Advantages of new prolonged biorevitalizants REVI

Biorevitalizants REVI (Revi) - developed by MKS-Laboratory (Moscow), part of the CLS International group of companies. The domestic origin of the line of drugs deserves respect. Only a few Russian cosmetic products have reached the same world level in quality as Revy biorevitalizants.

REVI brand fillers use a unique combination of unstabilized hyaluronic acid and antioxidant components: trehalose polysaccharide, quercetin, pterostilbene, which has no analogues on the injectable market:

  • The main active ingredient of biorevitalizants is hyaluronic gel, developed at the Kyoto Institute in Japan. It is created on the basis of hyaluronic acid, which is the same amorphous substance surrounding the interweaving of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis. The reliability of fiber fixation also depends on its strength. When its natural production stops, the skin loses its elasticity and “floats”. Carrying out biorevitalization and bioreparation procedures fills this gap.
  • Trehalose, as part of the REVI drug, acts not only as a natural stabilizer of hyaluronic acid, but also acts as a powerful antioxidant. Together with hyaluronic acid, trehalose protects cell membranes from the aggressive effects of the external environment and participates in the process of starting the process of autophagy, the most important mechanism of cellular cleansing.
  • Quercetin protects hyaluronic acid from natural breakdown.
  • Pterostilbene prevents the accumulation of metabolic products in cells, cleansing them and speeding up the same metabolic processes. In other words, it is an anti-aging nutritional compound that kickstarts the skin's rejuvenation process.

What is Revi intended for?

This drug is used in anti-aging procedures. It protects the skin from ultraviolet exposure, relieves inflammation, helps eliminate acne and prevents the appearance of scars and scars (post-acne).

General action:

  • restoration of moisture levels in the skin;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues of the dermis, which leads to the removal of toxins;
  • strengthening protective properties, which allows you to avoid the negative effects of external factors and the environment;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • decreased sebum production, which leads to narrowing of pores;
  • increasing the elasticity and firmness of skin cells;
  • restoration of local blood circulation and improvement of lymph outflow;
  • activation of natural processes of collagen production, replenishment of collagen deficiency;
  • increasing protective mechanisms that prevent the development of inflammation;
  • enhancing anti-infective properties.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action, so it can be used for almost any defects and age-related changes in the skin.

Chronic dermatoses: seborrhea, acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation

It should be noted that the correction of these pathologies using injection methods is auxiliary and does not cancel systemic and external treatment.

Seborrhea and acne

Seborrhea and acne are inextricably linked with the patient's hormonal profile3. Therefore, the help of a gynecologist-endocrinologist or andrologist is extremely necessary here.

In the remission phase, to reduce the active production of sebum and rashes, REVI Style and REVI Silk are indicated, which, due to the functions of trehalose, have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Protocol of procedures: procedure 1 time per month 3 times, then according to indications.


Rosacea, as a disease with a polyetiological nature, also requires comprehensive correction4. As an aid to strengthening the walls of blood vessels, injections with REVI Silk , which, due to a higher concentration of trehalose compared to REVI Style, will have a pronounced effect on regulating microcirculation, as well as stimulating local immunity.

Protocol of procedures: procedure 1 time per month 3-4 times, then according to indications.

In Figure 3

shows the result of procedures with REVI in 3D scanning mode.

Rice. 3.

Result of rosacea correction




When correcting pigmentation, it is important to understand that injection correction methods are not the method of choice5. However, the experience of using the REVI (Silk and Strong, where the concentration of trehalose is higher) has shown positive results in correcting skin color (Fig. 4)

. It must be remembered that pigmentation is ensured by the production and accumulation of melanin in the epidermis. In this regard, the depth of injection of the drug should be more superficial (about 1 mm), recommended needle: 32G-4mm/13mm.

Protocol of use: procedure once a month, 4-5 procedures, then 1 procedure once every 3-5 months.

Rice. 4.

Results of correction using REVI drugs

Case 1. Before and after

Case 2. Before and after

Description of the REVI line

The drug Revi is divided into several varieties depending on the concentration of the active component. Each type of injection is intended for different age categories.

Revi Strong (HA 1.5%, trehalose 0.3%)

The product is produced in the form of a gel. Suitable for all skin types. The action of the drug is aimed at protecting the intracellular matrix, which is directly involved in skin renewal. In this case, the intracellular matrix is ​​responsible for rehydration.

The product is introduced into both the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis. Revi Strong is used in advanced cases, as it contains the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid from the entire line. The effect of one procedure can last from 2 to 4 years.

Revi Silk (HA 1.2%, trehalose 0.25%)

This type of injection contains 1.2% hyaluronic acid. The product is used as a prevention and treatment of skin aging. It is also used to increase elasticity and even out the color of the skin.

The drug helps eliminate:

  • rosacea;
  • acne;
  • rosecea;
  • post-acne.

It is recommended for use by patients with fine or muscle wrinkles. Category of patients according to the Merz scale – 2-3. Procedures using injections must be carried out once every 2-3 months, depending on the degree of skin hydration.

Revi (HA 1.0%, trehalose 0.2%)

This type of product contains 1% hyaluronic acid. The nominal volume of the syringe is 1 and 2 ml.

The injection solution helps enhance the production of collagen and elastin. It tightens pores, reduces the appearance of age spots, and smoothes out wrinkles. Duration of action is about 4 months.

Revi Style (HA 1.0%, trehalose 0.15%)

This type of injection has a prolonged effect and is used for aging and dry skin. The drug helps smooth out wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, and helps cope with the manifestations of acne and post-acne. Prescribed at a young age

The product can be used as a preparation for cosmetic procedures - peeling, laser resurfacing.

The recommended number of sessions is once every 2-3 months. For pronounced defects, procedures are carried out 2-3 times a month. The injections last for about 6 months.

Hyaluronic acid for the first time in Russia

The history of the Russian one, which focuses on preparations with hyaluronic acid, begins in 2005.

The company's technologists were tasked with creating a domestic biorevitalizant that would successfully compete with imported analogues in price, without being inferior to them in quality.

At that time, hyaluronic acid was just gaining popularity among domestic cosmetologists, and the attitude towards it was still wary.

For the company's biochemists, the choice in its favor was obvious. This glycosaminoglycan already had many fans in the international scientific community.

In addition, hyaluronic acid, as a substance that is a related component of skin and connective tissue, was supposed to replace polyacrylamide compounds, which caused unpleasant side effects and delayed negative consequences.

This is how the REVI line of biorevitalizants for use in cosmetology appeared.

The company's portfolio has expanded, and injectable drugs have appeared for various fields of medicine: dentistry (Revident), traumatology (Revisk), urology (Uro-hyal).

Another important step for the company was the recognition of product quality. In 2012, production was certified for compliance with the international standard EN ISO 13485 . This meant that a notified body from Europe carried out an annual audit of the quality management system and issued an opinion. The enterprise is equipped with the most modern equipment for the production of high-tech medical products. Raw materials and components from Europe, the USA and South Korea are used in the production of products.

This is how the research and production holding “CLS International” reached the modern level of development.


The Revy biorevitalization drug, in addition to hyaluronic acid, also contains other active components , thanks to which the desired effect is achieved.

This complex action of the components enhances the effectiveness of injections and preserves the results for a long time.


This substance is a protein that has high antioxidant and oncoprotective properties.

At the same time, it helps eliminate inflammation and swelling. The component is necessary to prevent the breakdown of hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this action, hyaluronic acid is completely absorbed and is also excreted from the body naturally.


This component is modified glucose (a disaccharide of natural origin). It prevents cell destruction and promotes cell membrane renewal.


  • increases metabolism in cells;
  • restores the structures of the epidermis;
  • acts as the main source of energy for the dermis;
  • protects the skin from fluid loss.

The substance increases the duration of action of hyaluronic acid.


This component is an oncoprotector that has an antioxidant effect. The substance helps cleanse cells and accelerate metabolic processes. The component starts rejuvenation processes, while preventing premature aging.

Synergy of components

Trehalose, which is part of REVI biorevitalizants, also acts as a natural stabilizer of hyaluronic acid.

Due to its hydrophilicity, hyaluronic acid has a high ability to bind water. As a result of this binding, the intercellular substance acquires the character of a jelly-like matrix capable of “supporting” cells. By forming intercellular spaces, hyaluronic acid facilitates the supply of nutrients to cells and the removal of metabolic products, interacting with cell surface receptors, performs a regenerative function, stimulates fibroblast migration and cell proliferation.

The hyaluronic acid molecule contains a large number of nitrogen atoms, oxygen and OH groups, which allows it to form hydrogen bonds between several macromolecules, bonds within one macromolecule, bonds with trehalose and water molecules.

In the hyaluronic acid molecule, hydrogen bonds link parts of the same macromolecule, causing it to take on an ordered structure. Trehalose, being a disaccharide, contains in its molecule a sufficient number of OH groups to form hydrogen bonds.

Therefore, in fact, a helical structure is obtained (formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds), which holds a large number of water and trehalose molecules. In this case, intermolecular bonds are also formed with neighboring molecules of hyaluronic acid, which creates a more or less ordered gel structure.

In addition, due to intermolecular interaction, long linear molecules of hyaluronic acid in aqueous solutions are able to form a three-dimensional structure, which can act as a dense molecular “sieve”, thereby limiting the movement of pathogens.

Indications for use

The drug Revi for biorevitalization is used only if there are certain indications and is not used as a prophylactic agent.


  • the presence of facial wrinkles and folds;
  • pigmentation, including those caused by age-related changes;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • sagging skin;
  • acne, acne;
  • skin irritation accompanied by inflammatory processes;
  • unclear facial contour;
  • presence of a double chin;
  • microscars caused by acne;
  • deterioration in the appearance of the skin due to prolonged exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet radiation (solarium, tanning).

It is recommended to use the product only after prior consultation with a cosmetologist.

What experts say

Anna, cosmetologist:

“The Revy line opens up wide opportunities for individual work with clients. One session replaces a course of 3-5 procedures with other drugs. A unique mix of trehalose and hyaluron quickly removes signs of aging.”

Valentin, cosmetologist:

“Revi gels fight free radicals that accumulate in the skin after UV radiation and the action of negative factors. After injections, natural balance and healthy appearance are restored. The results for my clients last up to six months.”

Contraindications for biorevitalization Revi

The drug Revi for biorevitalization has some restrictions for use related to the presence of internal pathologies or the individual characteristics of the human body.


  • intolerance to active ingredients (allergy to the product);
  • inflammatory diseases of the skin that occur in acute form;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • the use of drugs belonging to the group of anticoagulants or those that cause blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the intended areas of use of the product.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to inform the cosmetologist in advance about the possible use of various drugs, since some of them can cause complications from injections.

Disadvantages of the procedure with biorevitalizant Revi Strong (Revi Strong)

This method has few disadvantages:

  • in rare cases – individual intolerance to the drug. That is why consultation with a doctor before starting procedures is mandatory;
  • the appearance of hematomas on the skin immediately after the session;
  • the appearance of papules (tubercles) at injection sites.

The listed disadvantages (except for intolerance) cannot be called significant; these marks on the skin disappear without a trace after just a few days.

The cost of the procedure will depend on the problems that need to be solved, as well as the duration of the course. It is calculated individually for each patient. To find out, make an appointment at the Latum Clinic (not far from Dmitrovskoye Highway and the metro station, 800 Letiya Moskvy Street). During the consultation, the doctor will assess the condition of your skin and give detailed recommendations regarding the biorevitalization procedure with Revi.


Biorevitalization with the use of the drug Revy is carried out only after careful preparation. First of all, you need to decide on the choice of clinic and cosmetologist who will conduct the session. It is recommended to contact verified and certified cosmetology centers.

Biorevitalization drug Revi Brilliants

After choosing a center, you must consult with a specialist for any contraindications and undergo an examination. During the consultation, the drug is selected and the required dosage is determined. Finally, you should conclude a written agreement with the clinic. As a supplement, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist and therapist.

Also, 4 days in advance you must follow the following recommendations:

  • exclude alcoholic drinks, coffee and energy drinks;
  • stop taking medications (especially sleeping pills and sedatives);
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and avoid visiting the solarium.

The day before the procedure, you should stop smoking. Additional (individual) recommendations can be obtained from a cosmetologist.

General conclusions

Revi Brilliants is a modern product with a broad range of action. Carrying out the procedure using this drug allows you not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to significantly improve its condition. Numerous positive reviews and expert assessments confirm the effectiveness of the biorevitalizant Revy. Do not forget that you need to undergo a course of biorevitalization only after a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, since the product has a number of contraindications. You should not save on such a complex procedure; you should make a choice in favor of a quality drug and make an appointment with a trusted specialist.

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  1. Marina says:
    I agree with all the positive reviews. Rejuvenation from Revy is not a fairy tale. I only completed 2 sessions and have been enjoying my reflection in the mirror for about a year now. I will repeat it when the effect wears off. The price of the product is justified.
  2. Julia says:

    I only had 1 session on the advice of my cosmetologist, but I already like the results. The skin is very nourished and elastic. The cosmetologist selected additional care for me, I am very pleased with the effect. I will definitely repeat when the need arises.

  3. Yana says:

    Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with an allergy, so I cannot use Revy Diamonds. The cosmetologist assured that the manufacturer is constantly improving the compositions, so I’m looking forward to being able to evaluate the effect for myself.

  4. Valentina says:

    I have already completed 2 courses of biorevitalization of the face and neck with Revy preparations. I really like the fact that the components have a cumulative effect, so each time the result turns out better and better. It is very pleasant that premium class drugs are produced in Russia.

  5. Tatyana says:

    My cosmetologist convinced me that I needed the procedure because I suffer from hyperpigmentation. Before the vacation, I underwent 1 procedure, after which I sat at home for 2 weeks, recovering. A miracle happened; under the scorching Spanish sun, not a single new spot appeared on me. I recommend.

  6. Elena says:

    I made Revy again today! This is already the 5th time! I do it in 4 months. The skin is moisturized, age spots are less visible, fine wrinkles disappear. I’m 55 years old and I used to do meso every other week, I almost always left with bruises from injections, thank God they came up with this drug and I don’t have to go to not-so-pleasant procedures so often! Revda + Antos threads + permanent, rather daily home care (masks, phonophoresis, LED masks, peelings, etc.) and more radical manipulations are not needed!

  7. Love says:

    I had the procedure done on April 20. A week later I was pleased with the result. On the 10th day, a terrible delayed allergy began, as the doctor said. Deferred. Burning. Itching. Symmetrical papules appeared and turned red. We do droppers for 2 days. There are no improvements.

  8. Alice says:

    I did the procedure, a terrible delayed onset allergy developed, nothing helps. What should I do?

Progress of the procedure

Biorevitalization is carried out strictly in accordance with the established protocol using various techniques for introducing the solution.

Progress of the procedure:

  • First, the specialist cleanses the skin of cosmetics;
  • local anesthesia (if necessary, the anesthetic can be dispensed with);
  • checking the expiration date of the drug, opening the package;
  • treating skin with disinfectants;
  • insertion of a needle with a solution into certain areas - there are papular, micropapular and linear-retrograde injection techniques (depending on the location of the defects);

  • repeated disinfection of the skin (to prevent infection);
  • after introducing the product, the specialist performs light massage actions necessary for uniform distribution of the composition;
  • applying a soothing cream or restorative mask (necessary to relieve irritation and heal puncture wounds).

The duration of the session may vary depending on the area being treated and ranges from 10 minutes. up to 1 hour. In this case, the first improvements are visible immediately after the procedure. The rejuvenation effect can be noticed after 3-5 days (after the puncture sites have healed).

How does the procedure itself proceed?

Biorevitalization with Revy itself is a simple procedure that is carried out exclusively in salons by professional specialists. Now this technique is popular in many beauty salons.

To make it more clear, let’s analyze the progress of its passage:

  1. First, the areas of the body or face where the solution will be injected are disinfected with an antiseptic.
  2. Local anesthesia is administered so that the patient does not experience discomfort during the process.
  3. The doctor immediately opens the syringe with the drug so that the client does not worry about being injected with something else.
  4. After this, local injections are made under the skin.

To minimize the risk of side effects, in the next 24 hours after the procedure you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of your cosmetologist.

Don't worry about the appearance of papules after the procedure. This is a normal reaction. They will disappear after some time.

Plastic surgeon Arnold Almonte

Recovery period

The drug Revy for biorevitalization can lead to some complications in the absence of a proper recovery period.

To eliminate possible risks of negative reactions and speed up the healing process, you must follow some rules.


  • within 7 days you should refrain from any massage or peeling on the face;
  • It is recommended to stop using cosmetics on your face for 3 days;
  • treating puncture sites with antiseptic agents (the list of drugs must be checked with a cosmetologist);
  • refuse to visit baths and saunas for 3 days;
  • after injections, you should avoid exposure to the sun (for 2 weeks);
  • avoid excessive physical activity for 5 days, as increased sweating may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.

Surgical operations are allowed only after 8 days after biorevitalization. If allergic reactions to the drug develop, it is necessary to urgently remove the solution from the skin.

Removal options:

  • introduction of hylauronidase (this substance accelerates the breakdown and excretion of hyaluronic acid);
  • physiotherapy using electric current;
  • increased exercise, visiting saunas to increase sweating.

After removing the components of the product, it is recommended to contact a specialist to restore the skin.


Most cosmetologists agree that Revi biorevitalization is a completely competitive technology that fully fulfills its purpose, namely, effectively rejuvenates the skin.

Those who have already tried this drug on themselves or have had close encounters with it share positive reviews.


“As soon as I turned 40, I started thinking about possible ways to rejuvenate myself, because I began to notice the appearance of a fine network of facial wrinkles on my face.
After reading numerous reviews regarding currently promising injection drugs, I settled on Revi.

Although the price is rather high, it only requires one procedure to achieve the desired result. Therefore, it still turns out cheaper than mesatherapy with other solutions.”


“Due to age-related changes, I have had to resort to injection correction for 3 years now.
All this time I used different biorevitalizants. Last time I decided to choose Revi, because I heard a lot of good reviews about it. I was also tempted by the fact that this drug effectively combats oily skin and acne, which I have also suffered from since my youth.

One syringe was enough to prick my entire face. Literally a week later I didn’t recognize myself: my skin was fresher and smoother.”

Result from injections

After the procedure, natural rejuvenation processes are launched. The skin is tightened, firmness and elasticity increases, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the facial contour becomes more defined.

The drug accelerates the processes of removing decay products caused by reactions inside the cells of the epidermis. At the same time, the production of intercellular protein increases, metabolic processes in cells are established, which leads to rejuvenation.

Reviews with before and after photos on Revy Diamonds

Live patient reviews of Revy Brilliance biorevitalization with detailed photographs:

Nina, 40 years old, Moscow

“Revi biorevitalization is like an elixir of youth for me. The effect is noticeable immediately: wrinkles are smoothed out, the contour is tightened, pores are narrowed, and some small spots disappear. Check out the effect in the photo.”

Victoria, 32 years old, Yaroslavl

“I doubted for a long time whether I needed this procedure. I read the information on the Internet, as a result I chose the premium drug Revy and completed the course. I was very pleased. My skin has transformed, it has become very hydrated, and the crow’s feet around my eyes have straightened out.”

Daria, 38 years old, Arkhangelsk

“I am so pleased with the effect of this procedure. At first I was captivated by Revy's composition - hyaluronic acid, proteins and antioxidants. Nothing unnecessary or harmful. After the procedure, the skin became elastic. The cosmetologist treated not only my face, but also my neck. The creases in my neck have completely disappeared!”

Evgeniya, 29 years old, St. Petersburg

“I don’t suffer from skin aging yet. I had another problem - my skin was oily and at the same time dehydrated. It was very difficult to choose a treatment; all the creams made my face look like a pancake. The cosmetologist advised me to do REVI biorevitalization. It's a complete delight. The photo shows that the oily shine is gone, while the skin is so elastic and nourished. The effect has lasted for almost a year.”

Marina, 48 years old, Kaluga

“My cosmetologist always recommends to me the best and most modern. It was the same with Brilliance. I didn't doubt it for a second. The effect is noticeable immediately - severe creases on the face are smoothed out, and smaller wrinkles become completely invisible. The contour has also noticeably tightened.”

Efficiency from combination with hardware and other invasive techniques

When using injections with hardware techniques, the effect of the drug increases several times. At the same time, this combination allows you to get rid of other skin problems.

With botulinum therapy

This procedure is recommended to be carried out before injections, which will improve the overall appearance. However, the combined use of both methods is permitted, since the administration of both drugs is carried out at different levels of the epidermis.

Before carrying out simultaneous procedures, it is recommended to first consult with a cosmetologist.

With contouring

The drug Revy for biorevitalization is recommended to be used after contour plastic surgery. This will significantly improve the appearance of the skin and create a more pronounced effect of both procedures. Injections of the drug should be carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 weeks after contouring. During this time, various effects (swelling, redness) should completely disappear.

It should be taken into account that injections cannot be injected to a depth of more than 1 mm into the area in which fillers are located, since the interaction reactions of the compositions are unknown. Otherwise, this can lead to severe allergic reactions. Before the procedure, you must inform your cosmetologist in advance about the presence of fillers.

With hardware techniques

The breaks between methods vary depending on the specific treatment. Thus, biorevitalization injections after hardware laser treatment (resurfacing, vascular sclerosis) can be carried out after 2-3 weeks or 1-2 weeks before using the laser.

IPL technology is allowed to alternate with injections. The break between procedures should be at least 2 weeks. The number of sessions is determined individually, based on the indications. Injections of the drug are recommended to be carried out 2 weeks before RF technologies and ultrasound SMAS lifting.

Clinical researches

The company conducted its own clinical trials of biorevitalizants, which showed that when objectively assessed by a doctor using the Heinitz scale, the drug reduced external signs of aging after treatment by 27% and after 3 months – by 40%; according to the Merz scale - by 32% and 44%, respectively, the MASI index - by 19% and 18%, respectively.

When subjectively assessed by the patient, overall appearance improved by 51% after treatment and by 42% after 3 months.

The drug changed the functional parameters of the skin: melanin content decreased by 7-12%, the severity of erythema - by 10-11%.

Melanin content and degree of erythema.

After three months, melanin levels decrease

After treatment, erythema decreases, after three months in the forehead and cheek area it continues to remain low

The drug also affected the elasticity of the skin, especially in the cheek area. The viscosity of the skin of the forehead and cheeks increased by 10-22%, elasticity indicators - by 9-21%.

Dynamics of functional parameters of the skin (elasticity R2, R5, R7).

Firmness increases in the forehead and cheek area after three months.

Ultrasound of the skin.

Based on the density and thickness of the dermis, the drug remains in the skin of the forehead and cheeks after three months.

Dermis density

Dermis thickness

Possible complications from injections

The use of the product is absolutely safe and in most cases does not cause negative reactions. However, in extremely rare cases, various undesirable effects may develop, which may be associated both with violations of the administration technique and with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Possible complications:

  • Allergic reactions. These reactions can develop to drug components or to antiseptic or anesthetic agents. Therefore, it is recommended to first consult a doctor about allergies. Among the symptoms, the following reactions most often occur: itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema.

  • Infections . Various microorganisms can accidentally penetrate into puncture sites. Which cause inflammatory reactions. The risk group includes patients with a weakened immune system, diabetes mellitus or other chronic diseases (especially in severe form).
  • Herpetic lesion . When the skin in the facial area is injured, a herpetic infection may develop, which was in a dormant stage. Patients prone to frequent rashes in the area are recommended to take a preventive course using antiviral medications several days before the procedure.

If complications develop, you must immediately contact a specialist.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

I am a cosmetologist with extensive experience working with biorevitalizants from the Revy line. Therefore, I cannot help but say about the advantages of this drug. Particularly significant results are observed in clients with thin skin, as well as those with fine wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. After such a procedure, many are completely satisfied with what they received and come back again in the future.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

I have been interested in biorevitalization for a long time and have collected a lot of information about it.
I have undergone this procedure with Revy several times, so I can confirm that this is truly a unique way of transformation. The skin after it becomes fresh, soft and elastic. Many compare this drug with Botox and in vain, since Revy is much more effective. A certain amount for the work of a specialist is added to the cost of the drug. Therefore, it is recommended to find out the final price directly in the salon.

This is a truly useful procedure with which you can achieve excellent results in terms of rejuvenation. The main thing is that it is performed by an experienced doctor.

Price for biorevitalization Revi

The cost of the drug may vary depending on the region of its sale and the specific type of injection:

Series nameDosagePrice
Revi1 ml17900 rub.
Revi2 ml27500 rub.
Revi Silk1 ml14,000 rub.
Revi Silk2 ml18,000 rub.
Revi Strong1 ml5300 rub.
Revi Strong2 ml7500 rub.
Revi Style1 ml20,000 rub.
Revi Style2 ml34,000 rub.

You can purchase the drug Revy in the official online store of the manufacturer or in any pharmacy located at your place of residence. Before undergoing biorevitalization, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug and study the reviews of those who have already undergone this procedure.

Revi Gold in Moscow

The difference between this product and similar preparations for biorevitalization is the presence of gold ions and nanoparticles in its composition. Thanks to this, an immunomodulatory effect is manifested and the intensity of regenerative processes increases. And most importantly, after injections of Revi Meso Gold, the chemical and electrolytic balance is completely restored. Thanks to this, the skin becomes elastic, the process of hydration occurs, pigments and pathological rashes disappear, the effect of sagging and flabbiness disappears.

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