of your life.
  3. Shapewear. This is truly the most reliable and safest solution to the problem. It can be different - with push-up zones, foam rubber and silicone pads, or slots for rounding the buttocks. High-quality underwear, even if worn constantly, will not do any harm. And the shape and size are easy to choose from the huge range available on the market. Just what to do when you have to remove it...
  4. Cosmetic procedures. The most effective is considered to be microcurrent massage, which forces muscles to contract forcibly. Essentially, this is a mini-training for the lazy, taking place in a lying position with electrodes connected to the buttocks. Positive changes are noticeable after 10 sessions, and after a course of 15-20 procedures, the butt really becomes rounded and becomes more elastic. But if you don’t maintain it in this condition, in another month the result will disappear.
  5. Thread reinforcement. Today it is very popular and can be used to create an additional supporting frame on almost any part of the body, including the buttocks. The essence of the procedure is the subcutaneous installation of synthetic threads made of self-absorbable material. They are inserted along pre-applied markings through thin hollow tubes - cannulas. The correction takes no more than an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. The result lasts from 3 to 5 years. But it is more likely expressed in tightening a sagging butt and improving its shape rather than its size.
  6. Lipofilling. In simple terms - transplanting your own fat from those areas where there is a lot of it to the buttocks. The advantage of the procedure is that at the same time you can correct the shape of the abdomen or hips. In addition, part of the transplanted tissue takes root and the effect lasts for several years. But the butt will still not become elastic - for this you need muscles, not fat, which only creates volume.
  7. Hyaluronic acid. Also often used to create additional volume on the buttocks. Gels based on it are denser than fat and are practically not felt when touched. But large amounts of hyaluronic acid cannot be injected. Therefore, this type of correction is more suitable for eliminating small depressions or slight asymmetry. It allows you to make the shape more rounded and closer to ideal, but not greatly increase the size.

Remember that, although quite rare, intolerance to hyaluronic acid does occur. Therefore, before using it for the first time, it is better to do an allergy test.

Buttock reduction

Getting rid of “fat traps” in the thighs is not always possible with the help of diets and exercise. An important role is played by a genetic predisposition to the accumulation of fatty deposits on the thighs. To reduce the volume of the buttocks and improve the proportions of the figure, liposuction is used. This operation is minimally traumatic, does not leave noticeable scars and allows you to get rid of excess fat deposits in a short time. Plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic are fluent in the latest liposuction methods. For example, high-precision vibration liposuction allows you to effectively work with cellulite and eliminates the formation of unevenness and bumps on the skin.


If you are not ready to undergo beauty injections or have silicone implanted in your buttocks, but still want to have hips like Kim Kardashian’s, you will have to work hard. Moreover, in order for muscles, and not fat, to appear in the right places, you must follow these rules:

  • Run or walk more. But you need to increase the load gradually. In addition, regular running pumps up more shins and thighs. To form a beautiful butt, you need to pay attention not to the speed and length of the distance. When running, try to raise your knees higher and keep a steady pace. Alternating ascents and descents is also useful. And after a walk or jog, be sure to do a little stretching to relieve tension and prevent soreness.
  • Daily exercise. But without fanaticism. A simple complex that takes 15-20 minutes is enough. The most effective are correctly performed squats (possibly with light weights), lunges forward and to the sides, swinging legs backwards, gluteal bridge, walking with your feet on a wall, birch tree. You need to start the complex with a warm-up - light running or jumping in place. Finish with relaxation and stretching exercises.
  • Adjust your diet. On the buttocks you need to increase the volume of muscle tissue, it is this that makes the shape beautiful and the body elastic. And for this you need to eat a sufficient amount of protein and a limited amount of fast carbohydrates. You will have to exclude white bread, sweets and alcohol from your diet. And add 2-3 varieties of dietary meat, fish and dairy products to it.
  • Get a good night's sleep. Yes, healthy sleep is no less important for a slim figure and firm butt than proper nutrition. Recovery and active muscle growth occur during sleep. Therefore, you need to spend at least 7-8 hours on it. Moreover, it is advisable to go to bed no later than 23.00.
  • Relax actively. Try to give preference to active types of recreation. And this is when you have to move a lot. Any ball games, badminton, cycling, rollerblading, swimming - anything that loads the legs and buttocks and at the same time helps burn fat and build muscle is suitable.

If you follow all these recommendations, the first results will become noticeable within a month. And in six months, even those who have corrected themselves with fillers will begin to envy your shape. Their effect is temporary, and your buttocks will only get better with each subsequent month.

Recovery after buttock surgery

Severe pain after buttock replacement surgery can persist for 3-4 weeks. During this period, plastic surgeons recommend wearing compression garments and avoiding strong pressure on the buttock area. You can return to sports and an active lifestyle 1.5 - 2 months after surgery.

Recovery after liposuction and lipofilling of the buttocks is faster - after 2 weeks the early recovery period ends. It is important to follow the individual recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

Indications and contraindications

The most common reasons for cosmetic surgery using implants are:

  • the patient’s dissatisfaction with his figure and his desire to increase the size of the gluteal zones or change their shape for the purpose of aesthetic correction;
  • congenital anatomical or acquired, usually as a result of injuries or diseases accompanied by muscular dystrophy, features of the anatomical structure (asymmetry);
  • rapid loss of body weight, which results in persistent sagging of the soft tissues of the gluteal region;
  • age-related changes in the structure of the soft tissues of the gluteal region, leading to their ptosis.

Contraindications to installing implants in the buttocks:

  • autoimmune diseases and pathological processes in the body of a systemic nature;
  • blood diseases;
  • inflammatory process and infectious diseases in the form of exacerbation;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • metabolic diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • allergic reactions to any of the components of the drugs used during the procedure.

Advantages of gluteoplasty at the Pirogov Clinic

  • The Pirogov Clinic was recognized as the best plastic surgery clinic
    according to the national rating of private clinics in St. Petersburg by the medical portal “Doctor Peter” and the city portal “” in 2022;
  • qualified plastic surgeons with extensive experience in aesthetic surgeries;
  • positive reviews about gluteoplasty from patients - the results of gluteoplasty BEFORE and AFTER can be seen below or in the profiles of our doctors;
  • the opportunity to undergo all preoperative examinations in the clinic within one day;
  • own laboratory: test results - quickly and with a guarantee of reliability;
  • equipping operating rooms with the most advanced medical equipment from leading Western companies;
  • reasonable prices for gluteoplasty;
  • free initial consultations with plastic surgeons;
  • attentive and responsible medical staff: a team of anesthesiologists, resuscitators, assistants and nurses coordinately and quickly resolves any issues around the clock;
  • online consultations with plastic surgeons;
  • use of the latest generation of anesthesia that does not cause any discomfort after the intervention;
  • modern comfortable hospital: you feel like you are in a European hotel room;
  • quick return to normal life: as a rule, patients are discharged the very next day after the intervention;
  • the ability to perform several operations simultaneously, which means you get the best result in one intervention;
  • interest-free installment payment for plastic surgery, favorable lending conditions;
  • organizational assistance from a supervisor for patients from other cities at all stages.

Make an appointment

Hip enlargement is now possible!

Previously, curvature of the legs (true and false) was considered a flaw that could not be corrected, because it might require hip augmentation. Doctors argued that the problem could be partially solved only with the help of physical exercise, and if that didn’t work out, then you would have to wear long skirts and wide pants for the rest of your life. Today, even in difficult cases, plastic surgery can help.

However, everything is not so simple here either. Thin shins can be corrected with implantation. Many surgeons successfully perform such operations. But hip correction with silicone implants is still performed only by experts!

Today in Russia, surgery to increase the inner surface of the thighs is performed only by a surgeon of the highest qualification category, certified plastic surgeon Irina Gennadievna Marinicheva.

We share our experience and regularly conduct training courses for surgeons from Moscow and other regions. And, as practice has shown, the most difficult thing for “beginners” is the topographic anatomy of the inner thigh. For hip contouring, implants are used whose properties are similar to muscle tissue. We use only certified silicone implants filled with highly cohesive gel with a high-strength shell.

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